Of Bone And Ice

Chapter 22 - 22:

The morning of the mission had come. Fuyōna was up early, giving him plenty of time to arrive on time. First, he got his gear ready, placing his Mist flak jacket on and his headband around his head.

Next, he reported to the meeting area where he had summoned his team. All four of them were already there having arrived early. Fuyōna walked over to them and nodded in response to their greetings.

"Good morning, captain Yuki," they said.

"Good morning, everyone," Fuyōna said, looking at them.

His team consisted of Hatsu, he was Fuyōna's right-hand man and they had completed many missions together. Sawano, who was a man in his twenties newly ȧssigned to Fuyōna's unit. He was tall and well built; he had well-groomed black hair and brown eyes. Kaga, who was also in his mid-twenties, had also been recently appointed to Fuyōnas unit and had blond hair and blue eyes.

Last was a girl called Ozawa Hōzuki. She was 18 and had become a member of Fuyōna's unit since he had returned from the hidden leaf mission. She was shy and didn't say much, her abilities speaking for her as she was a member of the Hōzuki clan. All of them were dressed in their standard hidden Mist jonin gear giving no evidence they were Anbu black ops. Just as ordered.

"Alright team, time to report to the princess. She is staying at the VIP accommodation uptown." Fuyōna said, informing them.

His team all nodded in response and followed their captain to the location.

"Fuyōna Yuki, reporting to collect the princess." He said, showing his documentation signed by the Mizukage.

The two guards looked at the paperwork for a second before nodding in approval.

"Just one moment, please." One of them said as the other entered the building.

Fuyōna and his team waited patently none of them saying much or engaging in chit chat. Fuyōna was confident that his team were all professionals and would act accordingly for the most part.

A few moments later, the guard walked out and held the door open for Fuyōna and his squad.

"The princess is ready for you." He said, allowing them to enter.

Fuyōna nodded, walking into the building. He was met by another guard who escorted him and his squad to the princess's chambers. She was staying in the penthouse on the top floor of the building that was reserved for VIP's only.

Once Fuyōna and his squad arrived, they were asked to wait outside for just a moment before being summoned inside. The doors opened and two servants welcomed them inside to face the princess.

The princess was dressed in her formal robes befitting royalty. She was fifteen years old with long blond hair and piercing brown eyes.

"Yes, please come in." She said in a very well mannered voice.

Fuyōna and the others entered the room and bowed their heads.

"Greeting princess Mizuko," Fuyōna said as he raised his head to look at her. She was a pretty young woman, her posture very sharp and her aura demanding the attention of everyone in the room.

"Yes, yes. Nice to meet you. Captain Yuki, I ȧssume?" She said, not taking her sights away from Fuyōna.

"Yes, princess. My squad and I have been ȧssigned to escort you to the land of wind." Fuyōna said, looking to his team, who all raised their heads to greet the princess.

"Nice to meet you all. I trust we shall get along swimmingly." She said as she stood from her chair.

"Daddy told me I would be given only the best protection. I trust you won't let anything happen to me, captain Yuki." She said, walking over to Fuyōna looking him in the eyes intently.

"You have my word princess," Fuyōna said, not breaking eye contact.

"Excellent! Shoji, prepare my things for departure." She said to her servant before retaking a seat.

"Right away princess." He said, not wasting any time.

"You may leave now captain Yuki." She said with a smile.

Fuyōna nodded.

"Yes, princess." He said bowing one last time before he and his squad left the room.

Once they exited the building, Hastu spoke up not seeming impressed.

"She seems like all of the other spoiled noble brats to me." He said, crossing his arms over his ċhėst.

Sawano gave a hearty laugh.

"Come now, Hatsu. She is the princess of the land of water, after all."

"That doesn't make it any better," Hatsu said, not impressed.

Kaga was picking his sharp teeth with a kunai not paying any attention to others while Ozawa stood quiet as usual.

"That's enough, you two," Fuyōna said.

"Our mission is to escort and protect. We should keep our opinions to ourselves." Fuyōna said, silencing them.

"Sorry, Captain," Hatsu said quickly.

