Ocean Master

Chapter 403 - Need For Speed; Thinking Outside The Box.

After 2 weeks of nonstop work, research, and experiments on different beast samples, the anatomists in the 1st Den of Anatomy finally had their first day of rest to celebrate the 2 successes.

Even for the highest level of professionals of every field, working nonstop for a long period was detrimental, rest was essential.

The anatomists deserved the rest as their work rate exceeded Sebastian's expectations in these 2 weeks. The constantly high energy levels, enthusiasm, and a lot of other factors were what facilitated the 2 successes.

Having recognized the hard work of his subordinates, Sebastian gave them the reward that they were due, which was a nice day of rest.

He didn't just do this, he splurged money to fulfill all of their more modest wishes. For that day, they had the opportunity to eat any meat and as much as they wanted, even the meat of purple tier beasts.

Being the only lead anatomist that was among the spearheads of all 3 anatomy teams, Sebastian felt the effects of the successes up close.

He was extremely happy, despite the numerous restrictions that plagued their pioneering research routes, the fact that they still succeeded proved to him that nothing was impossible in Oceania.

In Oceania, the impossible could become possible with the right amount of imagination and creativity. 

While the other anatomists had today as a day of rest, to Sebastian, he didn't need it since his 2 bodies were already rotating sessions to rest properly.

This was the reason why after every other anatomist already left, he stayed behind in the main laboratory as he went through the recorded data and research direction that led to the 2 major successes.

For the research team that was dedicated to researching the mechanical implant, their only major problem was finding the right formula for an implant to be installed in a Leviathon's head without things going wrong.

Despite the advantage that the Anemone Domain already provided to them, completing their experiment was not an easy feat.

The brain of any beast was one of the more complicated organs, adding the fact that this beast was a Space Beast increased the complexity even more.

To achieve any major or minor success, this anatomy team not only had to thoroughly study to understand a Leviathon's brain, but they also had to find the right altering formula to work on to accommodate a mechanical implant inside it.

To the anatomists, it was like playing a game of cards blindfolded.

In the end, after a lot of research and experiments on other beasts, they were finally able to achieve their end goal.

By subtly altering the brain nature of the virtual Leviathon specimen that they worked with, they finally achieved the right formula for it to contain a mechanical implant without the Space Beast's head exploding.

This was the first major success.

Seeing all the research data, the work that his subordinates put in, and the results before him left Sebastian feeling emotional.

After the success of this anatomy team, the team researching mana cores also completed their goal. Though, unlike the mechanical implant research team, they could not achieve a 100% formula, 72% was still workable.

Throughout the 2 weeks of nonstop research and experimenting, the records easily showed that this research team used and wasted more test subjects.

The anatomy team dedicated to researching mana cores experimented so much, leaving so many mutated beasts, even a few purple tier predators dead that their designated lab seemed like a slaughter ground instead of an actual lab.

After a lot of headstrong trial and error computations that were led by Sebastian with mutated beasts as the test subjects, the research team achieved the peak result that they could just relying on the body of their test subjects.

No matter how much more they researched and experimented, trying to find a balance that would increase the success rate of the mana core infusion, the test subjects always ended up either exploding to death or being disabled.

The percentage success rate was firmly stuck at 51%.

After trying for 2 more days after 1 week crossed, Sebastian and his assistants finally concluded that they were unlikely to get another significant breakthrough working on the compatibility of the beasts' bodies alone.

This was the reason why Sebastian turned the research direction to focus more on improving the carrier that was supposed to house the 2nd mana core inside the beast target for implantation.

This decision was what finally broke the deadlock.

When Sebastian worked with Jakren to experiment on the Sea Elephant, they already noticed then that the carrier housing the mana core played a significant role but it was when they focused on it that they finally understood fully.

The carrier that housed the mana core was actually as important as the mana core itself. Whereas the body of the beast was the natural habitat of the 1st mana core, the carrier was supposed to be the natural habitat of the 2nd mana core.

This carrier was not only supposed to be the natural habitat of the 2nd mana core but it was also supposed to connect the 2nd mana core to the beast's body.

In this way, a symbiotic relationship would be formed where the 2 mana cores will complement each other. 

With both mana cores having their exclusive territories which was the body and the mechanical carrier, they would no longer clash as much but if the mechanical carrier was finetuned perfectly enough, they could even cooperate. 

Once Sebastian got to this conclusion on paper, he pushed his anatomists hard as they worked overtime to make this theory a reality.

A few days later, when the time finally clocked 2 weeks, they succeeded.

Though the compatibility between both mana cores and the success rate of the implantation was only 72%, to Sebastian, this was completely acceptable.

It was not only a lot better than the previous 51%, but he already theorized that with the current research direction, it would take a miracle for them to increase this percentage further so he could only settle for it.

In his opinion, a 72% success rate was worth risking. He didn't have all the time in the world for this experiment and that was why he had to be frugal.

With these 2 successes, Sebastian was now closer to his ultimate goal than ever. Of course, the joy of the successes left him feeling like giving himself a much-needed rest too but the pending experiment target disturbed him.

The last priority experiment target proved to be a pain in the ass.

Trying to create an alternative mana recovery option for his ultimate vessel living doppelganger proved harder than Sebastian expected.

After meeting so many dead ends, this research team was so far behind the others in terms of progression and results that it was painful to see.

As Sebastian tried to avoid being frustrated by this lack of progress, while trying hard to ponder to get a solution, he quickly discovered that simply trying to get his goal scientifically or magically would not work.

For the past 2 weeks, they already worked on so many scientific and magical theories with none of them working that Sebastian grew fed up with them.

At this moment, to get progress and due to the need for speed to meet the changing times, he needed to think outside the box.

"Thinking outside the box…" Sebastian muttered.

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