Ocean Master

Chapter 296 - Arrival Of The Pinnacles!

Lieutenant Colonel Arachnid is a pinnacle Silver Realm powerhouse. But he once engaged in a controlled battle against a captive Red tier predator where he lasted for 5 minutes which was a significant feat.

This was the reason why this Lt. Colonel's name was associated with the fact that his strength almost rivaled Red tier predators.

Of course, this association failed to add in the fact that the Lt. Colonel fought in controlled circumstances and under a set and practiced order.

What this meant was that Lt. Colonel Arachnid never had the strength of a Red tier predator, he only lasted 5 minutes against one because he was in his home ground where he was familiar with the terrain and the order of the battle.

Sebastian just underwent an evolution. He already fought a sizeable number of battles against purple tier predators, he had a good idea about how strong they were but he had never fought against a fully fit Red tier predator.

Though Sebastian was not sure, his highly impressive status that was highlighted by his system gave him confidence that his strength was at the upper-tier even among the strongest of purple tier predators.

This was what gave him the confidence to pursue his vendetta.

From his first clash with the Atlantian Lt. Colonel, Sebastian knew that his absolute strength was superior. Popping so many strength cores like candy was not leisure that every beast got to enjoy.

On noting his superiority in strength and most of the basic stats, Sebastian's strategy quickly changed from pushing the Lt. Colonel aside to get access to Torpedum to killing the Lt. Colonel and getting to his target.

This was why he spammed so many skills on the Lt. Colonel. His plan proved feasible; he completely thrashed the Atlantian soldier.

Originally, Lt. Colonel James was supposed to work in tandem with his comrade. He still had the same motive, but he put trust in his comrade to hold the fort long enough for him to find the perfect angle to pull the trigger.

It was this patient stance that backfired. Before he could even narrow down on the first weak point that was revealed by the Megalodon, his comrade was already at the point of being eliminated.

Alarmed, this Lt. Colonel threw finesse away and attacked.

The deadly magic-empowered plasma beam did its job. As soon as Sebastian was pushed away, Lt. Colonel James followed the first with a rapid beam discharge.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Both Red tier predators were shocked by the level of power that was revealed by the Megalodon, Lt. Colonel Arachnid was intimidated, but this did not make them dial down their offensive.

With Lt. Colonel James temporarily holding the Megalodon, Lt. Colonel Arachnid decisively swallowed a pill that made his injuries start healing rapidly.

The next moment, this humiliated war champion released a war cry before he threw himself back at the Megalodon. 

His harnessed magic power seemed to have gone berserk, his high-grade magic Trident resonated with him so much that they seemed to have become 1.

After suffering numerous humiliations when pitted against this Megalodon, Lt. Colonel Arachnid was finally stimulated by the numerous failures as he entered his best battle state ever.

Lt. Colonel Arachnid was on the verge of a breakthrough!

The accumulated power that was being released at once gave him so much strength that he now seemed to have turned into a god!

"You shall be my first stepping stone to glory!"


The Trident stabbed into Sebastian's mega magic shield as ripples spread through the shield. The shield held for only a few seconds before it popped as the Trident dug into his body which quickly induced another fountain of blood.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Lt. Colonel Arachnid did not stop at that. The power of his ongoing breakthrough that was currently being released was so much that just venting a part of them on the Megalodon yielded a lot of benefits.

His Trident stabbed, slashed, and hacked; Sebastian retaliated with offense since this was his greatest defense as blood flowed like a fountain.

In these dire circumstances, the Red tier predators finally arrived.

Compared to the 2 Lt. Colonels who were only exalted to have touched the realm of the Red tier where 1 of them was breaking through at the moment, these 2 predators were bonafide Red tier predators.

The higher the progression of tiers among predators in Oceania, the higher the gap as it gradually turned into an insurmountable gap.

There were records of genius orange tier predators who could overcome the weakest purple tier predators in a battle, but there was no record of a purple tier predator ever overcoming a Red tier predator in battle.

As for a Red tier predator against a Black tier predator, the former standing in the presence of the latter was already a blasphemy of the highest order.

Black tier predators were the absolute peak! The absolute pinnacles!

These overlords could thrash dozens of Red tier predators without breaking a sweat. They were the best of their trade; they were the best of beasts that Oceania had to offer.

All these meant that though Sebastian was an anomaly that had not come around in perhaps the full history of this world, faced against the established rules, he still had to bow his head.

He was extremely powerful for a purple-tier predator, but he could only look at the tier above him in awe. To barely cross this boundary, his only hope was to rely heavily on his unique skills which he did not hesitate to do.

[You have activated unique skill: Water Transmutation!]

[You have created a magic manifestation: War Hammer!]

[You have created a magic manifestation: Positron Rifle!]

[You have created a magic manifestation: Magic Bazooka!]