"While we wait for the princess to get ready, I will go over formations for the mission."

The others suddenly became focused on Fuyōna as he explained all of the details to them.

"Ozawa you will be at the princess's side at all times. I don't care what time it is, what she is doing, you shadow her every move. Never let her out of your sight."

Ozawa nodded in response, not saying anything.

"The rest of us will position around the princesses caravan in a 360-degree arch. One of us on all sides covering every angle."

The others paid close attention as Fuyōna continued to explain the plan.

"Hatsu, you will take the front leading the caravan using your sensory abilities to help detect possible threats. Kaga and Sawano, you will take the port and starboard sides."

"Yes, captain." They each said.

"I will take the rear keeping our backs safe. I will also keep watch over the whole caravan from the rear. In the event we are attacked, I want Kaga and Sawano to join Ozawa in a manji (Close formation around one target.) formation to protect the princess. Hatsu, you will put up a layer of mist to blind the enemy before joining me on a counter-attack."

The others all nodded in agreement understanding the plan. No one had any questions and Fuyōna was glad for it. After all it was straightforward to understand, and he would have been worried if any of them had failed to comprehend.

"One last thing," Fuyōna said.

"In the event, we come across an enemy we can not defeat head-on, I will give the order for plan Taikyaku. (Retreat.) If this happens, I will stay behind to buy as much time while the four of you escape with the princess."

"But captain Yuki." Hatsu piped up not seeming impressed.

"No buts Hatsu. That is an order." Fuyōna said.

Hatsu bit his lip but remained silent and nodded in agreement with the others.

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that," Fuyōna said with a smile.

The other also agreeing with him.

Not long after, the princesses caravan was ready to move out and left the protection of the hidden mist village. Fuyōna and the others took up their formations, not expecting any trouble until they left the land of water. After all, the daimyō was well-loved in this land.

The princess's caravan was rather large and it was clear she didn't like to travel light, bringing many things with her for the journey. She wasn't pleased to have Ozawa with her 24-7 but made her peace with it eventually.

The trip was a long and tedious one as they made their way to a private port owned by the daimyō himself. What should have been a day's journey would take two with all of the luggage the princess insisted on bringing.

Fuyōna was correct that no trouble would follow while they were in the land of water. Everyone seemed to love the princess and she was met with great respect at each village they passed.

Fuyōna had instructed Hatsu to lead the caravan to a make camp at a small town that was en route to the port. Here the princess could sleep in an inn as she would surely refuse to camp outdoors.

They arrived just before dark to the village and the princess's servants made the arrangements for her accommodation. Fuyōna had Kaga check it out first to make sure it was safe. He returned not long after giving the signal it was all clear allowing the princess and her maids to leave the protection of her carriage.

The entire top floor of the inn had been rented out for the night, Fuyōna had instructed they take shifts to keep guard of the princess through the night, sleeping in the room next to the princesses while they rested. All except Ozawa who would stay in the princess's room with her.

As night rolled in Fuyōna and the other others settled in with some food that had been provided by the inn for them. Kaga was first to take watch and his stag was coming to an end with Fuyōna's coming next.

"And then I threw my kunai popping the water ballon all over his head!" Hatsu shouted, getting a laugh from Fuyōna and Sawano.

They were each telling stories and were currently on the topic of pranking others. Sawano laughed hard and almost choked on his food.

"Careful Sawano," Fuyōna said, giving a small chuckle.

It wasn't often that Fuyōna found himself having fun on a mission. In fact, he couldn't remember the last time he had sat down with others and laughed.

"Captain Yuki, can I ask you a question?" Hatsu asked once the laughter faded.

Fuyōna looked at his friend and nodded.

"Of course Hatsu, what's on your mind?"

"It's about lord Mizukage..." He said a little unsure if he should continue speaking.

"It's just." He started.

"Nevermind..." He decided to say dropping the matter.

The atmosphere in the room had flipped and everyone remained silent.

"Don't worry Hatsu. Things will get better." Fuyōna said as he stood to his feet.

"Have a little faith," Fuyōna said, giving a confident smile.

