Official Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 7:

Official immortal

The first thousand four hundred and sixty-seven chapters

Chapter 1406 Midnight Mahjong

1998 finally passed in the blink of an eye. Listen to the ringing of the New Year's bell. | With the smile of his parents. Chen Taizhong's heart. There was some inexplicable irritability.

Life is only a few short decades. Actually have to live so intrigue. Are you tired? For a time he really had the emotional intelligence to leave the officialdom with his hand. The buddies don't practice anymore.

This reckless state of mind. It is Chen Taizhong's true temperament. But obviously. This can only be his complaint. Just because my mother is willing to win a house for my uncle. He can't ignore it. Although the mother didn't say anything. But she

Satisfaction and pride in that. But he feels the martial arts of the universe, the holy king makes the sacred king, the night kills the god, the **** seals the throne, asks the devil, the world, the strongest, the nineth heaven, the strongest abandonment Moving the universe will kill the gods of the night, the gods, and the throne, ask the devil, Ao Shi, the strongest, and abandon the Shao Da Zhou imperial clan.

"Too loyal. You are 21 this year. It's time to find someone." Dad said. Interrupted his contemplation. "I heard that if an official doesn't have a family, it will affect the motivation."

"This is nonsense. Whose?" Chen Taizhong curled his lips. I was muttering in my heart. Since I was admitted to the civil service. Dad's knowledge of officialdom. It's also soaring. but. He must refute it. "You|People Wu Yan. I haven't gotten a family at the age of 30. I'm still a woman. Isn't he also the district party secretary?"

"I heard she was talking to Yao Dong." Father Chen just wanted to show off gossip. Unexpectedly, his wife glared at him. I changed my mind immediately. "Old girl. You can't follow her."

Do not you upset. Chen Taizhong frowned. Just talk about something. But suddenly think of a possibility. Quickly shook his head. "You don't need to introduce someone to me. I have my own ideas."

"The girl is pretty good. I'm going to college in Subo. This will be winter vacation soon." Father Chen has something to say. But he did not prevent his son from standing up. "Dad. Tomorrow we are organizing a New Year's Day celebration. I'm leaving. Go back to the dormitory in the district to sleep."

"You old man is so true. Son finally came back..." The mother's complaint was still in his ears when he walked out of the house. Chen Taizhong smiled bitterly and shook his head. Drive straight to the villa in Sunshine Community.

Wu Yan, Zhong Yunqiu and Jiao both took this long vacation to go home. Ding Xiaoning and Liu Wangnan are both busy with their own business. In a huge villa. Only Li Kailin and Meng Xiaoyan who came from Yuhuayuan.

The two of them were staring wide-eyed|Look at me, I see Chen Taizhong is here. The Mongolian school cheered. Too loyal can be counted. Lord of the fight, right? "

"The master of fighting?"|Taizhong was immediately stunned. It took a long time to realize that this seems to be a kind of poker game. Do you mean this? "

Obviously. This question is a bit mentally handicapped. Principal Meng gave him a smile. "Of course. You think you can play? Our teacher also has an amateur life. Tell you. I am a master at our school."

"Number one. This number one." Chen Taizhong smiled and shook his head without speaking. But the disapproving watch on his face. It says everything.

"Huh. Of course I know they want to cheat me. They just lost the money. You don't need to talk about this." Principal Meng glared at him. The level of card counting is very high, which is recognized by everyone. Don't believe it, give it a try? "

It's about one o'clock in the morning. Ding Xiaoning is back. Chen Taizhong saw this. Put the cards in your hand. "Okay. Stop playing.|Get to sleep?" Li Kailin also put down the card when he heard the words. But Meng Xiaoyan didn't do it. "No. How can I win? Losing a hundred thousand is a trivial matter. But I can't tolerate you|doubt my IQ. Just let me perform perfectly. The cards are always too stinky." "Then I help Xiao Sister Yan, watch it." Ding Xiaoning hung up the coat she took off. Interrupted with a smile. It is true that she is more temperamental. But at the same time. She is not bad at pleasing people. After all, I have played Fairy Jump. How can you hook someone without any means?

"Xiaoning. You see that my cards are not wrong, right?" Meng Xiaoyan lost three more in a row. Can't help but turn around and ask his "witness". Ding Xiaoning snatched her card. Throw it on the table. "It's boring. Just the three of you are playing mahjong. Let's play mahjong. I adjusted two new automatic mahjong tables from the hotel. It's on the second floor. Go. This new year. Let's have fun tonight." Principal Meng finally knew. Your own card skills may be out of hand. This year. It is easy to see others clearly. It's hard to see yourself clearly. Yes. She also just thought it was "possible."

Just at this time. Liu Nan also walked in happily. Ha a sigh of relief. "Ha. It's so cold today. It's still warm here. The air conditioner in Dream City doesn't work."

