Our first objective had been to purchase equipment that would not link us to the hidden mist. We had travelled to various vendors around the land of water as we ventured further south. We wore a camouflage short sleeve top with a dark coloured shirt over the top, camouflage pants, dark-coloured knee-length sandals and a ragged black cape like a poncho. We donned face masked that pulled up over our mouths and nose to help conceal our appearance and obviously no headband.

I kind of looked like Gozu who would one day become one of the demon brothers of the mist who flees the village with Zabuza. I was pretty sure I had met them once before but I couldn't really remember.

We did look like a band of mercenaries for hire and that fit perfectly. This way we would not draw any attention back to the Mizukage. Don't get me wrong, I had thought about leaving the village many times already. But each time I did I had to weigh up the consequences. I would be hunted down unless I was part of a powerful organization and have a price put on my head. No other village would take on another's former Anbu member unless it was to interrogate them and then dispose of you after.

I was kind of stuck in the village hidden in the mist. But if I left now I would never be able to try and change it. So really I had no choice but to stay and see things out, well at least for now anyway. We had been walking for days trying our best to blend in so not to draw unwanted attention. Ninja tended to stick out in their uniform but dressed like this the most we got was a couple of second looks. No one dared take a third glance as Tsuji hated being stared at and had almost killed more than one person for looking at him too much already.

We were quickly approaching the town that Kinjo Masakazu's estate resided in. It was a small but wealthy town as it was located on the island most south-west in the land of water and was the largest seafood exporting village in the south of the land of water.

Once we arrived in town I decided it would be good to ask around about the lord and see what peoples thoughts of him were. I ordered the team to split up into twos sending Tsuji with Sano at least her friendly looks would counter Tsuji's temper. I paired with Toyoda and the first stop on my list was a tea shop that served sweets.

We entered a small tea shop and took a seat. It was quite busy and people here seemed cheerful and full of conversation. A young girl came over to take our order and blushed when Toyoda looked at her. He was quite good looking, to be honest, and the ladies seemed to love him. As the girl came back with our order I decided to ask about Kinjo Masakazu.

She looked surprised and then blushed again as she looked at Toyoda. "Lord Kinjo is a very kind man, everyone in the village thinks very highly of him and he treats us well." She was quickly rushed away as more customers arrived and she ran off to take their order.

I turned to look at Toyoda but he simply sipped his tea, I wasn't sure if he was playing it cool or if he was just really this laid back. I thought it best not to press the matter and decided not to ask any more questions about Kinjo Masakazu and simply eat my sweet bun. Hopefully, the others would have a little more information when we meet up later.

After we had finished our tea we left making sure not to draw any attention. luckily for us, the town was used to people passing through thanks to the harbour and shipping lanes.

We walked around the corner and into an alley where we had arranged to meet the others, "Seems we are early." Toyoda said leaning against the wall. I nodded and decided I would take a little time to explore. "Wait here Toyoda I won't be long. I said as I pulled my cape off and handed it to him. He didn't show any surprise as I guessed he wouldn't.

I dashed across the rooftops making sure not to been seen by the villagers and decided a walk around would be good. I looked like a normal 11-year-old kid to them after all.

Walking through the market stalls and stands people were buying and selling goods of all sorts. Families were walking together smiling and no one seemed to have a care in the world. It was very different from the hidden mist village and I had a feeling there was something more going on that I knew.

As I walked around the corner there was a large group of kids playing some sort of game. It reminded me of football but they were balanced on wooden posts that were sticking out of the ground. Five people on each team and from what I could see you either gained a point by hitting the ball into the opponents net or lost a point if you dropped the ball onto the ground. It looked pretty hard to be honest and I decided to stick around and watch for a little while.

Suddenly one of the kids fell off one of the posts and hurt his foot pretty badly. All the others stopped to check on him but then started to complain now their numbers were uneven.

"Hey, you!" One of the kids shouted. I looked around quickly before realizing he was talking to me and was about to walk off when he grabbed me on the shoulder. "How old are you kid, can you play?" The boy asked. He looked around 13 years of age and he didn't give me a chance to answer.