With that, Fuyōna took his leave to release Kaga from his shift. Leaving Hatsu and Sawano alone in the room.

"How well do you know captain Yuki?" Sawano asked Hatsu.

Hatsu smiled. "Well enough."

"It's just... I've heard the rumors," Sawano said quietly.

Hatsu raised an eyebrow taking a sip of tea.

"And what would they be?"

"Well, it's just... You know... The ice devil of the mist. I've heard the stories. Are they really true?"

Hatsu started laughing, clearing the air.

"Well, they don't call him that for nothing!" Hatsu said with a smile.

"But I think that's enough gossip about captain Yuki. It would be best you ask him yourself if you have any questions." Hatu said, closing the matter.

Meanwhile, Fuyōna decided it would be best to check on Ozawa and the princess before they settled for the night. He knocked on the door waiting outside for a response.

The door was opened by one of the princess's maids who bowed her head to him a little nervously.

"Please come in." She said in a gentle voice.

Fuyōna nodded.

"Thank you."

He was escorted inside and bowed when he saw the princess. She was sat on her bed, having her hair brushed by another of her maids, wrapped up in her nightgown, her legs bear.

"Welcome captain Yuki." The princess said with a smile.

"I take it you have come to check on my well being?"

Fuyōna raised his head, noticing Ozawa was sat silently in the corner of the room with her legs crossed.

"Yes princess, I was just checking in before you rest for the night," Fuyōna said, giving Ozawa a nod.

She returned his gesture, letting him know nothing was out of the ordinary.

"We are perfectly fine as you can see." The princess said, examining her nails before looking Fuyōna up and down.

"If you wish to join us for some gossip instead of your kunoichi here, then please be my guest. She is a little on the quiet side."

Fuyōna smiled.

"I'm afraid I have other matters to attend to princess, Ozawa doesn't like to talk too much, but may I remind you, she is here for your protection and not to gossip," Fuyōna said bowing his head winking at Ozawa as he did.

Ozawa gave him a nod of appreciation, and with that, Fuyōna walked out of the room shutting the door.

"Shame..." The princess muttered.

She looked over to Ozawa patting the spot next to her on the bed.

"Ozawa dear come here for a moment."

Ozawa did as she was told by the princess and sat on the bed, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"How much do you know about you captain Ozawa?" The princess asked seeming very interested.

Ozawa looked uncomfortable and gulped.

"What do you mean p-princess?" she responded quietly.

"Come now, Ozawa dear. You must know all about him if he is your commanding officer. I want to know all the juicy details about him. You must spare no detail."

Ozawa was clearly uncomfortable, but the princess continued to press the matter anyway.

"Well... I don't know..." Ozawa said not really sure what to say.

"Come now, Ozawa. You can tell me." The princess said, placing her hand on Ozawa's looking into her eyes.

"How old is he for a start? He still looks so young. His name is famous even among us nobles, you know. Do they really call him the ice devil of the mist?" The princess suddenly blurted out.

Ozawa was taken back by all of the questions about Fuyōna and wasn't sure how to answer them herself.

"I'm not sure princess... I haven't known him very long at all. I have only heard the rumors myself..." Ozawa said blushing a little.

"Tell me everything." The princess said excitedly.

Fuyōna arrived to take over watch for Kaga who had taken the first shift.

"Captain." He said, nodding his head.

Fuyōna also nodded in response.

"Anything Kaga?" Fuyōna asked, taking a seat on the edge of the inn's roof where they were keeping watch from.

"No sir, nothing," Kaga said, standing to his feet.

"Good, go and get some rest, Kaga," Fuyōna said, smiling at him.

Kaga nodded and made his way back inside to join the others for some food, leaving Fuyōna alone on the roof.

Fuyōna was pretty sure no trouble would come while in the land of water, but he wouldn't take any chances. He pulled out a map from his weapons pouch and started to study the route they were taking.

If all went well, they would arrive at the port tomorrow afternoon, setting sail into the night before arriving in the land of fire. Once there they had permission to cross the border from the daimyō of the land of fire, who had granted safe passage.

