Official Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 60:

Chapter 1459

Too much deception! Chen Taizhong was furious when he heard it, Qiao Xiaoshu, Qiao Xiaoshu, the face was given by others, but you lost it yourself!

Strictly speaking, the investment in the electric power-assisted vehicle factory is not very large, not to mention that it is comparable to state-owned enterprises at the departmental level, and it is incomparable with foreign-funded enterprises such as Ningjia Industrial Park. In Fan Rushuang's words, it means that fixed assets are not Going to a 100 million factory is also called scale?

However, the motor is the core of the production of mopeds. If it is really possible to achieve an annual output of one million vehicles, the purchase cost of the motor alone will be several hundred million. No one can ignore this.

However, Qiao Xiaoshu didn't have anything to do with this opening, but after the Provincial Bureau of Complete Sets paid a certain price, it reached out and grabbed the bidding right. Your surname Qiao actually dared to speak indiscriminately. Isn't it messy enough?

"It's really good to be deceived by others, and Ma Shan is being ridden by others." Chen Taizhong couldn't help but be angry. In the Science and Technology Commission, he always advertised that he was honest and committed to the work of the unit. However, now basically everyone in the Science and Technology Commission knows In the next step, the motors of the booster car factory will all be purchased from Phoenix Motor Factory.

This is not a rumor. It has made Chen a little bit uneasy, and finally it’s okay. Although his father has contracted the assembly workshop, he still has a shameful rag-Phoenix Electric Factory is an old brand. State-owned enterprises are currently in deep mud. From the perspective of the municipal party committee and government, it is normal to give priority to local enterprises.

My face has been shaved thinly, Qiao Xiaoshu, you. You still have to say so, this is not eye drops, you are forcing me.

However, Chen Taizhong suppressed his anger alive in the next moment. I first understand the whole story and decide how to serve you according to the situation. If you don't toss you to death, the man's Chen character is written upside down!

"Well, the rumors cannot be fully believed. The news that is not conducive to unity will be spread less," he coughed, trying to calm his emotions, "patriotic, where did you hear about it, why did no one respond to me? "

"I listened to Li Tianfeng, the director of the production plant. He said that when Mayor Qiao visited the motorcycle factory last week, he was with people from Suzuki Electric," Zhang Aiguo explained cautiously when he saw that his face was not good.

"This Li Tianfeng is also true, why don't you report it to me?" In Sheng. Anger, Chen Taizhong blurted out his complaint, but he regretted it only after he said the words. The servant named Li didn't trust domestic motors at all, Qiao Xiaoshu did. Once I said that I was dozing off and gave a pillow, how could he respond with a full stomach?

How could I be mentally handicapped. To ask such a question? He blames himself a little, it seems that he is caring and messy, and it is better to speak calmly. You have to consider carefully before speaking, and be calm...

Who thinks, Zhang Aiguo smiled, with a slightly weird expression, "This is what Director Li asked me to tell you. He is an upright and principled person, but sometimes he seems to know some flexibility..."

In fact, Li Tianfeng's first choice was Suzuki Electric, but the samples from Phoenix Electric Factory made him have to admire, and as a production plant manager, he must also consider controlling production costs.

However, at the same time, he had a deep-rooted and morbid resentment towards those guys who were looking for ways to damage the public and private. Facing Mayor Joe’s suggestion, his first reaction in his heart was-Qiao Xiaoshu, how much did you take Suzuki Electric? benefit?

Chen Taizhong recognized the weirdness and looked at each other thoughtfully, "Mayor Qiao just told Li Tianfeng, didn't he tell Lao Kong and other leaders in the unit?"

"As far as I know, there is no situation," Zhang Aiguo shook his head, also a little uncertain.

"It seems that I'm still a bit out of the masses," Chen Taizhong's mouth twitched, and his heart said that with a correspondent like Zhang Aiguo, the news from the unit could still be reflected to him more smoothly, but why did Qiao Xiaoshu do this? Do you want to test my bottom line and blow the air first?

Well, test the bottom line? He reacted in the next moment. I am afraid that things will not be so simple. Mayor Qiao should not have a strong desire to go to Suzuki Electric. Even if he is brave enough, he will not dare to **** my father's list.

The test is on the one hand, and the key is that Qiao Xiaoshu wants to use this to promote the Science and Technology Commission Building to increase investment. Xiang Zhuang's sword is intended for Peigong, and Chen Taizhong finally came back to this taste. He insisted on the motor side, and Mayor Qiao smoothly let go. , And then talk about the building over there, people gave me face, I can't refute the mayor's face too much, right?

This is the case in all likelihood. Of course, if I don’t react, Qiao Xiaoshu will intervene. Anyway, the power-assisted vehicle factory is an enterprise of the Science and Technology Commission, and Mayor Qiao is in charge of the Science and Technology Commission. Qualified to speak.

