Of Bone And Ice

Chapter 19 - 19:

Fuyōna had returned home after his little exchange with Zabuza and focused on the scroll he had acquired from the hidden stone. Most of it was written in code, but from what he could make out at first glance, it was all secret sealing jutsu. Fuyōna worked hard all night trying his best to decode the jutsu formula even working into the early hours of the morning.

Studying a scroll this hard brought back memories of when he had discovered secret jutsu from the abandoned Yuki village. He returned to his home village now and again, the last time he had stumbled on a secret underground shrine, located under his grandfather's house. As far as Fuyōna knew, he was the last living member of the Yuki clan. The other survivors had fled the village when it came under attack leaving it a ghost town.

The shire he had found contained much text about the Yuki clans history, it also gave detail into secret jutsu that was passed down from generation to generation. One of which was the crystal ice mirrors. However, he had already figured out that one himself, also improving on it significantly.

Other text showed more interesting jutsu used by the clan. Of course, none of it was written in code, as to use the Jutsu one needed to possess the Kekkie Genkai.

It was there that Fuyōna had also discovered the secret summoning Jutsu of the Yuki clan. Fuyōna knew there were many creatures scattered around the world that shinobi could form a pact with and use them to summon in battle. The most famous being the toads for which Naruto was famous.

Fuyōna was snapped back to reality by the sound of the whistling kettle that he had left on the hob to boil. Getting up, he poured himself a cup of tea and sat back down, placing the tea on his little table next to the scroll.

Fuyōna decided to rest his head on the table, taking a break letting the memories play over in his head.


It all started when Fuyōna had decided to use some of his time off missions to revisit his old home. Fuyōna had traveled to the hidden location of the Yuki clans old village, high up in the mountains. Most of the buildings had been burnt down, what remained of the village was a reck.

Fu walked, leaving his footprints in the fresh snow stopping when he came to his old home. The memories of his mother from this world, causing him to give a soft smile. The last time he had seen her was before he was taken away to the hidden Mist. He decided not to linger for too long and proceeded to the main hall where his grandfather had lived.

"Shimo Yuki," Fuyōna said, his breath visible in the cold air.

The large house was still standing for the most part. Fuyōna pushed the large doors open, gaining entry to the main hall. He took a moment before he stepped inside, remembering the last time he had entered this place.

Fuyōna made his way through the large hall and came upon the garden where he had first discovered his abilities. Walking over to the edge, he could see his younger self stopping Shimos attack clear as day the image playing over in his mind.

He turned, noticing a draft coming from the broken door leading to a staircase. Fuyōna decided to follow the steps down until he came to a door that had been sealed in a thick layer of ice.

Fuyōna examined the door and placed his hand upon the ice. It turned out only a member of the Yuki clan could unseal the doorway. Fuyōna allowed his chakra to flow into the ice, molding it and unsealed the door.

It was a shrine of some kind. Bookshelves lined the walls filled with scrolls and texts Fuyōna guessed were secret to the clan. The room was dark, and so Fuyōna created a few makeshift touches out of some wood and old cloth material he could find. Setting them on fire in each corner of the room so he could see a little better.

Fuyōna decided to start scanning through the scrolls and text that littered the shelves. Through them, he discovered the clan's history spanning back generations to a time before they joined with the first Mizukage.

"Wow, so the Yuki clan helped form the land of water along with the first Mizukage..." Fuyōna said, impressed.

The scrolls then went on to state who the clan leaders were and who they had passed down the title too, down to Shimo himself. After his name, it was blank as he had never chosen a successor and had been killed in the war.

Fuyōna skimmed through more scrolls discovering hidden clan Jutsu, one of which was the crystal ice mirrors. The level of detail was impressive and gave no hint of how to counter the Jutsu, only how to use it.

More interesting Jutsu was listed, such as how to use one-handed hand signs to form and mold the moisture in the air turning it into ice. Next was weapon styles, followed by Taijutsu's implementation, followed by more jutsu Fuyōna had already figured out by himself. However, the next jutsu on the list caught his eye.

