Of Bone And Ice

Chapter 33 - Naruto 33

After three long years of training with the horned Yeti clan, it was finally time for Fuyōna to return to the hidden mist village.

They had spent most of the night celebrating, and Fuyōna was very tired and a little hungover. It was now morning, and the sun was shining over the top of the mountain.

All of the Yeti stood together behind the elder as they bid him farewell.

"I can't thank you all enough for looking after me," Fuyōna said, bowing to all of them as a sign of respect.

Hyōketsu nodded back to him and struck his walking stick into the snow.

"Good luck, little Yuki. And farewell." The old Yeti said, smiling at him.

Fuyu and the others also nodded to him.

"We will get stronger, Fuyōna!" Fuyu said, grabbing his massive bicep.

Kōri also nodded, "Don't hesitate to summon me if you ever need help!"

"Me too." Mō Fubuki said as he crossed his arms over his ċhėst.

Fuyōna nodded and made a few quick hand signs summoning an ice mirror behind him.

"Well, see ya!" He said once more as he slipped inside the ice mirror. It was undoubtedly an emotional time, but he knew he had to remain strong, as now was the time for him to return home and make a difference.

The Yetis watched as he disappeared, and the ice mirror turned to water, falling to the floor. They, too, were sad. But they knew that Fuyōna would go on to achieve great things.

Fuyōna stepped out of his ice mirror, facing a somewhat surprised-looking elder woman. She stood frozen for a moment before grabbing a frying pan waving it around in panic.

"Just what the hell are you doing in my house! Get out before I knock you silly!!!" She screamed.

Fuyōna dodged the swipes at his head and quickly disappeared out of the window and onto the building's roof in an instant.

He was slightly taken back by the event and had to wonder if he was in the right place.

"I should have known better... It has been three years after all. Of course, they gave my apartment to someone else." He said as he took a look at the village from the rooftop.

Not much had changed building-wise, and Fuyōna couldn't see any massive changes to the village overall.

"Well, I better have a peek about." He said as he vanished and slipped down into an alley unnoticed.

Fuyōna walked into the main road of the village, and he was shocked to see how much of a mess it looked. No one was out and about, other than shady-looking individuals. Rubbish littered the streets, and most of the market stalls were closed or boarded up.

"What happened...? Fuyōna said, not believing his eyes.

Before he had left to train, the village was much more lively than this. People walked the streets feeling safe, market stalls were open, and trade was shipped in from all over. It was as if the village had reverted back to what it had been like when the 3rd Mizukage held the rains during the war.

Fuyōna suddenly felt a sense of danger as he could feel a cold gaze fall upon him. Three Anbu suddenly appeared out of the shadows, two of them using a water-style whip to restrain each of his arms.

"I thought I recognized you! Ice devil of the mist..." The leader said from behind his mask.

Fuyōna wasn't too surprised and decided it would be best to try and talk this over before resorting to violence.

"Come on now, fellas, I'm sure we can talk about this misunderstanding?" He said, trying to ease the tension.

"You're a rogue ninja that disappeared three years ago. Listed an S rank criminal in the bingo book. Wanted alive. Or dead!" The Anbu shouted as he launched forwards with his blade drawn.

Fuyōna didn't even move as he let out a sigh. Willing a few bones to shoot from his forehead, he stopped the blade with ease.

"It's true he's a monster!" One of the other Anbu said, trying to pull tighter on his water whip.

"Sorry, but I don't have time for this," Fuyōna said as he froze the water around his arms, shattering them in an instant and breaking free.

"Get him!" The leader shouted in shock.

However, both of his men fell to the floor unconscious as Fuyōna suddenly disappeared.

The Anbu stumbled backward, franticly looking all over for where he might appear.

"Show yourself, you monster!" He shouted in fear.

He took another step back, placing his feet into small puddles of water, and suddenly they

were frozen to the ground.

