Of Bone And Ice

Chapter 54 - 54:

Kaga stood over the bandit that Haku had knocked unconscious, ready to make him talk no matter what it took.

"You had better start speaking," Kaga said as he bent down to look the man in the eye as he spoke, placing a hand on his shoulder.

The bandit was shaking a little as he felt Kaga's killer instinct wash over him.

"N-No I won't talk!" He said all of a sudden as he tried to bite his tongue.

Kaga quickly grabbed his face, squeezing his jaw on the pressure points so that he couldn't clamp his teeth down.

"I dont think so," Kaga said with a small smile on his face.

"Now talk," Kaga said as his shadow loomed over him even more.

Meanwhile, Haku, Kimimaro and Koyuki had gone back to check on the two drivers, making sure that they were unharmed.

"Are you ok?" Haku asked one of them, as Koyuki placed her hands on her hɨps.

"Coast is clear, you can stop hiding now." She said.

Both drivers slowly stood up and nodded, seeing that the coast was indeed clear.

"We should get out of here before they come back." The young driver who had been with Koyuki said in protest.

"Dont worry, they won't be coming back after a thrashing like that anytime soon!" Koyuki said in confidence.

However, the driver didnt seem convinced as he looked at the three children.

"Dont worry, you will be safe with us," Kimimaro said, giving them a smile that put them a little more at ease.

Kaga walked back over, having finished interrogating the remaining bandit.

"How is everything you three, all in order?" He asked already knowing the answer to his question.

"Yes sensei, the drivers are fine and the cargo is all accounted for," Kimimaro said.

Kaga nodded as he looked at Haku who smiled and Koyuki who turned her head to the side giving him a "Huff." Noise.

"Alright, be on guard in case they decide to return. Our mission isn't over until this cargo reaches the next village." Kaga said.

The three of them nodded and they took their positions, ready to make the remainder of the trip.

The town was of medium size and was quite busy with people going about their business.

"Ok, the warehouse is just a little further into town." The young driver said to Koyuki as he steered the carriage.

Koyuki nodded as she stared at everything that was going on in the village. It was all new to her and something she wasn't used to seeing as children her age played freely on the streets.

People were outside with seamlessly no worries on their minds other than what they wanted to buy for dinner.

The market was busy with the hustle of trade and Koyuki could see an abundance of products laid out looking fresh.

Kimimaro and Haku were also amazed as they too stared wide-eyed at everything that was going on.

Kaga noticed their reaction and almost felt bad for them as it was their first time out of the village after all.

"Poor kids..." He thought before a smile came to his face.

"It won't be long before lord Mizukage changes the mist for the better." He then thought as he paid his attention back to the convoy and the mission.

A few of them noticed the convoy approaching and hoped down from what they were doing, coming outside to take a look.

"Alright, you made it!" One of them shouted.

"And it looks like all the cargo is there this time. The boss is gonna be happy for sure this time." Another said as he crossed his arms, nodding his head in approval.

Kaga hopped off his wagon and headed over to the men who had gathered around to see the convoy that had arrived.

"Who's in charge here?" He asked.

A man stepped forwards and raised his hand.

"I'm in charge." He said as he raised his hand, looking over to Kaga.

"Good, here is the convoy, delivered safe and sound," Kaga said as he handed over an inventory list.

"T-Thank you." He said as he took the sheet, trying not to stare at Kaga and the others.

"Did you get any trouble on the road?" He asked trying to guess how old the three genins were.

"We did... But, I wouldn't worry about that." Kaga said as he turned his back.

"The cargo is safe inside the town limits, I doubt the bandits would risk trying to steal it in such a populated area," Kaga said, walking off to his students.

"Alright, you three, that's the first part of our mission complete." He said, giving them a thumbs up.

The three of them nodded looking pleased with themselves as Kaga complimented them.

"But dont let your guard down. We could still face an attack before we launch our own." He then said, giving them the warning to remain on guard.

The three of them nodded and then Kaga turned back to the man in charge of the warehouse.

"We shall take our leave, as we still have other things to do before we return to your master," Kaga said, letting him know they would not be staying.

The man nodded and thanked him for getting the cargo and his friends safely to town.

Kaga nodded and took his leave, taking his students into the town centre so they could look at the markets.

"Alright, you three, get some food, take a look around town and then meet back here in an hour, after that, we move out," Kaga said as he handed each of them some money.

All three of them looked very excited, although, Koyuki tried to hide it.

"Yes sensei!" They each said as they walked off to go and explore, leaving Kaga to attend to some business he had here in town.

Kaga vanished using the body flicker, heading off to his own meeting point, remaining hidden from sight.

Haku turned to the others with an excited look on his face.

"Let's go and check out the market!"

Kimimaro also smiled.

"Yes, but we should remain vigilant." He said.

Koyuki nodded.

"That's right, there could be more bandits around here, so we shouldn't be running around acting like kids."

"Your right." He said.

Kimimaro noticed the look on his face and smiled.

"We should have some fun and explore, as Kaga sensei said."

"Come on, let's go!" He then said as he walked off, heading towards the market.

Haku's smile returned as he grew more and more excited, running off with Kimimaro, leaving Koyuki behind.

"H-Hey, wait for me!" Koyuki shouted as she watched both of them run off without her.

Meanwhile, Kaga had headed to an abandoned building on the edge of town. He entered the building making sure he wasn't followed and headed upstairs.

"I see you made it," Kaga said as he looked at the two men stood in the darkness.

Both of them stepped out of the shadows revealing their tracker masks and mist anbu clothing.

"Report." One of them said.

Kaga nodded.

"So lord Mizukage sent you to check up on me?" He asked.

One of them stepped forwards and handed a scroll over to Kaga.

