Official Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 9:

Just when Gao Yunfeng told his friends about things. Han Tian's people have also arrived. but. Han Tian's work is much more reliable than Gao Yunfeng's help. Directly the official Dao Wujiang brought three gangsters.

of course. These three gangsters are not stealing money and beating people. They just mix in Tailor Street better. One of the guys who claims to be "stomping down on tailoring street" is the worst. There was only shivering beside the "fifth brother".

Three gangsters took the task. Said to call someone to implement. Han Tian directly spoke without boundaries. "No need to call. Find someone by yourself. Bring all those who have opened skylights. No matter what you are familiar with."

This is called simply. The group of Gao Yunfeng's friends who were watching was a little dumbfounded. Seeing Han Tian and Chen Taizhong chatting with a smile. A plainclothes policeman stabbed Gao Yunfeng secretly. "Who is this friend of you? They are all urging Han Laowu?"

"Ah. This is Old Han?" Gao Yunfeng was also startled when he heard it. He is half-hearted. Of course he knows the origin of this underworld boss. After looking sideways, he shook his head. "It's not like Boss Han at all."

These people are still fighting so hard for the thieves. Can't it be done? Seeing that Mr. Gao's friend moved out Han Tiandu, he did not dare to neglect immediately. Scattered people and went looking for someone.

Near Tailor Street. Although the surface is still shocked. But in the dark it was already a joke. Chen Taizhong Gao Yun and Han Tian booked a restaurant nearby. Waiting for your news.

Not long. Someone brought people of all colors to the driver to identify. After recognizing it is not. Don't leave. Only after handing in the communication tool. Drinking and eating in a restaurant-eating and drinking open. Someone pays.

Anyway, the people brought are not birds. Seeing this kind of formation, I dare not care. Especially when someone recognized Han Tianxiao who was sitting there, it spread throughout the hotel in an instant. Everyone is at risk for a while: what's wrong with this. Han Laowu is on fire?

but. Han Tian's fierceness was there and others did not dare to ask. It's the driver who recognized the person is remembered by everyone. This made him famous in the future as soon as thieves found his car. Turning around without a word, he dared to wake up passengers "beware of thief" instead of talking nonsense.

These are all later. Over time. More and more people eat and drink for free in restaurants. In the end, there were a small twenty tables and some people recognized some friends who hadn't seen for a long time. Hu Peng Ying comrades push the cup and change the lively.

however. Those thieves. But still no trace. Chen Taizhong was a little impatient. Look sideways at Han Tian. "Hehe. I don't know. There can be so many restless people in a street."

"Where will it be?" Han Tian shook his head and answered him with a smile. "There are more than a hundred thieves in one street. Isn't that a street of thieves? A piece of this neighborhood. They are all delivered. And 116 trains go to the train station. Some people have also been sent over there."

He was talking while a 30-year-old gangster came over and hesitated for a long time before making a sound. "Fifth elder brother, my elder mother has just had gallstone surgery. I am waiting for my meal."

"Huh?" Han Tian glanced at him. Then he smiled again. "What did you say? I didn't hear clearly. You say it again?"

How dare you say that bullshit-can only nodding and bowing to explain. "Fifth, all you are looking for are windows openers. I also do this. I know a little bit. Some reasonable suggestions. You can mention them."

"Reasonable suggestions?" Han Tian was amused by his words. But this time it was really happy. "Okay boy. Learn to play officialdom. If you are the fifth brother, then I will let you go back to see your old mother."

"I don't know who you are looking for, Brother Five? Did you work on the 116th Road?" he said. He pointed at the driver. "This brother is familiar to me."

Thief. What is playing is a pair of eyes and a pair of hands. The driver was recognized by the thief. It couldn't be more normal.

"Yeah." Han Zhong nodded indifferently. The thief in front of him was on the road. There are too many amateur thieves now. No rules. It's better for people on the road to communicate more seriously.

Thief is also a profession. There are also inherited ones. Those who are particular about it all say "Ten to steal and ten not to steal." What not to steal a filial son and not to steal Zhongliang. This is all said in it. And from the start, it will never be exhausted. To foreigners. To steal is to steal. Leave a bit of entanglement.

Just talk about opening the windows. For example, the person who was stolen had a wallet. The prudent thief only steals money but not wallets. And if conditions permit. You will also stuff some toilet paper or newspapers of the same thickness. This will not only delay your time. And it is equivalent to leaving your own mark on it.

If the stolen is a powerful man. Or you will die if you get the money back. The police were serious. You can find people by following different methods. It's hard to say whether you can get the money back in full. But it can always calm down the anger of big shots. Those little people who want to die don't really go hanging and jumping into the river—seek truth from facts. This is also low occupational risk.

