Accompany the two leaders to talk nonsense, drink, and occasionally talk about business and the city. Long Juntian incited me. I soon got familiar with them and became brothers.

Of course, this is hypocritical. They won't really treat me as brothers, and I won't treat them as brothers. We're just acting and consolidating some well-known relations between us. I have come to understand that when dealing with officials, even if it is disgusting, I have to endure it, otherwise I can't get along at all. Sometimes we will be their money making tools, which is unfair, many unfair, but you can't help it.

"Brother Ning, after that... It will be our world. If you have something, remember to tell brother." The black faced guy said that he has a very loud name called Wu Song, which is homonymous with Wu Song, a hero of Liangshan in the Song Dynasty. But character... That's much worse. Wu Song rubbed Pan Jinlian away in the face of Pan Jinlian's temptation. This guy took the initiative and direct to deal with those little stars. He put his hand in front of us and touched others' breasts.

"Mutual assistance, mutual encouragement and co construction of harmony." The white faced guy said that his name was not loud and very common. Huang Sen, however, was just like his name. He smiled darkly. Maybe the officials looked like this. Sinister and cunning was a skill they must have. They also took advantage very quickly. They let them delay their work and become officials.

After chatting without boredom for nearly three hours, long Juntian winked at me and asked me to pay the bill. They were ready to leave.

I went to pay the bill. In fact, it's not too expensive. It's only tens of thousands of yuan. However, this does not include the appearance fees of those little stars. Obviously, the appearance fees are extra. They are not from this club. It is estimated that they are obtained from other channels. Long Juntian said that he would help me pay in advance, and I'll calculate for him at that time. I believe this guy must be secretly happy and can report a large amount to knock me. As long as it's not too much, I don't dare to have an opinion. The relationship between me and him is very delicate. I need him and he also needs me. It's not suitable for both sides to tear their faces.

Watching them get on the car with the three little stars in their arms and drive away, I scolded a series of dirty words in the back. I'm a little drunk, so I can't control my emotions. I don't want to control it. Those garbage are bad for me. Shit, three little stars, how much do I have to pay? I have never enjoyed it so much. They enjoy it with my money.

"Ning Zong, are you all right?" Huang Qiong asked. He probably thought I was crazy. Suddenly, he scolded me in the street like a shrew.

"It's all right. What can I do for you? I'm fine. " Then my cell phone rang. I glanced at Ding Shaoyang's number, pressed the answer button and said, "tell me what's up."

Ding Shaoyang was a little confused. My tone was so bad, but he quickly made it clear. The fake Bodhisattva was leaving. She went to take the train at dawn. Ding Shaoyang asked me if I wanted to see her and if I had anything to say to her. What do I have to say to the false Bodhisattva? I hated her when I saw her, so I immediately refused and hung up. But after thinking about it, I still think it's necessary to meet her and ask her to help solve some questions in my heart. Although it's not an important thing, but... Damn thirst for knowledge!

Half an hour later, Huang Qiong and I arrived at Ding Shaoyang's tea house.

Huang Qiong stayed outside for tea. Ding Shaoyang took me upstairs to a room changed from an elegant room and opened the door. He didn't go in and turned and left

When I entered the room, I saw the fake Bodhisattva. She was sitting on the sofa drinking red wine and pouring out one more glass. It was probably prepared for me.

"Leaving?" I sat opposite her.

"The five o'clock train goes to Guangzhou to see if I can stay. If not, I will go elsewhere and have a great chance to go back to Yunnan. I'm from Yunnan. Don't you know? Ha ha! " The fake Bodhisattva touched another wine glass with the cup in her hand and signaled me to drink. I shook my head and she drank it herself. Then she said, "thank you for your seven million. Ye's Chengdu didn't give me seven million."

"What are you going to tell me? Tell him not a good boss? Or not a trustworthy boss? "

"Yes, he's still a dangerous boss." The false Bodhisattva sighed, "he is too smart. In fact, I want to cheat him. I can't cheat him all the time. Instead, I am used everywhere. This is the disaster caused by arrogance. I think I am very smart, but in fact I am very stupid."

"I don't want to hear your nonsense. I just want to ask a few questions. You'll answer honestly, won't you?"

"People have to bow their heads under the eaves. I'm not honest. I'm afraid you'll kill me."

"How did you collude with Ye Jiacheng in that factory?" I have been puzzled about this problem. The fake Bodhisattva did work there and worked for a period of time. It doesn't seem to be arranged in advance. But she can collude with Ye Jiacheng, which is puzzling enough. What did ye Jiacheng use to deal with her? Follow him here from Guangzhou to work for him?