[You have created a magic manifestation: Magic Shield Generator!]

[You have created a magic manifestation: Plasma Sword!]

[You have created a magic manifestation: War Artillery Turret!]

[You have activated unique skill: Doppelganger and Invisibility!]

[You have actively manipulated doppelgangers!]

This time, Sebastian did not hold back at all. He recognized the danger that he was in and he retaliated in the most violent way possible.

The 2 Red tier predators already attacked him violently and he was supposed to be on a course towards disaster, but the powerful magic emergence and the magic manifestations that materialized made his enemies pause.


As soon as it materialized, the War Hammer smashed towards the cultist turtle who thought his shell was impenetrable. On collision, the shell revealed no crack but the revered Ancestor Horamon contorted his turtle face as he groaned.

The Positron Rifle aimed and set its sight on Lt. Colonel James as soon as it materialized as both parties engaged in a fierce firefight.

The Magic Bazooka collided against Lt. Colonel Arachnid who was undergoing a breakthrough as the berserk power of the explosion pushed him away. The magic generator came to life to protect Sebastian at this moment.

The Rogue Snake Overlord sprayed a deadly blast of poisonous purple mist towards him but the shield erected by the generator conveniently blocked it.

This snake Overlord had to retreat though as the superhot Plasma sword swiftly went after it in pursuit. The superhot edge of this sword made alarm bells ring in its head and it did not hesitate to retreat.

As for the war artillery turret magic manifestation, as soon as it materialized, it turned towards the group of opportunistic beasts and unleashed fire.

The beasts were massacred like a flock of sheep against a pack of wolves.

The effects of Sebastian's magic manifestations were not permanent though. They suppressed his opponents for some time until his remaining 4 doppelgangers came to his side, this was when they dissipated.

Despite the power of his magic manifestations, he was not able to kill any of the 4 hegemons, they all had too many ways to safeguard their lives.

This was when the counterattack of his enemies began.

The Rogue Snake Overlord led the charge. The 4 hegemons rushed forth and thrashed Sebastian with absolute power, the effects of his tricky means were reduced to the barest minimum by pure power.

Each of Sebastian's doppelgangers had 80% of the power of his main body. This was powerful reinforcement, but his combined enemies were stronger.

Sebastian gave his all, his mana points kept draining like a tap but the overwhelming might of his enemies prevailed as they suppressed him.

With support from the Annihilator warship and all the other warships of his enemies, he was completely suppressed. The only reason why he still lived despite the terrible odds that were against him was because of his 2 unique skills.

[You have activated unique skill: Water Transmutation!]

[You have created a magic manifestation: Bow and Arrow!]


Sebastian's last chance to kill the traitor was squandered. Torpedum was struck, he bled heavily from the injury but he survived.

Sebastian had no choice but to resign to fate, the situation finally changed.

After taking their time to rush here for the past few minutes, the first group of warships that belonged to the variant human races that were originally stationed at the border finally arrived at the location of the raging battle.

If Sebastian could still struggle against the overwhelming odds before, this time the odds had no meaning again, he was suffocated by the odds.

Warships that were far more powerful than anything that he had ever met before arrived, and these machines of war unleashed hell on him.

The sound was deafening like exploding dominoes, the damage was terrifying, the odds were further stretched as more warships descended!

[You have been dealt with staggering damage!]

[Warning! Your health points are currently below 10%!]

Sebastian only needed to be bombarded for seconds before his health points were almost wiped out. Behind him, a bloody trail of dead Great White Sharks was left behind as Old Mak's shark clan was already at the point of annihilation.

Old Mak was heavily injured, all the elders were heavily injured, dozens of clansmen already became memories, the situation looked dire.

Once Sebastian's health points crossed below the critical point, he gave all hopes for a miracle. Sebastian wholeheartedly embraced his impending death; he had already given his all so he had no regrets no matter what happened.

The real superiors of the variant human races did not even have to come down from their warships before the job was easily taken care of.

The extremely excited General Tito, the Dragon of the Western Volcano was the one who pulled the trigger for the finishing blow as the firemen warship released a gigantic particle beam that seemed capable of annihilating life itself.

Sebastian's eyes were blinded by the light as he embraced death.

Time slowed down, death lurked, tension rose high.

At the last moment before collision though, a gentle rift opened up in space as a gigantic finger seemed to emerge out of the void beyond.

This finger gently tapped the gigantic particle beam, then this deadly force of technology was nullified. The particle beam disintegrated!

Every eye that was enlightened enough to know the power of this particle beam widened to the limits like lanterns as horror took over their hearts.


The finger stretched then the space hole widened, this was when a bit of the aura of the owner of this finger finally seeped into this region.

As soon as they felt the power of this aura, every mutated beast froze, every variant human froze, they all froze in shock, fear, and awe.

"A Black tier predator…!!!"

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