Ocean Master

Chapter 46 - The Stalk, Intimidate, And Kill Strategy Of Lions.


Once again, Sebastian woke up imagining that his eyes blinked while he only actually regained focus to his eye lenses. The vision before him was blurry a bit, probably because of the bright green light of day.

His eyes tried to adapt to the light intensity while he subconsciously activated his most cherished skill.

[You have activated skill: Advanced Electroreceptors.]

Immediately after he regained control of this important organ in his body, he stiffened as his electromagnetic vision outlined something that numbed all the adventurous tendencies in his sharky body.

"A school of Blue Tangs!"

His eyes immediately cleared up, but he held himself from making as much as a stir in the water as he cautiously looked at the sight that presented itself before him.

He was already used to seeing Blue Tang fishes, they were his favorite prey Afterall when he was still in the cave, but the current sight before him was far more intimidating and majestic.

Blue Tang fishes filled his vision, lots of them.

He salivated immediately as imaginary drool started flowing from his mouth at the sight of this juicy prey, but he did not dare attack blatantly without a plan.

Though he already knew most of the abilities of the Blue Tang fishes from his experience and what Leroy told him, he did not dare underestimate them when such a large number of them were together.

After all, little drops of water make a mighty ocean.

Though Blue Tangs also unlocked magic, Sebastian already confirmed that due to their low-grade bloodline, they only had chances of unlocking basic magic skills such as a magic shield.

Though most of the ones in this school were bigger than the ones he was used to, he knew that they only ballooned in size because of their high levels, but it didn't necessarily translate to ballooning in power.

The school of Blue Tang fishes swam through the water at a leisurely pace, completely oblivious to the hidden danger that was directly below them.

As Sebastian thought hard, he suddenly recalled something.

"The stalk, intimidate, and kill strategy of Lions".

His eyes flickered again as the relevant information flashed through his mind.

Back in his previous world, Lions, most especially a pride of Lionesses had peculiar strategies that they used when hunting which were summarized to become stalk, intimidate, and kill.

They would divide themselves into units where they will all stalk the prey. After getting enough information and identifying a weak point, some of the lionesses will emerge and rush out to intimidate the prey.

With the suddenness of the attack, the prey family that they were after had a high tendency of becoming disorganized due to panic. Then, they capitalize on this disorganization, just like a group of ȧssassins in the dark.

The other hiding Lionesses will finally emerge, and together they will hunt their prey and get food for the day.

Sebastian obviously didn't have companions, but he could improvise on this strategy and form his own Sebastian strategy.

The school of fish continued swimming leisurely while socializing with themselves. Even if they couldn't speak, they already mastered several gestures to effectively communicate with each other.

In this harmonious atmosphere of a family pilgrimage or better still, stroll, something unexpected appeared.


Having practiced with this before, Sebastian was easily able to make his roar reverberate intimidatingly through the water like an ancient Dragon who had just awoken from his slumber.

Qi! Qi! Qi!

As he expected, the school of Blue Tangs immediately became flustered as they made weird noises while swimming around disorderly, at the same time looking for the predator.

Sebastian did not attack immediately. He patiently waited until the commotion was chaotic enough, then he erupted out.

[You have activated skill: Triple Reverse Swim.]

[You have activated skill: Battering Ram.]


Before the Blue Tangs could react, the predator rapidly swam out from their side before colliding with them like a truck hitting a bicycle, the outcome was obvious.

[You have killed a Blue Tang fish- Level 9 [×3]: You have gained experience.]

[You have gained…]

[You have killed a Blue Tang fish- Level 7 [×12]: You have gained experience.]

[You have gained…]

[You have killed a Blue Tang fish- Level 13: You have gained experience.]

[You have gained…]

Immediately after he arrived in their midst, Sebastian immediately started a feast amid the massacre under the tyrannical power of his skills.

As he killed, he ate, rapidly filling his stomach with sweet, juicy fish.

At some point, the school of Blue Tangs tried to pool their numbers together and retaliate against the filthy shark but their hopes were crushed as Sebastian's hard dense skin proved too strong for them to breach and injure.

This was all that was required for them to lose it completely.

At some point, Sebastian seemed to start hearing this term being declared in the air. "To your tents, oh Israel!"

Every Blue Tang fish making up the school immediately broke ranks, their primordial instinct for survival dominating their minds as they empowered themselves with magic and started rapidly swimming to safety.

In this chaotic environment, Sebastian's work became much easier, all he needed to do was bite and kill.


[You have killed a Blue Tang fish- Level 12: You have gained Experience.]

For minutes, this massacre continued as Sebastian ate to the point where his stomach became bloated. At this point, the number of Blue Tangs was reduced a lot as most of them already escaped.

At some point in time, other sea creatures got information about this feast, and they already rushed here to join in the feast of the poor Blue Tangs.

The feast pursuit continued for over an hour, crossing kilometers of distance in the process as Sebastian and all the other newcomers ate to their fill, this was when the last Blue Tang fish finally escaped.

Then silence descended in the middle of the battle feast.

Almost immediately after the last Blue Tang fish escaped and silence descended, Sebastian slowly turned his head to face the newcomer closest to him.

All the newcomers also turned to face their nearest foe.

A light shone in their eyes, that light of having seen another juicier prey, that light of bloodlust, and the urge to eat even more food.

As a unit, every fish and sea creature on the battlefield attacked themselves, including Sebastian.


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