"Are you in the car?" After that, Huang Xiaoshu asked.

"It's okay, don't worry."

Huang Xiaoshu said, and then waited for five or six seconds. I didn't speak again. She immediately hung up

"Lei Hong, where have you been?" Let me see the time. It's been more than two hours.

"Half the way!" Lei Hong said, "this old car can't get up quickly."

I looked at the needle, and when I was 150, I called for a quick step. I was speechless! Of course, 150 definitely looks slow when you are in a hurry, but if you drive like this, you will feel terrible.

I was a little tired and had a headache, so I fell asleep in my chair without feeling it. Later, I was awakened by Lei Hong.

"Here we are?" I asked.

"The airport is ahead."

I looked at the time. There were fifteen minutes left.

"Drive faster, there's no time."

Leihong stepped on the accelerator and the car got up again. It was early morning. It was just beginning to dawn and foggy. I couldn't see clearly from a distance. We are very dangerous, but we can't help it. We don't have enough time. We can only drive the van as a sports car

Two minutes later, we got off the highway and turned into a road. The airport was in sight. Lei Hong stepped on the accelerator and rushed into the parking lot. Then we got off quickly and ran inside. Running to the registration desk, I immediately reported the names of Lei Hong and me to the young lady in charge of registration.

"Sir, if you are one minute late, the ticket will be cancelled!" Said the young lady.

"I'm sorry, something happened temporarily and delayed. Please help us deal with it quickly!" I took out my passport and handed it in with Huang Qiong's passport, and then my bank card.

Good luck, one minute. When you are happy and have more time, it is nothing at all. But when you are in a hurry and need to race against time, the meaning is so great. I think I really want to live every minute of my next life. If I can come back alive from Scotland this time, I will donate $5 million to charity.

After getting the ticket, Huang Qiong and I rushed to the boarding gate for inspection, then went inside and rushed all the way to the boarding place. Seeing the plane, I smiled, Lei Hong smiled, and a stewardess at the stair station smiled and made a gesture of invitation

Lei Hong and I arrived in Guangzhou an hour and a half later. Zhang Dingjun, an asshole, asked us to change planes. But then I learned that there was no direct flight from Wenzhou to Hong Kong, so I had to transfer. Fortunately, when we arrived in Hong Kong, we just caught a plane to Glasgow. If we didn't catch it, we might have to change planes in other countries.

However, neither of these two fortunes can make me happy. This trip is dangerous. Scotland is the home of the Dora family. They kill me like an ant. Even Jiang Liang's father, who has been the boss for decades, said he was afraid. Why don't I want to tell him that my legs are soft

For more than ten hours on the plane, I was very tired and sleepy, but I couldn't sleep at all for more than ten hours. In these two days, I slept for three or more hours the night before yesterday, and then Huang Xiaoshu woke me up. The next time, up to now, almost 40 hours have passed, and I haven't slept again. I don't know if you've ever tried this feeling. It's really painful. The whole person is messy, tinnitus and upset.

Anyway, I threw up when I got off the plane!

Although the air outside is very good, the space is very large, and I feel very comfortable, I really can't help it. I vomited for five minutes, then went to the toilet to wash it, sat down in the rest area and went outside. While walking, I took out my mobile phone and turned it on. I received many text messages and caller tips, but just when I wanted to see the first text message, I was resisted by someone on my back. So was Lei Hong.

"Don't move, it's a gun." Lei Hong told me in Chinese.

I dare not move or look back, so I stand.

Then, a hand reached out from behind me and grabbed my cell phone. Then, search me, then Lei Hong. We searched our cell phones, keys, passports and wallets and took them away. It was searched by two men. The man who stood against us with a gun in the back was still there. Later, I saw clearly. There were four tall and powerful European men, wearing black suits and looking cool.

"Mr. Ning, our parents ask you to go back." One of them said to me that he spoke English.

"Do you call it please?" I said unhappily, "you call it kidnapping."

"I'm sorry, we just follow orders, our parents..."

"Need this?" I thought it was dangerous to go there. I also think I can contact Jiang Liang's father and see what's going on in China. Now I can't do anything. I'm pointed at with a gun and have no bottom in my heart. More than ten hours ago, Sun Ying asked me what it was like to be pointed at with a gun. It's a ghost. It's hard. It's been several times

"Follow orders, please!"

I'm depressed and worried. Lei Hong, too, can't resist.

