Official Immortal

Vol 4 Chapter 2:

Professor Qiang originally wanted to show his care for the past. , But I heard Chen Taizhong's ears. That's how depressing and boring. So he made a decision in five seconds. Since you are so bad to my appetite. Sorry to be old. You colleagues are busy. I won't help yet. It seems that no one knows the two professors yet

The three-legged toad is hard to find. There are two-legged experts, anyway, these people are at best "domestic well-known". Even an "industry authority". Not to mention the "field leader first" or something.

This is the case in the tech world. You say that you are "famous in China" and nobody cares about you. No one would take this seriously when it is well-known or unknown. But within the real academic circle. The word "authority" is extremely heavy. You can't self-proclaim casually.

I think so. Mrs. Chen did not show anything. It just means that I try my best. After all, this is not what I am in charge of. Director Qiu still has the decision-making power.

With strong insight. However, Director Chen’s Pi Li Yangqiu cannot be seen. I also said that Xiao Chen was very affectionate. This meal is also very successful. It paved the way for everyone's future contacts. Little did he know that he had been "convicted of words." Completely cut off the future of the brothers.

But this is difficult. A professor can be promoted to associate professor at a young age and become one of the top ten young people. Mainly because of the famous background. It is the first family of Nanyang in the famous "South Yang Beiliang". In the core circle of the industry, it is also counted as a rising star.

As for doing things. It's not to say that people who are knowledgeable will not be able to behave like a force, and they will be more outside and inside. Probably because there are too few geniuses in the world, just as there are too few geniuses who can take care of all aspects. The professor is not bad. But most of my thoughts use technology. Insights into the world. It's slightly less. Don't say it is more oily than those of officialdom. It's a lot worse than Chen Taizhong.

The young professor was unintentionally self-defeating. It is a wonderful couplet for Guan Xin Ding to use his will to lock the overall situation. of course. The horizontal batch must be a "human society".

However, Chen Taizhong's decision did not change much. Depressed. At the dinner table, someone mentioned Zhou Xingwang for the second time. That's what Chunliang said. "A friend who owes more than three million yuan at Carnival is too loyal, can you help me remind?"

"Such a small matter. I don't want to get in the quagmire of Jiahuan." Chen Taizhong gave him a white glance. He raised his eyebrows with Chen Fangtian, director of the Subo City Construction Committee. "Chunliang, you can't afford such a big face. Don't want our army. Director, don't you?"

At the wine table, there are six people Xu Chunliang and Chen Zaifeng on the first level road. The current project is coming to an end. It is also the end of the year, when everyone sits together and exchanges feelings.

Except for them. There must be Li Yingrui who is not far from Chunliang's classmate Meng. Then there is a Qingwang fellow in his early thirties brought by Chen Fangtian. Do book review in Subo. It is estimated that it is related to him. Anyway, he is also his own. The words are not at all outside.

The last one is naturally a beautiful genius girl. Present by Jing Tao at noon. Chen Taizhong survived her cross-examination. After that, Jing Ziling didn't ask people "genius" for nothing. So dinner at night. Someone asked her out by the way.

"Chunliang is to help friends ask casually." Chen Fangtian is a cunning and cunning man. Neither will sin. Answered Chen Taizhong with a smile. "Anyway, asking for money from the family. It's the most convenient way to get out."

I am the most inconvenient. Chen Zhong smiled bitterly. of course. He knew that the other party meant that he and Zhao Xicai were both Mengyi forces. Who said that it is impossible to fight in one camp?

But he changed his mind. I feel that this suggestion may not be undesirable. Anyway, it was already fiery with Zhao Xicai. I didn't care about doing it again, but I did it. Don't you help Zhao Xicai ravaging the family carnival?

Think about it later. He made up his mind. So another topic was opened. "Director Chen. Let's just forget it this year. We must prepare early for next year. Are there any suitable projects to introduce them to?"

This is how he helped Xu Chunliang ask. Anyway, everyone is together. In addition to chewing Gu two official anecdotes. It is nothing more than these things. of course. Chen may not have such a small amount of money in the eyes.

"Yes, it's a bit. It just doesn't mean much. I'm afraid you two will look down on those small deals." Chen Fangtian said to the items in his hands. It is also quite clear. "I'm just a municipal construction committee here. The big business went to the Construction Department to find someone."

"What's in the small business. Tell me and listen." Xu Chunliang didn't dislike it. Looking at him with a smile. "Anyway, do some real business. It's good. Crooked things. I don't want to do it."

