Of Bone And Ice

Chapter 50 - Naruto story 50:

Fuyōna set the teapot and both cups down onto the small table of ice he had created.

"So Lady Kazekage, tea?" He asked as he poured himself a cup.

Pakura was impressed by his jutsu and also his manners as she eyed him up.

"Yes, thank you." She said as she relaxed just a little.

Fuyōna poured the tea and placed the teapot down on the table before picking his cup up and taking a sip.

Pakura did the same, much to Baki's distrust of Fuyōna.

"So, how was your trip?" Fuyōna asked, making small talk.

Pakura was very surprised by his character as she took a small sip of the tea.

She had only ever had information to go off that had been reported by any survivors that had encountered him. Fuyōna Yuki, the so-called Ice devil of the mist. the Kage slayer and master of the six tales. He seemed to hold many titles, now even holding the title of Kage himself as his reputation had grown, spreading far and wide throughout the land.

Pakura could see that he was still young, still not even in his twenties yet. But she could also see that he had wisdom beyond his years, something she didn't plan to underestimate.

"Yes, the trip was fine, thank you." She replied as she placed her tea back onto the table.

"Excellent," Fuyōna said as he took another drink.

"Well, too business then?" He suddenly said as he uncrossed his legs and leaned forwards.

Pakura was a little taken back, but glad to skip the awkward chit chat.

"Very well." She said nodding.

"I'll be blunt," Fuyōna said as his voice grew a little deeper.

"I would like to avoid a war with the Sand. Peace would suit me much better." He said, looking her dead in the eye.

Pakura was surprised at his honesty. It was something seen very little from leaders.

"I can only hope that you wish the same. I understand that our history is not... Well, the greatest. But, I am willing to put all of that behind us and start fresh." Fuyōna said, sitting up straight.

Pakura, sat very ladylike as she listened to Fuyōna's words. She could sense no ill will behind them. No hidden motive or plot that he was hatching and so, decided to let him carry on.

"I understand that the situation involving you former Kage and our lands princess has created ill will between our nations," Fuyōna said and he interlocked his fingers.

"I also understand the hate towards me for the outcome of that battle," Fuyōna said as he remembered the battle he had with the fourth Kazekage.

"However, as I stated before. I am willing to put the past behind us, so that our future may become brighter. Not just for us, but for our people and nation." He said.

Pakura had to say, she was impressed. She had only just met Fuyōna, and already he had swallowed any pride he could have had in front of an enemy.

"Lord Mizukage..." She said as he looked into his eyes.

"As the fifth Kazekage, I speak for my people and for my nation. I too wish for peace. I no longer wish to see the blood of my people spilt." She said with a serious expression.

"But, do not mistake my kindness for weakness. Or my understanding for foolishness."

"I accept your offer for peace, but please understand. The sand and mist cannot become friends. We may not seek vengeance now, but one day, you shall be held accountable for what you did to our former Kage."

Ao was clearly outraged by her words and stepped forwards about to unload what was on his mind. Fuyōna quickly raised his hand though and he stopped in his tracks.

"It's ok Ao, please step back," Fuyōna said.

Ao held his tongue and did as Fuyōna asked, although he was not happy about it.

Fuyōna looked back at Pakura and sighed.

"I understand that your village would want revenge against me for what I did. But, I will give you a word of advice. I will do whatever it takes to survive and protect my village. No matter who my enemy is, whether it be a person or a nation." Fuyōna said in a serious tone.

"However." He then said as he relaxed a little.

"Someone once told me. Why have enemies when you can have friends." He said with a small smile coming to his face.

Pakura didn't understand the reference, but she did understand the threat he had just given.

"Very well. I believe we have said everything we need to say." Pakura said as she stood from her seat.

Fuyōna did the same not wanting to seem rude.

"Yes, I believe we have." He said.

"Very well. As Kazekage I hereby declare peace between the sand and the mist." She said with a slight nod.

Fuyōna also nodded.

"As Mziukage, I too declare there shall be peace between the mist and the sand." He said with a large smile.

Fuyōna then held his hand out towards Pakura as a sign of good faith.

"Lady Kazekage!" Baki shouted, about to dive in and attack.

Pakura was also extremely surprised and it had happened so fast she hadn't had time to react, astonished by his speed.

