I waited anxiously. At one o'clock, aunt Bing still didn't wake up, and I couldn't stand it. I was very tired and sleepy. I finally fell asleep on the bed. Because I wanted to feel aunt Bing wake up for the first time, I grabbed aunt Bing's hand and caught it when I fell asleep.

"Don't move!" I whispered because I found someone touching my head, a hand, a very cold hand.

Well, finally stopped moving, comfortable, very comfortable

But where's aunt Bing's hand? Didn't I catch it all the time? And... Who just touched me?

I immediately, quickly... Raised my head.

I saw that Aunt Bing woke up. She was smiling at me, a beautiful but powerless smile. It's hard for Aunt Bing to be hurt twice in a row. Her ruddy face turns pale like white paper, her sexy color and beautiful lips lose luster, and the whole person is tired and haggard. A look at my guilt will deepen a point.

"Aunt Bing, you finally wake up!" I was excited. "Do you feel uncomfortable there?"

Aunt Bing shook her head.

"Does it hurt?"

"Do you hurt?" Aunt Bing said, but her voice was very small and weak. When she said it, she looked at me with regret and looked at my face. Being beaten by Jiang Liang's father, she had begun to reduce the swelling of that face.

"No pain." I pointed to Aunt Bing's back, "you... Really don't feel any pain?"

Aunt Bing still shook her head.

No, I have to go to the doctor. I don't feel well. How can it not hurt? Why doesn't it hurt to be cut?

Soon, I asked the doctor to give aunt bing a detailed examination. The result was good. It was all right. Aunt Bing was just a little thirsty and hungry. The doctor asked me to feed a small amount of porridge to Aunt Bing.

The whole porridge feeding process is very ambiguous. Aunt Bing stares at me. I... Have to stare at her, too. Because Aunt Bing was so focused on staring at me that the porridge flowed all over her mouth. I had to wipe it gently with a paper towel. When I wiped it, aunt Bing looked at me with another taste. It was tender, moving and complex. I can't help stroking her hair that just fell off... I can't describe it. My heart beats fast and even blushes.

"Aunt Bing, why are you so stupid? Why did you help me block the knife? " After feeding the porridge, I said. I thought for a long time about whether to say it or not, and finally I couldn't help it.

Aunt Bing doesn't speak, but her eyes have given the answer. She thinks it's worth it. Even once again, she may make the same choice.

"If the knife was cut deeper, maybe..." I didn't go on. The knife didn't hurt the bone. If it was cut deeper or pulled down a little, aunt Bing couldn't recover for a year and a half. In short, she was very lucky. What's more depressing is that Aunt Bing will leave a big scar on her body. She is a woman... She must mind if she has defects. Of course, this can be removed by scar removal, but... This kind of operation is not complete and does great harm.

"I'm not in the way." Aunt Bing said in a soft voice, "maybe you're going to die."

"However, it may be you who stand in the way!"

"I... didn't think about... This problem." Aunt Bing spoke very hard and tired. There were sweat beads on her forehead. It might be a wound pain. She said it didn't hurt. In fact, how could it not hurt? Just sitting up to eat porridge must have affected the wound

"Does it hurt?"

Aunt Bing nodded.

I'll go to the doctor and go at once.

After changing the medicine, aunt Bing was finally better. She said that the wound was cold and painless, but it was hard to sleep on her side. I feel bad. I can't help her. This is only the first day. Aunt Bing will have many more days. I really prefer the person who is painful and suffering to me.

In the evening, Mo Xiaoyan brought us rice. It was very rich. He also made Spareribs Soup for Aunt Bing. The hospital is in the suburbs. It's hard for her to come by bus. She has to rush back when we finish eating. Aunt Bing asked me to go back with Mo Xiaoyan. I didn't agree. I promised Jiang Liang's father to stick to Aunt Bing until she was discharged from the hospital. Anyway, I can't break my promise.

Aunt Bing went to bed early. She needs enough rest time to recover.

Looking at Aunt Bing after sleeping and frowning at her, I feel heartache. But... I can't do anything. If fan chili is injured, I will kiss her and touch her face to make her feel that I am with her. Aunt Bing... I obviously can't, although... Sometimes I can't help holding aunt Bing's hand or touching her face. I just... Regret, pity... I love her.

Early the next morning, Jiang Liang's father came. At that time, I was still sleeping on the sofa. He kicked me up. He really kicked me. He didn't give me face. He kicked my feet hard. I jumped up. I didn't dare to be angry.

When Aunt Bing woke up, Jiang Liang's father asked her how she was and what was wrong with her. Aunt Bing said she didn't. Then, Jiang Liang's father asked me to go out. I went out. The two brothers talked for half an hour. I don't know what they are talking about, I just know... Jiang Liang's father left with a black face and glared at me with his terrible eyes when he passed me.