To fight back, Chen Taizhong made up his mind. Obviously, he could not entangle the motor on the matter. That would only satisfy Qiao Xiaoshu's mind. If you dare to blow me the air, I dare to slap my face!

After Zhang Aiguo reported the situation, he found that the leader had been there for a long time without responding. The eyebrows were loose and tight, and he didn't know what he was calculating. Is it still under construction?"

"It's still under construction, I heard that there will be no rest during the Spring Festival," he immediately replied, "We must keep up with the construction progress, even if we work three times overtime during the Spring Festival, we must stick to the construction."

"Our science and technology commission pays twice the extra salary, right?" Chen Taizhong smiled coldly when he heard it, "They have a good calculation."

In fact, this salary is really not much money, it is a matter of tens of thousands of dollars. It doesn't matter who pays it. There is no budget that can be included in the final account, but since he intends to be true, he will not let it go. The construction schedule is all there is to it. It is their business if it is not completed. I care if he works overtime or not?"

Looking at Zhang Aiguo, he found that he had no reaction, Chen Taizhong stood up, "Go, follow me to the construction site to take a look."

Student Xiao Zhang hesitated and made a careful suggestion, "Should I tell the director of literature?" Who would think that director Chen would just sneer, "The Science and Technology Commission is everyone's Science and Technology Commission, and he is in charge of infrastructure construction. Qualified to go to see, what to tell him?"

The head of this story was too hard. Zhang Aiguo was so sweaty as he heard it, but he also vaguely guessed that Director Chen was annoyed by Qiao Xiaoshu's remarks on the power-assisted vehicle factory, and he intended to find some embarrassment on the Science and Technology Commission Building.

This is "You beat you and I beat me." It seems irrelevant, but it's actually the same thing. It's just conscientious to say that it is a bit too sharp for a deputy director to fight back against his leader in charge.

However, Chen Taizhong has his own ideas, and he said that I will not reach out. You, Qiao Xiaoshu, not only wants to increase the budget, but also express opinions in other ways. If you don't give me face, why should I give you face?

"Would you like to say hello to the people in the supervision company?" Tiji people play this role. Zhang Aiguo reacted to the leadership's meaning, and naturally wanted to remind, "Professional people still need to do professional things. ."

Of course Chen Taizhong knows that he is not professional, but since he is looking for trouble, why should he consider whether he is professional or not? I just vented my anger. I can say that you are justified. There is really no need to say hello to the supervision company. Besides, who knows if the supervision company has gotten any benefit from Party B?

"It's not necessary, just just walk around," he snorted, opened the door and went downstairs without knowing it. Zhang Aiguo followed closely, saying that the leader was really angry.

Xiao Zhang understood, but others did not understand. Seeing Chen Taizhong came to the scene, Manager Luo, the provincial construction company responsible for the project, ran over, "Director Chen is here?"

Manager Luo often dealt with Director Wen and had several contacts with Mayor Qiao, but since he works here, he also knows Chen Taizhong's arrogance and domineering, who can't see the situation in officialdom? So he naturally did not dare to neglect.

The building has reached the fifth floor. It is always fast to rise. Chen Taizhong did not look at him either. Instead, he glanced up and down the building and walked forward, "I want to go up and see."

"Hey, Director Chen, wait a minute," Manager Luo hurriedly greeted him without knowing it. "Bring a safety helmet and be careful of falling objects."

Can falling objects hit me? Chen Taizhong snorted disdainfully. Just about to refuse, he rolled his eyes and nodded. He took the helmet handed by the person on the side and snapped it onto his head.

After he and Zhang Aiguo put on their helmets, two people ran over, so the five people walked into the building together and looked around.

Manager Luo didn’t know Chen Taizhong’s intentions. Seeing that his face was full of smiles, he seemed to be in a good mood. He said that I could take this opportunity to get closer to Director Chen to make some requests, so when he walked up to the second floor, he coughed slightly. "Director Chen, this is about to celebrate the Chinese New Year, can you send some money over here? We have too much funding here, and the financial pressure is too great."

"Huh?" Chen Taizhong glanced at him with a smile, and hummed softly. He said that he would show you his face when he finds trouble, "This...I'll do it according to the contract."

"The workers are waiting for the money for the New Year." Manager Luo saw that his attitude was not very firm, so he had to say a few more words. However, Chen looks like his left ear goes in and his right ear comes out, his eyes are only indoors. The building is spinning around.

Why are steel bars exposed in the poured place? Chen Taizhong saw something wrong, so he wanted to find the fault, but after another thought, there might be something to say, but when my buddy asked, he seemed ignorant.

If you can't find any other problems, let's take this operation again. Thinking about this, he walked up to the third floor at will, only to find two workers walking towards him, one of them not wearing a helmet.