"Who said to engage in crooked ways?" Chen Fangtian smiled at him. After several contacts. He has already touched Chief Xu's temperamentally. In fact, as the director of a municipal construction committee. There are really many things he can handle. But some projects are large. But it is inevitable to be a little bit suspicious. He also doesn't mean to recommend.

and so. Chen Fangtian opened his mouth. It's just a little work. "Junliang, can you let your friend set up a construction machinery company. Agitator rollers and excavators. Get a little bit. There will be jobs like renting machines later. Didn't you try to take care of you?"

This is typical of relying on power to live. Not necessarily earning much. But the slender stream is stable. And with the support of the Construction Committee. It's easy to get the money back. Others want to compete fairly. That only loses.

"It doesn't seem to mean much." Xu Chunliang nodded listening. "Investment is a lot. But it is also good. A real entity company. Not afraid of others gossiping."

"Oh. Why are you doing this?" Chen Fangtian glanced at him. Shook his head. "This has become well-known and has gone out. If you go back and develop it again, you can engage in real estate. Real estate is definitely the hot spot to promote the national economic development in the next step. Isn't Taizhong already doing it?"

"Huh? I forgot a bit." Chunliang turned to look at Chen Taizhong. Smiled and nodded too faithfully. Then you gave me the job. "

"The rental fee for these equipment is not low. Then you can open a branch office." Chen Taizhong shook his head. "And I can't give you all. The following emotions. I will take care of it."

Xu Chunliang glanced at Chen Fangtian. The doubt in his eyes is obvious. Chen Fangtian nodded with a smile. "This sure city

The same is true for your child. For example, a deputy director has two excavators in his hands to keep him off the kitchen, right? The magistrate is better off now. Willing to leave one for others. "

"Anyway, the construction committee has so much work. You can't even think about it." The explanation is quite in place. "Fat, let's do it. If you push it out, you'll be finished. Otherwise, you will be anxious. They really dare not buy it." "Then what if they don't buy it now?" Xu Chunliang really has few people in contact with the following. So just ask. However, Chen Fang listened to a sneer, or the chapter I was on was not vegetarian. "

Change in the past. He doesn't say that. Subo is more than a city. Still the provincial capital. More officials than him have gone. Some people can say hello when they reach the top. But what he took care of was Xu Chunliang's words. I'm afraid of others saying hello. Who can be bigger than Governor Xu's future Secretary Xu?

Strictly speaking. Shaohui can be bigger than none. But it can be bigger than Xu Shaohui and enjoy this kind of little work. Really rare. and so. From a certain angle. Xu Chunliang is also considered to be doing business on his own.

Almost the time to drink. Xu Chunliang grabbed Chen Taizhong quietly. "Too loyal. The family wants money. It's still the trouble that you say hello to Zhao Xicai. The person looking for me has a very good relationship with me."

what. Didn't you. Am I wrong with Zhao Xicai? Chen Taizhong was surprised for a while. But he reacted in the next moment. wrong. Gao Yunfeng's mouth is broken. But he can leak the news to Napali. But it was absolutely incompatible and told Xu Chunliang that there was a camp problem in it. Even if Gao Yunfeng and Xu Chun are close classmates. Cooperate to do a little bit. You can't say anything.

Yunfeng this. It doesn't look as simple as his performance. Chen Taizhong smiled bitterly and shook his head. of course. Gao Yunfeng can control his mouth. He couldn't tell the truth. "Chunliang. It's not that I didn't help you. Because of a girl. I beat Zhao Xicai's son Zhao Jie. If I speak for you, it might be the opposite."

"Oh. That's it. Then count it." Xu Chunliang was taken aback. Immediately nodded. His defensive mind is really not that strong. Also very considerate of others. Not so angry. Also turned to look at Jing Ziling. Then he pushed Chen Taizhong with a smile. "You guys are too bothersome. With a lady like Jing Ziling. There are flowers and grass everywhere."

"Where? It's Tian Tian, ​​I pretended to be her boyfriend. Zhao Cai's son harassed her. She can't stand it." Chen Taizhong was not afraid to talk about it because it had nothing to do with officialdom. "Tian Tian is the hostess of the provincial TV station. Her father is Tian Liping."

Tian Tian? Xu Chun nodded understandingly. He has heard of this daughter. The next moment he was taken aback. Looking at each other in surprise. "Tian Liping is Cai Li's person*. Don't you know this?"

He was not surprised. Chen Taizhong suffered a big loss in Cai Li's hands. It was the first to jump out to rescue Taizhong. It was his father Xu Shaohui. Right now you are a man of art for Cai Li's crime. This one. Is there a sense of the big picture?

"I only know. Tian Tian is my friend. I beg you." Chen Taizhong was righteous. "She doesn't like Zhao Jie. That's it."

Xu Chunliang was dumbfounded.

