Ocean Master

Chapter 319 - I Am John Cena.

"Who are you exactly?"

"Sigh! How many times do I have to say it? I'm just an anatomist who loves dissecting marine creatures".


"Don't give me that look, I'm serious. Anatomy is my number 1 hobby, anything else is side hobbies, it is pure coincidence that I'm here with you".


"Yes, and don't forget that you're my captive here. Stop asking so many questions and do your job. I'm keeping you alive only because you may be of great service to me, got it?"

"Yes, boss".


Sebastian ignored the pouting female Atlantian as he turned to face the bright lights that were shining in the sea from kilometers away, while his hands were clasped behind his back in a sagely manner.

He felt peace in his heart now that he finally arrived here.

Seeing his posture and nonchalance to her shenanigans, Doctor Josephine also controlled her emotions before focusing on the light up ahead. The time she spent with Sebastian already enabled her to understand his personality a bit.

While she did this, she could not help her eyes from straying towards the handsome and masculine man that was before her.

Though the evidence was before her, till today, this Atlantian Doctor found it hard to believe that this was the Megalodon that her enthusiastic colleague took as a prized possession and was experimenting on.

It already took a lot from her to prevent herself from freaking out whenever she associated this handsome face with that of the terrifying Megalodon.

How did this happen? How is this possible? Who is Sebastian? How can he be so handsome as an Atlantian? These were questions that she kept on asking herself every day, and till now, she still couldn't find the perfect answer to them.

If she didn't know more, she would have been convinced that the Megalodon once lived as an Atlantian which was clearly impossible.

As someone who became familiar with the Megalodon from the onset just after he became exposed physically to Atlantians, she was one of the few privileged people still alive that knew Sebastian's astonishing growth speed.

Also, she was the few that knew of this Megalodon's heaven-defying luck.

Yes, luck, this was what this female Atlantian associated to glorify all Sebastian's subsequent successes. Without luck, this lady found it impossible to wrap her head around the successes of this predator.

Most of the time, they were too illogical and impossible for common sense to rationalize. Analyzing it could kill brain cells.

From situations where it seemed that he was outnumbered and outmatched, stupid coincidences come around that help him to benefit instead of dying.

Having witnessed this, not once, not twice, this lady was no longer as stupefied, she was convinced that Sebastian had such abnormal luck. 

The fact that Sebastian managed to now wield 2 unique skills after all the risks and challenges, and also the appearance of the Rabbit Monarch in the end revealed a lot to her about this Mysterious Megalodon.

In her opinion, even if the world came to an end now and everyone was dying, Sebastian would still survive.

That was not the end to Sebastian's mysterious background, the fact that this Megalodon was able to create a living doppelganger shortly after he got a unique skill left this lady absolutely bamboozled.

She could not wrap her head around it; this was just too impossible.

Even for the real Doppelganger and Invisibility Sea King, it took him decades after he consolidated his unique skill before he was able to create his first living doppelganger and it was still full of numerous flaws.

Sebastian's feat was borderline out of this world.

Sebastian's creation, his 2nd living body, his Atlantian body told this lady all that she needed to know. She dropped all her feelings of superiority immediately, even if she was a fool, she recognized a bug when she saw one.

It was like Oceania was a game, and a bug character just entered the game, spoiling and breaking all the game mechanics. This was how she saw Sebastian.

After he created his first living doppelganger, Sebastian did not have the luxury to think too far ahead so he simply made some simple calculations.

When he left his body in the catacomb that formed the Sea King inheritance ground, he left the Atlantian Doctor with his body. Of the people and predators that he knew in this world, this Doctor knew most about him and his secrets.

He planned that if he died, he would make sure the Doctor died with him. And if he survived, there was a high tendency for him to kill her also, she simply knew too much and he was not comfortable letting her live.

Fortunately for him, the worst-case scenario did not come about and he had the luxury to think through his decisions for 1 month.

Doctor Josephine was an Oceanian local. She was a variant human who was mostly famed for their intelligence, also she came from the overlord race of this world which granted her a lot of privileges.

Even if she didn't exactly occupy any upper echelon seat, she still had enough authority to access a sizeable amount of the Atlantian archives.

All this meant that she knew a lot about this world, far more than Sebastian.

With his new Atlantian body, Sebastian intended to travel the world and seek opportunities to grow stronger. To do this effectively, he needed a guide that was familiar with the surrounding.

This was when the Doctor came into play. Instead of killing her, why not strip her of every access to her race and make use of her as his guide?

This plan had a lot of risks, Sebastian didn't know the depth of the means available to Atlantians but his intuition told him that it was manageable. This was why Doctor Josephine became his companion and guide.

Having witnessed the miracles that, he was capable of time and time again, and perhaps because of his current handsomeness, the lady succumbed easily and wholeheartedly put in the effort to guide his movements.

As they traveled together, through little experiments, Sebastian already got a lot of discoveries about the connection between this body and his main body.

He discovered the mutualism aspect of the relationship. If this body got stronger, the main body also did the same and vice versa. Also, if he comprehended more about a specific origin law, it was the same for the main body and vice versa.

This meant that the growth of the 2 bodies complemented each other, which effectively increased his growth efficiency to 2 times its normal speed.

If the main body created the 3rd doppelganger, the growth efficiency speed would become 3 times and more with subsequent living doppelgangers.

This was another powerful utility of the Doppelganger and Invisibility unique skill; it was a skill that was worthy of its rank as unique.

Another thing was that, after drifting alongside the female Atlantian for days, Sebastian finally found a concrete goal to work towards.

Despite his pursuit for power, he had never forgotten one of his core goals to increase his dissection activities. In his opinion, he was an anatomist first and a predator second, he needed to draw a scale of preference to emphasize that.

After thinking long and hard, Sebastian decided that it was time to start thinking of starting his own anatomical dissection group.

But before he did this, he needed to engage in the act extensively with this new body of his first, get fame among colleagues and a lot of others to show his competence before the stage would be finally set and ripe for him.

This was why he sought Doctor Josephine's help. With the Doctor's help, it did not take much from them before they found what they looked for.

{The Magic Healers.}

This was a special middle-grade rural settlement whose leaders were all renowned doctors in their various fields. 

With a mixture of variant human doctors and predators who were healing magicians, it formed the perfect conditions for medicine to thrive among the trove of other occupations.

The perfect environment bred an ecosystem that gave birth to numerous competent doctors who could work in a perfect environment like this.

And in an environment with numerous competent doctors, there were bound to be enthusiastic anatomists.

At this moment, Sebastian looked at the glaring lights that were shining from this rural settlement for a few minutes with glittering eyes before he started floating forward. Doctor Josephine followed silently without complaining.

By following the regular protocols, it did not take much time before both of them got access into the city.

"Why did you come here?" The female Doctor could not help but ask a few hours later after they finally entered inside.

"I came to enjoy my life and live my hobby". Sebastian replied seriously as he turned to face the attendant that hovered before them.

"Welcome to the paradise of healing!"

"Please, Mr. and Mrs., can you go through the registration?"

"Umm…, my name is Layla Frost".

"What of you, gentleman?"

"My name is John Cena".. The young handsome Atlantian smiled.

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