Back in the office of the marketing department, I transferred Bingbing from the creative department to be a secretary to replace Liang Jia. At the same time, I asked her to send a notice that the four departments had a meeting. What I didn't expect was that one of the four departments was missing. Baiyang's Department defected and publicly supported Liang Zhenghua. He didn't even come to the meeting. I couldn't take him unless I opened him.

In the meeting, I promoted a person in the creative department to be the supervisor and share the work of the creative department. In the sales department, I removed the manager directly and promoted another one. Fan chili mentioned that he was a useful person. I haven't moved the marketing department for the time being, because the marketing department is very complex and the manager plays a great role. I grasp many secrets and lead the whole body. As for Baiyang, he doesn't have such conditions. Maybe I'm out of a little guilt. I don't intend to move him for the time being.

After these two meetings, Feiya was in a mess. Especially the next day, many departments had holidays. Those departments under liang Zhenghua's jurisdiction and those under Zhang Dingjun's jurisdiction. The whole Feiya has only four departments in operation, which is like a car without wheels and can't walk normally. Frankly speaking, I didn't expect Liang Zhenghua to dare to use this move to harm others but not himself. What can he do to defeat me? What did he get? If fan chili was there, Liang Zhenghua would never dare to use this move, because fan chili must have a way to deal with it, and fan chili can afford to consume it, even harder than liang Zhenghua, so he is more able to take advantage of this opportunity to eat Liang Zhenghua. I can't. I don't have this IQ. I need to find someone to help, but I don't know who to find now. I find Zhang Dingjun. He doesn't answer my phone. It's hard to get through, but he said to me indifferently: let's go to war!

I was speechless and even panicked. If Zhang Dingjun cooperates with Liang Zhenghua, I have no chance of winning at all. Their shares are equal to mine. They are deep-rooted. They have a wide range of people and have wider resources than me. That's why I came to Zhang Dingjun. Now, it is obvious that Zhang Dingjun and Liang Zhenghua are on the same front.

At noon, I gave all the employees of the four departments a short holiday and continued to work tomorrow. No matter what happens in other departments, even if I come back to sit in the four departments, I have to sit until work.

After a day of fidgeting in the office, I dragged my tired body home.

After dinner, I chatted with Chen Qianqian. I was just ready to go to bed when the phone rang. It was a strange number.


"Zhang Dingjun, is it convenient to come out? At the last sauna center. "

I'm surprised Zhang Dingjun called me. Isn't he going to war with me? Why? I don't know, but I really want to know, so I went out. Originally, I didn't go to the sauna center, but now I have to go.

In the lobby of the sauna center, Zhang Dingjun sat in a chair smoking. When he saw me, he immediately put out his cigarette butts and pulled me up to the second floor.

"Mr. Zhang, I hate this place." I shook off Zhang Dingjun's hand.

"We don't do anything today, just chat."

Asked for a private room, or the lounge is more suitable, sat down, immediately a well-dressed woman came in, opened a bottle of red wine, poured it for us, and then walked out lightly.

"This is the best." As soon as the woman closed the door, Zhang Dingjun sighed, "I want to eat her in my dream."

"Why not eat? Is it expensive? "

"Expensive?" Zhang Dingjun laughed, "brother, do you think money can solve any problem?"

"Isn't it? I remember you said something like that. "

"You must remember wrong. I just said that money is very important, but there are many things that money can't do and women who can't do with money."

"Well, we won't talk about women today. We'll talk about something else."

Zhang Dingjun smiled. The smile flashed by. He handed me the red wine and touched me. He drank it all in one mouthful, and then poured out another cup. It was a slow move. I know Zhang Dingjun wants to build momentum and want me to worry first, but I'm not in a hurry. I even have no expression on my face. I don't even change my posture. I just stare at him naked until he can't stand my eyes

"Liang Jia is Liang Zhenghua's daughter."

Am I surprised? I'm not surprised at all. I've guessed that the familiar voice was Mr. L and Liang saved in the mobile phone. Zhang Dingjun is just confirming my guess and affirming my guess. I was very calm, but the calm Zhang Dingjun was surprised.

"You already know?"

"Why can't I know?"

"Unexpectedly, ha ha, this woman has a lot to do with you? Have you ever been there? " Zhang Dingjun sighed, "Liang Zhenghua was resourceful and designed it early in the morning. On the first day of Liang Jiajin Feiya, she calculated a lot of people, including me."

I was indifferent. In fact, my heart was very painful, because I suddenly remembered something. Zhang Dingjun reminded me that Liang Jiajin Feiya was the first day. Fan chili said that I posted an abusive post on the internal forum. I think it should be Liang Jia. Only she has touched my computer. Suddenly, a more terrible idea came out of my mind. Did Liang Jiafa's intention of this post harm me? Why did you hurt me? I can't find the reason. I don't think it's hurting me, but helping me to attract fan pepper's attention. But why me? Am I stupid? Again, Liang Jia is so sure? Fan chili will pay attention to me? Even if fan chili pays attention to me, how can I help Liang Jia? She should not have used me with my knowledge, but I don't know what I don't know. I believe so.