"What in the!" He shouted as Fuyōna appeared in front of him, emerging out of the mist as if he were a part of it.

"Time to sleep for a little while." He said as he struck a couple of pressure points in rapid succession knocking the Anbu unconscious.

He turned his head, looking towards the Mizukages large building that was in the center of the village.

"Hopefully, you will understand." He said as he once again vanished into the mist.

Yagura was currently sitting in his office, attending to some paperwork. A list of the current rogue ninja was spread across his desk as he tried to sort them in order.

The list was quite big. Among them was also two of the seven swordsmen of the mist. Juzo and Raiga had left the village and gone rogue, refusing to serve him any longer.

Yagura bit his lip in anger as he moved their pictures into a large file. However, the next image was Fuyōnas, and Yagura grew even angrier.

Fuyōna had vanished from the village without a trace, and he had heard nothing of his name in the last three years. It was extraordinary, to say the least, but the Mizukage put his picture into the file never the less.

Suddenly his office doors were slammed open as two of his personal anbu guard came flying through, crashing onto the ground.

He didn't move from his seat as he waited to see what was going on.

Fuyōna had come across more resistance and was forced to deal with them before he could finally come face to face with Yagura.

Yagura could not believe his eyes and rose from his chair, knocking it over as he did.

"You dare show your face to me!" He shouted, letting his chakra flare to life, making the room heavy.

Fuyōna was unaffected by the heavy chakra and simply bowed toward him, taking Yagura off guard.

"Please forgive my rude intrusion, lord Mizukage. Fuyōna Yuki reporting for duty, I believe you will have questions for me." He said, not taking his eyes off the Mizukage, unsure how he would react.

Yagura could tell that Fuyōna was unaffected by his powerful chakra and instead sat back down, wanting to see how this would play out.

"You have grown," Yagura said as he took in Fuyōnas full appearance.

"You are listed as an S rank rouge ninja in the bingo book... I should kill you now for deserting the village!" Yagura spat.

Fuyōna raised his head and looked the Mizukage in the eye.

"You must believe me lord Mizukage. I never abandoned the village. I was simply away training to hone my abilities. Now I have returned ready to serve once again." He said, adding the little twist onto the end.

Fuyōna had also taken a liking to his village and classed it as his home, with plans to make it a great village. Maybe even his own.

Yagura crossed his arms over his ċhėst. He could clearly see that this was a Fuyōna who was on another level than the boy he had seen three years ago. Now he was a grown man, and Yagura could only guess how strong he had become.

"You expect me to believe that?" He said, not looking impressed.

"Why else would I return?" Fuyōna said.

The room fell silent as the two of them entered a stand-off, neither of them speaking anymore.

Finally, Yagura gave a heavy sigh as he scratched his head.

"As your luck would have it, your return is somewhat good timing. We need powerful shinobi in this uncertain time..." Yagura said, letting his killing intent fade away.

Fuyōna also let his guard drop a little as he listened to what the Mizukage said.

"I will drop the charges of you being a rouge ninja Fuyōna. However, the deal will only stand if you do something for me first."

Fuyōna could smell some sort of trap, but he had no choice.

"I will summon you tomorrow for a top-secret mission. If you fail to show, then I will kill you myself." Yagura said without hesitation.

Fuyōna nodded and gave a bow.

"I won't let you down, lord Mizukage," Fuyōna said.

"We will see..." Yagura said as he dismissed him.

Fuyōna left the Mizukages officer, leaving him alone to his thoughts. As he walked outside of the Mizukages office, he was met with a large amount of ninja that had come as reinforcements.

All of them froze as they looked Fuyōna up and down a few of them, realizing who he was. They started to whisper among themselves, the ones who knew who he was, spreading fear among the others.

"That's the ice devil of the mist... He's a monster. We should kill him now." One of them said.

"He's an S rank in the bingo. No way we can take him." Another said.