It would take a week at the speed they were traveling at before they arrived in the land of winds capital. Fuyōna only hoped that nothing happened along the way that could slow them down.

As he sat atop the roof of the inn looking up at the stars, Fuyōna couldn't help but think back on his past so far in this world. He had been born into a war-torn country ruled by fear and corruption. His own clan had shipped him off to war and forsaken him, only to face annihilation themselves.

Surviving battle after battle. Skirmish after skirmish. Facing deaths doors too many times to count, Fuyōna had overcome all of the odds. He smiled as he thought back to his days in the academy.

"And I thought those days were tough." He said with a smirk.

Thinking back to his many battles during the war, all of the encounters he had made in this world so far. So many he had still yet to meet.

Fuyōna started to chuckle to himself suddenly as he remembered a very fateful encounter.

"What is so funny?" Saiken couldn't help but ask, overhearing Fuyōna's thoughts.

Fuyōna took a moment and regained his composer.

"Just thinking about a rival of mine," he said, letting the memory playback in his head.


It had been a full year since Fuyōna had left the academy. He had been shipped off onto the front lines and sent on over a dozen dangerous missions one after the other, all of them he completed against the odds.

Word spread around about how a small genin had survived against the battle with the hidden leaf. A child of the Yuki clan, unwanted by his own clan.

However, Fuyōna wasn't the only famous child of the bloody mist. No, there was another who had also made a name for himself.

-Back to the present time-

"Zabuza Momochi..." Fuyōna said with a small grin.

"Who is that Fuyōna?" Saiken asked.

Fuyōna smiled.

"The demon of the mist..."

-Back to flashback-

Zabuza had also made a name for himself at the time of their graduation. He had killed over 100 students of the academy, not being a student himself. It was unheard of and had caused an uproar among the instructors. Calling the practice of the final exam into question. In the year after he had made a name for himself, being sent on missions worthy of the nickname that had been given to him.

It was sporadic Fuyōna had found himself back in the village for long enough to cross paths with him again, but fate had decided to intertwine the two of them.

Zabuza had heard the rumors of Fuyōna's abilities, and he didn't like it one bit. He had to know who was stronger.

-Back to the present time-

"Is he a friend of yours?" Saiken asked.

"You seem to think very highly of him."

Fuyōna smiled once more before speaking.

"I wouldn't say, friend. But your right."


The air was cold; the ever-present mist surrounding the village, masking it from the outside world. Fuyōna had found himself home from the war front, and he appreciated the break.

He had taken the day to wander the village and rest his mind. The thought of running away had crossed through his head many times. But sadly he always came to the same conclusion.

"Where would I go? Who would take me in after what I have done? After what I had to do to survive..." He thought.

Fuyōna knew if he ran away, he would be branded a rogue ninja and hunted like a dog. He had no allies, no help. No other village would take him in. Who would take in a traitor to their own village and trust them?

As soon as the thought entered his mind, it usually left just as quick.

"Better the devil you know sometimes..." He would often say to himself.

This time though his thoughts were interrupted by a sudden blood ŀust in the air. Fuyōna had turned down a small street heading back to where he was currently staying while back in the village. Turning to see where the bloodlust was coming from, Fuyōna came face to face with Zabuza. From the information Fuyōna had been able to collect so far, he had concluded that Zabuza was, in fact, two years older than him, making him 12 at this point.

Fuyōna watched as Zabuza's demon-like aura flared around his frame. His intent to kill as real as the first time he had come face to face with him.

"I see you're still alive..." Zabuza said in a gruff voice.

Fuyōna smiled, crossing his arms over his ċhėst.

"You too, I see."

"Where did they send you?" Fuyōna asked.

Zabuza scoffed.

"Doesn't matter. What matters is we have a score to settle." Zabuza said as he pulled a kunai out of his weapons pouch.

Fuyōna was only a little surprised; after all, dead bodies were often found littering the streets here in the bloody mist. No one would question another.

"Do you intend to kill me, Zabuza?" Fuyōna asked.

