Time passed very slowly for me in my current body. Being trapped in the body of an infant with the mind of a 25-year-old was like being waterboarded. The only person I got to see was Kachina. When I wasn't trying to roll around, I was driving myself crazy trying to contemplate what the hell had happened to me. It was especially hard with no information to go off other than the inside of the house, I really had no idea where I was.

My daily routine consisted of being fed from the brėȧst of my new mother, which was weird, to say the least. I got my nappy changed twice a day as I had no control over any of that either. Some times Kachina would play with me but it never lasted for that long. Most of my time was spent reflecting what had happened to me and how any of this made sense. But the more I thought about it the more it didn't make sense.

Time continued to pass in a blur, the same thing day in and day out. No one else ever came back with Kachina but that didn't really bother me. Pretty soon I found myself crawling around and even managed to take a few steps. My little legs were still not strong enough to support me yet, but crawling would do for now.

Time seemed to pass by and before I knew it I was celebrating my fourth birthday. I could walk, run and even talk at this point. I had decided to be smart about what I said and how I said it, I didn't need any unwanted attention at such a young age. Once I had been able to walk my mother had taken me out with her. I still remember the first time I went outside. Our house was a small cabin and we lived in a small settlement called the Yuki clan. The small village was covered in snow, but that made it look beautiful. I still hadn't figured out what The Yuki ment yet, as every time I asked Kachina always said when you're older. My days were spent learning to read and write as my mother would teach me. As luck would have it, everyone spoke English. So speaking was easy. Learning to read and write was a little trickier as it was in another language. I had always tried to act my age, but I still slipped up a few times.

Kachina always gave me a surprised look when I said or did something that was beyond my years. She was a pretty woman with long black hair like silk. Her eyes were blue like the ocean and her skin white like the snow on the ground. She never said anything but just smiled and said, "You are a bright child."

I had also discovered who the man was who wanted to kill me when I was what I ȧssumed reborn. He was actually my grandfather or Kachinas father. his name was Shimo Yuki and from what I could see he was the clan leader. Everyone else respected him and did what he said.

I was one of the only children in our small settlement. I wasn't allowed to play with the others though. I didn't really care, playing with kids when you were mentally 25 would have been strange to me anyhow.

As time continued to pass me by I was allowed to go out on my own. No one really bothered with me, but I didn't care. I spent most of my time wandering around the outskirts of the settlement. It was located high in the mountains which was why we had snow all year round.

I almost had a panic attack at the information I had learned. Naruto was one of my favorite animes and I had often thought how cool it would have been to be able to do jutsu. It would seem my wish had come true.

Late one night I was woken to voices coming from the kitchen of our small cabin. It was Kachinas's voice and if I remembered correctly. "Shimo," I said under my breath. He was nothing like my grandfather had been in my past world. He was cold and hard. Never praising me, in fact, he never paid any attention to me if I remembered correctly.

"The time has come Kachina. You know our clan rules." Shimo said. being as quiet as I could I peeked through my bedroom door, the room was lit by candlelight but I had gotten used to seeing in the dark. "I know father, but what if he." She was cut off. "There are no buts. If he has inherited the Kekkie Genkai it is the law."

"He's too young to be sent there," Kachina said her face looking worried. "War is on the brink. And lord Mizukage has requested all clans to prepare our warriors for battle. Including children aged five and above. He will be tested and sent to the academy. It is the law."

Kachina's face was filled with horror. "Curse the Mizukage. And curse the bloody mist, They should fight their own wars!" Her voice was raised now but she sat back down in defeat. Shimo stood up and unfolded his large arms. "Bring him to me tomorrow." He walked out of the house and Kachina didn't move. I decided this was a good time to sneak back to bed and think about what I had overheard.

"War." That's what he had said. The only problem was I had no idea where in the Naruto story I was. It was so much to process and still didn't feel real at times. But it was. It was as real as a slap to the face. I raised my own hand in front of my face. It was still small, the hand of a child. "Why am I here?" I said to myself before I drifted off to sleep.

The next day came way to fast as I was woken by Kachina, she didn't look like she usually did. Her face was bleak and void of expression. I decided to ask if she was ok, she gave me a forced smile and nodded. It was one that grown-ups gave to children when something was wrong. I had seen it all too much in my old world.

We ate breakfast and not long after I was taken to the largest building in our settlement. It was Shimos house, I guess being the clan leader had its perks. Even though he was my blood-related grandfather in this world, I had never been here before. After hearing how he wanted to kill me all those years ago I always guessed he didn't like me. We walked through the house and outside to the back. It was rather large and in the middle Shimo was waiting with a handful of others.

This wasn't looking good. It looked like I was going to be tested, and it didn't look like it was going to be easy. Kachina bowed to the group of men and I did the same. They returned the greeting and gestured that I come closer. I looked at Kachina and she nodded, the fake smile on her face as if she was trying to tell herself it would be alright.

I gulped and stepped forwards stopping a few feet away from Shimo. I stood strong and looking into his eyes not breaking my gaze. He stepped forward and his gaze became cold. "Do you know why you are here boy?" He asked. I nodded still not breaking my gaze. He unfolded his arms. He gave an order to one of the others and they placed a large bowl of water at my feet. He spoke once more. "If you can move the water in that bowl without touching it, you pass."

I didn't quite understand, but at the same time, I did. They wanted to see if I had the Kekkie Genkai of the Yuki clan. The ice release. I looked at the still water in the bowl by my feet. I didn't know what to do so I just held my hand over it. I looked at the water hard and willed it to move. To my surprise it did.

I moved the water from side to side and then willed it to come to me. The water rose in the air and formed a ball between my hands. I looked at Shimo and he looked at me with a small grin. It was the first time he had ever even shown any kind of expression other than anger or disapproval towards me. He looked over to a wooden post and back to me. I understood what he wanted me to do.

I raised my hand and slashed it down towards the wooden post. The water formed a sharp blade and froze, it sliced through the post like buŧŧer. This was amazing, I felt amazing. This was power, this was what true power felt like. I turned back to Shimo who smiled.. But Kachina dropped to her knees with tears running down her cheeks.

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