"Didn't he kill the Kazekage?" The whispers carried on and on, and Fuyōna was starting to wonder just what the hell they were doing.

Suddenly, a man pushed his way to the front, a large smile forming on his face.

"Well, well. If it isn't captain, Yuki." He said, placing his hands on his hɨps.

Fuyōna recognized him instantly and also smiled.

"Long time no see Hatsu." He said as he lowered his arms, getting a reaction from the rest of the shinobi.

Hatsu laughed and raised his fist, signaling for the small battalion to halt. "Alright, you lot, bugger off!" Hatsu shouted.

All of the shinobi looked confused, and some even spoke up, causing Hatsu to turn around.

"That's an order, you sorry shits! If you think you stand a chance here, then your living in a fantasy world. Piss off before captain Yuki here kills you all!"

Hatsu wasn't just saying this because he was Fuyōnas friend. It was the truth. Also, he had seen the message come from another Anbu who has hidden above on the Mizukages building, giving clear instructions to stand down.

The force of shinobi did as Hatsu commanded and slowly disappeared. Leaving only Hatsu, and Fuyōna stood in the street.

"It's been a long time Hatsu," Fuyōna said, smiling at him.

Hatsu nodded. "Come with me, captain, let's talk away from prying eyes." He said, leading the way.

Fuyōna nodded, and the two of them disappeared, leaving no trace they were ever there.

Fuyōna had followed Hatsu back to what he guessed was his house. It was the right size and in one of the nicer areas of the village.

"Come in, cap." Hatsu started but was cut off.

"Please, Hatsu, call me Fuyōna. I no longer hold the rank of captain."

Hatsu nodded as he opened the door. "Come in, Fuyōna."

The two of them stepped in and were suddenly greeted by a beautiful lady with long black hair.

"Ah dear, your home!" She shouted as she ran over and hugged Hatsu.

"I'm home dear, safe and sound," Hatsu said as he hugged her back.

Fuyōna was surprised that Hatsu had a wife, but he was happy for him. Hatsu had been his closest subordinate and closest friend during his time here so far.

Hatsu released his wife and turned to Fuyōna, making the introductions.

"Cap. He started before quickly changing his words.

" Fuyōna. This is my wife, Yua." He said.

She was a pretty woman with long black hair like silk, her eyes were a dark brown, and her skin white as snow.

She stepped forward and bowed her head as she greeted him.

"It is a pŀėȧsurė to meet you, Fuyōna." She said with a soft voice.

Fuyōna returned the greeting and bowed back.

"Please, Yua. the pŀėȧsurė is all mine." He said as he raised his head.

Hatsu smiled and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Dear, make us some tea. Fuyōna and I have a lot to talk about."

Hatsu took Fuyōna into a private room and sat him down as he filled him in on everything that had happened over the last three years.

"The Mizukage is out of control; even members of the seven have left the village. The villagers are unhappy and scared, trade has stopped, and he has even started up the old ways of the academy."

Fuyōna could tell that Hatsu was angry. After all, who could blame him. It sounded like the Mizukage had changed for the worse, going back on his word and everything he had promised to do for the village.

Yua had brought the two plenty of tea, and they continued to talk, catching up on everything. Hatsu also had to break the bad news about more of his old teammates being killed in action and that only himself and Kaga remained.

Fuyōna was sorry to hear it and felt responsible for their deaths.

"I should have been there..." He said, angry at himself.

Hatsu sighed. "There was nothing you could do. Not with the way the Mizuakage has been. The conflict with the sand seems to have pushed him to the edge."

Yet again, something Fuyōna felt terrible about. He had been the one to kill the 4th Kazekage and almost started another war.

"The sand has sworn revenge against our village, cutting off our trade routes and terrorizing our lands. Yet lord 4th does nothing." Hatsu spat in disgust.

Fuyōna never imagined things would get so bad, and he could only think of one reason why.

"Obito..." He said to himself.

