Ocean Master

Chapter 334 - Vengeance Hunt.

Inside a massive military base hidden at the very depths of an area inside the Green Mist Sea where the water pressure was very high and visibility was very low.

Wom! Wom!

Across a perimeter spanning kilometers, different sound navigation and ranging techniques {sonar} were employed through the hidden defense measures that were established across this military base.

This military base was located inside a crack along the massive rocks that lay at the bottom of the ocean. Inside one of these massive cracks was the base.

The crack already existed for a long time, but once the military base was relocated here, renovations took place as the soldiers occupying this treacherous region wiped off every natural inhabitant here and started developing it.

The crack was cleverly expanded without affecting its overall integrity, slowly curving it until it formed a perfect shape that looked like a giant apocalyptic submarine that came straight out of a horror movie.

The military base was located inside the sturdy rocks, at the very end of the submarine-shaped crack but defense measures were installed across every meter and inch throughout the crack.

Not even an amoeba could infiltrate this defense structure.

Only 5 compact black-clad warships were on patrol, but this was a décor, the real defense measures of this military base were much more.

Equipped with sonar detection measures, electromagnetic detection measures, radioactive detection measures, radar {radio detection and ranging} measures, and a host of other measures, this was an impenetrable fortress.

This heavily-fortified military base was one of the few S-grade military bases of the Atlantis Empire that were spread across the whole of Oceania.

In here, even Queen Auralis herself needed a special permit before she could visit because this was one of the strategic outposts of this overlord Empire.

At this depth of the ocean, only Black tier predators and full defense-oriented Red tier predators could survive here. 

OP military bases like this were created by the Atlantis Empire to fight for benefits in the highest scavenging battlefield and they also served as the strategic defense measures of Atlantis against the powerful Black tier predators.

It was an age-old fact that the best benefits were always found in the most treacherous of regions, the same rule applied in Oceania.

In treacherous regions like this was where powerful Empires like Atlantis got to vie against the powerful Black tier predators for benefits, both organic and in the form of mineral resources that could strengthen any side that got them massively.

It was through metal alloys that were mined here that Atlantis and other variant human Empires succeeded in creating warships that could go toe to toe with Red tier predators.

It was also through these same metal alloys that they were able to create warships that could survive going to such depths of the ocean.

This was a 2-sided investment to Atlantis and any other variant human Empire that came here to vie for benefits, including the powerful predators.

They had a high chance of getting huge benefits by staying here, but it also tied them down since going back to normal waters was not an easy feat. This was the main reason why Sebastian could rampage so freely in the ocean volcano.

Atlantis could not mobilize an army from these overpowered military bases, this was because doing so would make them lose on too many fronts.

The same also applied to the other variant human Empires, including the powerful predators. The Rabbit Monarch was back in his empire in the normal waters, this was why he was able to intervene in the battle.

As for other Black tier predators and even other Sea Kings, they were all attracted by the prospect of getting another unique skill also, but they were all occupied with the benefits of this deep depth.

These deep depths were the real battlefield of the pinnacles.

At this moment, a modified lone Annihilator warship suddenly descended towards this depth of the ocean. 

The lone Annihilator warship drifted closer until it entered the defense perimeter of the S-grade military base inside the submarine-shaped crack.

Wom! Wom!

{Ultra-power scanners Utilized!}

{Scan Result: Black Mamba Division Fleet.}

Inside the 5 black-clad warships, a picture of a middle-aged bald man with a stone-cold and plain face was reflected.

{Data Matched: Captain Omega.}

"Let him through!"

"Yes, sir!"


Once the gravitic defense measures and other natural force measures were removed, the Annihilator warship received a signal and finally moved forward.

Captain Omega and his crew navigated the submarine-shaped crack forward till the end, where an entrance opened through which they entered the legendary S-grade military base.

"Commander Donovan!"

"Commander Timberland!"

Captain Omega floated at attention as he saluted the 2 legendary Atlantians respectfully. These 2 Commander in Chiefs were the leaders of this S-ranked military base, and of course, their combat power was frightening.

The 2 Commanders nodded expressionlessly to acknowledge the captain, then they opened the letter before them and briefly went through it.

"You want to become a lone soldier with this Annihilator warship?" Commander Donovan asked as he looked at the captain square in the face.

"Yes, Commander".


Captain Omega took a deep breath. "Vengeance".

"Throughout my career, I have never suffered a defeat as humiliating and convincing as my last mission and I have never gained so much benefit from a single encounter like this either".

"In the last mission, I lost my division fleet. All my subordinates died, all my warships were wrecked, none of them survived, I was the only one who survived".

"I watched subordinates that I raise to become excellent soldiers of our race die unjustly without being able to do anything, rather I benefited".

"Now, I carry the will of Colonel Tada, I believe that this is not a coincidence. I got this benefit so that I could avenge my subordinates and my army".

"I request permission to become a lone soldier with this warship. I know that you are tied down by greater responsibilities, but I'm not, I believe that with time, I can take down this Megalodon before he becomes stronger".

Captain Omega sincerely laid bare his heart and feelings before the 2 Commanders. Despite feeling his sincere feelings, there were no fluctuations in the 2 Commanders' expressions.

Commander Donovan eventually spoke. "Section 13, Sub-section 119 of the military codem- Do not let emotions cloud your judgment as a military leader. Think and make the rational choice that would benefit the race always". 

Captain Omega retorted with a calm face. "Section 15, Sub-section 25 of the military codem- Follow your heart and love, since it is the best weapon that sentient beings have in a crazy world like this".

Commander Donovan was silent as Commander Timberland briefly smiled. "The impulse of youth and the courage to booth, admirable".

"You have a strong heart, I like it".

"Your proposal is approved!"

"Thank you, Commanders".

With that, Captain Omega finally left the military base feeling fulfilled.

After over a month of holding it back, after over a month of living with the guilt of losing all his subordinates in one mission, he could not endure it anymore.

Fortunately, his proposal was approved.

Now, he was on a vengeance hunt.

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