I really feel terrible. It turned out that I had been set up in the bureau early in the morning, fighting like a vortex. I even think fan chili will take the plan? She actually knows everything? She is actually... If this is true, I don't know how to treat fan chili. I hate the feeling of being played with by others. I'm a human, not an animal. If I don't do it, will I starve to death?

"Mr. Zhang, let's say something practical!" I suddenly feel very tired and don't want to entangle anymore.

"What practical?"

"Why are you looking for me tonight?"

"At noon, Liang Zhenghua was by my side. Maybe you guessed it. Yes, he came to me and asked me to cooperate to bring you down. He drew me a big cake."

"Do you believe it?"

"What do you think?" Zhang Dingjun smiled bitterly, "in addition to drawing me a big cake, he also mastered some of my handles, which he thought I would be afraid but had little impact on me. I was surprised and even panicked when I was in fashion. I believe my performance has won his certain trust. "

"And then?" Zhang Dingjun is full of nonsense. He is afraid of being infiltrated by Liang Zhenghua when he cooperates. It can be seen from the events of these days that Liang Zhenghua has a deep mind and means. Even fan pepper has been planted. Even if he works together to defeat me, Zhang Dingjun is only the next me and a dead end. Zhang Dingjun can't be so stupid to cooperate with Liang Zhenghua. I'm not worried that he's here to set a trap today, because Zhang Dingjun will get more if he cooperates with me. If Zhang Dingjun holds my shares, how old is Liang Zhenghua. Of course, it's no good for me not to expose him and make her lose face.

"Then we cooperated."

"What are you going to do with me?" "Must be very cruel to me?"

"It's restructuring."

"Restructuring? What is restructuring? "

"Set up a board of directors."

"Ha ha, good move."

"This should be the last move of the old fox!"

"What is he going to do?"

"It's very simple. He proposed to implement a mechanism to vote. Everyone has the right to vote, but the vote doesn't play a big role. It's just a show. The most important vote is in the hands of me and him."

"Why didn't you do that before?"

"It was impossible before, maybe there were directors in the past, there was a man who has the final say, but it was too complicated to say today." Zhang Dingjun lit a cigarette, took a puff and clamped, "the four bosses have a balance of power. In addition to fan chili, we may have a common enemy, but fan chili is too cruel. He continues to divide us. Once we almost promoted cooperation. Although it is only superficial cooperation, each has evil intentions. Once the purpose of cooperation is achieved, the cooperative relationship will collapse immediately, but in any case, The three of us worked together against fan chili, but then Ding Li suddenly changed his mind. I don't know why, and Liang Zhenghua probably doesn't know. "

"Has there ever been such a thing?" This is probably what Fan chili said. He overcame Zhang Dingjun. Zhang Dingjun is really miserable. He is still in the dark. This fool, sometimes I really sympathize with him.

"Do you think it's strange?"

"No wonder." I shook my head. "Ding Li defected. Why don't you cooperate with Liang Zhenghua?"

"This will only die faster. Fan chili can give Ding Li greater benefits. Fan chili is the strong one. Ding Li will promise, and then he and fan chili are left. Even if the management right is robbed by fan chili, he still has a very moist life." It's so fucking complicated. In these struggles, fan chili must control the balance for his own interests and make them discord. And they can't cooperate or destroy their relationship.

"It's a mess, you!" I sighed. "Why do you like fighting so much? As far as I know, fan chili really brings a lot to Feiya. Feiya has made the greatest contribution to her glory today, which you must admit. Since she's doing so well, can't you be more relieved? Play at home, let her do it, wait for dividends every month, are you so tired with yourself? Does it make sense to beat your brains to calculate others every day to prevent being calculated by others? " I really don't think it's meaningful. It's good to be idle. If you have money, you can take care of it. If it were me, I would have sent myself home. My life is just a few decades. It's better to die than to live in struggle every day. Moreover, they are so old. What's the use of fighting?

"Naive, you." Zhang Dingjun shook his head. "I ask you, why did so many qualified people in ancient times doze off and break their heads to fight for the throne? It is said that being an emperor is tired. Is it meaningful? Even in modern times, buying and selling official positions, why? Is it meaningful for an official to be scolded by the people every day? If these things only look at the surface, it really doesn't make much sense. I'm tired and scolded. But you see, how powerful and powerful are you? Emperor, seventy-two concubines in three palaces, six courtyards and six courtyards, as long as you like, you can change a woman every day until you die, and use your mouth to serve you. If you are unhappy, the whole world has to be frightened. You can destroy whoever you want. What about modern? How about being an official? It's easy to do something. When you get sick, you go to the hospital... There are reimbursement and gifts. You don't know, do you? I tell you, anyone who gets sick has to spend money. Except officials, they can make money when they get sick, isn't it ironic? And is that all they can do? The benefits are endless. It's hard to say completely. In fact, what I know is only a drop in the bucket. "

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