"Brother bin and I have been together for a long time. He is from ye Jiacheng. They always know your whereabouts. They know that when you arrive in Guangzhou, everything is designed in advance, including the role of looking forward, including robbery and looking forward. They are responsible for taking you into the food factory. They have made many plans. Finally, you must enter the food factory, otherwise you have no way to go. The plan at that time may have controlled you. Later, ye Jiacheng changed his plan. "

I'm speechless. I'm so powerful. I've already designed it. Looking forward, I'm actually an accomplice. Now I understand why Ye Jiacheng gave me an ID card named Chen Xiaoqing, and then I will meet a Chen Xiaoqing in Guangzhou. This guy is thoughtful. But how did he know I was going to Guangzhou? If I don't go to Guangzhou, will you knock me out and throw me on the train to Guangzhou? Maybe he'll stop it in another way!

"You... In the western restaurant that day, the... Man and your story... Were all made up, right?" At that time, I was so naive that I actually believed that I was still angry about her bad past and scolded with her. It was so fucking cute.

The fake Bodhisattva nodded and her expression told me that she was sorry for those things!

"Ye Jiacheng wants to test my loyalty. Even if she is willing to devote herself, she will trust me, so I'm sorry."

"Is it so important to gain her trust? Of course, the way is unique. " I reluctantly smiled. In fact, the way is not only unique, but also clever. It is a good way to test a woman's loyalty to her master with her body. I understand, finally understand, shit... I have a feeling that I was raped by Ye Jiacheng!

"At that time, I had to get his trust. He drew me a big cake."

"He lied to you. At the same time, you lied to him. He didn't know you were an adulteress. Ha ha." I stood up with a smile, "well, after my question, it's time to go!" I looked at the fake Bodhisattva and said heartily, "bless you, fake Bodhisattva. Remember, don't do bad things again. Heaven's net is wide, and there are no omissions. "

"Thank you. At the same time, I also wish you health and happiness forever."

After taking a few steps, I opened the door, but stopped again. I couldn't help asking another question, asking if she had slept with Ye Jiacheng.

"Yes, ye Jiacheng is three minutes, but he is very cruel and likes to play some... Very intense things." The fake Bodhisattva smiled, "it's better for you."

I got goose bumps and closed the door immediately. Ye Jiacheng is a three minute man. Ha ha, this smart, cunning and outstanding man that few people can reach is not a real man. He deserves it.

When I got home, I found aunt Bing still awake. She was waiting for me. She gave me a hug and pushed me into the bathroom. She helped me find clothes. After taking a bath, I put my arm around aunt Bing and fell asleep. She fell asleep soon. I... fell asleep soon because of drinking wine

The next day, aunt Bing made breakfast and woke me up.

"We'll go after breakfast." Aunt Bing said that what she said was to see fan chili. Her tone was a little strange and nervous. "Always face it. You are, and so am I."

I answered and focused on eating breakfast. At least on the surface, I was focusing on one thing in my heart. If Jiang Liang's father knew that I took aunt Bing to see fan chili, he would kill me. He was already very angry. The day I arrived in Hainan, I received a call from him saying that I took aunt Bing away from him. I was the only one who asked about anything.

When he went out, Huang Qiong drove over to me, and then he took a taxi by himself

When I got to the Municipal Bureau, at the door, I saw Huang Xiaoshu and director Ding. I wondered why Huang Xiaoshu was there? Director Ding, he has been transferred to the Municipal Bureau. I don't know much about officialdom. I don't know whether he has been promoted or not!

"Good morning, bureau D." Approaching, I said.

"Good morning." Director Ding said with a smile, "on the first day of transfer, the first job is to serve you. Is it an honor?"

"Are you honored or am I honored? Or is it an honor for everyone? "

Director Ding and I laughed. It was funny, but it was true. He would take us to see fan chili.

In fact, fan chili is more funny. Originally, she was going to be sent to the detention center, but because of my relationship, my relationship with long Juntian, fan chili can stay in the Municipal Bureau for so long, and the place to live is quite good.

Maybe, the world is so unfair. If you have strength and ability and know big people, you can enjoy high-level treatment anywhere. For example, in prison, you should not think that those people who are big, powerful, able to fight and fight walk sideways. Wrong, they should be rich people. Yes, the rich second generation, the official second generation and the third generation are the masters of walking sideways.

I went in, still not in the interrogation room, but in the conference room.

Fan chili is already here waiting for us. Maybe she doesn't know it's us, so when we go in, her expression is somewhat surprised. She covered it up, but I can see that I know her too well, just as she knows me. My eyes fell on her. I looked very carefully. She was thin, her face was poor, and her spirit was poor. It was much worse than when I saw her last time.

Her eyes didn't fall on me, but on Aunt Bing. Her expression... It was a moving, emotional, sad and complex expression. If I didn't know they were sisters, I wouldn't understand it, but at this moment, I understand. I don't understand as like as two peas, her face is almost the same as fan pepper. We walked side by side. She stopped. I wanted to speak. She gave me a gesture, not to make a vocal gesture.

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