But now many thieves don't talk about this at all. There are too many renunciations halfway through. As long as you have money, it’s pretty tight. Be anxious and become a robber. Don't wait for the owner to commit suicide. He can give you a few dollars directly.

Seeing Han Tian, ​​this man nodded. The voice became a little lower. "I did it on the 116 bus. I know a lot. Can you tell me what you look like?"

The driver has already described the thief as more than one appearance. Practice makes perfect. The faces of several people were outlined in a few words. The listener groaned. "Does the thin and tall one smile at the wine vortex?"

"Huh?" The driver was taken aback. Frowning in memory. It took a long time to shook his head. "I don't remember this. But my face is very pale. The walking posture is a bit strange. It looks like one leg is long and one short."

"It's from Linquan County. I suspect it's them." This one understood it. "They don't just run 116. There are a lot of people in this group. There are more than twenty. This thin guy seems to be a little head."

Linquan is a county under the jurisdiction of Zhenglin City. It looks like a hundred kilometers away from Bo also. Han Tianyi understood it. "Dare to love those bastards? I heard that the thieves in Linquan County are getting better and better. I really can't let them go. This is Subo."

Chen Taizhong didn't want to listen to him. Up|Take a look at that person. "I don't know where you know where these people are?"

"Most of them are in Xiaochen Village" this one hesitated. "The three people you are looking for. Even if you don't catch others in Xiaochen Village, you can ask for the calendar."

"The head of Xiaochen Village knows me very well." Han Tian laughed as soon as he heard it.

The guy is similar to Chen Taizhong. Once you laugh, you will be ruthless || Ren. In the past, arresting people at night would not necessarily block them during the day. "

Xiaochen Village is also a village within a city. Most of the villagers live by renting out their own houses. The folk customs are quite sturdy. The village chief is also a half-husband. With a little money in his hand, Han Laowu was flattered very tightly.

"Then do it at night." Chen Taizhong raised his chin at the young man. "Fifth. Find someone to follow him to see his mother."

Han Tian understood this meaning by himself. He stood up and smiled and poked the guy in the chest. "Boy. This matter falls on you. If you do well, you will get rewards for your fifth brother. If you don't do well, hum."

The one who followed the people thankfully went. Chen Taizhong looked at a thief in a restaurant. Hesitate. "Fifth. Do these people let go?"

"Let it go." Speaking of this Han Tian could explain in a low voice than he knew. "People in Linquan County are very closed and very careful not to blend in this*. They only trust the fellow."

"Moreover. It's normal for thieves to know each other. But they are only familiar with each other. It's also forbidden to have friendship with each other. Thieves. Be careful."

"That's it." Mrs. Chen didn't want the news to run away. See Han Tian said so. Also put down his mind. He has something to do in Subo. Can't waste all time on this, can't you?

"Fangs with a large number of migrants. Short-term behavior is also *." Gao Yunfeng sighed with emotion. He took out the phone and started to notify his friends. Han Tian was notified on his behalf. He doesn't need to be arrogant.

"I'll say hello to Lao Chen first." Han Laowu thought about something else. He smiled and picked up the phone. Start a number search. Still muttering. "In their village. Who's going on. He knows best."

Mr. Chen promised to be happy. He said that he could do it himself. But I hope the "fifth brother" can send a few people to the town. After all, he is not like the white village chief who goes south. There is a stick team that protects the village in hand.

Seeing everyone are busy. Chen Taizhong stood up. "Okay. Let's do that first. After I catch someone. I'll serve you drinks. All the friends who have helped take a seat. Let's not say. It's almost three o'clock. There is still something to be done."

Gao Yunfeng and Han Tian saw this. Also stood up. Everyone walked out together. Go to the bar at the door. Gao Yunfeng handed out a bundle of money. "keep the change."

A group of guys eating and drinking in the restaurant saw it. All stunned. The huge restaurant was silent. Waiting for them to go for a long time. Someone asked aloud. "Waiter. What's the matter?"

"The person paying the bill is gone. The waiter looked at the wickedness of the room. I didn't have the guts to say that. But the momentum of the Chen Taizhong group suppressed everyone. She would dare to tell the truth. "Just order wine and food. You have to pay for it yourself. "

"Leave without even saying hello?" someone muttered angrily.

"Want to die, you. That's the one who Han Laowu wants to fudge. What are you?" Someone yelled at him. "People are different from you. You are pretending to be compelling. They are really awesome."

The first thousand two hundred and ninety-nine all have difficulties

Just when Chen Taizhong vented his anger. Chen Jie reported Guan Zhengshi's report. Xiao Chen from Phoenix is ​​here. I want to pay a visit to Governor Chen. | Let’s talk about lending 30 million yuan to the Provincial Science and Technology Commission.