"Summoning Jutsu?" Fuyōna said out loud.

He read the scroll paying more attention to the summoning jutsu information, reading it out loud.

"The secret summoning Jutsu of the Yuki clan. Long ago the Yuki clan formed a pact with the mighty horned Yeti of the north. Allowing them to summon the beast to aid them in battle. However, only the most potent and gifted members of the clan could tame one of the creatures."

"To form a contract, one must perform the reverse summoning jutsu listed and then battle one of the beasts until it submits. Beware, the horned Yeti are powerful and very prideful; they are not tamed easily." Fuyōna finished reading.

He placed the scroll down looking at the hand signs provided to perform the reverse summoning jutsu.

"My own summoning jutsu could come in very handy. This could prove to be very interesting." Fuyōna said as he bit his thumb drawing blood.

Quickly making the hand signs with ease, he slammed his hand down onto the ground, saying the words.

"Reverse summoning jutsu!" Fuyōna shouted as he vanished in a poof of smoke.

Fuyōna found himself surrounded by large fields of snow, his vision obscured by the never-ending blizzard that seemed his surroundings. Fuyōna pulled the hood of his cloak over his head, trying to stop the snow hitting his face so he could see a little better.

"Looks like I have been transported to where ever these horned Yeti live," Fuyōna said, trying to take in his surroundings best he could.

Fuyōna could make out a large cave in the distance and decided that was his best bet to escape the blizzard. He pulled his short legs out of the snown force marching through the thick white terrain until he reached the cave entrance.

It was massive. Icicles hung from the entrance, and most of the walls were frozen covered by ice. Fuyōna shivered as he shook the snow from his cloak, letting it fall to the ground.

"Maybe I should get a fire going?" He said, rubbing his hands together. He may have been a member of the Yuki clan, meaning he had increased resistance to the cold, but he wasn't completely immune to it.

A Gigantic roar echoed from inside the cave, causing the small hairs along Fuyōna's back to stand on edge.

"What was that?" He said, turning to take a peek.

Out of the darkness, a massive white beast appeared hulking over Fuyōna as its hot breath burned the cold air. Its body was covered by thick white fur lining its large muscle mass. It had two large horns on top of its head and razor-sharp fangs to match.

The beast was easily 20 feet tall, towering over Fuyōna. The Yeti seemed to be examining Fuyōna with its bright blue eyes, almost piercing into his very soul.

Fuyōna decided not to move and that waiting to see what the Yeti did first was the best plan. The beast roared, creating a shockwave with its breath alone.

The floor started to freeze almost instantly, traveling towards Fuyōna at an alarming rate. Fuyōna quickly made a few hand signs and deflected the ice with his chakra. The ice split around where he stood, giving him no reason to panic.

The Yeti smiled and crouched down to take a better look at Fuyōna.

"It has been a long time since a member of the Yuki clan came here." The Yeti spoke in a deep voice.

Fuyōna was surprised, to say the least. He decided to pull his hood down and respond accordingly.

"My name is Fuyōna Yuki."

The Yeti nodded its head.

"I am Fuyu (Fuyu means winter)." It responded.

"Tell me little Yuki, why have you come here?" It asked.

Fuyōna smiled and crossed his arms over his ċhėst.

"I have come to form a contract with the horned Yeti."

The Yeti laughed hard before it spoke.

"Are you not a little young to come here, child? The last of your clan who was able to force a contract with my kind was Shimo Yuki... I watched him die."

Fuyōna was surprised to hear his grandfather's name but didn't show it.

"Shimo was my grandfather..." Fuyōna spoke.

"Is that so? I expected another of your clan to come after his death. But none ever came. Tell me, why do they send a child?"

Fuyōna didn't show any emotion as he spoke.

"The Yuki clan are all dead. I am the only one left. I discovered the scroll that lead me here to this place and I intend to form a contract with your kind."

The Yeti stood to its full height towering over Fuyōna.

"Is that so..." The beast said sharping its claws on one side of the cave wall.

"You think a child like you can tame me? None as young as you ever set foot here. Not since the first of your clan."