I was caught, "Stop!" He shouted sharply, then glanced sideways at Manager Luo, and pointed at the one who didn't wear a helmet. "Manager Luo, this is what you said the provincial construction attaches great importance to safe production. Extent? He is not afraid of falling objects from high altitude?"

The first thousand four hundred and sixty chapters are ruthless

Manager Luo was caught by Chen Taizhong. He was furious and yelled at the worker, "Which shift are you in? Who is the leader? The company's repeated orders and repeated orders for safe production, you dare to ignore?"

"Okay, don't talk about it for now," Chen Taizhong flicked his hand and interrupted his speech, saying that you don't have to make a noise until the whole building can hear it, or how can I catch the current? "Safety production is not something you can do with a loud voice. You follow me, I want to see how many people don't wear a helmet."

He said so. It is natural for others not to speak loudly anymore, and then after catching the current situation, he wears it by his side. As a result, he checked the fifth floor. Among the 30 on-site construction workers, six or seven did not wear safety Capped.

Not all of these 30 people were working. Some people were sitting on the side smoking and chatting. Obviously, this did not meet the safety production standards. At the last inventory, there were a total of eleven people who violated the regulations.

"Manager Luo, is this what you mean by'securing safety and promoting production'?" Chen Taizhong looked at the project manager next to him dissatisfied, "If there is a safety accident, do you count me?"

"The construction period is tight and the task is heavy. We have neglected a little in this regard. I immediately held an on-site meeting to conduct criticism and education so that everyone can fully realize the importance of safe production. These... are basically temporary workers and formal workers. We are still very strict."

Manager Luo explained with a smile on his face, but he felt a bit aggrieved, cut, it must be ours if there is a problem, anyway, everyone is a public company, not a private person, and I am afraid that someone will make trouble with it.

But complaints belong to complaints. In fact, he is also afraid of a safety accident. Although the probability of occurrence will not be higher than one in a thousand, once someone deliberately pursues it, it is also a big trouble, so he secretly decided to wait for Director Chen to leave. , Be sure to clean up these bastards!

However, Director Chen refused to go. He walked to lead Manager Luo to two hidden places, and pointed to the wet urine stains on the ground, "Lao Luo, can you explain to me, this water won’t pull the water. What is this...what is it?"

"This..." Manager Luo's face is so ugly and ugly. Of course, he knows that this is because the workers are too lazy to go downstairs to the bathroom, so they pull off their pants and solve it on the spot. In fact, he is about this. I often emphasize, but there is really no way. It is impossible for a leader to really see all the corners.

There are even people who defecate in the building, but this situation will be less, and once a trace is found, the leader will immediately clean up. The supervisor of the Science and Technology Commission is very tight in this regard, and everyone does not want to Touching the mold-put it on another construction site, the stool will be defecate, what if it is handled later?

"I asked you to build a seventeen-story office building, not a public toilet on the seventeenth floor." Chen Taizhong glared at Manager Luo and immediately sneered. "That's it, do you still want to allocate funds in advance? Tell you, the door is all No!"

Even if I'm wrong, you don't need to train me like Lao Tzu? Manager Luo was really a bit annoyed, but as soon as he raised his eyebrows, he thought of some horrible rumors about the other party, and finally suppressed his anger and smiled bitterly, "This...I'll have a meeting to solve it right away, Xiao Tang, immediately call the squad leaders and foremen Call me over!"

Chen Taizhong didn't say a word, and continued walking around the building with Zhang Aiguo. After a while, he found a few minor problems—the so-called minor problems are problems between what you can care about or not.

Manager Luo, who had been following him, finally reacted. Dare to love this person who was specifically looking for the ballast, and finally couldn't bear it anymore. He found a corner to call Wen Hai and said the situation like this, "... …Director Wen, what does Director Chen really want to do?"

What does he want to do? Wen Hai didn't know. He said that I had already given the two podiums to the construction committee. Chen Taizhong should be content. Why did he think of making things difficult for others to build? "He didn't mean anything?"

This is quite secretive, but Manager Luo understands when he hears it. Director Wen is asking himself if the surname Chen is asking for bribes. He hesitates before answering, "If I didn’t hear what he meant, I just grabbed it. A little problem and a big fuss... also said that no money was given years ago."

"No?" Wen Hai was a little anxious when he heard it. In fact, before Chen Taizhong came back, he had already put forward a proposal at the "Development and Reform Conference" to allocate a little money, and only the last regular meeting was left to vote- The provincial government has given great support to the Science and Technology Commission. Now that the year is closed, people's funds are tight. Let's say it appropriately, which is also a testimony of the friendly cooperation of brothers.

Something must have gone wrong, Director Wen immediately made a judgment, and instructed Manager Luo, "You do a good job of Director Chen, and I will also look at the situation from the side."

