Office Romance with a Werewolf

Chapter 29 - The Core (7)


Nida is constantly cursing as she waits for the elevator she took to take her to the top floor of their building.

She then used stairs to run up the roof.

She didn't know where the Genie brought Randell, which is why she decided to go up the roof to look for them from above.

"I can enhance my hearing, I can do it too with my eyes. Right? " She starts talking to herself, the more she gets pressured and rattled.

She went to the edge of the roof to look down while squinting her eyes to see clearly.


She heard a loud explosion that made her assume the two were fighting.

She focused her gaze towards where the sound came from and used her enhanced vision to zoom.

"Gotcha! Over there!" She exclaimed, then her silver dust instantly made a staircase on the way down the ground.

"Are you crazy? This is the 29th floor!" She scolded her silver dust, asking her to walk down the tall building on foot.

"I'll use the elevator!" She walked away from the edge and was about to walk inside when the silver dust suddenly surrounded her.

"What do you want?" she yelled, shooing the dust away because she was rushing.


Strangely, even though the dust doesn't have the ability to speak, she can understand what the dust wants to convey.

"I know we are in a hurry, but I can't go down that extreme staircase! Ah!" She was perplexed when she realized that half of her arms were now gone.

The silver dust swirls around her once again, but this time some of it gathers around her back.

She looked at her back and saw a large silver wing had formed.

"Hey, at least make it look like angel wings." She complained since the silver dust formed a similarity to bat wings, making it seem vicious.

The silver dust instantly changes them into feathered wings, complying with her demand despite their situation.

Nida was satisfied by the angel wings and tried to control them.

She felt nervous because it was her first time.

Well, she is a human who would have thought she could fly in her lifetime.

A strong wind brushed her usual pale face.

Her wings arced off her back like a concave reflection, nearly as tall as her body.

In her trial to fly immediately, each long, narrow feather strained and shook. They smashed against each other. She was off the ground and away when they returned, in a blur of sliver dust. It all happened so quickly.

Her feet are not touching anything, and she can now fly toward her desired destination.

The only problem is her speed.

She soars towards the building with frightening speed. She tried to thrust her arms in front to guide her through, but scoffed at herself after remembering she didn't have her arms anymore.

There were some buildings that she would've flattened herself with if her body and her senses hadn't been so quick.

The park where the two are fighting is still a distance from where she is, but she could now hear the loud banging and explosion.

"Are they destroying the park?" She mumbled, but there's another thing she needs to think about. "HOW TO STOP!"

She shouted as her speed hadn't lessened since she zoomed out of their building.

"RANDEEEEEEEELLLLLL!!!" She shouted once she could see the fully transformed werewolf fighting the now red-skinned genie.

Randell kicked off the genie that sent him off flying, then he twisted his body to change his direction to catch Nida, who was flying towards him uncontrollably.


Nida shoots down to the ground like a meteorite.

Her silver wings disappeared and turned back into her dust, which spread out the area with the smoke and dust she caused from crashing down.

"Ugh!" Randell groaned in pain.

He successfully caught her, causing him to get hurt while Nida was unscathed.

Nida was sitting on his stomach while he lay on the ground.

"Ah!" This time it was Nida who shouted in shock.

Her arm is back, but her hand is inside the werewolf's chest.

His chest is not bleeding and there's no hole in it, her hand is simply passing through him.

She tried to pull it out, but Randell felt pain through it. That made Nida freeze and wasn't able to move.

"W-why w-what should I do?"

She had no clue why her hand was stuck on his chest.

'Did it return to normal as my hand passed through him?'

'He is not bleeding though'

'should I pull it in one go?'

'What if he dies'

Her mind becomes chaotic as she worries about the werewolf who is in pain.

"HEY DON'T DIE! DON'T YOU DARE!" she shouted.

She despised and was terrified of him, but she did not want him to die in front of her.

It would be better if she were punished for life instead.

