Official Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 1269: No reason

According to Wei Changjiang's order, Chen Taizhong stayed in the UK for a few more days, and then he had nothing serious about it. He took Grace and Bella around all day long, but the sights changed a lot. [m]

Fortunately, the waiting these few days is also worth it. Nick finally helped him get some labor output indicators for skilled workers. The fly in the ointment is that this place of work is not in the United Kingdom, but in West Africa-British people willing to go there. It's not much, so the pay is pretty good.

Abel did not disappoint Chen Taizhong, he agreed to help contact the modeling agency, but the two women's future achievements, he could not guarantee, \"I can do my best to help, but in the end, it depends on their own quality, and... …Personal public relations skills."

The so-called human relationship society is the same everywhere, not just in China. The so-called supermodels, except for a few beautiful to shocking, generally depend on the operation of the broker, the ability of public relations, or add a little luck. What, yes, this world has never lacked beauty, it just lacks present.

     And this \"presenting" process is very interesting, Abel's meaning is very clear, I am responsible for supporting your people on the horse, as for the ride, then you don't count on me.

Chen Taizhong could not be completely satisfied with this answer, but Nick's words tell the truth, "Paris models and women dedicated to modeling, there are no one hundred thousand but fifty thousand, Abel can put them in the top five thousand or even It's a thousand to go, isn't it enough? The rest is to see their hard work..."

    \"Chen, the real top circle, has always been closed. Everyone who wants to enter must undergo rigorous investigation. You can't not know this, right?"

This is a bit reasonable. Chen Taizhong agrees with Nick's explanation. However, with his pride, he may also agree with this statement without reservation.\"Huh, is it rare? It is nothing more than piled up with money, who will not hype? I will spend some money to hold them both."

    \"That's okay, as long as you are willing to spend money," Nick shrugged, but he snorted disdainfully in his heart. Two hairy girls that can be found everywhere, do you need to be so serious? If you really want to spend money to hold people, your money may not be enough.

     To put it bluntly, it is still a matter of chance. Of course, personal connections and public relations skills are also very important. This is the case for Kate Slater who can appear in "Titanic".

    \"Models can show in many directions. For example, Umaman...what. You don't know her?" Nick intends to end the conversation. So shrugged. \"Abel at least found a place for them to be hype. That's it."

     That can only be done. Even though Chen Taizhong was unwilling. But thinking that there is still so much trouble in China. He is considered to be a master of avatar. But it may be busy with all things. The buddy has tried his best.

     is fine. In the waiting time. He has completed the visa to France. After waiting for a few days. Brought Grace and Bella to France.

     Elizabeth already knew the news of his coming. I drove a well-used sign car to the airport to pick up people. As soon as he saw Chen Taizhong, he rushed to hug him. Embracing him passionately. Laughing while crying. He didn't care about the gazes of other travelers aside.

     hasn't been two months apart. Why is it so? Chen Taizhong murmured inwardly. Smiled and patted her shoulder. \"Okay. I will stay two more days this time. Have I found a place to live in Paris?"

     Elizabeth’s home is Angers. . She smiled and shook her head. \"If you come by ferry. I have a small house in Calais. But. I have already booked a room.


     The most convenient way to travel from England to France is the passenger ferry from Dover to Calais. However, Chen Taizhong found it troublesome to go back and forth, so he flew directly to Paris.

    \"I also brought two children," Chen Taizhong smiled and pointed at Grace and Bella beside him. He has become ridiculous and doesn't feel embarrassed. "Is the room big enough?"

But what happened this year is really like this.He said it frankly and frankly, and others felt that it was reasonable. Elizabeth had dominated him to prevent Ma Xiaoya from taking over, which was considered jealous, but Hearing this, she didn't feel anything abrupt. In her opinion, Chen Taizhong has such charm and deserves such privileges.

\"I heard you say it a long time ago," she let go of her hand, turned her head to look at Grace and Bella, her mouth curled slightly, and she said with a smile, \"There are beautiful women everywhere you go Accompany."

