Liang Jia, I've seen her three times in the past 20 days. I asked her about fan chili. I could have called Huang Xiaoshu. In the past, I would have called Huang Xiaoshu, but... Now... I dare not. Liang Jia said that fan chili is very bad and it is difficult to do anything. At present, Feiya... Looks shaky. All profitable businesses have been intercepted. In a few months... I'm afraid it's really unbearable!

In addition, Liang Jia also told me some other things. Aunt Bing introduced me to buy the commodity company. Her friend was Ye Jiacheng, and the commodity company fell into Ye Jiacheng's hands.

Ha ha, aunt Bing, no wonder aunt Bing doesn't help me, but... He helps Ye Jiacheng.

I went to Aunt Bing's company.

"Aunt Bing, did you sell the commodity company to Ye Jiacheng?" My attitude is very poor. I've been holding it for more than 20 days. I know I have no reason, but... I'm really angry.


"Are you still pretending to be stupid?" I can't imagine that I should say so much, but I really said, "you can't help me, but... You go to help Ye Jiacheng?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Aunt Bing was reading the documents. Now she stopped and looked at me. "What I introduced at that time was really a friend of a friend of mine. You were there when signing the contract. I didn't know he had a relationship with Ye Jiacheng."

"Don't you find out?"

"I'm just helping you. I don't think so much!" Aunt Bing looked wronged.

It seems that I... seem... Blame the wrong person? What am I crazy about? I have no conscience. Aunt Bing is helping me and has been helping me. How can I miss her so much? How could she be that kind of person?

I stopped talking and knew I was wrong!

"What's the matter with you recently? You are so angry, and so is Jiang Liang. I don't know what's wrong with you two! " Aunt Bing looked at me. She stood up and walked in front of me, "the day after tomorrow... Underwear will be on the market, your products will be on the market at the same time, publicity and activities will be done, and many aspects of work will be done. How can I rest assured of your state?"

"I'm fine. I'm fine."

"You see, your dark circles are so big. You're thin. If you're tired, go back to sleep. Don't think about anything. Everything will get better." Aunt Bing was very gentle, even a little too gentle. She seemed to want to touch my face, handed it up and finally stopped in the air.

"I'll go first!"

I left aunt Bing's company and went back to my own company.

Not long after she returned, Yuan Lin came to me. One was for the launch of the products the day after tomorrow, and the other was the May Day holiday. She proposed to organize the headquarters staff to travel. She had selected the location and made a good budget. I looked at it and thought it was very good, so I agreed! Recently, everyone has worked very hard. The work of various departments has been over completed. This product is very successful. I'm not worried at all. I'm just... Worried about underwear.

"That's it. I'm out!" Yuan Lin said.

"Order what?" Jiang Liang suddenly walked in, "I'm also the boss. I should know."

"May Day travel plan." Yuan Lin said, "I was just going to find you."

"Let me see." Jiang Liang asked Yuan Lin for a travel plan. After reading it, he thought, "aunt Bing's company also has such a plan. The places to go are almost the same. It's better to..." Jiang Liang looked at me and smiled evil. "Let's get together. I think... The... Single employees of our company will be very happy. Ha ha... Aunt Bing's companies are all beautiful women."

I didn't talk, I wasn't in the mood, I didn't have that... I was in the mood to see beautiful women.

"All right?" Yuan Lin was a little suspicious, "your aunt Bing...?"

"Don't worry, I'm responsible for this matter. It's good for both companies to get together. There are many people and big discounts. Aunt Bing can't disagree." Jiang Liang is very confident.

"Well... Give me an answer as soon as possible and I'll make arrangements." Yuan Lin said and left my office.

Jiang Liang sat opposite me smoking and looked at me.

"What's the matter with you? I think you're more upset than me. Are you hiding something from me? " Jiang Liang said that when he said it, he looked into my eyes. He was testing me and whether I lied. He always knew that he knew me as well as I knew him.

"A little, but it's inconvenient to tell you!" I told the truth, at least half the truth.

"We are brothers."

"It's not convenient for the time being. I'll tell you if it's convenient!"

"What the hell have you done? Is it emotional? " Jiang Liang patted himself on the head, "no, what's the matter with feelings?"

"Jiang Liang, I want to be quiet."

Jiang Liang left my office. He said everyone was very upset. I said I would go to a bar tonight.

In the evening, Jiang Liang and I went to the bar. We talked a lot in the bar. It was nonsense. It had nothing to do with what we were worried about. We were complaining. Two big men, miserable big men, were very depressed. Finally, Jiang Liang was drunk. He was drunk before me. His cell phone was ringing all the time. He ignored it. Then my cell phone was ringing. I answered. It was Ding Ding who asked me if I was with Jiang Liang.