The Yeti did the same with its other hand, sharpening its claws on the cave wall, grinding them until they were razor sharp.

"There is only one way that a horned Yeti will forge a contract with a human. You must defeat me in battle."The beast said inspecting its claws.

Fuyōna gulped as he couldn't help notice that the Yetis claws were almost the same size as his entire body.

"I thought it might come to that. I won't lose." He said, taking a ready stance.

"The Yeti laughed as it too got ready to battle.

"I won't hold back Yuki child. I hope you are prepared to die here, as the last of your clan!" The beasted roared as it sprang into action.

The Yeti moved fast for its size and took a swipe at Fuyōna, each of its razor-sharp claws ready to slash him to ribbons.

Fuyōna too sprang to life as he was expecting a frontal ȧssault by the monster. Leaping high into the air Fuyōna avoided the fist attack landing on the Yetis arm.

Fuyu tried to use its other large hand to crush Fuyōna, but he was too fast for the beast.

Using his wind style to enhance his body flicker, Fuyōna was able to dart up to Fuyu's face and plant a solid right cross into the Yetis eye.

The beast ġrȯȧnėd in pain as it failed about clutching at its left eye.

"Why you!" Fuyu yelled, enraged.

Fuyōna landed back onto the ground, quickly forming hand signs not wasting any time.

"You shouldn't underestimate your opponent based on his size!" Fuyōna shouted as he finished making his hand signs.

"Water style! Giant vortex jutsu!"

Suddenly all of the moisture in the air started to turn into water, twisting violently in front of Fuyōna's body as the amount began to increase more and more.

The massive amount of water started to surge and rise high into the air forming a gigantic tidal wave. The wave crashed down into the Yeti, twisting violently trying to pull the massive beast under its weight.

To Fuyōna's surprise, Fuyu was able to resist the powerful jutsu giving a roar that turned the water into solid ice, freezing it in an instant.

Fuyu swang its mighty fists crashing through the ice with ease, sending projectiles colliding around the cave, causing it to rumble and shake.

Fuyōna was forced to retreat and decided that getting out of the confined space of the cave would be safer. Quickly he dashed avoiding the projectiles of ice and rock that were flying his way, jumping, ducking and spinning. Doing whatever it took to avoid being crushed.

"Not so fast brat!" Fuyu shouted as it slapped its hand down onto the floor, causing a thick layer of ice to rise, blocking the exit to the cave.

Fuyōna was moving fast and had little time to react. He had to move quickly, or the collapse of the cave would crush him. Jumping onto the side of the wall, channeling his chakra to his feet to run alongside it, he started forming hand signs.

Fuyu jumped slamming its fist into the wall trying to crush Fuyōna, but he was too slow. Fuyōna was using all of his speed to avoid the massive Yeti that was trying to destroy him.

The mental focus required was incredible as every time the Yeti hit the wall, it sent vibrations changing through it changing the amount of chakra necessary to stick to the wall without falling. Along with that, Fuyōna was still doing his best to avoid falling debris and form hand signs at the same time.

A crystal ice mirror formed not too far in the distance, luckily he could see through the ice wall and created a connecting mirror that would allow him to escape to the outside.

Fuyu noticed the ice mirror form, and he recognized the technique.

"Ah yes, the crystal ice mirrors of the Yuki clan. What do you expect to do with just one boy!" The Yeti roared picking up a chunk of rock and throwing it, aiming at the ice mirror.

Fuyōna noticed the projectile rushing towards him and quickly slipped inside the mirror at the last second before the massive boulder hit it, shattering it on impact.

"Got you!" The Yeti shouted as he took a good look around, trying to find where Fuyōna had gone.

Fuyōna slipped out of the mirror outside of the cave entrance and rolled hard onto the snow.

"That was a close one." He said as he released the ice mirror jutsu letting it turn to snow falling into the ground.

He took a large breath and turned to look at the ice blocking the cave entrance.

"I wonder how long it will take him to notice I escaped..." Fuyōna said with a small grin.