In fact, Governor Chen held it. I am not short of money. This time the Ministry inspected the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission. The gains for her were far beyond her imagination. After the show appeared on China Television. Boss Du at the governor's office meeting. He praised Chen Jie and the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission for ten minutes.

Well. Take this opportunity. Governor Chen wanted to do the same in the Provincial Science and Technology Commission. Of course this proposal was passed. However, Executive Vice Governor Fan Xiaojun hesitated to say that there was not much financial money. Du Yi saw this. I was a little dissatisfied right away. "Don't you still have special funds from the governor?"

This governor’s special fund. All governors have it in their hands. It's nothing more than a little different. In case there is something unexpected on the mouth. It can be used. To put it bluntly, the small treasury of the governors is just the head. Spend whatever you want.

Governor Fan is in charge of finances. The special fund in hand is a bit more than that of other vice governors.

"Then I will work hard to coordinate and pay some money." Fan Xiaojun smiled and nodded-but Li took it seriously. Chen Jie still has special funds. Why don't you move her. Are you going to move me?

But from this sentence. It can also be heard that Du Yi's support for the Science and Technology Commission is strong. Boss Du has moved his mind to other people's small coffers. If this is not called support, what is support?

Chen Jie was a little embarrassed. Smile and explain. "I have a little money left on my books. But this year's 200 Hope Primary Schools have also completed their tasks ahead of schedule."

Ordinarily, she really didn't have to explain how much money she had on her account. This kind of thing is brought to the governor's office meeting. Very meaningless. but. Since Boss Du first proposed the small vault. It also involves the second boss Fan Xiaojun. Chen Jie won't explain. It would be bad for Governor Fan to have an idea.

The same is the deputy governor. Fan Xiaojun's name is preceded by the word "General Affairs" and the difference is huge. One is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the other is not. Governor Du left Tiannan once something happened. It is the standing affairs that presides over the work of the provincial government. So. She didn't want to provoke him at all.

"This year will soon be over, Vice Governor Fan, you just dial 40 to 50 million," Du Yi said lightly. He is a relatively old-fashioned person. The difference between the deputy governor and the governor is the district deputy director and chief. He cares very much. The address is also absolutely meticulous. Others speak in front of him. Never dare to omit the word "adv." as usual.

Governor Fan and Governor Du did not pay. Everyone is passing by. But this is also normal. It's like the top leaders of the party and government are absolutely impossible to be harmonious. The same goes for executive deputy and principal. This is the norm--unless the governor is always strong.

In short. Chen Jie and Xiaojun touched after the meeting. Governor Fan was also happy. I will give you twenty million. Spend whatever you want. But this year's governor's office meeting. I don't want to hear any more **** like the Provincial Science and Technology Commission.

Twenty million say more, not too much-not too much. Chen Jie is an ordinary deputy governor. Her provincial special fund is only 20 million a year. Also used in each mouth. Life is also really difficult. There are more than 100 counties in Tiannan Province. Which of the people of Education, Science, Culture, and Health are not waiting?

The key is. There is no need to repay the money. In comparison. Phoenix Science Commission Chen Taizhong's money must be repaid. There is also interest. Which money is easy to take which is not easy to take. That is clear at a glance.

and so.

| Loyal to this money. Chen doesn't pay as much attention as before. but. Regardless of it. No one always complains about money burning. The news still made her happier.

Xiao Chen is pretty good. Without direct officialdom, Wujiang came up. It came according to the procedures. of course. This must be about Zhengshi's idea. After all, if you find it in a proper way. Xiaoguan had no chance to do something.

"You come with him tomorrow afternoon." Governor Chen answered him hesitantly. She has made such an arrangement. "Director Li of the Northern Science and Technology Commission is coming tomorrow. You can exchange experience."

Exchange of experience? Guan Zhengshi wanted to laugh when he listened. This exchange can be regarded as fragrant now. He added a lot of face to Governor Chen. The other directors of the Science and Technology Commission couldn't get in at all. This is not only because she presides over the work of the Science and Technology Commission. It is true that the other directors are not quite right with Chen Taizhong.

A while ago. Some people also want to find Chen Taizhong to ease the relationship. But Xiao Chen had already gone abroad by then. Now the entire Science and Technology Commission. That is, Guan Zhengshi and Chen Taizhong have very good personal relationships. This really makes others jealous. It's okay. They didn't know that he and Xiao Chen got tens of millions. Otherwise, Chen Jie will hear more about Guan|Ren.

When Chen Taizhong received the news that Chen Chang would meet with him tomorrow. Chatting at the Comprehensive Office of the Provincial Investment Company. Because of the greeting of Mengyi. Zhou Qiang, the deputy general manager of the investment company, directly called the director of the comprehensive office. "Guide instructions. Director Chen wants to deposit a certain amount of money here. You can help with it."