Kid Zabuza looked just as demonic as ȧduŀt Zabuza had looked in the anime. His hair was short and messy, much like when he would be older. His teeth had already been filled down, sharp as blades ready to be used as another weapon. He wore the standard hidden mist gear complete with a flak jacket, just as Fuyōna wore.

"I was hoping you would survive. In fact, I knew you would. Ever since we classed blades, I've wanted to see which of us is stronger!" Zabuza shouted, his heart pumping from the excitement that came before a battle.

"You know what... I want to see who is stronger too." Fuyōna said, allowing a bone blade to protrude from his shoulder before taking in in his hand, swinging it around for effect, taking a battle-ready stance.

Zabuza was surprised as he watched Fuyōna pull his own bone out of his shoulder, but he didn't let it distract him.

"Your mine!" Zabuza shouted as he charged down the street, his kunai raised, and his blood ŀust visible.

Fuyōna charged in too, giving a loud battle cry as the two of them clashed, locking blades in a battle for power.

Zabuza pushed forwards hard using all of his might overpowering Fuyōna, driving him back. Fuyōna quickly sidestepped using Zabuza's own strength against him. Falling forwards Zabuza lost his footing for a mere second, allowing Fuyōna to spin with blinding speed slashing out with his bone blade.

But Zabuza was no ordinary shinobi, even at the age of 12. He ducked dodging the swipe by a hair's length. Quickly kicking his leg out, hitting Fuyōna's shin knocking his off-balance.

"Your mine!" He shouted as he swiped at Fuyōna's throat with his kunai.

Fuyōna was impressed at his skill, even being forced to use his abilities to a higher degree. Allowing bones to shoot from his ribs Fuyōna stopped Zabuzas arm in its tracks, one of the bones cutting him.

Zabuza was able to retreat before getting impaled fully, realizing he couldn't match Fuyōna head-on in a match of Taijutsu. Zabuza took a step back, his silhouette fading into the thick mist, leaving no trace of him.

"Silent killing..." Fuyōna said, taking a ready stance.

Quickly Fuyōna burst into a leap, springing off the side of one building and onto another, flipping down into an alley. Fuyōna placed his back against the wall knowing now there was only one way an attack could come from.

Fuyōna's senses kicked in at the last second as Zabuza suddenly appeared in the tiny gap behind him, swiping at his with his kunai. Fuyōna rolled forwards and before he could even stand back to his feet, Zabuza was on his again.

Fuyōna blocked all of the incoming attacks but was caught by a powerful sidekick to the ribs, which sent him flying into a large rubbish bin. Fuyōna didn't have time to complain as Zabuza launched into the air like a lion going for the kill.

Fuyōna smiled and allowed bones to protrude from all over his body, halting Zabuza's attack.

"Is that your only trick?" Zabuza said taunting Fuyōna.

Fuyōna smiled as he clapped his hands together, making a hand sign.

"No. But you fell for it." He said as large ice mirrors started to form all around Zabuza, blocking him in the alley with no way out.

"What the hell is this?" Zabuza said, looking around franticly like a trapped rodent.

"Give up Zabuza, it's over," Fuyōna said as he took a step back slipping into one of his mirrors.

Zabuza pulled out another Kunai, so he held one in each hand as he took a low stance.

"I won't lose!"

"Crystal ice mirrors," Fuyōna said as his reflection appeared in the rest of the mirrors.

Zabuza was in high gear now as all of his senses with at their peak. Fuyōna could see him weighing up every option, every possible plan running through his head, not losing faith in his abilities even once.

Zabuza threw a handful of shuriken in all directions before trying to make a break for it. Fuyōna watched him move more out of interest than anything else but decided to halt his escape.

Dashing from one mirror to the next Fuyōna caught all of the shuriken in rapid succession before kicking Zaubza out of the air. Zabuza flipped over, landing hard, not wasting any time trying to get ready to counter Fuyōna's counter-attack.

"I think these belong to you," Fuyōna said, throwing all of the shuriken back at Zabuza.

The sharp metal objects landed all over the floor, in front of him. His face dropping for the first time as he realized he had no chance of winning.

Zabuza dropped to his knees in desperation. His confidence shattered at Fuyōna's overwhelming abilities.