"Hey, this kid is gonna play for us!" He shouted over to the others who started cheering. He turned back to me, "What's your name kid?" I was so shocked that I didn't speak at first and he slapped me on the back.

"Hey don't be nervous, it's easy as long as you don't fall off! What you say your name was again?"

"My name is Fu," I said. It was such a surprise, I had forgotten what it was like to be spoken to without fear or respect. it was like I was just a normal kid about to play a game with some other kids. Before I knew it I was stood on one of the posts with the others wondering how this had even happened.

"Right Fu, the aim is to kick the ball into that net over there. You cant use your hands to touch the ball and if you let it drop to the floor we lose a point, make sense?" I nodded still with a blank look on my face as I turned to face the enemy team.

"Let's have it!" One of the other kids shouted, he was quite large for his age as in fat but that didn't seem to stop his agility as he kicked the ball hard sending it flying right for me.

It was like the ball was moving in slow motion and I was still trying to think about how I should approach this situation. "FU! Get it!" The other boy on my team shouted and suddenly my reflexes kicked in.

I volleyed the ball with a powerful kick sending it smashing right into the other teams net. My team were gobsmacked but suddenly cheered and started going crazy. It was pretty nice and before I knew it I had become invested in this little game.

I don't know how much time had past but both our teams were even now at ten all. "Alright, you sorry bunch how about next point wins it all?!" The captain of my team shouted. The fat lad who appeared to captain the other team agreed and a sudden fire lit in everyone's eyes.

"Come on boys we can win this!" Our captain shouted the others cheering as their morale was rasing. The enemy team served and the ball was quickly passed around our team with great skill. I caught it on my left foot and then shot it up into the air with my right as the captain jumped into the air and volleyed it as hard as he could.

The other team's captain stopped it with his belly and passed it to one of his teammates who bounced it off his shoulder to another who shot it back to our side of the field. The aim of the game wasn't just to score a point but to make the other team lose them as well. Sometimes by passing the ball at a poor angle to one of the opposing team, it would cause them to drop it and lose a point.

Luckily our teammate was able to drop down still holding onto the post and kick the ball high into the air, one of our others players hit it back over to the other side and the exchange continued for some time.

"Its time to end this!" The fat boy shouted as his team set him up with a great power strike, he hit the ball so hard that no one had time to stop it and it seemed as if all our efforts were in vain. Suddenly the captain dived off his post and the ball struck him in the ċhėst sailing high into the air. The boy hit the ground hard and everyone's attention fell to him.

"Sho... Shoot the ball FU!" He managed to shout through gasps as he had, had the wind knocked out of him from the fall. Turning my attention to the ball it was falling towards the opposing team and I had no choice but to jump. Channelling chakra to my feet I pushed off the wooden post and sailed into the air. Everyone was amazed by what I had done and time seemed to slow down for everyone.

"Take this!" I shouted as I smashed the ball with my foot as hard as I could. It shot through the air like a bullet and smashed right through the net ripping a hole in it. My entire team erupted in cheers and they all gathered around me picking me up and throwing me into the air as they shouted my name.

The other team were too gobsmacked to even protest and I was pretty sure they had no idea what had happened. "That was one hell of a kick Fu!" The captain of the team said as the others put me down still huddled around me.

"My name is Kida Keiji, and feel free to play for us anytime!" I nodded and shuck his hand before they all started clearing off to go home. It was pretty late now and I had lost track of time. Suddenly Toyoda appeared next to me but didn't say anything.

"I thought you might come looking for me." I said turning to face him. "he nodded, "Yes captain, we have a slight problem." I sighed, "What is it?"

"Well, sir its Tsuji... He has, well you better come and take a look." I donned my cape over my head and nodded. It would seem that reality once again beckoned. But if only at least once, I had experienced what the joy

of childhood this world could bring.

Both Toyoda and I quickly vanished as if we were never there to begin with, Toyoda led me back to a small house. Which already had me asking questions, however, I decided to wait and see what was in store for me before I asked any.