The general manager of the Provincial Investment Corporation is concurrently served by Liu Xiaobo, director of the Provincial Planning Commission. However, Liu Xiaobo rarely comes to invest in companies. Mainly responsible are Zhou Qiang, director of the Economic Reform Commission, and a deputy secretary general of the provincial government. however. For Director Zhou. He can't use this investment company. This investment company in Tiannan Province has inherent deficiencies in innovation. What investment. It is not a simple investment company that can be the master.

So he was very polite to Chen Taizhong. But in his bones it is an attitude of keeping a distance. He saw more people who came to borrow money, but it was rare to save money. And this person is the relationship of Mongolian boss. He doesn't want to know too many things he shouldn't know

but. Li Ren of the General Office is enthusiastic about Chen Taizhong. He was cold and warm in the office. Chen Taizhong didn't care when he was used to others' flattery.

as predicted. After chatting without a word, Li Ren began to inquire about what was going on. Chen Taizhong was slightly puzzled. Ordinarily, this is not a small yamen. This person is also 30 years away and nearly 40 years old, don't even know this taboo?

but. He is not afraid to tell the other party about the money. "This is the task of the city for the foreign investment brought by the Phoenix Merchants Office this year. Save it here first. It will be withdrawn in the spring of next year."

This reason. It made Li Ren very speechless. Where is the money? Must be put in the province? Did you do something so high-profile that was originally private?

But think about it carefully. This reason seems to be valid. These years are really deceptive. All use reasonable and reasonable reasons. Rather than such excuses that sound outrageous at first.

Forget it. I don't care about him. The top leader is carrying it. I just do things. Director Li secretly drove the doubt out of his mind. He was so polite to Chen Taizhong. It is really aimed at the four words "provincial leadership" behind this person.

This deputy director is so young. This is why he said rashly. Young people are always unstable. as predicted. Director Chen answered his question very politely—change to an older one. Then say "I don't know either." He can't be angry about it, right?

"Since it's here. Wouldn't you invite me to dinner?" Director Li smiled and stretched out an olive branch. "If there is cooperation, it is a brother unit."

"That's okay." Chen Taizhong nodded with a smile. Just about to say something else. I received a call from Guan Zhengshi. "Tai Zhong. Chen Sheng has time in the afternoon. I can eat tonight... Are you alright all right today? Let's sit down first."

After hanging up the phone. Chen Taizhong smiled helplessly at Director Li. "It looks like it's another day. My leader has spoken. Sit with me tonight."

"Your leader?" Director Li felt a little puzzled. He always thought. Chen Taizhong was run by Phoenix Merchants. How could your leader sit with you in Subo? "The Provincial Investment Promotion Office has no relationship with you, right?"

"Provincial Science and Technology Commission." Chen Taizhong did not want to provoke the director in front of him. After all, when the time comes to withdraw money. It also requires cooperation from others. "I'm working as an errand at the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission."

"Phoenix Science and Technology Commission?" Li Ren nodded with a smile. The heart said it was pretty close. But he stayed there the next moment. The body shook. Looked at Chen Taizhong in surprise. "Are you Director Chen of the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission?"

"It's me." Chen Taizhong nodded with a smile. I can't help but give birth to a little self-buddy. The reputation is very loud now.

"Tsk tusk. I don't know-say it." Master Li|sucked his lips and looked at him. Quite dissatisfied. "Said I'll take care of the matter today. Take a look. Are you ordering now?"

"Nothing. Don't worry." Chen Taizhong smiled and shook his head.

"I'll come out with this agreement. UU reading As for interest...the interest rate of the bank loan will be increased by another 20%. Is it all right?" Director Li smiled. "But. Your treat tonight."

In fact. Director Li doesn't even have 10% power. But he knew exactly what the seven words "Director Chen of the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission" meant. This is powerful. About the backer behind Director Chen. There are different opinions.

Anyway. He believed. If Zhou Qiang knew it was this person who came to save money. | Will promise this twenty percent. In the past, Cai Li's son Guo Minghui came to borrow money. Even the interest is not counted when it is returned. But it's so personal. Then let the little Chen in front of him rush out of Tiannan. Who can survive the toss of such a person?

Even if Director Zhou has opinions. It is also possible to push a 20% request to Chen Taizhong. Yes. He really hopes to get along with Xiao Chen.

Tiannan Provincial Investment Company. It sounds very grand. Wages and benefits are all one by one. But here is a way for the elderly. There is a lot of money in the company. But everyone who doesn't make the decision. Director Li is still young. Motivated too-isn't it?

But Chen Taizhong was a bit embarrassed right now. You guys have to punish those thieves at night.

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