Fuyōna whispered something into her ear as he pulled her closer so that only she could hear him.

"Remember Lady Kazekage, there are bigger threats that seek nothing but war between us all, I ask you to be wiser to their efforts," Fuyōna whispered into her ear before he let go of her hand.

Pakura was very surprised and quickly pulled back as she raised her hand for her guards to halt.

"I bid you a safe trip back lady Kazekage. And thank you for agreeing to a peaceful outcome." Fuyōna said as he gave her a slight bow of his head.

Pakura slowly nodded, still a little surprised by his advance.

"Yes... Well, good day Lord Mizukage." She said taking a few steps back from him, not taking her eyes off of his.

"Are you alright Lady Kazekage?" Baki asked, clearly enraged by what Fuyōna had just done.

"Yes, Im fine Baki." She said as she finally turned her back.

"What was that about?" He asked.

"It's nothing Baki, let us take our leave." She said, still thinking about what Fuyōna had just said to her.

Fuyōna and the others watched as the Kazekage and her guard slowly walked off into the distance before they vanished from sight.

"What was that about?" Ao asked as he stepped next to Fuyōna.

"I wouldn't worry about it if I was you Ao," Fuyōna said patting him on the shoulder.

"Let's focus on the positive, at least we aren't going to war." He said with a grin on his face.

Ao agreed, but only to an extent. He was of course pleased that they had avoided war with the hidden sand. However, displeased at the fact that Fuyōna had been so nice about it.

"Are we really going to let them go?" Mangetsu said.

"I also agree, Lord Mizukage," Ganryū spoke out, agreeing with Mangetsu.

"Now is the perfect chance to strike and deal a critical blow," Ganryū said.

Fuyōna sighed and rubbed the back of his head.

"I dont plan on starting a war with the sand at this time or any, if I can help it," Fuyōna said.

"How dare you both speak out against lord Mizukage," Ao said to both of them not happy.

"It's alright Ao. I understand your motives and am glad you feel like you can share them with me. But please, I ask that you trust my decisions in this matter." Fuyōna said as he turned to face them.

Both Mangetsu and Ganryū bowed their heads a little as Fuyōna's gaze set on them.

"Very well. Please forgive me Lord Mizukage." Ganryū said after a moment.

"Whatever, your the Mizukage, not me," Mangetsu said as he stretched his arms over his head.

Ao suddenly burst forwards slamming a palm strike into Mangetsu's ċhėst in anger.

"Learn some respect boy!" He shouted as he did.

His attack had done little as his hand had passed right through Mangetsu's body as it burst into water.

"So it's like that is it?" Mangetsu said as he reached for the hilt of his blade.

"That is enough," Fuyōna said as his chakra flared to life.

Ao pulled his hand free and Mangetsu just smiled as he turned his back.

"Lucky for you." He said under his breath.

Suddenly his body froze on the spot as a current of electricity ran through his body.

"W-What the!" Mangetsu said as he slowly turned to see that it was Fuyōna who had done it.

"Listen to me very carefully Mangetsu," Fuyōna said as he walked closer to him.

"If you ever question me, disobey an order, or threaten one of my men again. I will kill you." He said as he placed his hand on Mangetsu's shoulder.

Mangetsu suddenly realized the difference in power between them and for the first time in his life felt fear. He knew now that he stood no chance against him and that Fuyōna only allowed him to live because he allowed it.

"Is that clear Mangetsu?" Fuyōna asked.

Mangetsu slowly nodded through the pain.

"Yes... Lord Mizukage." He said, calling him lord Mizukage for the first time.

Fuyōna didn't like to do it, but sometimes in the hidden mist, a show of power was the only way to get anything done.

"Good," Fuyōna said as he turned around.

"Now let's get back to the village." He said as he created an ice mirror in front of them.

Both Ao and Ganryū were used to this by now and nodded, each of them walking into the mirror. Mangetsu had never actually seen this jutsu first hand and was a little sceptical about it.

"Go on Mangetsu," Fuyōna said waving his hand.

Mangetsu nodded and slowly walked into the mirror, shocked to see that he was back in the Mizukages office when he stepped out of it.

"Alright, let's get the debrief in order and then we can report the success of the mission," Fuyōna said as he too stepped out of the mirror and sat down in his chair.