Do you work? Of course Manager Luo understands the meaning of this statement, that is, to communicate with Chen Taizhong as much as possible-not only with words and actions, but also with Lan Yingying's "Mao Liu Zhou Zhu".

Regrettably, Chen Taizhong left after making a fire. He didn't give him any chance. When he left, he still babbled, "Allocated some money in advance? Huh, I'm going to suggest that Director Wen consider deducting some money from you. "

The threat of these words is too strong, but Manager Luo has no time to be angry. He is full of thoughts about why this person is here, and the purpose of the threat...what is it?

Seeing Chen Taizhong's departure, he didn't even watch the on-site meeting. He didn't even bother to say that he called at the meeting one by one. After the cursing, he ordered the arrested one to write a thousand words for an inspection, and arranged for self-examination. It's just finished.

However, despite the many arrangements, it did not take up much time for Manager Luo. He was still thinking about things, so he called Wen Hai to report the latest situation. Director Wen was still confused, "I understand. After a while, Director Chen probably walked around accidentally..."

Having said that, he slapped his mouth and felt a little bit aggrieved—all saying that he was performing his duties, and he didn’t know what hand Chen Taizhong stretched out indiscriminately. Let me see if I can be bullied or not?

"Let's do it, you find time to report to Director Chen the process of the on-site meeting," Wen Hai finally made a decision, "If he is still biting, you should report to Mayor Qiao about your work. Mayor Tree is the person in charge of this project."

"Report to Mayor Qiao... Director Chen doesn't have any ideas, right?" Manager Luo hesitated. He met Qiao Xiaoshu several times, but Mayor Qiao was right about his leadership, and his own level was not enough. "Would you like Director Wen to relay it?"

Are you OK? Let me run into Chen Taizhong, am I sick? Director Wen laughed as soon as he heard it, "It's okay, Mayor Qiao has nothing to boast about. You can report more clearly in your direct report, better than my retelling...If there is anything unclear, isn't it something to delay you? "

Then I’ll go to Mayor Qiao. Manager Luo made up his mind. He knew that Wen Hai was very jealous of Chen Taizhong, but he didn’t think too deeply. Anyway, Wen Hai and Qiao Xiaoshu are in charge of the Science and Technology Commission Building. It doesn't hurt to mind if you report over him.

However, before the report, it’s better to find Director Chen. The projects that Manager Luo has done are not one or two. Knowing that some people just like to eat and take cards, now Chen Taizhong is here for no reason. Eighty-nine was because he didn't pay enough attention to him and deliberately made things difficult.

"Intentionally making things difficult" is good at all, but he couldn't have imagined that someone Chen did this and Wen Hai couldn't guess why it was because that guy's goal was directed at the deputy mayor in charge-he already knew Director Chen He is strong, but I can't guess that this person will be strong.

So, Manager Luo got an unregistered bank card and withdrew 100,000 cash from the finances. He wanted to "communicate" with Director Chen. Unfortunately, after asking for a long time, he was not sure whether Director Chen would meet in the evening. Where to rest—there are too many places to stay.

Of course, Chen Taizhong's most likely place to stay is the dormitory of the Hengshan District Committee District Government. However, when Manager Luo went to the concierge there to inquire, he realized that Director Chen also came back one day after another, and at other times he didn't know where he was—no one knew.

Director Chen only came back yesterday. As usual, you don’t need to expect this guy to come back in these two days. But in two days, the Science and Technology Commission will close the account at the end of the year. I really can’t wait. Manager Luo simply gritted his teeth and carried his hands. Bao came straight to the Science and Technology Commission.

Unfortunately, Chen Taizhong is not in the office, but Qu Yishan is talking to people in the office. Manager Luo can't take much care of him, "Excuse me, Director Qu. When can Director Chen come back?"

"He? I really don't know," Qu Yishan shook his head with a smile, "Maybe I'll be back Maybe a month later, no one can tell."

"It's not like this, right?" Manager Luo's eyes were straightened, and he said that no matter how busy Chen Taizhong is, you can still be busy for a month without coming to the unit? "Where can I find him?"

"I still don't know about this," Director Qu replied, but the next moment, he felt that he seemed to have a little problem with his presentation. The servant in front of him is from the provincial construction company, and he can talk to Mayor Qiao, not laughable. To add, "After New Year's Day, Director Chen will not say hello, and will not see anyone for 20 days. I really don't know... He is the dragon who sees the beginning and the end."

"Is it such an exaggeration?" Manager Luo was really dumbfounded.

"I said, Lao Qu, you should arrange me behind you," said Cao Cao, and Chen Taizhong's voice sounded at the door. "I went out for our company's business."

"You kid... hurt me a lot," Qu Yishan pointed at Manager Luo with anger, and then patted the table again, "Excessive."

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