"I-I'll ask for help!"

Using her other hand, she hurriedly searched for her phone to call someone who could help them.

"Shit shit shit! Open up!" She tries to open her phone with her shaky hands.

sskkk kkk kkkk kkk

She froze again once she noticed an unusual sharp sound somewhere near the park.

She slowly turned her head to where Randell had sent the Genie flying.


She shouted as she hurriedly made a shield with her one hand, letting go of her phone that ended up falling off the ground.

The genie levitated everything around the park and sent it crashing towards them.

cars, seesaws, park benches, signage, trash bins, vending machines, etc.

"N-Ni ugh!" he tried to get up and pulled Nida's hand but it still painful for him.

"Shut up! Don't move! focus on staying alive!"

Both of her hands are now bound. She cannot do anything to stop the genie from endlessly attacking them since her hand is holding the shield and the other is on Randell's chest.


She could feel an object forming in her hand inside Randell.

"H-hey! there's something inside you! I am holding it now! It's hard!" she exclaimed. Since its Randell body she expects that he might know what is going on.

"M-my core!" he hoarsely stated.

"Your core? Is it here?"

As they talked, the object inside Randell's had become more solid now, and Nida could now feel its shape.

"What's going on? why is your core in my palm? what do i need to do? I can't pull my hand right? should i pull it out?" she continuously asked him what to do.


"ugh!" she groan as she could feel that her shield is getting destroyed one by one.

After the genie was done sending objects towards them, he lit up and made multiple explosions.

"YOU BASTARD STOP ATTACKING. I AM BUSY HERE!" She frustratedly shouted.

She can't see the genie because they are surrounded by smoke, fire, and explosions.

"Hey, endure for a moment. I'll release my shield. I will knock him down in one go."

"That's dangerous! ugh! J-just pull—."

"Shut up! Just lay there, cover yourself if you can!" she shouted while her expression is more irritated than scared.

She calmed her pounding heart then closed her eyes for a moment to determine the exact location of the genie.

"Dust! you better follow what I want to do!"

She gulps her own saliva as she imagines a fishing net in her mind. She doesn't know how to kill, so she plans to catch the genie instead.

She clenched her fist that was holding the shield as adrenalin surged through her body, getting ready to open a path for her to catch the big fish.

"Go!" she shouted at the same time, letting go of her shield and throwing the silver dust net.

Fire and explosives almost hit them close as she reactive her shield again.

She's doing a great job of multi-tasking by controlling her shield and the net that is running after the Genie.

"Y-you figure out how to use your power?" Randell weakly asked.

"Getting curious about your current situation?"

Now that the Genie is busy running away with her dust, the attacks have settled down, but she still held her shield up in case the net loses the Genie.

She can now observe the current state of Randell.

He is still in his wolf form because he will suffer more if he is in human form while a hand is pierced right through his chest.

"Now back to problem no. 1, how can I pull my hand out?" she talked to herself.

She tried to move her finger inside of him and feel the marble-shaped core.




For different reasons, the two shouted at the same time.

Randell feels pain due to Nida suddenly pulling out her hand while Nida felt something was sent to his head from the core that surprised her and pulled out her hand out of reflex.

"Oh my! Are you okay?" She asked Randell since he was groaning in pain and now gasping for air.

"huff, huff, haaa, y-yes, I'm fine, you?" He responded, still short of breath.

"I'm fine." she briefly responded as she looked away from him.

"W-why are you crying?"

Even though Randell was in the worst state, he forced himself to get up and closely looked at Nida, who was shedding tears.

Nida roughly wiped her face, getting more dirt into her face since her hands were dirty from defending against fire and explosions.

"Who's crying?" She asked, denying her tears. However, even with wiping them off repeatedly, her tears became uncontrollably flowing.

"Shitty Marble! Fuck CORES!"

She ends up saying crude words as she thinks about the core that always makes her life complicated after each contact.

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