Ocean Master

Chapter 293 - Escape [3]!

Once the circular cliff that has stood for centuries fell apart, it did so with all the force and foundation that it has consolidated for the past centuries.

At this moment, it was like a dam that has been holding back water from a sea for over a century. Once this overburdened dam came apart, the bloodthirsty seawater would come flooding in like an assassin from hell!

This was exactly what was happening, and it was more dangerous.


The circular cliff fell apart and induced a terrifying avalanche!

The world inside this ocean volcano seemed to have come to an end as the originally open sky water suddenly turned dark and gloomy. When the escaping mutated beasts looked up, all that they saw was falling debris and rocks.

The law of gravitational force also applied in Oceania though to a milder extent, but still, gravity was universal.

With the law of gravity acting upon the falling rocks, paired with the extreme heat of this region, the friction got the better of the reaction as these rocks ignited with fire while increasing their speed relative to their downward motion.

If these flaming rocks that already filled the sky of this ocean volcano hit any beast that was below the Red tier, it meant instant death.

Even for Red tier predators, the damage dealt would be absolutely terrifying.

The deadly falling debris and rocks were not the only danger at this moment, once the circular cliff fell apart, the border defense of the allied army of the defenders also crumbled.

For the first time since this campaign started, all the other variant human races finally got access inside the ocean volcano where all the good things were happening and their enthusiasm knew no bounds.

For the first time, they became players in the game.

With all these forces, both artificial and of nature acting, it was not wrong to say that the Ocean Volcano suddenly turned into a giant meat grinder.

Instantly, the stance of the battle that was originally raging inside the ocean volcano changed. The 2 Red tier predators changed their stance, deciding to fight head-on against such overwhelming odds was suicide.

For the first time, these 2 extremely dangerous predators lowered their pride and relegated themselves from the main attack role to become spectators.

Commander T.Y showed no such restraints though, he became even more unrestrained since he knew that his backers were here.

With 2 Atlantian Generals now having his back, this Annihilator Commander felt like an eaglet that could finally soar high with its wings proudly spread wide.

"Bombard the whole area!"

The Atlantian soldiers didn't need his reminder. Seeing not 1, but 2 of their famous Mega Fleets descending before them, the soldiers of the Division Fleets at this moment felt like kids that needed to prove their strength before their parents.

"For the Empire!"

"For Atlantis!"

While yelling slogans that served as a huge morale booster, these soldiers turned into real weapons of war as they showed their competence.

The bombardment increased in range and intensity as it spread to a wider region, 2 of Sebastian's other Doppelgangers were destroyed in a few seconds but his real body could still not be seen. 

Any predator with the right intuition could already deduce that the moment of truth was slowly approaching, time seemed to be accelerating and freezing at the same time.

Old Mak got more frenzied on seeing the situation. More than 50 Great White Sharks already died in this endeavor of escaping the ocean volcano.

The ocean volcano as a whole was just so exaggeratedly large. 

The seamount where the battle started was just a fraction of this region's overall size, now that the whole region was engulfed too, the scale of this battle quickly surpassed anything that Old Mak had engaged in before.

And with some enemy units especially targeting them to confirm that the Megalodon was not among them, the situation was extremely dangerous.

Despite all these, despite all the deaths, despite all the heartbreaks as more clansmen died, Old Mak remained steadfast in his goal to protect all his clansmen though the more time that passed, the more his dream felt hollow.

This was when the inevitable happened!


[You have been hit by a kinetic particle beam!]

Sebastian despaired. Despite all the effort that he put in, despite the amount of energy that he expended to do it, despite everything, he still fell short.

Sebastian's main body was finally hit when he still had 4 intact Doppelgangers. This was a despairing situation, but one that he already recognized reality and accounted for.

Once Sebastian was hit, before a follow-up attack could be induced, he activated a skill as he literally turned into an artificial version of a meteorite.

[You have activated skill: Supersonic Speed!]

[You have activated skill: Rupturing Sonic Ram!]


With the speed of a rapidly falling meteorite from space, Sebastian accelerated to such top speed levels that all that was seen and left of him was a blur. Where he accelerated to, he accelerated to Old Mak's position.

He engaged in a game of reverse psychology with the Atlantian Commander. Sebastian gambled with the fact that the Atlantian Commander was a smart fellow, this could have ended badly but what mattered was that it did not.

Due to this game of those with the big brains, the Atlantian Commander easily uncovered the conspiracy of Carcarot Gorgoneon. With this, Sebastian got his first and only advantage.

He stayed close to the Great White Sharks, but not too close since he also guessed that others would focus on the Great White Sharks to sniff out any anomaly that was within their ranks.

His plan largely succeeded, but luck and coincidence were always outside factors. It seemed that good luck was not omniscient After all, he was shot and exposed but he was prepared.

Though their clansman was exposed, neither Old Mak nor his cadre of elders and leaders in the clan were flustered or showed panic.

Throughout from the first minute where Sebastian disappeared, with the unrelenting help from Elder Dangle, Sebastian's 2-way connection was maintained where both sides strategized on how to escape their predicament.

The only problem was that they could not arrive at an acceptable plan. Their enemies were simply too powerful this time, most of their measures could not work again in this scenario since they could be easily cracked by their enemies. 

This was why Old Mak and the others kept thinking, but they never arrived at the perfect escape plan before Sebastian's main body was shot.

Instantly though, they stopped planning and went for the next best plan. Old Mak's mana flared as the familiar teleportation device that they salvaged from Atlantians came to life, this was the only escape opportunity that they arrived at.

This was incredibly stupid using your enemy's weapon against him when the enemy probably knew much more about the weapon but they had no choice.

They could only gamble and hope that a miracle happens.

While this happened, Elder Marble and Elder Shine took the stage. The former's heavy magic power was aroused as a heavy aura followed which quickly manifested in the form of a huge earthen shield that covered all the sharks.

Elder Shine added his input as a huge shield made from light energy, making it look like an energy shield was created and also surrounded all the sharks in a huge protective covering.

This was when the 4 other purple tier predators went to work. As for the Champion Digger predator ant and the Lizard Lord, these powerful predators were relegated to roles of guards to the others who were working.

With their quality of magic power and their control over it, it took less than a second before the teleportation device activated.

As expected, the teleportation device wobbled a bit as the terrifying processing powers of the Annihilator tried to hack and take back control over the teleportation portal but the gravitic effects of the 2-fold defense slashed this effort.


In less than a second, all these happened as Sebastian finally appeared before the 2-fold defense layer. Once he got there, the 2-fold defense shields opened up, allowing him smooth entry.

"Take us away!"

Old Mak ordered in this tense atmosphere as the last input to overload the teleportation portal and make it teleport them all away at the expense of its destruction was inputted by Queen Heareth.

But before the space could fold and change their coordinates, from inside the 2-fold shield, grey light flashed as a sharp sword cut through the portal.


The teleportation portal fizzled out and died.


Shocked, every Great White Shark including Sebastian turned to the source of this attack, at the betrayer.

Torpedum showed no remorse on his face as this enormous shark rushed towards Sebastian. While he moved, space shifted in random patterns around him like he was the lord of this Space.

"Killer Move: Oblivion!"


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