Mangetsu took a mental note that day to never cross Fuyōna again, not unless he wanted to die that was.


"Lady Kazekage, is this really alright? If we are really planning to betray the mist and attack, what was the point of the meeting today?" Baki asked quietly.

Pakura and her Anbu guard slowly walked through the trees as they entered the border to the land of wind.

"I wanted to see what the Mizukages own motives were Baki. No. I needed to see what they were." She said as she tried to put all the pieces together in her mind.

"I now know that we simply cannot win against the mist... Not yet anyway." She said.

"So what do we do now, Lady Kazekage?" Baki asked.

"We wait. And we prepare for war. Our day will come Baki, we just need to be patient." Pakura said.

"But first, take care of the spy's." She said, giving him the order.

Baki nodded before he created a wind blade and cut down both of the other Anbu that were with them, getting a scream from them as he cut them in half.

"The council cannot know what was said here today," Pakura said, not even turning back to look.

-Back in the hidden mist-

"And that concludes my report from the meeting with the Kazekage," Fuyōna said to the elders, having finished telling them what happened.

"And how can we trust the word of the Kazekage?" The head elder asked.

"We can't," Fuyōna said truthfully.

"All we can do is wait and prepare." He then responded as he sat back in his chair.

"Yes..." The elder spoke before standing.

"Very well. We leave things in your care Lord Mizukage." He said bowing.

Fuyōna nodded and watched as they excused themselves from his office.

Fuyōna sighed and looked over to Ao who as his adviser was still present.

"Something on your mind Ao?" He asked, noticing Ao's expression.

Ao was a little surprised that Fuyōna noticed and shook his head.

"No... It's nothing." He said.

Fuyōna couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Well, now I really want to know." He said interested.

"Please Ao speak your mind," Fuyōna said with a smile.

This time Ao sighed as he folded his arms over his ċhėst.

"It's just. Well. I dont like it." He said getting in a little mood.

"you dont like what?" Fuyōna asked.

"I dont trust the sand Fuyōna. They are up to something no doubt about it." Ao said this time waving his hands as he spoke.

Fuyōna smiled.

"I know Ao I know. Look I'm not stupid. But we have peace, even if it is only for now. I expect they will betray us sooner or later."

Ao looked surprised.

"Then why go to all that trouble and not just kill them now?" He asked.

"I can't tell you that for now Ao. Just trust me." He said as he stood up.

Ao slowly nodded his head and then bowed.

"I'm sorry Lord Mizukage. It's not my place to question you." He said.

"Please Ao. I welcome it. I already told you, I dont plan on doing things like Yagura. If you ever need to ask me why then please do. Just know that there are some things I can tell you and some I can't. Not just yet anyway." He said smiling at Ao.

Ao nodded.

"Alright, now get yourself home and rest, I'll finish up here for the night," Fuyōna said.

Ao nodded and bid Fuyōna good night before he left the office.

"I'm sorry Ao. But there is still a lot I will not be able to tell you for a long time yet." Fuyōna thought as he watched him go.

"That goes for everyone else too." He then thought as he sat back down.

Fuyōna then noticed the paperwork on his desk that he had asked for the day before. It was the files on the new Genin that had passed out of the academy and the teams they had been placed in.

Fuyōna looked over all of them and read the report each of them had been given displaying their strengths and weaknesses. Finally, he got to Haku and Kimimaro's team that also including Koyuki, the daughter of Yagura who he had promised he would look after.

"Koyuki Karatachi..." Fuyōna said as he read her profile.

"I see she is a gifted one. Ten years old, she clearly takes after her father." He thought as he carried on reading the report.

Fuyōna then picked up the final piece of paper that was the last team that had been formed. It had seemed this squad had been made at the request of the head of the Hoshigaki to enter one of their own into the ranks, as Fuyōna had requested.

"Kujira Hoshigaki... This one looks interesting." Fuyōna said with a slight smile as he read his file.

Ok, that's the end of this chapter I hope you enjoyed it! I had a few ways this could have gone down but in the end, I chose this outcome.

Also, Kjjira Hoshigaki is a fan Insert and a new exciting character that will be introduced in the coming chapters.

sorry for the wait!

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