Ocean Master

Chapter 214: The Eye Of Ikaros- The Proposal.

Old Mak's Shark Clan…

Inside the Throne Chamber of the Shark Clan, in acknowledgment of Elder Dangle's emergency summons, the 5 most important sharks of the clan were now gathered in here as they all focused on a magic mirror that was before them.

This mirror was not only extremely huge, its sides were wide enough to accommodate its name which was engraved on it.

>The Eye of Ikaros<

At this moment, after everyone was gathered, Elder Dangle's eyes were opened as her gentle but overwhelming magic power calmly permeated the atmosphere and penetrated into the magic mirror.

Unlike previous times, in addition to showing an image, under Elder Dangle's manipulation, the sound was transmitted in the form of a recording.

Despite the distance that this transmission was being tapped on from, Elder Dangle's master-level sound control managed to tame it and keep it under control.

All 5 sharks listened silently.

"…I know that you've been watching me for a long time, Elder Dangle".

"…I wasn't sure before since I occasionally just felt a feeling like someone was peeking at me, but I confirmed a few minutes to an hour ago when I entered a peculiar state in the battle".

"…If the Clan Head and the other clan elders are there, please extend my greetings".

"…Yo Clan Head! How ya doing?"

"…Putting that aside, I don't know how you can watch me from so far away, but from the little that I know, I think you already know everything about my circumstances".

"…I am not the Ocean Master like Tonado said, at least not yet, but my aspiration is to become the Ocean Master".

"…This aspiration may sound foolish, but my ownership of a unique skill despite being just a few months old is enough to verify this claim".

"…Yeah, don't be shocked, I'm just a few months old".

"…I'm not bragging but despite being just a few months old, if I go against any of you in a fair life or death battle, except when going against the clan head, I doubt I would be the one dying".


"…This is not a threat; I'm just stating a fact".

"…With these qualifications, I believe I can speak with the 5 of you on equal terms. I admit that I entered your shark clan as a strange fellow, but it's not my fault and I had no evil intentions against the clan".

"…The little exploits that I achieved alongside Verni and Shanks should speak a lot of my good intentions. Also, say hello to Coco for me".

"…My intention is this, I have a win-win proposal for the clan".

"…If you saw everything that I saw inside the Atlantian military base, I believe that you may already have an idea of what I'm about to say".



The mirror suddenly shook as the sound connection turned shaky but Elder Dangle reacted impeccably like she already predicted it. Her eyes glowed brightly as the magic power calmed the agitated mirror.

A few seconds later, the recording continued.

"…Atlantians are extremely dangerous, the Crimson Fleet is just a fraction of their power. After staying for over a month with them, I already kind of understand their mode of operation".

"…If I'm not wrong, an even more elite team of Atlantian soldiers are already coming after me at this moment".

"…After having experienced my strength once, it would be a foolish move to send just powerhouses at the level of that Staff Sergeant Barnes".

"…I will be frank, I need help, I need your help, I need the clan's help".

"…Of course, I'm not simply asking for help, remember that I tagged it a win-win proposal. In exchange for your help, I know of a way to rapidly increase the strength of the clan so long as we are successful".


"There's a Sea King inheritance, in this volcano region".

"If you want details, please help a young clan shark".

"My regards to everyone over there".


This time, the mirror made an even longer sound before finally calming down. The sound recording was over.

After this, all that was seen in the mirror was the scene of the Atlantian mini-submarines coming out as they scoured the area in search of the escaped Megalodon monster.

They could manipulate the mirror to narrow down on Sebastian again, but neither of the 5 sharks moved as silence descended into this cave.

Their enormous bodies silently hovered in the water, all of them fell deep in thought as they absorbed the information that they just got.

This continued for 15 seconds until Elder Shine interrupted.

"A Sea King? What's a Sea King?"

None of the other elders responded, including the Queen, instead, they all turned to face their leader, Old Mak whose shark face remained tranquil after listening to everything that Sebastian said.

"A Sea King is an overlord". He finally spoke.

"Apart from Atlantis, they rule each of the 7 seas. I've always thought that this Sebastian kid's skill was weird, but I would never have thought that he wielded one of those unique skills of legends".

"What an envious kid indeed".

Old Mak didn't explain further than that, and Elder Shine didn't insist either. Old Mak first turned to face Elder Dangle who answered before he spoke.

"The recording was not tampered with".


After saying this, he turned to face his wife.

"Sebastian is fine, with his recovery speed and his recovery skill, his injuries can be healed with time. The only problem is the toad, his injuries are too severe, without treatment, he wouldn't survive a day".

"That means he is still alive, correct?"

"Yes, my Lord".


Old Mak paused for a few minutes before activating his electroreceptors skill to focus on all 4 sharks at the same time. "What do you all think of his proposal?"

"He sounds sincere, but he refused to elaborate to give us a more general idea of the situation". Elder Marble was the first to answer and give his opinion.

"I think he wants us to help him before he elaborates". Elder Dangle joined.

"He may be right". Queen Heareth finally spoke. "When taking the strange actions of the Atlantians into account, only a big target like a Sea King inheritance could attract their attention".

Elder Shine was even more decisive, going straight to the point. "Should we go in now? Leaving the toad to die is not a good move".


Old Mak's eyes shone brightly, the previous kind nonchalance could no longer be seen in them. 

"Wait some more".

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