After      finished speaking, Elizabeth was a bit unwilling again. She stretched out her hand and twisted Chen Taizhong's arm, then turned and walked out, \"Come with me, find a place to stay first."

     looked at her like a grandmother, Grace didn't say anything, but Bella whispered quietly, \"Chen, do we need to respect her very much?"

\"You can get along as equals," Chen Taizhong replied with a smile, thinking that this little girl is really strong, \" quarrels are fine, but don’t do it, she used to be a female bodyguard, you two will fight together But she."

In fact, Elizabeth didn't think about being equal with these two for the time being, and then she entered the booked large suite, and she left the two of them outside, "Okay, you should pack your clothes first, I have something to say to Chen To say."

     What do you say? Chen Taizhong saw it, and little Yisha's eyes were red. As soon as the two men entered the bedroom, Elizabeth ripped his clothes frantically, \"Give me, I want..."

It wasn't until Chen Taizhong completely enriched her that she let out an extremely groan. It was the satisfaction of deepening the bones and even the soul, \"Oh, that's great, if you don't come again, I really want to find another man... "

\"Are they comparable to me?" Chen Taizhong was irritated as soon as he heard this. His body was impacted very quickly, but he was a little emotional in his heart. I didn't think you were just a little bit. Guarded me like a jade.

    \"Oh oh oh," Elizabeth was already reluctant to answer him, and her body catered to him frantically. Until an hour later, Chen exploded in her body. At this time, she was already limp and limp.

     Fortunately, the two outside the house also knew that they hadn't seen each other for a long time, but they didn't care so much. After the three were settled, Elizabeth said that he would take them out to play, and Chen Taizhong received a call from Abel.

     Abel wanted to catch Chen Taizhong's wind, and told him by the way, \"I found the house you are looking for, it is not very expensive, and the annual rent is only 16,000 pounds."

     This is the place where Chen Taizhong greeted him before he came. The two British girls can't live in a hotel all year round. No one can bear to spend money like that, rent a house and buy a second-hand car, and slowly mix in Paris.

     Although the rent in Paris is \"not expensive", it is more than 200,000 yuan per year, which is enough for ordinary people. However, after seeing the house, Chen Taizhong thinks it is also pretty good. The four-bedroom apartment also has a garage.

     Electricity, furniture, and living environment are good, so he happily sold five thousand gold.

     But his move scared the female homeowner from Italy, and said to his heart, why does this person carry so much cash with him? But Elizabeth knew his habits and explained with a smile, "This is the consumption habit of Chinese people, they are not used to swiping cards, let alone overdraft."

     As long as you give me money, I will care whether you are cash or credit card? The homeowner didn’t want to be troublesome, but he still warned, \"Live in my house, don’t make a lot of noise, and don’t get too many people in, understand?"

    This suggestion, Chen Taizhong agreed with both hands, and took a moment to find Grace and Bella and confessed in a low voice, \"This is the house I helped find. Men from other places are not allowed to come in, understand?"

In the past few days, the two women have been quite familiar with Chen Taizhong's domineering and exclusive psychology, but he can go all around to hunt for women. Of course, this is unfair to them, but with Chen's strength, it seems... It is a very reasonable request.

Following Abel was his female assistant, who looked lovely and dressed up and was quite tasteful. Unfortunately, she was a little older, about thirty-four-five-year-old, and slightly blessed, but there were also mature women. The charm is in it.

     saw Chen Taizhong surrounded by three bright and charming women, she quietly pulled her boss, \"You are not allowed to follow him, understand?"

Abel has only a bitter smile. I can't bear to deal with you and the guy at home every day. There is no energy to think about, and, "I don't like this young girl, you don't know ?"

After seeing the house, on the way back to the hotel, Chen Taizhong pondered it and gave Grace and Bella 60,000 pounds each, one for each person, and it didn't hurt anyone.\"You both take this money and use it first. First arrange your own life."

He has never given these two girls money. This is the first time, but he has also taken out his pockets. Fortunately, Grace and Bella know that this little money saves a little money, which is almost enough for her. The two have been in Paris for two years.

    \"We have taken a lot from you," Grace replied with a blushing face, looking like she wanted to refuse.

