Ocean Master

Chapter 355 - The Firelight Shark Clan's Mission.

After another month of development, the Firelight Shark Clan finally truly settled in their new home. 

The main reason for this smooth settlement was the fact that the seamount where they settled was more open than their previous home.

Though in terms of absolute development, the ocean volcano region was superior since it even bred a Red tier predator, this seamount had an advantage over the ocean volcano since it was not isolated from the outside world.

Before the Atlantian army and the armies of the other variant humans breached the border of the ocean volcano, it originally served as the lair of a powerful beast clan that took this zone as their home.

The fact that they took the whole border as their home revealed how powerful they were. 

They were the reason why the ocean volcano seemed cut off from the outside world, no other beast could leave without passing through them.

In the new home of the Firelight Shark Clan, they were not as isolated, and this was their advantage as well as their disadvantage.

The disadvantage in this new home meant that they were more vulnerable to beast aggression since all kinds of mutated beast species lived here, and even more swam through this area daily.

The advantage though was that the fact that this new home was so open meant that there were higher chances of meeting allies also.

During the past one month of integration, once the clan passed the stage where they were seen as prey by every single clan here, they were finally able to enter the limelight and secure a place for themselves.

They may not be as powerful as they were at their peak, but with 2 purple tier predators, they were not to be trifled with.

Once they stabilized themselves and started exploring the various corners of the seamount, this was when they discovered another clan of Great Whites.

Once this discovery was made, Tungsten and Queen Heareth immediately left all their tasks and went out to visit these neighbors who were brothers to them. 

Talk between beasts of the same species was always more harmonious than if they were with beasts of other species. The 2 clans easily got along; they formed an alliance the same day that both sides met.

This was what granted the Firelight Shark Clan the incentive to really enter the limelight and spread the light of their might, as depicted by their name.

With this sudden big brother that they acquired, a lot of things become more convenient for them. They got more access to important information, and they now had a deterrent effect against other predators in the seamount.

This was the reason for their rapid growth during this period of just 1 month. 

Though their strength didn't just balloon out of the blue, they got to settle down properly, reinstating the departments like the healing department under Queen Heareth, and the pen and a foundation for the others was built. 

With all these essential departments put in place, all the survivors of the volcano disaster finally saw real hopes of building a stronger and better clan.

None of them dared to be complacent, they could not when considering that they carried the dying wishes of all their previous clansmen.

All of them worked hard to hunt and put things in order like their lives depended on it, and it was the main reason for their rapid growth. 

Among these hardworking survivors was a special one, among the 3 genius new generation sharks of the old clan, Strong, the only shark among the original trio who was the only non-magic wielding shark among them.

Since their days as young sharks, Tungsten and Torpedum were always seen as geniuses while he was just your everyday shark.

He never felt under pressure despite this clear distinction. 

When he decided to become a shark who specialized in the Pugilistic route despite no other shark in the clan haven't taken this route, it was because of his carefree personality and the fact that he never felt under pressure.

In the old clan, he could afford to laze around all day, doing what he wanted which was hanging out with his buddies that joined his hunting group.

Despite his clear lack of motivation to cling to the limelight like Tungsten or Torpedum, he still clinched a place for himself among his generation of sharks.

This should have made him proud but it didn't. Since a young age, though he never cared much about competition, he acknowledged the might of Tungsten and Torpedum and always saw them as superior.

This respect lasted even though the aforementioned sharks always overshadowed him, but a bit of it was lost after the ocean volcano disaster.

In that battle that decided the future of the clan, all his peers did something, impacting the battle in one way or the other but like usual, he stayed as the background guy, only supporting from the side.

Sebastian, the new shark was the one who stood out the most and earned the most admiration from him. Tungsten stood out also, successfully evolving to the purple tier realm, Torpedum in his opinion also stood out.

Not only these talented sharks of his generation stood out, but the fact that even juniors like Verni stood out though in a more marginal fashion was also what really told Strong that he was being too low profile.

Though Torpedum's stand-out performance brought the disaster, Strong could not bring himself to hate him as much as the other sharks, he hated himself more for not being strong enough to kill Torpedum on the spot.

This was the reason why for the first time in his life, being among the survivors, after the creation of the new clan, he felt guilty.

He felt guilty for not giving enough, he felt guilty for everything.

And this was the reason that made him decide to change. In this new clan, in this new home, he decided that he would not just stay in the background anymore.

Old Mak's death and the death of all the elders left a huge vacuum at the highest ranks of the new clan. Tungsten already took on a huge responsibility, Queen Heareth included, the next most exceptional shark in line was him.

This was the cue that he needed to know that it was time to step up and take on the mantle of responsibility that was handed down by the elders.

Tungsten was already the new clan head of the clan, Queen Heareth was the spiritual protector of the clan, so he easily decided to be the sword of the clan.

Once he made the decision and confided with Tungsten, the clan head saw potential in it and the first military department of both the old and new clan was created and he became its first commander.

Commander Strong came to life in the new clan.

After becoming the military pivot of the clan, Strong not only took on the job of training soldiers for the clan, he also actively engaged in cooperative engagements with the sharks of the Triton Clan, their allies.

Once again, Strong led his soldiers on a cooperative engagement with the sharks of the Triton clan after the Tritons got some information.

Through the information, they explored far from their territory until they were led inside a cave. Inside here, they not only met a lot of opponents who came for the same motive, but they also discovered that the cave had an inheritance.

Precisely, it was an inheritance left by a Red tier Pugilist King predator.

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