He knew that if the future played out as it was meant to that Obito would eventually take control of Yagura with an almost perfect genjutsu. However, Fuyōna hadn't realized it would be so soon.

"Anyway, with you back, I'm sure the village will bounce back; after all, we need all the help we can get."

Fuyōna nodded as he sipped his tea.

"I promise Hatsu. I will do everything within my power to help our nation."

Suddenly the sound of loud bells could be heard ringing all over the village, signaling that it was under attack.

Both Hatsu and Fuyōna jumped up to their feet as they rushed out of the room to see what was going on.

Yua ran to Hatsus's side.

"Are we under attack?" She shouted as she pointed out the window to a large plume of smoke.

Hatsu grabbed his weapons pouch from the side and strapped it onto his leg, looking at Fuyōna.

"Let's go," Fuyōna said, giving the nod to move out.

The two of them rushed to the village center, where the primary battle was still ongoing. Both were shocked to see that it was, in fact, the Kaguya clan which were attacking.

All of them were large and wore the white robes of their clan. The trademark red dots and zigzag line through the hair, giving them away.

"Why are the Kaguya attacking us!" Hatsu shouted, confused.

Fuyōna was also confused as he didn't think they would attack the village for a few more years. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted as three large men charged at him and Hatsu with their kunai raised.

"Kill them!" the one in the middle shouted.

Hatsu didn't waste any time and dashed in head-on, taking the one on the left out with a quick strike to the back of his neck.

The other two charged at Fuyōna, each striking with all of their might.

Fuyōna grabbed each of their arms, stopping their attacks with ease. To each of their surprise, Fuyōnas body turned into ice, trapping each of them in an Icy grip.

"What in the hell is this!" One of them shouted.

Fuyōna appeared behind the leader, asking him why they were attacking the village.

"Why are you attacking us? You are supposed to be allied with the mist." Fuyōna said, trying to reason with him.

The Kaguya laughed hard as his eyes gave a crazy look.

"You think we are allies." He said, laughing hard.

"We will kill all of you and show you the true might of the Kaguya!" He said as he broke free from the ice, swinging his weapon at Fuyōnas head.

Fuyōna allowed bones to grow from his body, stopping the man's attack and pushing him back with ease.

The Kaguya looked at him in shock and then anger as he realized who he was.

"You! You are an abomination and a disgrace to your clan!" He shouted as he charged back in for the attack.

Fuyōna realized there would be no more talking as he decided to end it here simply. With one quick swipe of his arm, the man dropped dead, riddled with holes.

Fuyōna turned to look at the other but quickly realized he felt the same way.

"You mongrel, I'll rip your throat out with my own." He screamed before Hatsu slit his throat, putting an end to his bickering.

Fuyōna had only ever come into contact with the Kaguya once before, and he knew how much they were feared and hated by the others in the village.

It seems that the Kaguya felt the same way and had finally had enough.

The sounds of battle could be heard coming from the distance, and Hatsu grabbed Fuyōnas attention, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Let's go, Hatsu." He said as they both dashed off to the front line.

The center of the village was a battlefield as Kaguya, and the mist shinobi battled all over the place.

The Kaguya was indeed a mighty clan, but with the mist village's combined organization, they stood no chance.

It was quickly becoming apparent that the Kaguya was losing, and soon, only a small handful remained. What was strange was that among them was a little boy with white hair, and although he looked small, he was deadly.

Fuyōna clocked him from a distance almost instantly and watched as he danced around, killing anyone who attacked him as his bones sprouted from his body and changed to his command.

"Kimimaro..." Fuyōna said in surprise as he watched the child kill with expert skill.

Hatsu looked at the child with surprise as he noticed his abilities.

"That kid... He's the same as you. We have to stop him before he kills more of our men." Hatsu said, drawing his kunai.

"No, Hatsu. I have a plan." Fuyōna said, raising his hand.