Toyoda pushed the door open and extended his hand. "In here captain." I walked in first and to my surprise, there were three men tied up and gagged in the centre of the room. Tsuji was leaning against the wall and quickly jumped up when he noticed me enter. Sano was also present and had a sheepish look about her.

"It's about time you got back! While you were goofing off we were busy gathering intel." Tsuji said almost barking at me. Sano quickly stepped in. "How dare you talk to captain Yuki like that!" She shouted at Tsuji.

Sometimes I wondered who the child was here. "Alright, you two that's enough I said stopping their bickering. "What the hell is this?" I asked pointing at the three men tied up on the floor. They were all giving me funny looks as if wondering why a kid was ordering these scary ȧduŀts around.

"That's easy, they are the intel brokers of this town, this one is an underground slave trader," Tsuji said pointing to the man on the left. "This one is the towns black market info broker." He said pointing to the middle guy, "And this one owns the largest gambling den in town." He said finally pointing to the last man who was on the right.

I slapped my hand against my head. "And you thought it was a good idea to kidnap them like no one wouldn't notice them missing?" I said actually a little angry at his careless judgement. Sano was about to say something but noticed my anger and stayed quiet.

"Well you told me to get some info and I decided to take action," Tsuji said crossing his arms over his ċhėst. I was starting to get angry over his carelessness and before I knew it the room started to grow cold as my chakra flared to life. It grew so cold that everyone's breath suddenly became visible and Sano even took a step backwards.

"Tsuji," I said letting his name hang in the almost freezing air that had now spread all around the room. "If you ever disobey an order I give you or do anything this stupid without my permission again. I will kill you." He looked like he wanted to speak out but decided to take the hint and backed off.

I let my chakra settle and the warmth returned to the room and the fearful expression on the three men faded just a little. I turned to Toyoda, "Interoagate them and cast a genjutsu on them making them forget this ever happened." He nodded and walked over to the slave trader first. I turned to Sano next.

"Whose house is this and how long can we stay?" She quickly snapped out of her daze and replied. "Y-Yes captain this house is abandoned and currently up for sale. No one is due to visit for at least three days."

"Good, I need you to do something for me," I said as I let out a sigh. She nodded, "Of course sir what is it?" I put my hands on my hɨps and gave a small smile. "Can you go and get some tea from the tea shop in a takeaway cup for me?"

She looked taken aback but nodded almost instantly. "Y-Yes captain right away!" She said as she quickly exited the house. I needed some to help calm down. Last I turned to Tsuji. "You help Toyoda with the interrogation and don't do anything stupid." He didn't look happy but he joined Toyoda never the less.

Toyoda took a quick look at Tsuji and smiled. "If I was you I would do as he says. He may look like just a kid but he's strong enough to hold his own against the seven. There's a reason he's the captain you know." Tsuji didn't reply for a moment.

"What makes him so special?" He muttered under his breath. Toyoda turned to see that I wasn't within hearing range before speaking and turned back to Tsuji.

"I take it you know why they call him the Ice devil of the mist?" Tsuji raised an eyebrow but pretended not to care. "You have heard the story right?"

"Whatever he's a prodigy right?" Tsuji said annoyed. Toyoda laughed a little. "You could say that... But I know the real reason. I was there that day. The day he was given the nickname Ice devil of the bloody mist."

Tsuji had to admit he was a little intrigued but tried not to seem so. "I don't think I have ever heard the full story."

Toyoda turned around again making sure I was out of hearing distance before continuing. "It was back during the war. I was still a chunin back then and was stuck in a huge battle between the hidden leaf, hidden sand and hidden stone. We were on our last legs with all sides taking massive casualties our troops suffering the most. It seemed hopeless and I thought I was going to die that very day."

Not only Tsuji but even the three men were intrigued by the story so far and so Toyoda continued. "The leaf had fallen back but the sand and stone had decided to join together to wipe out our remaining forces. We were outnumbered 100 to 1 and our morale was low. Even our commander had given up hope. That's when he stepped up. He was so small, just another poor child who had been forced onto the front lines by our village. Or so we all thought.

