Office Romance with a Werewolf

Chapter 164 - Mark It (7)

When Nida was preparing for the offering, she couldn't help smiling at the thought that she and Ranz would get to spend more time together when he became an official hunter. When word was brought back that he had killed a maned boar, she almost danced with excitement. She had never killed a maned boar. They were too rare and too much of a challenge for her. She didn't have enough raw power like Ranz did. She was so happy that she even gave him a kiss on the cheek when he joined the party. But then, when the moon had fully risen, she heard Ranz cry out in pain.

Ranzi! What's wrong? " That was all she asked in the situation, but he didn't answer. No, she realized he was in so much pain he couldn't answer. A moment later, the reason for the pain became apparent. She was only able to watch in horror as his body started bulging and growing, tearing the clothes she had just given him that morning. A thick coat of fur, dark red to match his hair, started covering his body. And his eyes became an orange so bright that they appeared to be glowing. She tried to grab onto his arm and attempt to help him, but he suddenly pushed her away while crying out,

"No way!"Though it sounded more like a bestial roar. Nida could feel a sudden sharp pain from the moment he pushed her and looked down at her arm, only to discover there were two long gashes flowing warm blood. She then let out a sharp cry of her own, at the pain, which brought Ranz's attention back to her while in the middle of his transformation. The two orange beast-like eyes suddenly showed concern, and she could only watch as he took several large steps and leapt off the cliff at the edge of the village. A few minutes later, an eerie howl sounded in the forest.

The rest of the people could only stand in shock and horror at what happened, until they realized Nida needed to be taken to Wendell's.

A few hours later, Wendell had finished treating Nida.

I did what I could, but I couldn't get it to close all the way. It'll take a few more days to close properly, but there'll be a scar when it does. I'm sorry I'm not a better healer. " Nida shook her head at Wendell's words to show she didn't blame him. He had healed the torn veins in her arm, but doing so had exhausted him. Plus, she didn't mind scars; her only concern was if Ranz minded them. When Nida thought of him, her eyes grew moist. She had seen the pain he had gone through before hurting her, and how he was hurt not at his own pain, but at the fact that he hurt her.

She remembered the last full moon. When Ranz started changing then, she watched as moonlight shined down and reversed the change. She thought Artemis would protect him again, or that he wouldn't be affected by whatever happened then after that. After thinking for a few moments, she gripped her hands and blinked the tears from her eyes. She made her resolve.

After thanking Wendell, she went to collect her things. As she was about to leave, someone called out to her,

"And where do you think you're going?" Looking back, Nida saw Lady, Randell, and the elder grandma staring at her. Nida then said,

I'm going to find Ranz. I'm not going to abandon him to what ever happened. " Before any of them could respond, however, a voice cried out.

He's a monster that attacked you, and you're still going to find him. What are you going to have him attack the rest of the villagers next? Maybe the first ones he'll go after are the children that can't-" At that moment, a dagger buried itself in the wall behind the speaker, Angel. The dagger had passed within an inch of his face, and Nida, who had thrown it, was breathing heavily and had a wild look in her eyes in rage.

"The next one won't miss." was the only thing that came out of her mouth. Angel broke into a cold sweat. He feared Ranz, so ever since the last time he didn't dare raise his head in front of him. But Ranz wasn't here now. So Angel pushed his argument.

You're mad because I spoke the truth?! I don't know what he is, but that look he had was that of an animal, like a mad dog! If you're throwing your lot in with him, then that makes you nothing but his bit-"once again, before Angel could finish what he was saying, another dagger went flying. Except this one impaled his hand. The same one Ranz nearly cost him. As the angel fell to his knees, Nida calmly walked over and retrieved her daggers. This resulted in another cry from Angel as she pulled the knife from his hand.

Angel, when the sun comes up in the morning, I expect you'll already be on your way. If you're still here, then I'll send you on your way. Understand? When grandma spoke, there was an indescribable pressure to her words. Angel was barely able to nod his head through the pain and the pressure that was put on him. She then turned to Nida and said,

When you bring him back, bring him to my house. I want to have a chat with him for a while. " Nida gave a small smile. Before Lady spoke up, she looked at the elder grandma.

"We're going as well. You're hurt, and we don't know what he's capable of. Also, I don't think he's that bad of a person, so the least we could do is hear him out. " Nida felt immense gratitude at their words. Then she turned around, and she, Randell, and Lady headed out to find what they would learn was called a werewolf.

When Ranz woke up the next morning, he felt as if his entire body had been beaten black and blue, he felt sick, and he was naked. He barely pushed himself up from a laying position when he started to hurl everything out of his stomach. After several minutes of vomiting, what came up nearly made him sick all over again. He had expelled mostly raw meat and intestines, and it was bloody. But he didn't know if the blood was his own or from whatever he ate. As Ranz looked around, he could barely make out the sound of running water.

Still feeling weak, he started a slow crawl. After what felt like an eternity, he managed to reach the water, where he got a look at himself for the first time. His face was smeared with blood, and his hair was wild-looking. As he slowly started cleaning himself up, he caught a whiff of the smell of raw meat. Looking over, he saw what he thought might have been what he ate the night before. The horned bear was torn almost limb from limb. Originally nearly as tall as a maned boar while on all fours, a horned bear was able to stand straight at over twenty feet tall. But this one had been completely shredded. Of the two horns on its head, one was broken; three of its limbs were gone, and some of its intestines were scattered around the area.

What wasn't accounted for was probably part of what Ranz had thrown up. As Ranz recounted the night before, he could only remember what had happened before he completely transformed. He remembered being in pain while his body changed. He remembered that before the transformation was complete, his last thought had been to kill. And he remembered that he had hurt Nida.

Ranz didn't have any delusions about what had happened. He knew he was a werewolf. Even as he thought the words, he knew it was ridiculous. But what evidence was there to prove him wrong? He thought back to his heightened physical abilities and his enhanced senses. But the question was, how had he become a werewolf in the first place? Ranz's head hurt after he started thinking too much, and he decided the most important thing was to determine his next move.

He couldn't go back to the village. What if he hurt them again? What if he hurt Nida? But Ranz felt a longing to go back as well, and he had no other place or people. But even if he did, he would just hurt them as well, wouldn't he? Unable to determine his next course of action, he decided to simply follow the stream for now. After over an hour of his slow advance during the cold morning in the nude, he arrived at a cliff. After several minutes, he recalled that he had been here before.. This was where he had been attacked by the wolf on his second day.

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