Ocean Master

Chapter 325 - Music Master Galosh.

The appearance of the old clownfish ended all the excitement. The originally excited clownfish music enthusiasts were dismayed, and with expressions like individuals who just suffered from the most vicious cuckolding, they swam away.

Most of the originally excited music enthusiasts didn't know the identity of the old clownfish, but the authoritative air around him revealed a lot.

The more perceptive ones among them noticed the look of respect on the music envoys' faces as soon as the old clownfish appeared, this was why none of them kicked up a ruckus, they silently disappeared.

In just a few minutes, silence and order were restored to the entrance to the Rainbow Sky Music Club, the same way the commotion started.

The cue of predators waiting to get access inside the music club finally resumed as the predators presented their recommendation coins for evaluation.

It was like what just happened never happened.

Though all the music enthusiasts eventually left, they did not forget what happened. None of them forgot the iconic encounter.

From today, the music shark would be a unique character in the music district. Sebastian's seemingly half-hearted random music concert meant more to the locals, they respected and adored music, they also adored what Sebastian did.

With the old clownfish taking the lead and swimming ahead of him, Sebastian finally fulfilled his goal of entering the music club.

Though this was now how he envisioned that he would get access inside the music club, something was better than nothing. At least, he finally got a real chance to know more about the so-called motherf*cker lord.

For the first time since he entered the anemone domain, Sebastian finally got the chance to enter inside one of the famed giant sea anemones.

To Sebastian's shock, the sea anemone had security measures like a computer to verify the identity of any mutated beast that entered.

After going through the initial gate made of flower-like flesh by the sea anemone, unlike the music envoys', the old clownfish led Sebastian in a different direction that was opposite the normal route to inside the music club.

Inside the sea anemone was extremely colorful, swimming inside it reminded Sebastian of a music lullaby movie that he watched as a kid. 

The background color was similar, showcasing the 7 colors of the rainbow and more, and soft music played in the background from hidden speakers.

Sebastian swam alongside the clownfish through a winding colorful pathway, they took this route for 2 minutes before they arrived at a giant wall of flesh that belonged to the giant sea anemone.

Once they swam close, a short-range electromagnetic pulse expanded with the giant wall of flesh as the originating nexus.

"Josh Galosh!"

The old clownfish swam closer, spoke a word before looking straight at the giant wall of flesh as a pulsing scanner briefly swept past his eyes.

"Identity verified…, welcome back, music master Galosh!"

While the old clownfish already started swimming in after the giant wall of flesh opened like a gate, Sebastian followed while thinking.

"Hmmm, a music master?"

Through his interactions with other music enthusiasts, Sebastian already knew a bit about the official music ranking in the music district.

In the official ranking of the music district, mutated beasts according to their overall music talent, public performance, and attainments were divided into 3 major ranks that were widely accepted.

The 3 music ranks were the music envoys, the music proliferators, and the official musicians which was the highest attainable rank of normal mutated beasts.

There was a greater number of music envoys than the remaining 2 ranks. Music proliferators were widely acknowledged music naturals, and they mostly came to fame through performances like the one that Sebastian just did.

Musicians were the peak of music enthusiasts. Most musicians were highly respected music enthusiasts who already made a name for themselves in the music domain, and some of them were the owner of music clubs.

According to the locals that Sebastian interacted with though, there was a 4th mythical rank that music enthusiasts rarely ever obtained and was more likely to be stuff of legends.

This rank was the rank of music master or music lords. Then, Sebastian didn't pay too much attention to the music ranks, but now, he felt that this may mean something useful as he perked up immediately.

A lot of things went through his mind, but he maintained his docile attitude as he followed the old clownfish deeper inside the sea anemone.

Throughout the journey, Sebastian was exposed to a myriad of colorful things. The clownfish were really obsessed with bright colors.

Masterpiece instruments, famous music concert pictures, and a lot of other music-related things were placed at different parts of the places that the old clownfish took him through. 

The masterpiece instruments were displayed like treasured goods.

For some reason, as all these happened, Sebastian felt that the old clownfish was deliberately taking him around to perhaps prove a point to him or awe him with the lavish display of musical instruments. 

Either of the 2 that happened, Sebastian didn't give a damn as his attention was focused on what would happen after the journey came to an end.

He still hadn't forgotten how he was invited in. There was a high chance that he was already in the bad books of this music club despite his thrilling music display, so he didn't know what to expect.

While preparing for the worst, Sebastian hoped for the best.

The journey inside took 15 full minutes before it finally came to an end. Now, they were inside a colorful room inside the sea anemone.

The old clownfish didn't utter a word throughout the 15 minutes journey. And at this moment, he kept his silence as he silently swam inside the room. He floated around for a few seconds before he turned to face Sebastian.

"What is your name?"

"Umm, Dave".

"What is your motive for coming here?"


"Do you love music?"

"…I guess so, yes".

Sebastian was already feeling awkward as the session continued like an interrogation session but he continued answering smoothly to avoid triggering any craziness from the old clownfish that looked stable.

Looks could be extremely deceiving at times, he didn't want to provoke a devil who may be disguised as the current amiable old clownfish.

Once Sebastian replied yes that he loved music, the old clownfish visibly relaxed which made Sebastian feel all the more weirded out. What the hell was actually going on?

He didn't have to wait long though, the old clown fish's tone changed. "My name is Music Master Galosh, and I am one of the few originals who lived long enough to witness when the clown god stepped on our domain".

"Oh, ok, that's nice, really impressive stuff".

The old clownfish didn't pay attention to what Sebastian said, his eyes narrowed as the original brightness disappeared from him only to be replaced by a dangerous gloomy dimness.

"How are you related to the esteemed clown god?"



"Hey, I'm not, I'm not related". Sebastian was spooked by the sudden tense atmosphere, he rushed to answer. "I know no clown god; this is actually the first group of clownfish that I'm ever meeting".



"Then, how do you know the original lyrics of 'I like to move it' god song?"




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