One thousand four hundred and thirty-two straight fall

"I don't have to worry about other things. But this matter about men and women. Don't you just talk about the love between the two?" Chen Taizhong ignored Xu Chun's reaction. Talking to himself. "Zhao Jie is too bad. I can't stand it. It has nothing to do with who is who."

"Haha. That's right. Too loyal, you are a man of temperament." Xu Chunliang smiled and nodded. He patted his shoulder casually. "I will definitely find a chance these two days. I'm really curious to see what Tian Tian looks like. I'm always listening to Yunfeng about her."

He said curious. It must be curiosity. Director Xu did not hide everything. Except for some things that shouldn't be said firmly not to say. Of course, he can be regarded as a magnanimous gentleman in officialdom. After seeing Tian Tian, ​​will something be born because of a certain feeling? That's not easy to say but it is undoubtedly pure curiosity right now.

After the end of the song. According to common sense, Chen Zhong should send Jing Ziling home. Who would think that a genius and beautiful girl in the car actually suggested to find a bar to sit together? "

"It's getting late. It's half past eight." Chen Taizhong flatly refused. It's not that he doesn't want to get closer to her. It's really a little bit difficult. "There will be an exam tomorrow. I'll go back and adjust the status."

"Do you still need to adjust your status by memorizing two dictionaries in one night?" Jing Ziling laughed. There was something indescribable in the laughter. Go with Tian Tian. More than once, right? Do you think she looks better than me? "

"She's not as good-looking as you." Chen Taizhong said secretly that this little girl knew she was jealous? It's also a good thing. but. Huh? I was talking to Xu Chunliang just now. The voice is already very low. "Why do you think about her"

"When you were talking to Xu Chunliang. I accidentally took a look." Jing Ziling was surprised to see him. After putting aside the hint of deliberate smile, it was still a girl's heart. "I haven't learned lip language but it's okay to recognize a few words. You two have Tian Tian on your left and Tian Tian on your left. When I'm blind?"

"Such beautiful eyes. Why is he blind?" Chen Taizhong laughed. My heart is secretly crying. This genius is really not for nothing. You can see this clue. So Wen Yan persuaded her. "Observed little Ziling. I missed today. I will invite you to the bar ten times another day. Is it successful?"

"You are so coaxing Tian Tian?" Jing Zi remembered the old account again. If you say no, take it out and flip through it.

"Who is she? How could I coax her like this?" Chen Taizhong laughed softly. The words are very natural. Tian Tian's allure to him. Really worse than the genius and beautiful girl.

"I'm not you." Jing Ziling answered him with a smile. But obviously. This is not a statement. It's just a little bit of careful thinking in the girl's house.

"Sooner or later, it will be. Didn't we both kiss each other?" Chen Taizhong smiled maliciously and looked at her. Laughing in Jing Ziling's small fist. Driving Santana all the way to the dormitory area of ​​Tianda.

If it wasn't for Zhang Mei to come. I will fight for you today. He watched her walk through the door. Smiled and shook his head. He turned his head and galloped away.

Zhang Mei did come. She came to Subo to do business with another business. She shouldn't have come this time. But it doesn't matter if you visit Subo at the end of the year. No one cares anyway.

The DMV is really a good unit. Not only

1 and more money. So it is overcrowded. Just like there is a staff member at the inspection yard. The license library is also two people. If she comes. Another pro editor is enough to replace her.

Chen Taizhong wanted to drive her on Monday. But Zhang Mei is really unwilling. If he said no, he came with his colleagues. Now she has eaten and separated from her colleagues. Waiting for him at Zizhu's door.

The car drove to Zizhu. Zhang Mei in a police uniform was standing at the gate of the community. Pretty and pretty. Even if it is night. Still attracted the attention of a few passersby. But thanks to the blessing of that service. No one could not open his eyes to call a policewoman.

"Okay. Get in the car." Chen Taizhong stopped the car. Waved at her. She slumped into the car quickly. Looked blankly at Fang Buyu: I didn't want to come. He forced me.

After getting off the bus. Chen Taizhong took her Shi Shiran into the villa. The door was closed. He took her into his arms in one hand. He was a little bit eager to stop Xiao Ziling just now.

"This is the last time." Mei did not resist either. Just whispered. Who wants Chen to give a lewd smile. "No. I just said hello to you. People in the house should not dare to offend you. Give it back."

"But. They didn't dare to provoke me." Zhang Mei was just waiting to say something. But his lips were blocked. She struggled to finish her sentence. But the body is getting softer and softer. The swelling between the legs slowly became wet. The sanity also gradually became unclear.

Do not know more later. A voice seemed to come from the sky. "Okay. I like the way you look in a police uniform."