I told Tintin that we were at the bar!

When I was drunk, Tintin came. She scolded Jiang Liang and scolded me after scolding. Maybe it wasn't very fierce. It would be more appropriate to complain.

When he woke up drunk the next day, he found himself sleeping on the sofa at home, while Jiang Liang was on another sofa.

I woke up Jiang Liang. He thought we were still in the bar. He said if we didn't drink, we would throw up. I pulled him off the floor. He woke up, looked at me, looked at our house, then patted his head and rushed to his room. Soon, Jiang Liang screamed in the room. I guess he was repaired by Tintin. The poor man

We went to work. I drove. Mo Xiaoyan sat in front and Jiang Liang lay in the back. He said he couldn't do this in the future!

I'm very busy today. I'm preparing for tomorrow's affairs. Jiang Liang is at the headquarters. Yuan Lin and I go to the base and will be listed tomorrow. Yuan Lin is very nervous. She nags in my ear all day and says tomorrow's affairs. I guess... She can't sleep tonight.

The next morning, I went to Chen Cai's advertising agency and took my secretary. I saw that they were preparing. 120 models were carefully selected. I saw that they were very popular in the large conference room. Today, the weather is very good and a little cold, but you can definitely wear three-point style. Unless your constitution is particularly poor, you won't catch a cold so easily.

At eight o'clock on time, the advertising film began to be broadcast on television, the projection of various commercial squares was also broadcast, newspapers and websites were published at the same time, and the publicity of major shopping malls. For a time, the shadow of our products can be seen everywhere. At ten o'clock, the model began to set out from the advertising agency and took the planned route. We followed all the way, and Chen Cai sat in the car, following the more than 100 models. I don't know how to describe the shocking scene I saw. It's definitely a good way of publicity. Many people see it. Every place we pass by can always attract all passers-by. Even I see some houses... Open the window and look down.

Later, the media came, kept taking pictures and asking questions, including colorful iced tea, underwear, and some even personal questions. The models answered like a stream, because they had been trained before the show, and special personnel taught them to answer media questions and told them what to answer and what not to answer.

Later, the TV station's interview car also came, live broadcast, the leader of the interview model and the public relations manager of Chen Cai company. A beauty, a real beauty, was arranged in advance. During the interview, she kept promoting colorful iced tea and underwear. She could answer any questions about these two products. I really convinced her that she was a talent. I watched the webcast with Chen Cai's mobile phone. I liked this woman a little. Of course, please don't get me wrong. I don't mean like that.

At the end of the interview, the public relations manager said that 10% of the sales profit of colorful iced tea in the next three days will be donated to charity. This is my idea. I want to tell everyone that I don't just do business. I also do good deeds. I don't think anyone will say that we are immoral.

"Shit, it's stronger than I thought." Chen Cai said that he is very happy... In fact, I am happier than him, because this publicity method is what I want, and I benefit directly. Moreover... I have been depressed for many days.

"We have set a precedent. Many people must imitate us." I said.

"Imitate if you like. Our company does it first. It doesn't want to find me. Ha ha, I make money." Chen Cai laughed, "kill many birds with one stone, we are all beneficiaries."

I now understand that Chen Cai doesn't charge production fees. It's not just because of human feelings. He sees hidden interests.

After the two-and-a-half-hour trip, we arrived at the reserved hotel for lunch. The models and staff, as well as us, more than 140 people, opened 14 tables. We had to be interviewed during dinner. Some media squatted outside and kept taking pictures until we got on the bus stopped here in advance. They chased the bus for some time. It was crazy.

"What should be done has been done. Let's see the effect tomorrow!" Back to Chen Cai's company, he said.

I left Chen Cai's company with my secretary. She was shocked and the whole process was silly.

That night, I watched the news all night. After watching this station, I changed to another one. We were on the news. Major TV stations were broadcasting our publicity scenes and relevant interview clips. Then there are some so-called expert opinions. There are really voices saying that we are immoral and undermine social harmony. Maybe the world is like this. There will be good and bad. And I... have played a charity card. Someone will certainly stand up for us. Even if not, I can pay for some gunmen to fight back for us and let them argue. We will benefit in the end.

The next day, I got up early. I went to the downstairs newspaper stall and bought six newspapers of the same day from different newspapers. I turned over each one. There were news about our products, positive and negative. Anyway, one of them took a picture of a model on the show as the cover.

I'm happy because everything is better than expected.

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