Ocean Master

Chapter 399: Returning To The 1st Den Of Anatomy.

When the battle finally came to an end, serenity returned to the water.

For the past 1 hour as the 2 powerful predators went head-to-head at each other, while they were engrossed in their battle, it was the terrain and the original inhabitants of this region that suffered it the most.

This past 1 hour seemed like any other hour, but the aftereffects of this battle managed to wipe out over a million living organisms out of existence.

This region was now already nothing more than a barren region since the few organisms that managed to survive the aftereffects would never return to this region in centuries unless they suffered brain damage.

Knowing that the battle finally came to an end and that he won, Sebastian was silent as he looked at the effects that were induced by his power.

Seeing the changed terrain, the now barren region, and every other visual effect of the destruction that was just wrath, including the Leviathon corpse that was before him, he finally understood he much he grew in just a few months.

Back on earth, no human, beast, or even any machine created by man could achieve such a destructive effect but in just a few months since transmigrating into Oceania, he now had all this power at his fingertips.

He felt surreal, his journey so far felt unbelievable.

From quaking at the first sight of mere Eels and white tier Devouring Cobras, he was now a predator who could take on a Red tier Leviathon that was suppressed to the purple tier and still emerge victoriously.

Atlantian Sebastian clenched his fists. "I am strong now!"

This battle was so massive and intense that Sebastian got a lot of battle experience that he needed to settle down and properly digest.

There were too many pros to fighting against such a powerful monster. In this battle, he had to test himself to his very limits, even being forced to activate his Reanimation skill for the first time and seeing its effects.

Activating this skill for the first time, Sebastian was able to experience sensations that he had never experienced in both his lives.

Getting so close to death, and even dying only to be pulled back to life was such a huge rollercoaster of an adventure that he would never forget.

He could brag about this to his children for lifetimes and never get tired of it.

Apart from the battle experience, and finally getting to test his full strength against an equally strong opponent, Sebastian's biggest gain in this trip was the corpse of the Space Beast itself.

Getting a Leviathon's corpse was the main goal fulfilled in his book. With this, he could finally take his plans for his priority goal to the next level.

Sebastian grabbed the Leviathon's corpse with his Telekinesis grab skill before finally turning to swim in the direction of the Clown Empire warships.

Inside the main warship of the Clown Empire's deep strike force, Eliana took a bite from a nutritious Oceania vegetable as she looked at the returning Megalodon with a peculiar look in her eyes.

Together with her guard team that she selected herself who were with her in the warship, they watched the battle from the beginning to the end.

Through the advanced filters of the powerful warship, they were able to spectate the battle with such clarity like they were next to both predators.

In this mode of spectating, they were able to experience the lows and highs, the emotional shifts between the 2 predators, and they were able to also see the trump card skills of both predators in action.

In the end, after a highly intense battle that left even Eliana herself feeling tense, her former boss was able to edge the Leviathon, emerging victorious.

She sighed. "I had to admit, that was some intense battle right there".

"Yeah". Her second in command, a Red tier clownfish agreed with her.

"What do you guys think of his performance?" She suddenly asked.

"…" The clownfish took their time before Ella, her 2nd in command answered again. "Apart from the fact that he is still just a purple tier predator, almost every other thing about him is befitting of a powerful predator with a lot of potentials".

"I think he is ready to claim the esteemed title in the future".

"For him to become the Ocean Master, at this point, I think it depends on his luck and how fast he can level up and evolve through the tiers".

Eliana quietly ruminated over the words of her 2nd in command. "You're right, Sebastian is ready to grab that title in the future".

"All he needs like you said is to fulfill his potential".


After spending 2 minutes swimming, Sebastian finally returned to the warship with his prize being dragged behind him. 

After death, the Leviathon shrank back to its normal size and could now barely be forced into the warship.

On entering the warship, Sebastian flaunted his prize before all the clownfish before quickly locating a corner to rest his exhausted body, leaving his Atlantian living doppelganger to interact with the others.

This battle drained his main body so much that just remaining awake was a chore. Once he found a corner to rest, he slept in just a second.

Once his main body slept, his Atlantian living doppelganger became the defacto him as he communicated with Eliana and the others.

While the warships started returning to the 1st Den of Anatomy secret base, Eliana worked with her assistants as they examined the corpse of the Leviathon to confirm that everything was in order.

From that point on, the Leviathon officially turned into a test subject.

It took a few hours, but the warships finally arrived at the 1st Den of Anatomy.

Layla Frost was already waiting for them, and she personally welcomed the entourage. On seeing Eliana who her boss kept on speaking of since a few days ago, she could not help but exchange glances with this Red tier predator.

Of course, she was intimidated by her but her curiosity made her bold.

Eliana didn't give a damn though. Once they exchanged pleasantries, the Leviathon was towed into the base while she was escorted to her living quarters.

Sebastian slept for 2 full days before he finally woke up.

On waking up, he felt extremely hungry but thankfully, he was surrounded by so many powerful predators that food was not a problem.

On waking up and seeing food not far from him, he started an eating spree as he crunched on all the delicious prey, devouring them all.

15 minutes later, when he had already eaten a truck-full of them, he was finally full as he rested his enormous body again to let his body recover normally.

In this state, Sebastian finally started thinking about his iconic battle against the Leviathon that could not leave his mind. In his 2 days' sleep, he even dreamt of the Leviathon as they were engaged in another battle.

As soon as he started thinking about the battle against the Leviathon, his system lit up a new notification.

[Congratulations! Mind Bottleneck has been broken!]

"Yes, I remember this".. Sebastian's interest was piqued.

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