She is coming. Chen Taizhong will not have to be there again. "It just happens that I don't want to play mahjong. Let's see you four play."

Watching four female players go into battle. He began to ponder. What do you think Ding Xiaoning did for two mahjong tables? One sheet is enough. Who is the one left? It seems that there are only Ren Jiao Zhong Yunqiu alternates, right?

Zhang Mei is impossible to come. Wu Yan and Tang Yixuan were even more unlikely to come. (Mobile reading 16k$) Hmm. Dude, this is not too arrogant and lustful. My girl couldn't even make up two tables of Mahjong. Can't keep up with Tang Bohu's picture.

How about teach Grace. La or Elizabeth plays mahjong. Competition between Chinese and foreign beauties? He is thinking about it. Liu Wangnan laughed. "Four laps is enough, right? How old?" "The one who won, undress." Chen Taizhong interjected with a grin. "Whoever takes it off first. Who will accompany me first." Who wants to be scolded by a few women. He felt a little wronged. Buddies are really not arrogant and extravagant*.

Spring is boundless in Sunshine Community. Liu Xiaoli looked dim in the Subo Mental Hospital. She slowly recovered in the early morning. I looked around. Think about what happened during the day. Take another look at the hospital bed beside you. Screamed fiercely. "Let me out. Let me out."

She was not controlled. But the hospital beds around are full of people. She did not dare to run out. Only dare to stay on the bed and scream.

This is called. Naturally, the doctor on duty was shocked. The patients on the other beds ignored her. Someone turned over and continued to sleep. Someone murmured. "If you say you let it go, let you go? I don't care if I say it."

She was muttering. The opening of the door. Three people walked in. She shut up immediately, frightened. The three people also ignored her. Walked to Liu Xiaoli's side. The woman doctor frowned, you called it just now, right? "

"I'm not sick." Liu Xiaoli stood up. Whoever wants the two male guards, you are welcome to stretch out their hands. She pressed **** the bed. "It's New Year's Day. I don't know about An Sheng."

"Three or four o'clock in the morning. It was a high stage of mental illness." The female doctor sighed and took out the needle. Tell the man to take off her pants. Give her a tranquilizer. "

Liu Xiaoliyi

People have to take off their pants. Suddenly struggling for life. Just like Yu'er's strength is how big and big. But these two male nurses are also skilled. Uniform men are fine. Not to mention women?

She only felt like she was crushing a mountain. The legs are also heavy. The skin on the waist immediately after feeling cold. The pants were taken off immediately. The doctor's hands and feet are also fast. The wine cotton ball and the alcohol cotton ball were swept away. The needle was pierced for three seconds and the syringe was pushed to the bottom. That is, one pull. "Okay. Hold her. You can let go in five minutes. After saying that, the doctor turned and opened the door to leave.

Liu Xiaoli felt her head start to feel dizzy again, but she abruptly held back. Secretly muttered in my heart: next time I can't be so impulsive, this is a planned conspiracy. but. What should I do?

Forcibly enduring the increasingly intense dizziness. She kept turning her brain. Who would think that at this moment, she only felt that she had a hand behind her hip and touched between her legs. Someone chuckled. "This woman has good skin elasticity."

This was another shock. Suddenly struggling again lifelessly. Another man whispered vaguely. "Don't mess around. Ward. Slowly ask where she came from. Again."

When Liu Xiaoli wakes up again. It is already the next morning. Waiting to reflect on his situation again. She quietly clipped her lower body. It doesn't seem to have been violated. Reached out and touched it again. After confirming. Finally settled down. Started to wonder how to escape this magic cave.

Are you accusing male nurses of sexual harassment? She thought about it. Gritted his teeth bitterly. As a woman. Of course she was outraged about it, but once she said it. Nine out of ten people think that the essence is abnormal again. This is the world of others. People can even explain. This is to divide her attention. Jing patients have no right to speak here.

A black hand behind the scenes. Send me here forcibly. Thought of this. Liu Xiaoli was deeply saddened. As a memory that enjoys people's respect everywhere. The uncrowned king who has the courage to expose various injustices. In the face of absolute power. Smallness makes people feel ridiculous.

but. How to get out She was thinking. A male nurse came in with a tray. "Take medicine." Just. She could not tell. Is this man one of the two nurses yesterday?

Other patients have become accustomed to this. A woman with thick lips and peach eyes even gave a low laugh. Reached out and touched his chest. "Nurse Xiao Liu. I am not feeling well. Give me a massage?"

"Take medicine." The male nurse is also knowledgeable. Ignore her at all. Pass her the pills. Staring at her without blinking. After seeing her swallow. I need to stir a little stick in her mouth. Make sure she did not hide the pill under her tongue.