Go outside and see the sunshine, but my mood is not sunny at all.

I can imagine what the Dora family said to me in this way, which shows the seriousness of the situation and the anger of the Dora family. They don't need to do this when they have reached their territory. I can't run away at all, but they still want to give me such a prestige. He's not careful, but he's a smart man. Can he deal with the family carelessly?

Another side thing is that in the airport, people dare to hold me like this. What does this mean? Although the use of guns is very secret, the kidnapping is very obvious. If they dare to do so, what else can't they do?

Lei Hong and I got into their car. The moment the car started, I saw Jiang Liang's father outside the window. He stood in the corner and looked at it. His expression was very depressed and unwilling, but he had nothing to do.

After leaving the airport, the car twists and turns on the road, and then goes to the suburbs to a big manor. I was frightened. When I saw Jiang Liang's father buy that big manor, I felt very luxurious. However, compared with the Dora family manor, Jiang Liang's father's manor is simply a place where beggars live, and most of them don't even have a garden.

Hey, when can I get to this height? Isn't this the life of an emperor?

Into the manor, there are decorations everywhere, Christmas decorations, and their foreigner's new year is coming! The car drove for two minutes. Finally, we came to the door of an old mansion. Lei Hong and I were ordered to get off. As soon as we got off, we saw many people coming out of the mansion and standing on both sides. These people are wearing black suits and black sunglasses. They are the type of bodyguards and thugs. They are murderous one by one.

"Mr. Ning, please!"

Lei Hong and I went in. The architectural style of this mansion is somewhat similar to our domestic quadrangles. As soon as I went in, I saw a yard with a pool in the middle. There was a huge white relief in the pool, a naked woman, very beautiful and powerful. Through the yard, we came to a long corridor, about 50 or 60 meters long. We went out all the way. It was another bigger house, by the side.

Outside the larger house, we ordered to stop and stand outside. And the four men who brought us in, one of them entered the house, and the other three spread out and looked at us.

Half an hour later, when he entered the big house, the man didn't come out again. Then an hour, an hour and a half, two hours, the results were the same. Later, it gradually became dark and no one was seen. And Lei Hong and I just stood there with our legs soft. Isn't this torture? I'm really angry. I've never tried this treatment.

Until 6:30 in the evening, someone finally came out. It was Princess Dora's uncle, a very powerful man. In addition, there is a white haired man, in his forties, who is very short, about one meter six.

"Oh, Ning, I'm sorry to keep you waiting!" Princess Dora's uncle came to me with a smile and gave me a hug.

Frankly, I'm completely stupid. I don't know what's going on.

He kidnapped me in such a cruel way, and then hung me up for a few hours. I thought he would continue to suffer. Even if he didn't suffer, I wouldn't have a good face. I'm so worried that I can't worry. I'll do whatever I plan! Now he told me he was sorry and hugged me warmly. What's the matter?

"What's the matter, Ning? You blame me?" Princess Dora's uncle said, "I have apologized. Don't you accept it?"

"No, how can it be?" I smiled.

"Come in, my distinguished guest." Princess Dora's uncle made a gesture of invitation.

We went in. Princess Dora's uncle took us to a hall, a big hall, as big as two standard basketball courts. In the middle is a long table covered with red cloth, about ten meters long. If one sits at dinner, he has to speak loudly to hear. On the table, there is a big candle at an interval of about one meter, as well as tableware, red wine and red wine glasses. There are chairs on both sides, with a total of eight seats.

Sweat died, a ten meter long table with eight seats.

"Ning, we'll have dinner here tonight!" Princess Dora's uncle said, "I've always wanted to invite you to dinner. I haven't had a chance. It's OK today!" He made an invitation gesture and let me sit down. Then the white haired guy pulled out a chair. The chair was at the end, and Princess Dora's uncle sat at the end of the other side, which meant that we needed to talk ten meters apart.

After I sat down, Lei Hong stood behind me, but soon the white haired guy made a gesture of invitation and asked him out.

"Ning, how's Cady over there?"

I'm in a cold sweat. I want to know this. I want to read text messages when I get off the plane. I believe that if things are done, Huang Xiaoshu will send a message to tell me that Zhang Shuer will also, but I don't see it. I don't know whether Zhang Shuer has rescued princess Dora and controlled it. It's been more than ten hours, and the princess must have known it!

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