After breakfast, he looked forward, took me to the packaging department, handed me over to a small leader. The monitor came, looked forward, knew him, explained a few words, asked him to take care of me more, and then looked forward and left!

In fact, the work flow of the packaging department is very simple, that is, put the food into the box, put it under the machine, pack it, and then move it down and put it on a car, which will be pulled out by a specially assigned person, and I will be responsible for the work. I thought more than ten boxes of food would be very heavy, but it's not heavy at all. That kind of car is very strange. It doesn't take much effort to pull it a little. For the first time, I was led by a worker named ChunZi. I was 30 years old. He was short and funny. He talked a lot and often used rude words. He was from Henan and had been in Guangzhou for more than four months.

The food was taken to the warehouse, about 50 meters away from the packaging department. I pulled more than ten cars one morning, then had lunch, rested for an hour and a half after dinner and continued to work. Oh, by the way, the basic salary of my new job is 1300, including overtime pay, night shift subsidy and bonus. It is said that there are a lot of overtime pay, because overtime means more factory orders and make money. It seems that I have more than 2000 in a month.

In the afternoon, I continued to work and pulled three carts of food. When I pulled the fourth cart, I accidentally met a woman. In fact, it was not my carelessness, but the other party ran into it. This is a typical southern woman in her twenties and twenties. She has a small and exquisite figure and delicate facial features. Her chest is a little smaller and her butt is flat. She holds a lot of documents. People fall and documents are scattered on the ground.

"Sorry, sorry." I helped her up first, and then I apologized while helping her pick up the documents. Although it's not my fault, this apology is important, otherwise I will offend others. Now I'm most afraid of offending others.

She smiled and smiled reluctantly. In fact, she looked like she wanted to cry.

"Do you have any pain?"

"No, thank you!" She still smiled reluctantly. The Mandarin was a little strange, but it was better than the Mandarin in Hong Kong.

The documents were picked up and handed over to her, but there was one, which seemed to be a contract. There was a big black tooth on the surface and the shape of the wheel. I picked it up under the car. Looking at this document, I saw tears in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry."

"I was careless." I don't understand. It's just a contract. Don't cry? And it's just an empty contract. I haven't signed it yet, but I understand everything in a few seconds!

"Zhang slowly, are you mistaken? I asked you to get a contract for half a day. I'm here to chat with such a small general worker. " A woman, in her twenties and seventies, came out from the back of the car. She was wearing a white, clean little windbreaker with a sweater and a high collar, covering half of her neck. Although it is winter, I can tell that her chest is very bulging, really bulging. She wears a pair of jeans, long legs and is about 1.65 meters tall, but she looks very tall because she wears high shoes. His facial features were very good, but he had a serious appearance and spoke fiercely, "don't you want to do it? You always make some low-level mistakes. Do you have a strong brain or no brain? "

"Sorry, manager Chen, I'm not chatting, I..."

"It's none of her business. I accidentally bumped into her." I stepped in and took the document. "It's also my dirty. It has nothing to do with her. Don't scold her!"

"Do I need your approval to swear?" The woman frowned, "you little general worker, you screwed up my big business, you know?"

"It's just a contract. It's a big deal to print it." I couldn't help saying.

"Doesn't it take time to print again? Do you know how valuable my time is? Do you think your time, not to mention... Can you play? If you beat me, you won't have to pull a car. " She snorted, grabbed the contract from me and threw it to Zhang slowly. "Go and make another one right away. Hurry up. Don't delay me."

Zhang slowly took the contract and ran away

"What are you looking at? Look at the general worker. Be careful when you pull the car, or you'll die brilliantly."

"Thank you for reminding me. I'll be careful." I said this in a strange tone.

"What's your attitude? You're from the packaging department, right? What's your name? "

"Chen Xiaoqing."

She was stunned and suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?"

"I laugh at you. A big man calls a woman's name. It's disgusting." She left with a smile.

be rather baffling.

"Xiaoqing, did you offend that woman?" Back to the packaging department, the monitor looked at me with pity and compassion, "you're miserable!"

"Who is that woman?" I'm a little scared.

"The woman? Chen Xiaoqing, manager of the finance department, is the second in charge of the production department. " The monitor patted me on the shoulder and walked away!

Shit, I offended a senior official, and... I know what she's laughing at.

Chen Xiaoqing, me.

Chen Xiaoqing, she.


I was in a trance all afternoon. I didn't die. When Chen Xiaoqing and Zhang walked slowly again, a box of seemingly stable food on the car suddenly fell off, rolled a few times, and finally hit Chen Xiaoqing's foot

"Chen Xiao... Murder, isn't it?" Chen Xiaoqing's gloomy tone, "yes, the speed of revenge is good."

"No, I was... Surprised." I want to cry. Fortunately, I lost a box of bread. If I lost anything else

"You are cruel, I remember, you will dare to be glorious." Chen Xiaoqing kicked the box of food and left slowly and quickly with Zhang.

Back to the packaging department again, the monitor had nothing to say to me.

