Ocean Master

Chapter 383 - The Truth.

"You know, reincarnation saved our lives".

Sebastian was about to say that he knew that, but he refrained from interjecting because his intuition told him that this sentence was deep and meant more than he could see on the surface.

"Have you heard of the Atlantian legend of the Great Fall?"

"No". Eliana answered on his behalf and Sebastian could not refute since she was correct. "The Atlantian legend of the Great Fall perfectly describes what happened to our previous world after our reincarnation".

"Earth is no more".

"I know that by now, you must have guessed that variant humans are mutated versions of the previous you and I".

"You are correct, they all came here after the Great Fall".

Eliana took her time and told Sebastian all that she knew about the Atlantian legend of the Great Fall before she continued.

"Through my findings, the legend is correct, only the time frame is wrong since the variant humans came here before us".

"This is a part of the truth that I have not found out yet".

"Despite the inconsistencies, after getting a lot of clues, adding those from my system, and piecing everything together, I concluded that the Great Fall is real and that earth is no more".

"The 2 of us, the lucky reincarnations were not brought here without a purpose. Your system is probably still telling you that you don't have the requisite level to access such information, so I'll tell you".

"The Sages are real, and they are the ones who brought us here".

"There is a war currently going on, a war between planetary dimensions".

"Mercury, Venus, Earth, and all the planets that we were taught of in school that existed are real and are called planetary dimensions here".

"Planetary dimensions like Earth and the likes are called the low essence dimensions and there are numerous dimensions like them out there".

"Above the low essence planetary dimensions, we have the high essence dimensions and the pinnacle essence dimensions. The Myth Realm, the Void Realm, and a few other realms have grown to become pinnacle essence dimensions".

"Oceania is not a planetary dimension. In theory, Oceania is nothing more than a breeding ground of the Myth Realm".

"According to the little information that I was able to salvage about it, the Myth Realm is our mother planetary dimension where the Sages live".

"From what my system revealed, there are 62 Sages in the Myth Realm and they are the overlord rulers of the Myth Realm pinnacle planetary dimension".

"As one of the few pinnacle planetary dimensions in the universe, they stand at a pedestal above other planetary dimensions, but their existence was threatened once the Cthulu war started".

"About this war, I know very little information about it but I was able to know that the one who started it was a planetary overlord called the Ancient Cthulu".

Eliana inclined her head and clicked her tongue at Sebastian. "It leaves you wondering about what was going through the head of the author who first wrote about the Ancient Cthulu back on earth".

"I still feel dread every time I think about it".

"Due to the little information that I have about the Myth Realm, I don't know much about the Cthulu war but I know that after swallowing a lot of low and high essence planetary dimensions, including earth, the Ancient Cthulu's appetite increased as it finally set its sights on the powerful Myth Realm".

"Once it waged war against the Myth Realm, this powerful pinnacle planetary dimension discovered their weakness and sought to remedy it".

"This was what prompted the 62 Sages to create Oceania, the mother system, the subsystems, and the reincarnation hivemind".

"What they sought was to create the ultimate existence that could go against the Ancient Cthulu but the difficulty of this plan became known with time".

"After trying a lot of times without getting any results, with most of the Sages already dying, the remaining 8 Sages were driven to the point of desperation".

"In the previous subsystems that were released and attached to reincarnates, the system had absolute control over the individual, prompting every action of the reincarnate but the mother system's control decreased with time".

"With the decrease in control of the mother system, the subsystem also lost control which is why it does not feel much better than a robot at this moment".

"This is a boon to us though since with the loss of control, we now have full control over our actions, and we are the lords of the system instead of the other way round like it was originally intended to".

"You and I are the last reincarnates, we are the Myth Realm's last hope. At least, that was what I inferred after piecing all my discoveries together".

"It was supposed to be only one of us, but the mother system's botching control messed things up". 

"From my research, I guessed that we probably came from the same country, or at least the same continent since the mother system's lack of control caused another target who was close to the original target to be reincarnated also".

"I think you are the main target of reincarnation; the title of my system is the Ultimate Support System".

"The only thing I don't understand is why I reincarnated first".

"So, in essence, we are the last hope not only for the survival of the Myth Realm but also for the survival of a lot of planetary dimensions".

"The remaining 8 Sages put all their hopes in us. Instead of trying to fix the mother system, they instead decided to take a different route with this last try and see if giving us more control would help".

"It feels unrealistic and marvel superhero-like, right? But sadly, it's real".

"With the deteriorating lack of control of the mother system, not only was our reincarnation affected but Oceania was also affected".

"This was why the world changed about 7 months ago when you reincarnated. After a long time of stability and growth, the mother system lost control, and Oceania is about to pop like a balloon".

"Estimations by the Clown Empire says we have only 2 years".

"This is why the will of the Sages was transmitted to our world. The most powerful predators here already know, the world is ending".

"Through the will of the Sages, we already know what to do to survive. According to the Sages, what we need is a unifying leader, the Ocean Master, master of all 7 unique skills who will take us through the dimensional barrier".

"This is the reason why the Rabbit Monarch stood for you, and it is also the reason why the Atlantis Empire is after you".

"Once an overlord, always an overlord".

"Despite knowing that the existence of the world is at stake, Atlantis still wants to be an overlord, they want the Ocean Master to either be under their control or to be someone from their Empire".

"Other Empires feel this way but are not as bold as the Atlantis Empire. What everyone agrees on though is that we need a unifying leader, and fast".

"This is what is resulting in the war that is about to span the whole of Oceania. The Orca Revolution is just an appetizer".

"With the Beast Empires knowing that their world is about to end, all their most hidden ambitions have finally surfaced again".

"They want to get the Ocean Master through blood and fire".

"That is why you need to strive Sebastian. You, me, we have only 2 years to make an impact or forget it all, we're all dead if nothing happens by then".

"I am a pinnacle Red tier predator at the moment, Sebastian".

"After seeing what you did in just a few months in the wild that I could never achieve in the Clown Empire with all the resources and support, I believe that you're the real reincarnation target and the unifying leader that we need".

"I believe that you're the real target to become the Ocean Master".

"Now, it is up to you, to seize the opportunity or leave it".

Eliana finally settled back down on her throne after the elaborate speech.

Sebastian was already flabbergasted for a long time due to the reveal that now, he was as quiet as a mouse.

"That…, was a lengthy reveal".

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