The air grew cold, cold enough that even the ground started to freeze around us. That's when he made his move. He charged in head-on white bones shooting from his entire body as he flew through the enemy troop like a whirlwind of death. Anyone that tried to stop him was either impaled or frozen on the spot. As long as I live I will never forget the image implanted in my mind from that day. A devil with white horns on his head whose very feet froze the ground beneath him covered in the blood of our enemies."

Tsuji was silent and waited for Toyoda to continue. "He saved my life that day and the lives of 25 men and women. Single-handedly he took down a combined force of 250 enemy shinobi without so much as a scratch. I later found out that he was 9 years old and a chunin like myself. Not long after that be became a jonin and by the age of 11 an Anbu captain, Have you ever heard of anyone becoming a captain of hunter ninja under one of the seven at such a young age? Me neither."

I walked back into the room and Toyoda sudden went silent. "Ok, are we ready to start?" I said pretending not to notice. Toyoda nodded, "Yes captain the preparations are ready." I nodded and looked at Tsuji. To my surprise, he nodded also, "Yes... Captian." He said quietly. I was honestly surprised but gave a small smile as I rolled my sleeves up approaching the three men who looked terrified for some reason. "Now I want you to tell me everything about Kinjo Masakazu."

A little while later...

Sano had arrived back with tea for all of us just as Toyoda was casting a genjutsu on the three men. I had only a small experience with Genjutsu, I had been taught how to break free from one and could cast a very simple one myself but other than that it was not my strong suit.

Once the genjutsu was complete and the three of them had been sent on their way I decided to brief my squad on the current information we had gathered.

As the slave trader had confirmed, Kinjo Masakazu had enough guards to take over an entire settlement without much issue. The underground info broker had also told us that he never went anywhere without his personal guards. But all he knew was that there was five of them and they were all rouge shinobi from various lands.

The gambler was also very useful and had told us that Kinjo Masakazu was holding a party tomorrow night and that the only way in was to be hired as a waiter or have an invitation which he had two of. That meant that two of us would have to sneak in while the other two used the invitations.

It was simple. "Toyoda and Sano, you will pose as a couple who have been invited to the party, I will accompany you as your son that way no questions should be asked." Sano looked a little puzzle, "But captain won't people ask why I look so young? I mean I don't look old enough to have a child of your age."

Sometimes she could be a real airhead. "Don't worry about that Sano once we fix your outfit and makeup you will fit the part. That just leaves you Tsuji. You will sneak in and replace one of the waiters blending into plain sight.

He was about to protest but then decided against it. "Fine." He said sipping on his tea grumpy. "Should I make the arrangements then captain?" Toyoda asked.

I nodded, "Yes see to it, Toyoda." He stood and bowed before leaving to make the preparations. I was deep in thought now, once inside avoiding the normal guards and patrols would be easy, however, the real problem was the personal bodyguards. Five of them too. Depending on their skill they would most likely be able to sniff out any sudden bursts of attack. No. We would need a distraction but what?

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Sano who offered me another cup of tea which I excepted with a smile. "Thank you, Sano," I said and she smiled back at me. "Of course captain."

If it came to a battle they had the advantage in numbers and with having no information about their abilities we had no idea just how skilled they could be. "Outnumbered and outgunned," I said under my breath. Sano gave me a questioning look. "What does that word mean captain?" I gave a small smile as I remembered I was in another world and it wasn't the first time I had said something where others didn't know what I was talking about.

"Forget it, Sano, it's just an expression," I said laughing it off. She nodded and smiled back. Tsuji, on the other hand, didn't look impressed but stayed silent.

"Well if there is nothing else I'm going to get some sleep," I said as I stood up from my seat. Sano nodded,

"Of course captain." and Tusji just grunted. "Whatever."

I made my way to one of the empty rooms and led down on the bed setting my clothes down on the floor folded up neatly. I started to question if we would be able to pull this mission off, mainly if I could pull it off without letting any of my teams die.

My mind was racing with all sorts of scenarios that could play out and how I would try and deal with them.. Not long after my exhaustion got the better of me and I soon fell into a deep dreamless sleep where I had no worries of the past or future.

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