Other people don't get this kind of treatment. Or is it because you are more honest? but. After taking the medicine. Must take the initiative to open your mouth to him. It is convenient for the other party to check.

Liu Xiaoli knows. This medicine is definitely not a good thing. After taking it for a long time, I am afraid it will have strong side effects on myself. But obviously. She has no means of escape. People look too strict.

Chapter 1407

Chen Taizhong on the afternoon of New Year's Day. I received another call from Lei Lei. "Too loyal. There is really no way. No one else can save Liu Xiaoli. You know Zu Baoyu so well. Say hello? He is in charge of the Health Bureau."

"Huh. What do you know?" Chen Taizhong gave a wry smile. Xin said that Mayor Zu was not an ordinary human spirit. If Zhu Bing let go. The ancestors became bold. Or dare to instruct the Health Bureau. But what Zhao Xicai said. Zu Baoyu will not interfere with Mayor Zhao, but is the boss of Mongolia.

of course. If there are instructions for Mongolian art. Zu Bao will definitely take care of it. however. Does the Meng Old Conference give any indication for this little thing? That's impossible. even. These words could not reach Secretary Meng's ears. Because it was Zhao Xicai from the Mongolian department who was in trouble. Who would dare to get hairy and go to Mengyi to get eye drops?

Those who are qualified to put eye drops on Mayor Zhao Tiannan several times. I'm afraid it is only Chen Taizhong. Unfortunately, he is not very interested in asking for help. And now he doesn't want to come out. "Lei Lei. It's not as simple as you think. You should visit her first. See what's going on. You can't visit her, right?"

"Not today on New Year's Day. I can visit tomorrow" Lei Lei sighed. "However. It is her brother who is going to see her. Her brother hasn't dared to tell the old man about this matter, because the old man is in a hurry. If there are three long and two short, it will be troublesome."

"Oh. She is also quite a failure. First of all. Let's keep in touch at any time." Chen Taizhong hung up. I felt a little sympathy for Liu Xiaoli in her heart. She looked like a buddy and had a lot of time difference. If nothing happens, the cowhide will be coaxed. In the event of an accident, everyone betrayed their families.

Lei Lei's call came again the next day. This time she has the latest news. The psychiatric hospital said. Liu Xiaoli is seriously ill. so far. Before effective control, at least two months of hospitalization will be required.

Liu Xiaoli's brother also visited her, but Liu Ji was obviously not in the state at the time. With dull eyes and slow reaction, there are doctors and nurses staring at him. There was really no result. He frowned. I have to curse. Whoever thinks, there will be people who are not talking. "This mental illness is spread. Does anyone in your family have a history of mental illness?"

The elder brother only feels a bit cold after hearing this. Look at the nurses and doctors around. How do you feel that the other person's eyes are a bit wrong|good intentions. Frozen for a moment. Then he shook his head to answer. "Absolutely not."

Hear his attitude. The person on the side did not answer either. But obviously. If he really wants a big thunder. Others don't mind helping him identify one|The mental state should be peaceful. Be peaceful. He kept reminding himself.

"In broad daylight. Do we dare to do this?" Lei Lei said here. It was a bit out of anger. "Too loyal, don't you know. If you don't help anymore. I will be very chilling."

"Tsk. Alright. Alright. Give it to me." Chen Taizhong scratched his head. The heart said this is big. It's really not worrying. but. What should I do? It is according to official rules. Or is it ingenious?

That night. Liu Xiaoli woke up again in the early morning. This time she didn't say anything again. He listened for a long time with his ears erected. After making sure no one is awake. Only then began to lie there and sobbing silently. Crying. While pondering

How to do. To get away.

do not know when. She suddenly appeared. There was a shadow in front of the bed. In shock. She is ready to call out. Who wants | Sombra is extremely agile. She raised her hand and covered her nose and mouth. Hurry up and whisper. "Is it Liu Xiaoli? I'm here to save you."

Liu Xiaoli's body was about to twist. Heard this. It stopped immediately in fact. Even if she wanted to twist, it was impossible. But obviously. Let her not show abnormality. That is better. "If you can guarantee silence. Then you nod." Chen Taizhong not only changed his height and appearance. Also changed the voice. His voice sounded a little shrill now. After Liu Xiaoli was stunned for a while. Nodded simply. Wait until the big hand covering his nose and mouth is released. The warning was whispered. "There are cameras in the ward."

Ok? This woman was wrong. Knowing to consider my safety first. Chen Taizhong shook his head. "Okay, don't worry. The camera is now on both of us. Do you have anything to say?"

"How do you recognize me?" I heard that the other party was here to save myself. Of course Liu Xiaoli was happy. But she was still a little wary in her heart. Mental illness is already very troublesome. In case this guy is unkind. I may become even more miserable in adversity. People will mature with an extraordinary degree.