Hatsu trusted Fuyōna with his life and did as he asked. Not long passed, and the last Kaguya had finally been killed, leaving none of them alive. All except for Kimimaro, who had managed to escape unseen.

"Are you going to let him escape?" Hatsu asked, not sure what Fuyōna had planned.

"No." He said as he stood to his feet. Both of them had taken a position high on a roof so they could watch the battle unfold and keep a close eye on the kid.

"Don't follow me, Hatsu. I'll handle this." Fuyōna said as he disappeared, leaving Hatsu alone.

Hatsu just gave a small chuckle and decided to go down to help with the clean-up.

"Always doing what you want. some things never change."

Fuyōna followed Kimimaro out of the village and towards the outskirts atop a cliff. The smoke from the village could still be seen, and Kimimaro placed his back against a tree as he tried to catch his breath.

Fuyōna decided not to waste any more time and appeared in front of him, causing him to jump in for the attack.

Fuyōna was impressed with his reflexes and quickly grabbed his arm, tossing him against the tree stump hard.

Kimimaro didn't even have time to react and was so shaken back by the sudden stranger that he allowed bones to grow all around his body as a reflex.

Fuyōna smiled and raised his hands in a nonthreatening manner.

"Wow there, kid settle down. I'm not here to fight you," Fuyōna said.

Kimimaro looked at him cautiously, still not letting his defenses drop. Fuyōna knew it would take more than that and gave him a small smile.

Fuyōna allowed his bones to also grow out of his body just as kimimaros had with the two horns on his head as he always did.

Kimimaro was speechless and just stared at Fuyōna with wide eyes.

"See, kid. We are the same you and I." Fuyōna said, letting his bones return inside his body.

Kimimaro did the same and let his defense drop looking Fuyōna in the eyes.

"You are the same as me, mister."

Fuyōna nodded and walked over to the child. Placing his hand on his shoulder.

"I watched what happened in the village. I know you were forced to do what you did and that you only fought for your survival." Fuyōna said as he knelt down so he could look Kimimaro in the eyes.

"If you come with me, I will keep you safe and teach you how to control your power." He said, smiling at him.

"You will be safe, and nobody will hurt you."

Kimimaro was no longer scared and instead embraced Fuyōna, almost diving into his arms. It was the first time he had met someone that didn't fear or hate him. It was also the first time he had met someone with the same abilities as him, which made him trust Fuyōna even more.

"How touching." A voice said from the shadows.

Fuyōna turned on his heels as he was surprised he hadn't sensed anyone there. The man stepped out of the shadows, and Fuyōna was shocked to see Orochimaru of the hidden leaf village standing before them.

"I'm afraid you will be handing the boy over to me." He said, almost hissing.

Fuyōna stood to his full height and placed Kimimaro behind him as he looked the legendary sannin in the eye.

"Why do you want the child?" Fuyōna said, already knowing the answer.

"He possesses abilities I wish to add to my arsenal. But then again, so do you." He said with a devilish smirk.

Fuyōna knew this wasn't an opponent he could play around with, and even with his new powers, Orochimaru was not someone to take lightly.

"I am afraid that won't be happening. I suggest you look elsewhere, Orochimaru." Fuyōna said, letting his chakra flare a little.

Orochimaru could feel that Fuyōna was not an opponent he could best easily. Then it clicked, and the snake master recognized who Fuyōna was.

"Ahh yes, I believe you go by the ice devil of the mist, Kage killer..." He said, hissing. Orochimaru had remembered hearing of the boy who had killed the 4th Kazekage and taken an interest in his profile in the bingo book.

"I'm afraid I must insist you leave. Or else." Fuyōna said, threatening him.

Orochimaru didn't take many threats seriously, but he knew this one was one to watch out for.

"Perhaps you can back up those words. Perhaps you can't. There is only one way to find out!"

Alright, that ends this chapter here! I hope you enjoyed it, please leave a like if you did!

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As always, thank you for reading!

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