In the next few days, aunt Bing's situation and spirit were getting better and better. She could talk to me for a long time and say a lot. She told me all the things she thought were very interesting and touching when she was so old. of course. I also told her some of my things and communicated with each other. We all know a lot about each other.

And aunt Bing, she is more interested in me and fan chili, and will ask many questions. My answers... Some will make her regret, some will make her sigh, but some will be happy. Aunt Bing said she was very happy. I don't know what to say. Fan chili and I seem to be in constant trouble all the way. Is this called happiness? Aunt Bing said that as long as they love each other, whatever they experience is a kind of happiness, but when she said it, aunt Bing was very sad. I understand, but I can only pretend not to see. I want to give her a real hug, but I can't.

Since that day, Jiang Liang's father hasn't come back to the hospital. Instead, Jiang Liang's mother comes every morning and brings aunt bing a lot of stews to make up her body every day. She will stay for about one to two hours and chat with us. She's very good. She knows... What happened to Aunt Bing and I and knows that Aunt Bing likes me.

A week later, I didn't leave the hospital. Although there were many inconveniences, after all, aunt Bing was female and I was male. When the nurse came in to help aunt Bing clean her body, change her clothes and change her dressing, I had to go out. There are also many troubles. For example, when sleeping at night, the sofa is particularly uncomfortable. There is no embarrassment. Aunt Bing is not embarrassed herself. The nurses next door would laugh at us, but they stopped laughing after a long time. They were very kind to us and worried about us. My constant care moved them. They thought aunt Bing and I were husband and wife. I didn't explain, because the explanation was worse.

Jiang Liang has bought me cigarettes for the past week. It's also Jiang Liang who helps me get the dirty clothes out for dry cleaning and then send them back. He has driven my scratched car to repair it. Jiang Liang... He was unhappy. He couldn't contact Ding Ding for more than a week. He went to find director Ding. Director Ding even hid from him. I tried to call Tintin, but I couldn't get through... By the way, my mobile phone had been found and dropped in the fight. The police found it and returned it to me the next day when they came to sign a confession for me.

Half a month later, aunt Bing was discharged from the hospital. She was very happy. She said she was suffocated and suffered. She asked the nurse to help wipe her body, change clothes and change medicine every day. She felt very dirty. Of course, I'm also very happy. I'm suffocated. I also feel very dirty. I know I've lost a lot of weight, but I finally completed my task and fulfilled my promise. In fact... I really have something to go out for these 11 days. Liang Jia called me twice, and Zhang Dingjun and Huang Xiaoshu also called me once. I don't know if there is anything particularly important. They won't say it on the phone.

Jiang Liang came to pick us up. He was a comfortable business car with a driver. He was a dark, strong middle-aged man. I wanted to go home after I put them in the car. Jiang Liang asked me to follow him. I had to go to their house with him.

When I arrived, aunt Bing settled down. Jiang Liang's father let me into his study. I trembled into it

"You passed the test!" Jiang Liang's father said that he sat in a chair and looked at me with a blank face.

"What test?" I don't know why.

"If you leave the hospital and leave behind my back, even one step, you're dead!" Jiang Liang's father had a very calm tone. The words themselves should be fierce, but he really said it was very calm. However, this calm was more terrible than anything. "Did Jiang Bing advise you to walk through?"

I nodded. When Mo Xiaoyan came to deliver dinner the first night, aunt Bing did persuade me to go back to rest, even the second and third days. I didn't listen to her. Finally, she gave up and stopped!

"OK." Jiang Liang nodded his father, "didn't lie to me."

"I... don't quite understand what you say!" I hardened my head and said, I'm really confused. What did I pass the test, what test? Test me what?

"Three days later, the fifth floor of the emperor hotel will arrive before 6 p.m." Jiang Liang's father waved, "get out."

I want to ask, I want to ask clearly, but... I dare not.

After leaving Jiang Liang's father's study, I immediately went to find aunt Bing. She was in the room she used to live in.

"What's up?" When I went in, aunt Bing was lying on the bed reading a magazine. When she saw me coming in, she put down the magazine and looked at me.

"Just now... Your brother said I passed the test. He didn't tell me clearly. He told me to go to the fifth floor of the Emperor Hotel at 6 p.m. three days later. What's the matter?" I don't know whether aunt Bing is suitable or not. It seems that I have to ask.

"If he asks you to go, go!" Aunt Bing smiled and smiled very charming.

"Can you tell me what the test is?" I looked at Aunt Bing very nervously, "I need to know."

"Yes, of course you should." Aunt Bing said with a smile, "that day... We talked for half an hour. I gambled with my brother. He asked you to guard me. You can't leave before I leave the hospital. He thought you can't do it. I said you can, and you won't leave."

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