"W...What are you?" Zabuza asked, his anger fading.

Fuyōna stepped out of the mirror behind Zabuza and placed a bone blade to his neck.

"I am Fuyōna Yuki."

Zabuza's eyes suddenly opened wide as his rage grew to new limits. His aura grew bigger and bigger until it was clear as day. A true demon had appeared above him now in all of its glory.

Zabuza lashed out, slamming a kick into Fuyōna's ċhėst. The kick was so strong that Fuyōna was sent flying, crashing through his own ice mirror before hitting the ground hard.

He had already reinforced his bones, doing so had become second nature now before every battle. But the force of the kick had been so great that his ribs had still cracked. He stood back to his feet, clutching his ċhėst from the blow.

Zabuza was hunched over, the demonic aura hovering above him clear as day.

"Maybe I underestimated you..." Fuyōna said, a smile coming to his face.

"It won't happen again." He said as bones slowly spiked out from all over his body once more, including two horns atop his head, the air around him growing colder and colder as his chakra flared to life.

The two young ninja stood face to face, their killing intent so strong that it could be felt all across the village. It was a stalemate, the calm before the storm. Now the two of them were really ready to battle with everything they had. Everything they had used to survive up until this point. It was now or never.

"What the hell are you two doing!" A voice shouted from one of the rooftops.

More figures suddenly appeared, each one of them dressed as a member of the Anbu tracker unit. The leader flipped down, landing in the middle of Fuyōna and Zabuza, taking a good look at both of them.

"I think that's enough, you two. Unless you want us to finish what you started?" The Anbu captain said not seeming impressed.

Fuyōna nodded and allowed his bones to return inside his body, relaxing his chakra enabling the air to warm once more. Zabuza however, didn't seem to care about the arrival of the Anbu. All he cared about was to prove he was stronger.

"Don't get in my way!" He shouted as he ran full speed, charging at Fuyōna like a monster.

Several water whips suddenly wrapped Zabuza up, preventing him from moving any further. The water whip was a unique tracker technique. The water was stronger than steel and could hold even the strongest shinobi in binds. Zabuza tried his best to struggle, giving a loud battle cry as he did. The Anbu captain nodded to one of the others who suddenly threw a needle. The needle struck Zabuza in the side of the neck, dropping him to the floor unconscious.

"That's enough out of him." The Anbu captain said.

He turned to look at Fuyōna and then back to Zabuza.

"I don't know what you were fighting about, but save it for the real enemy, eh kid?"

Fuyōna nodded before turning around, the whispers catching his ears as he walked out of the ally.

"Isn't that, that kid?"

"Yeah, the Yuki one..." The voice said, as more and more people turned up to see what was going on.

"Isn't that a Kaguya ability?" One of the Anbu said to his captain.

The Anbu captain didn't say anything and just watched as Fuyōna walked away.

Fuyōna walked away ignored them as he pushed past the crowd that had gathered—merely disappearing into the mist as if he were never there.

-End of flashback-

"I didn't see Zabuza after that for a long time..." Fuyōna said with a sigh.

"Maybe that was a good thing. It sounds like you would have killed each other." Saiken said.

Fuyōna laughed before standing to look into the distance.

"I think Zabuza became my first friend in this place after that," Fuyōna said, placing his hands on his hɨps.

Saiken stayed quiet as could tell Fuyōna was letting his thoughts run wild once more.

"Who knows... Perhaps we will fight again in the future." Fuyōna said, sitting back down, stretching his arms into the sky to crack his back.

Fuyōna suddenly sensed Hatsu coming but didn't turn to face him.

"Is it that time already?" Fuyōna said with a smile.

"Yes, captain... I have come to take over your guard." Hatsu replied, not surprised he knew he was there.

Fuyōna stood up and nodded at Hatsu.

"Well, see you in the morning."

"Thank you, captain," Hatsu replied as he settled in to take his turn on guard duty.

Fuyōna walked back down into the inn, returning to his room to see the others already asleep.

"Well, time to settle in.." He said as he got into bed, letting his mind relax, and his memories turn into dreams.

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