"I need to come up with a plan to beat him... He's powerful, to withstand my giant vortex jutsu like that. It looks like ice style won't work either. I guess that leaves me with only one option."

Fuyu looked around franticly searching for Fuyōna.

"Where did that brat go?" He said, searching all over for him.

"His scent has even vanished... How did he..." Fuyu said as he noticed a small human shape reflecting through the ice barrier he had formed to stop Fuyōna from escaping.

"He's outside! How did he?" Fuyu said. He was pissed now and charged towards the ice doorway crashing through it like glass.

Fuyōna watched as the Yeti crashed through the ice, joining him outside in the snow.

"Looks like he found me," Fuyōna said, looking a little worried.

"You won't get away that easy!" Fuyu yelled, crashing its fists into the snow. Fuyu opened its mouth wide and fired a massive breath-based attack at Fuyōna.

Its breath froze everything it touched and it was heading towards Fuyōna too fast for him to dodge.

Fuyōna jumped back into the air, but he was unable to avoid the ice breath as it froze his body in an instant.

Fuyu watched as Fuyōna dropped to the frozen snow stiff.

"It's over little Yuki. You lose." It said, standing over Fuyōna's body.

"What's over!" Fuyōna shouted, taking Fuyu by surprise from behind.

"What! A clone!" The Yeti shouted, turning in surprise.

Fuyōna landed on the Yetis back and stabbed a bone blade into the base of its skull getting a yell from the Yeti.

"Take this!" Fuyōna yelled as he channeled his chakra into his bone blade.

Suddenly Fuyu's body erupted with lightning style chakra, causing the beast the riggle as it electricity coursed through its entire body. Fuyu screamed in agony as it was unable to move until Fuyōna let the flow of chakra cease, letting Fuyu drop down onto its hands and knees, its fur standing on end scorched from the lightning style.

Fuyōna jumped off, flipping over Fuyu's head, landing in front of his face. Standing, he tossed the bone blade into the ground as he looked Fuyu in the eyes.

"Do you give up?"

Fuyu breathed hard as he struggled to catch his breath.

"I have not been bested since I met Shimo... You are indeed, his grandson. I submit."

Fuyōna breathed a sigh of relief, "Good. I was running low on chakra." He said with a grin.

Fuyu watched Fuyōna with interest as he slowly rose back to his feet.

"This child is very interesting..." He thought.

Fuyu placed his massive handed together summoning a scroll, tossing it to Fuyōna.

"That scroll is my sign of a pact with you little Yuki. You have proven yourself to me, and I agree to a contract with you. Sign the scroll, and I will answer your summons when you so command it."

Fuyōna looked at the scroll and could see the names that came before, one of which was Shimo.

"Very well," Fuyōna said as he bit his thumb drawing blood so he could sign his name.

He looked up with a smile.

"I look forward to working with you, Fuyu!"

Fuyu also smiled.

"Me to child."

Fuyōna turned around, taking a look at his surroundings once more.

"By the way... How do I get out of here?" Fuyōna said with a slight chuckle.

-End of flashback-

Fuyōna woke up, ending the dream he was having of how he met Fuyu. He looked at the clock on the wall and noticed he had been sleeping for a few hours now. He looked at the cup of tea he had made and took a sip.

"Cold tea..." He said, placing the cup back on the table.

"Oh yeah, I was reading this scroll and decided to rest my eyes for a while. Guess I fell asleep."

Fuyōna stood up and stretched, raising his arms high into the air yawning as he did.

"Well, I guess I should get back to it." He said, taking a seat as he picked up the scroll to start rereading it.

Fuyōna gave a small chuckle as he placed the scroll down.

"I know what I have to do..." He said as he crossed his legs, taking a meditation position.

"I guess I have put it off for long enough already."

Fuyōna concentrated as he allowed his consciousness drift. He slowed his breathing, letting his heart rate drop low until his mind was as clear as a blank piece of paper.

After a little while, Fuyōna opened his eyes and stood to his feet.

"I think it's time we got to know one another.... Six tails."

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