Ocean Master

Chapter 340 - Promotion.


Smoke filled everywhere; the main lab fell into darkness as the light channels that were installed in this part of the giant sea anemone malfunctioned.

"Holy Sh*t! What happened?"

"Ouch! It hurts!"

"My head feels dizzy, am I drunk?"

"What the hell happened?"

"Is everyone ok? Stay put, the backup lights will come up soon".

On hearing Jakren's voice, the junior anatomists felt relieved. But this was when their thoughts immediately went to someone else, where was Sebastian?


With sounds like the blinking of dozens of eyeballs at the same time, the backup lights suddenly lit up while the junior anatomists were still trying to make sense of the situation.

With the light coming up, the main anatomy lab was finally illuminated again as this enabled them to observe the repercussions of their actions.

All of them were left wide-eyed by the consequences of their actions.

The main lab was just a step away from being utterly destroyed. Electric sparks lit up occasionally from the direction where the processing computer connected into the main lab which completely horrified the junior anatomists. 

The lab was extremely disorganized. The working tables were scattered into various corners of the lab, while the merged working table where the massive Elephant test subject was placed was in shambles.

The other parts of the main lab were in relatively pristine shape since they were all well-protected to survive incidents like this in the first place. 

Despite this, the damage done was considerable.

All the junior anatomists were left dismayed. Their emotions fell from the previous high that it was straight to the abyss. In a demotivational manner, they finally turned to look at their test subject who was likely already dead.

They were right, the massive Elephant was completely still, no heaving signs could be detected in its body which indicated body metabolism and activity.

"So, we failed Afterall".

As he muttered this, Jakren turned to look towards the processing supercomputer's coverage wall where Sebastian was, still focused on watching the scan results that were sent towards the screen.

After the red energy light of the 2 mana cores spiked, Sebastian was knocked dizzy for a few seconds but he quickly recovered and focused again.

On looking, he was happy since the life signals of the Elephant still showed activity but under his watch, the life signals reduced before turning static.

The Elephant died.

On seeing this, Sebastian felt crushed. He felt deflated all of a sudden as he rested his body against the computer, lamenting his failure.

After everything that he put in, after entering the zone, working at his best, getting this result was a huge bumper to him. He could only try distracting himself to wipe away the sorrow, he felt extremely sad.

"F*ck! I failed again…"



Ding! Ding!

"Huh?" Sebastian instinctively activated his electroreceptors and melody sensing skill to detect the place where the sound generated from only to discover that it was right beside him.

"Huh?" He focused on the computer screen only to end up shocked.


"Holy Sh*t! He survived! He f*cking survived!"

"What?" All the junior anatomists asked, confused.

"He survived! Look, he survived! Oh f*ck, I'm so excited!"

The junior anatomists were slow to comprehend it, but when they did, they were shocked. Instinctively, they turned their eyes towards where the test subject lay on the floor only to see a pair of ominous red eyes that shone like lanterns.


It was now that the fragile anatomists recognized the danger that they were in. The commotion and destruction also meant that the mechanical chains snapped and retracted, the massive Elephant was now free to go on a rampage.

Oh boy!

On waking up and seeing the vile beings that were torturing it for the past few hours, the massive Elephant felt like a switch was turned on in its head.


Against the laws of gravity, this heavy predator ignored Oceania's gravitational pull as it turned itself upright at a speed that defied nature. Unlike before, its body now blasted out with magic power of 2 colors.

It was the same earth magic domain, but one was brown, the usual color of its heavy earth magic domain, while the other one was a light golden color, forming a sharp contrast.

If the brown side was heavy earth, the light golden side was light loose sand.


The massive Elephant erupted with speed towards the nearest junior anatomist. The anatomists were horrified, it was so long since they fought a life-or-death battle that they were unsure of how to react.

In his normal state, Sebastian was strong enough to intervene on time but at this moment, he was suffering an 80% reduction in his attributes.

Sebastian could only watch anxiously while rushing closer to intercept. At the last moment, before the Elephant smashed the poor anatomist to smithereens, a loud gunshot sound reverberated. Precisely, a canon.


Once the canon hit the Elephant, its momentum stopped as it was thrown backward with speed. It tried to stand up but a hail of bullets drowned it as a higher authority took back control over the processing supercomputer.

Shing! Shing!

Even more powerful mechanical chains descended from the ceiling. Under the firepower suppression, the Elephant could do very little as it was tied tightly by the chains before being suspended.

It was after everything was over that the stunned and horrified anatomists finally looked up to see the newcomers.

Hovering before them was a team of clownfish soldiers and Doctor Craban.

The Doctor swept a glance through all of them before she settled on Sebastian. "Sebastian, Jakren, meet me in my office".

"As for the rest of you, go wait for instructions in your residential quarters!"

On hearing the authoritative tone, all the anatomists shuddered before leaving. They looked at their 2 comrades with a mixture of envy and pity.

Jakren and Sebastian left with the lead anatomist.

"I have gone through your research; your experiment was a success".

"Yes, ma'am". Sebastian and Jakren responded at the same time.

Doctor Craban's eyes narrowed as she looked at the 2 of them. "Who came up with the idea to start up this experiment".

"Sebastian". Jakren answered immediately before directing an innocent look at his comrade.

"Where did you get the inspiration for this?"

"I got it from studying the textbooks in the basic library".

The giant crab's eyes narrowed further. "Are you lying to me?"

"I swear, I'm not lying!" Sebastian reacted immediately.

Doctor Craban kept her silence for over a minute, building the tension to such an extent that Jakren shook before she snorted.

"Humph, I believe you".

"You do?" Sebastian was surprised.

"Yes". The Doctor's tone finally softened. "Though I've been acting oblivious to your research, I actually started following the 2 of you up a week ago when Miniman drew my attention to your research".

"I have to say that I'm impressed".

"Though your method is still pretty crude and unrefined, it is still a massive accomplishment considering how many masters never thought of this".

"Sebastian, Jakren, you are both unique, I give you that".

"Your talent, work rate, anatomical knowledge, and experience have impressed me more than enough. You have proven yourself in our field, so I deem the 2 of you worthy to take on greater responsibility".

"Congratulations! The 2 of you have been promoted".

"You are now a senior anatomist".

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