"There is a name on the bed. And. I have seen your film." Chen Taizhong replied casually. "Don't ask me so much. You just need to answer me. After you think about it, how can you go out?"

"No." Liu Xiaoli took a deep breath. Spit it out again. The body is agitated or other reasons. There was a slight tremor. "Unless the man behind the scenes is willing to give up. Otherwise I can't

Out. I don't want to bear the reputation of being mentally ill. Spend the rest of your life. "Will you give up?" Don't dream. Chen Taizhong sneered. "You are more likely to be suicide." Ugh. Count me down. Meet someone like you. Are there any other requirements? "

I heard that this person said the three words "suicide" without fear. Liu Xiaoli finally felt. Now that she can be completely opposite, she took another breath. However, the body is constantly chattering because of the excitement. "I won't let the person who harmed me. That Li Dong. That Dean Li. Also."

"Don't have any more." Chen Taizhong sighed, then it was settled. People's revenge is too strong. Not a good thing. "

"You don't even know. What kind of life I have experienced in the past two days" Liu Xiaoli's body was still chattering. The voice was a little louder unconsciously. They shocked me. I inject sedatives. Force me to take medicine. Also sexually harassed me. "

"It's all right. Be quiet. You are so excited again. I can hardly avoid thinking that you are mentally ill." Chen Taizhong interrupted her unceremoniously. "On Monday. Everything will be fine. You just need to protect yourself. By the way. Don't you say you've seen me hear it?"

After saying this, the shadow flashed. Immediately he stopped to rub his eyes at Liu Xiao. He opened his mouth and bit his finger. Due to excessive force. It only hurts in front of his eyes. Hao Xuan didn't scream.

Not dreaming. But... is it an illusion? I can't believe everything just now. With this doubt. She kept her eyes open until dawn. Only then fell asleep groggy.

Work on Monday. Li Dong, Section Chief of the Subo Industrial and Commercial Bureau, walked into the door of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. His body shivered fiercely. Just get up. "I'm guilty. I shouldn't wrong Liu Ji."

Yelled aside. He dropped his handbag on the side. Hands outstretched. Constantly whipping his face. It seems that the face is not his own. After a while, his face became red and swollen. Blood at the corner of the mouth. It dripped in bunches. "Guilty. I deserve to die. I shouldn't wrong Liu Ji."

Do this at the door of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. The noise is too big. From time to time, someone tried to drag him away. "Section Chief Li Section Chief Li. You have a nightmare. Hello. You wake up."

"No. I'm sober. I'm sober." Li Dong stared red eyes. Constantly yelling. There was blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. Tears dripped from the corners of his eyes. "I am not a human. I shouldn't send Liu Xiaoli to a mental hospital."

This is of course Chen Taizhong's technique. Since visiting the mental hospital. He pondered it. This matter is official. It's really hard to handle. It is not convenient for him to move out Zu Baoyu and Mengyi. No one else can intervene in this matter|Chen Jie, let Sanitation come forward. Will expose himself again.

He spent the night in Zizhu yesterday. After talking about the details with Lei Lei. Lei Ji is also filled with outrage. "Too loyal. This and that Dean Li. You must not let them go."

She has seen his invisibility technique. I have also enjoyed similar treatment. So I didn't realize how difficult it is. Chen Taizhong didn't realize how difficult it was. "Then what do you want me to do with them?"

"Blood for blood and tooth for tooth." Lei Lei hummed. "Fraised Liu Xiaoli as a mentally ill Li Dong. You made him mentally ill. Dean Li who took tough measures against Liu Xiaoli. You also took some hard measures against to make him calm mentally. It’s better to feel painful."

This is not difficult. Mrs. Chen actually agrees. Especially the phrase "blood for blood and tooth for tooth". it is good. As expected to be my Chen's woman. but. Don't take advantage of the opportunity at this time. It's impossible to tolerate it. "My baby Xiao Lei said this. What else can I say?" He smiled and nodded. Then he frowned again. "But it's really difficult. You always give me some rewards, right? By the way. Liu Xiao doesn't look good. I don't need her to dedicate her life."

"I'll give you everything, how about you?" Lei Lei pushed him with red eyes. "Too loyal. At the beginning this time. But your idea."

"Okay, okay. Next time we play together. If there are other women. You can push my waist." Chen Taizhong twisted his waist with a smile. Inside his head. I don't know what it is. Probably. It was because Lei Lei was not proactive enough.

With this promise. Li Dong's "unconsciousness" is easy to explain. In fact, Chen Taizhong suspected that he was doing something vicious. After slightly shattering a nerve in his brain, this person will become unconscious from time to time.

Mental illness is no better than other diseases. There is a "complex". Once stained. I can't get rid of it in this life. Li Dong, since you are like calculating others. Who can be blamed for being retributed?

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