    \"Take it and use it," Chen Taizhong smiled lightly, \"You two will have a good future. When you become famous, you can come to China and see me."

     In fact, he doesn't really appreciate the actor, and this model is also different from the actor. It's just that Chen now doesn't need to take care of such trivial matters.

     Elizabeth, who was driving, quit, \"Too loyal, I paid for the room. You don’t know how to give me a little, no, I want too."

\"How could I carry so much money with me?" Chen Taizhong smiled bitterly, but fortunately, he wiped out Mantner's house, but he also reaped some gains. Generally Westerners are not used to putting too much cash at home, but the mafia is different Yes, too many dark transactions require large amounts of cash.

     So, at Mantner's house, he found about two hundred thousand dollars, and some gold bars, \"Give you two pieces of gold?"

Elizabeth just wanted to act like a coquettish, but, of course, she had to take care of the yellow gold bars that she saw. It was about five pounds, and the price of two bars was not much lower, so she poked her mouth openly. I kissed him,\"Thank you, so loyal.


It makes sense for Abel to treat Chen Taizhong so enthusiastically. His own company does not produce anything. Strictly speaking, he is a customer. Like Catherine Chen Taizhong met in Beijing, he is only acting as a product and brand agent. Yes, but he did it more successfully.

In order to attract Abel's attention, Nick once intentionally or unintentionally hinted that you don't think China is very young, but he has a great influence in China. Yes, he may be the son of a leader of any country-this That is to say, the two of us have a good relationship, and I don't tell him most people.

     Abel took it seriously as soon as he heard it. As a big customer, he certainly knew that the French manufacturers and merchants at the moment were all brewing to enter the unprecedented huge market in China.

Speaking of it, it was the French who made their own minds. For a long time, the relationship between China and France has been quite close. However, due to the issue of arms sales to Taiwan, the relationship between the two sides has regressed sharply. It was very simple and directly tore up the arms sales order, but the proud Gaul **** refused to bow his head for no reason.

     Therefore, in recent years, German companies have exhibited very quickly in China, but French companies have suffered because of this. The war is a continuation of politics-so is the commercial war.

     Of course, the government's punishment does not need to be so ostentatious. In the officialdom, everyone just needs to spread word of mouth—the French are very unbehaved, trying to split the motherland.

In this case, the business of French companies in the mainland has shrunk sharply.For example, so far, the first logo to land in China is only 505, and Alcatel has not appeared in the mobile phone market. The subtleties in the process are nothing more than a political game. the result of.

At first, the French thought that they could afford to sacrifice for this loss, but as time went on, they saw the United States, Germany, and Japan frantically exhibiting in China, eating meat, and they could only stand on the side and drool. If you are not in a hurry, it is false.

In particular, Germany has benefited a lot from this, and due to historical reasons and the struggle for the right to speak in the EU, the relationship between France and Germany may be the most contradictory relationship among Western powers. The French cannot tolerate Germany's rapid development in China~www.mtlnovel .com~ We should, like the Americans and Japanese, dig out the spokesperson of our own interests in the Chinese government and look for allies with common goals-this is the argument of many knowledgeable French people.

     Abel’s power is not small—if it weren’t, he didn’t have the capital to associate with Nick, and he was doing this kind of agency business, so when he met Chen Taizhong, this mysterious figure, he would naturally refuse to let it go.

     Chen Taizhong certainly could not think of these reasons. No matter how arrogant he was, he never expected to influence the country's foreign policy-although that is not difficult, but... it is not the buddy to worry about.

     Therefore, Abel's diligence made him quite vigilant, but he couldn't see the other party's intentions alive and well, so he simply pretended to be deaf and dumb.

     Of course, he can't neglect Abel, after all, his three women are all living in France. It would be better to have someone who can do it better.

This kind of concern even affected his mood when he left. Four days later, he boarded the plane and left Paris, facing the tears of three women who were in the same bed with him. For a while, Chen was infinitely emotional and slightly petty bourgeoisie. a bit.

    Manman life is rolling in the dust, too many times, when you turn around, it is the past...

(www.. Lang Lang Book)

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