Lei Lei has been busy at nine o'clock today. Just came out of the unit. Give home a call. Know that the child is asleep. Actually, a ghost lied to the family. "I have to work overtime at night. Then I won't go back."

Driving a Jetta to Zizhuyuan. Saw a Phoenix Santana in the yard. Light leaks out of the bedroom on the second floor. She opened the door with her hands and feet and walked in and opened the door with a smile. "Ha Taizhong. Uh. You are."

A woman lay on the bed and wrestled fiercely with her Taizhong. The weird thing is. She was still wearing a police uniform. It's just that the police uniform is not only wide open. There is nothing else in it. The two small **** trembled in response to his impact.

"Bah. You're a pervert. I want to surprise you." Lei turned and walked out with a blushing face when she saw it. She was in touch with some news agencies all day. I know that some people like this tune.

"Stop. She is going to die soon" Chen Taizhong waved. She stopped her movement. It's quite interesting. I can finally have more fun tonight.

Lei Lei felt her body stopped. A violent force pulled himself behind his back. I know that this enemy has made something weird again, so I can't help it twice. You always let me wash it. "

Zhang Mei was embarrassed by Lei Lei who suddenly broke in. The body could not help but a kind of alternative stimulus from the spinal cord: in an instant spread throughout the body. The body was shaking like an electric shock.

"Hmm. So comfortable." Chen Taizhong only felt that he was tightly confined. Looking down at Zhang Mei with her eyes closed and blushing. The evil in my heart burst out immediately: I don't know why. Smash the self-esteem of a good woman. Will it bring me such a great sense of accomplishment?

"Let go of me." Zhang Mei said, it seemed that he would be with another woman next time. Can't help being ashamed. Closed his eyes and pushed him hard. Nye was weak. It is simply shaking the tree.

"Last time you agreed. Say you will talk to Lei Lei next time. Ha. It's fun. It's a pity if you don't taste it. Is this just a short lifetime?" Chen Zhong's laughter became more evil. stand up. He did not know. He has completely fallen into the Red Dust Demon Barrier.

When Zhang Mei woke up the next day. Chen Taizhong was gone by his side. She was so tired this night. I didn't fall asleep until three in the morning. Heart said to do this, the woman. It's really not easy.

Lei Lei was also asleep on the side of the bed. Hear the sound of her turning over. Open your eyes and take a look. It was the opponent's chest that was exposed to the eye. I thought that Taizhong didn't allow them to sleep in clothes yesterday. So I closed my eyes and gave a wry smile. "This guy is really abnormal." "Yes." Zhang Mei nodded. He closed his eyes again. Take a closer look at the madness of two women and one man last night. I blamed myself for a while: hard to say. I was born a bad woman?

She blames herself here. Ray was yawning. Force yourself to sit up. "Oh. Time to go to work. This guy is going to be busy again. I don't know where he has so many things to do."

Chen Taizhong can be busy. It's too much. Finish the last exam in the afternoon. He just said he was going to find Jing Ziling to play. Unexpectedly, I received a call from Wang Qibin, the head of the Dongcheng District Organization Department. "Director Chen. I heard that you have come to Subo. Find a Fang to sit down?"

"Haha. It's been very tight these two days. Chen Taizhong pondered. He planned to decline him. "It's the end of the year. everyone is. Change time? "

This time comes to Subo. He has many things to do. Also accompany Jing Ziling. Boss Meng did not go. In a short time. He is really lacking in skills.

"You always have to have dinner?" Minister Wang said and did not worry. "Which way is it not bad for me to eat more chopsticks?"

Everyone said so. Chen Taizhong really has nothing to say. It's okay. The evening is Gao Yunfeng and Napali’s dinner. The son not only met Minister Wang. And now I don’t have a sense of time with that group of friends and friends.

of course. This meal Chen Taizhong came with Jing Ziling again. Wang Qibin is Zhong Yintian's husband. but. Chen Taizhong thought about the time when he was introduced by Zhong Yunqiu in the Wang family. Said to be a friend of the Zhong family. Not afraid to show up with a genius girl.

Minister Wang is also very strange. Chen Taizhong changed a woman next to him. In fact. Only Chong Xiaozhong can grasp Xiao Chen's movements. He also faintly guessed the relationship between Director Chen and his son-in-law and sister. But things between young people. He is also not interested in thinking about it. Zhou Yu's fight against Huang Gai was willing to fight and the other would suffer. What does it matter to him?

He only knows anyway. I care more about the Zhong family. that's enough. There is such a relationship. No need for nothing.

but. When Minister Wang knew. This beautiful girl looks like a girl who can't eat fireworks. It turned out to be the time of Jing Yiyuan's granddaughter. My heart couldn't help but sink slightly: broken. This matter may not be easy to handle today.

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