"No. We have separate orders to take your lead and only respond if you make contact."

Kaga nodded.

"Don't you worry. If we find that traitor Zabuza, then I'll make sure I kill him without needing your help."

Both of the Anbu showed no sign of caring, however, one of them stepped forwards.

"Didn't lord Mizukage say he wanted him alive?"

Kaga nodded.

"Yeah, I know."

Both of the Anbu also nodded as they had finished reporting everything they had uncovered.

"We will be watching." They said as they stepped back into the shadows, vanishing from sight.

Kaga smiled as he placed a hand on the back of his head.

"Yeah I know, I know."

"Wow, look at all of the food!" Koyuki said as the three of them stood in the centre of the market.

Haku was also excited as his nose picked up all of the amazing smells floating in the air.

Kimimaro was also excited and the three of them moved from stall to stall as they looked at everything there was to see.

The time passed as they tried samples of food, enjoyed the shows and performances that were happening, and simply enjoyed the short time they had together as kids.

The three of them had eventually sat on a quiet bench in a small park as they finished all of the food they had got. Haku was sat quietly with a smile on his face as he watched some other children play.

Koyuki gave a loud mȯȧn in happiness as she finished the last sweat dumpling, wishing she had more. while Kimimaro sat swinging his legs as he looked at the blue sky.

A small gust of wind blew their hair as it seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"Having fun are we?" Kaga said as he walked over to them from behind.

Each of them turned around to see their sensei stood with his hands on his hɨps.

"I hope you saved me some of that food." He then said smiling at them.

"No way sensei! You're late!" Koyuki said as she turned her head away from him.

Kaga laughed as he rubbed the back of his head.

"I guess I am a little."

"Are we heading out on our next mission?" Kimimaro asked.

Kaga nodded.

"That's right."

They all kicked off the bench, standing to their feet as they placed the rubbish into one of the bins.

"Alright, let's go." Kaga then said as he turned around.

Haku nodded to Kimimaro and then to Koyuki as the three of them followed their sensei, heading outside of the town and back onto the road they had travelled on.

Once they were out of sight, Kaga gave the order and the four of them disappeared into the trees moving like shadows in the setting sun.

They now travelled through the forest, moving much faster as they jumped between the trees using their chakra to increase their speed.

"Alright, you three," Kaga said, getting their attention.

"I hope you are ready for the main part of the mission." He said.

"We are Kaga sensei." Kimimaro said.

"Yeah bring it on!" Koyuki said, starting to get excited.

"Very well," Kaga said.

"I was able to get the location of the bandit's hideout from the one Haku took down. As requested, we are to head to their hideout and kill them." Kaga said being blunt.

The others didnt say anything as they continued to follow Kaga, jumping through the trees making good timing.

"Although they are still young. They are Mist shinobi and are trained to kill without feeling. Haku and Kimimaro have been personally trained by lord Mizukage himself, already showing excellent potential. Koyuki is also the daughter of lord fourth and shares his blood. I expect nothing but success from each of them." Kaga thought to himself before they arrive at the edge of the forest at the base of a cliff.

"Alright, the bandit's hideout is located at the top of this cliff inside a cave. Be on guard." Kaga said, letting them all know.

Kaga accessed the area and could see no traps or lookouts giving the order to move as he deemed it safe to do so.

Haku jumped onto the cliff, using his chakra to keep his feet stuck to it allowing him to run along the cliffside with ease.

Kimimaro did the same along with Koyuki as they moved in a split formation to cover as much ground as possible between them.

Kaga reached the top of the cliff first and flipped onto the ledge, only seeing one guard. Haku was already on it as he let loose two senbon needles that struck the man in the neck, killing him before he dropped.

Kimimaro quickly caught him before he fell and gently placed him on the ground so to avoid any noise that could alert the others.

Two more voices could be heard as shadows started making their way out of the cave up ahead. Haku quickly dashed to the sidewall taking cover while Kimimaro used a transformation jutsu to copy the appearance of the one they had just killed, turning his back to them so they could not see his face.

"I can't believe they failed to take down three brats and steal that loot today." One of them said.

"I told him we should have taken the brothers, but nooo. He said we could handle it alone." The other said.

Both of them noticed Kimimaro, falling for his transformation as they approached him with caution.

"Hey Gamma, pass me your lighter will you?" One of them said as he pulled out a cigarette.

Kimimaro turned around, surprising them as they saw his face. However, he moved too fast for them and quickly stabbed each of them with a bone blade.

Haku and Koyuki also appeared behind them, covering their mouths to silence them from screaming for help.

"Good work," Kaga said, impressed with their ȧssassination abilities as they lowered the bodies to the ground.

He then gave the hand signs for them to surround the cave entrance. Each of them headed over and took their position, getting ready for what came next.

Kaga dropped to the ground and stood to his feet as he took a quick look inside of the cave, only seeing as far as the light would allow.

Suddenly his eyes opened wide as he tried to retreat. However, it was no use as a huge water dragon hit him dead on, taking him in its mouth before it crashed into the edge of the cliff.

"Kaga sensei!" Koyuki shouted as they watched their sensei get smashed by the water dragon and sent flying off the cliff back into the forest.

"Well, well. That's what you get for snooping." A gruff voice said as its owner walked out of the cave and into the light.

The three of them all turned to see who the owner of the voice was as they took a ready stance, seeing that their sensei had been taken off guard.

Haku's eyes opened wide as he took in the appearance of who stood before him, freezing on the spot as he recognized who it was.

Koyuki noticed Haku freeze and could also see Kimimaro become serious as he too took a ready stance before she looked over to the man who stood before them.

"Well, well. It's been a while kid." Zabuza said as he looked down at Haku.


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