After work, I worked all day. It's not tired, but it's not easy. It's mainly due to great psychological pressure. After all, I offended the leaders. And... This leader has a little ferocious posture of fan chili. He swears when he opens his mouth and treats people as people. Of course, compared with fan chili, it still has a bit less natural temperament, but it's also something I can't afford. How can I recite it like this?

After dinner, I thought of walking outside, but I didn't know the way. I had to watch TV in the workers' activity room. I don't know how long I sat, suddenly someone patted me on the shoulder from behind, looking forward.

"Listen to Mai Dayong saying that you have offended the false Bodhisattva."

"Who is Mai Dayong? Who is the fake Bodhisattva? " I'm at a loss.

"You're stupid, your monitor Mai Dayong, the fake Bodhisattva is..." look forward, look back, close to my ear and whispered, "Chen Xiaoqing."

"That woman is also called Bodhisattva?" Shit, that woman's name is more like a monster.

"So it's fake. Haven't you seen such a woman?" Look forward and smile, "I tell you, this woman is very powerful. Many men want to make up their minds. Ha ha, there are many lace news. I'll tell you in detail when I'm free."

"What are the consequences of offending her?" I asked the question I most wanted to know.

"It depends on her mood. In short, it won't make you feel better. Be careful yourself!" Looking forward, I looked at me with pity and compassion like the monitor.

"Won't you be dismissed?"

"It's better to resign. I'm afraid I'll make you half dead."

"Not really?" I shook unconsciously.

"Then you'll know. If you don't say anything, I'll sneak out for a cigarette. By the way, I'll remind you to go."

At work the next day, Mai Dayong suggested me to apologize to the false Bodhisattva. I hesitated until the afternoon. It was really an accident, and I already apologized on the spot. Why do I have to say it again? But... Thinking that I have only a hundred dollars left in my pocket, I have to put down my self-esteem.

When I got to the office of the finance department, I didn't see the fake Bodhisattva, but Zhang slowly.

"What's up?" Zhang slowly asked me.

"It's something."

"Oh, yesterday... Thank you."


"I'm getting braver and braver. I'm actually having a tryst with the finance department." The voice of the false Bodhisattva suddenly sounded in the rear, "you little general worker is very brave. It seems that I should hurry to find your leader and let him watch."

"Sorry, I just came to apologize."

"Apologize, to whom?"

"You, I'm sorry."

"Are you finished? Go away quickly after the way. A good dog doesn't block the door. Have you heard? "

Shit, I blocked the door, but she scolded my dog.

This smelly woman, I must curse her in my heart

After three calm days, I think it was Mai Dayong and looking forward that frightened me. The fake Bodhisattva didn't fix me. But on the fourth day, I was transferred to the cleaning department. Shit, I'm a handsome guy who has been reduced to sweeping the garbage all over the factory with a broom. Don't despise me. I can't help it. I have to work when I'm transferred to repair the toilet. I can't stand leaving with a month's salary at most. I have to endure until I get paid.

The cleaning department is full of elderly mothers. I'm the only man. It's very awkward. In particular, these aunts grind their mouths and gossip in the lounge every day, whisper and laugh loudly, and sometimes even take pleasure in running on me. And looking forward, tell me that all those who offend the fake Bodhisattva must stay in the cleaning department for a period of time unless you resign.

In fact, the cleaning department is very good. It's easy to work. It just has no face. Anyone who sees me will make fun of you and point out. At first I really wanted to beat those bastards. Slowly I got used to it. Didn't I offend the fake Bodhisattva? Think I'm really a cleaner?

On the eighth day in the cleaning department, two men came to the cleaning department. The foreman's aunt immediately told me to go away. My job was replaced, and there was one more. Later, I learned that the cleaning department has always left a vacancy. All those who offend the fake Bodhisattva and those who don't like the fake Bodhisattva will come to guest play. They can't leave home until the second person comes in.

This fake Bodhisattva is more abnormal than fan chili.

Back in the packaging department, Mai Dayong patted me heavily on the shoulder to remind me that I saw the fake Bodhisattva detour.

I worked in the food factory for more than half a month. I took a rest and came to me for two consecutive days. I slept all day in the dormitory during the day. I don't know what to do after dinner at night. I'm going to walk outside. Now, I only have more than 40 yuan left. It costs at least 4.50 yuan to buy a bag of cigarettes that I can smoke a little. This is a hell of a place.

I seldom go out. Now I know that the night near the factory is very busy. There is a night market street that sells a lot of strange things. It is very cheap and people are shopping. I spent a dollar selling a nail clipper, put it in my pocket, and then continued to stroll. I was tired. I saw a small park and a spray pool in the distance. I walked over.

I found a stone bench to sit down and looked at the gray sky. I felt very helpless. After coming to Guangzhou for so long, I didn't seem to have really laughed. I didn't have any feelings for the city. I really wanted to go home, go back to my hometown, or go back to my home with Chen Qianqian. I hate hiding so much that I can't see the light, but what can I do without hiding?

After sitting for more than an hour, I didn't want to stay. I wanted to go back and lie down.

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