Official Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 6:

Lin Haichao is recognized by the people of Tiannan as a rich, not only has a good reputation, but also has a faint tendency to become a brand. The less popular cadres in the province must adopt a look up in front of him.

Of course, there are some cadres who don’t want to talk about it. They always think that a businessman is really awesome. However, after the Haichao Group has solved the two real powers trying to reach out, there is enough weight in the province. People know it, Haichao Group is not easy to move!

There are even rumors that Jiang Shifang, former member of the Standing Committee of the Tiannan Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Subo Municipal Party Committee, talked about Lin Haichao in Tianya Province with a wry smile and shook his head, "The surname Lin is very powerful. "Provoke", everyone knows that Haichao Group started with loans and is currently operating in debt. It is just financially sound. However, there are not many people who really know the potential of this group, and Secretary Jiang has already left Tiannan. Comments on people and things in Tiannan should have a high degree of credibility. The standing committee members of the provincial party committee dare not provoke casually. The danger can also be seen from this. This is the scenery of Lin Haichao. However, there is a little strangeness. There are not many people who can follow. Mr. Lin has climbed to the position of Tiannanfu. I am afraid that there will be three or four, but he has always been huddled in Zhangzhou in a low-key manner. It is better to understand that Bi Jing’s family is really rich. If you have money, you don’t need to use a high profile to show your financial resources. Just like most high-ranking government officials, they tend to be kind to the people below, and the ones who like to put their accents on the air are like small clerks. But, curled up in Zhangzhou, just It’s a little bit irrational. In any case, Subo’s stage is much larger than Zhangzhou. Although it is your hometown and a big coal-producing market, if you want to develop faster and stronger, it is inevitable to set foot in Subo. It must be admitted that there are too many boring people in these circles. Some people do not understand this situation very well, so they pondered for a while. Not only the wealth of this province, but also the wealth of other provinces, they came up with a very exciting one. Surprising result: the wealthy in most provinces not only started not in the provincial capital, but also did not choose to exhibit in the provincial capital!

Is it a coincidence? Some people may think so, but Lin Haichao is very clear in his heart that he does not want to spend most of his energy in Zhangzhou. Although the layout of the Zhangzhou exhibition is smaller, the benefits are obvious. Yes, once the local power is established, it is quite stable. Unlike the exhibition in the provincial capital, it will be severely affected by the provincial leadership, and the change of the provincial leadership list or the change of power is easy This has led to a major cleaning of various forces in the provincial capital, and exhibitions in provincial capitals will not only cost more than the ground below, but also have to deal with far more joints and people than below, and the intensity of competition is not comparable to that below. They are all facts of guest regulations. However, there is another point that is very important. There are too many big powers in the provincial capital, and it is inevitable that the trees will attract the wind. In case of any trouble, the result is really hard to predict, even if it may not be completely depressed. , But it’s normal to suffer heavy losses. Lin Haichao has never heard of Jiang Shifang’s comments, but he is very Jiang Chu. If there is a vice-provincial cadre who wants to be unfavorable to the Haichao Group, as long as he can afford it, basically, fight It’s no problem to lose both sides. Of course, he also admits that no vice-provincial capital has enough brains to use up to this level. He goes to stand up against a businessman, but he definitely doesn’t want to take this risk. A provincial vice-provincial cadre is at least two. Thirty, but there is only one rich. You don’t think it’s worth it, and I don’t think it is worth it. Mr. Lin is thinking about creating a century-old world, rather than relying on one or two leaders to plunder and flourish, so I don’t want to. Going to the provincial city exhibition is absolutely inevitable. Because of this, since he knew that Chen Taizhong was behind the Mongolian art, although he still held the air firmly, he was not without vigilance in his heart. No, some people think Let's use this to find the ballast?

The conversation between Chen Taizhong, Xie Jianzhong and Lin Haichao. It didn't take long, it was done in about ten minutes, when the three of them came out of the room. They are all smiling, but if you look closely, you should be able to see how much helplessness is mixed in Lin Haichao’s smile, "Done talking?" Such a thing can be said on this occasion, it is Zhang Zhihui. Mr. Zhang stood up with a smile, and touched his raised belly by the way, "I've been hungry for a long time, Xiao Xing, let's arrange a meal", "It's okay," Xing Jianzhong smiled and nodded. The relaxed tone is a personal feeling. "I just got some extra-grade lamb meat from Subo. Vegetables and meat are also harvested from Ximaying Village. It is guaranteed to be pure and natural and pollution-free. Mr. Zhang, you want to come again after eating.", "Cut, less Bragging, I have been working in a hotel for more than 20 years, and what good things have not been eaten?" Mr. Zhang retorted disdainfully. It is normal for Qi Lao to sell old people, but he did not refute for the sake of refuting, but just wanted to resolve the scene. Tensed atmosphere, "If it tastes bad, I won't be here anymore."

While speaking, the four of them walked out, and the Lin family father and daughter and Geng Qiang were walking behind. Lin Ying asked in a low voice, "Dad, how are you talking? Can you let Xiaoli come out?"

"This guy's appetite..." Isn't that big", Lin Haichao curled his lips dejectedly, and replied calmly, "Hey, he just promised not to make things difficult for Xiaoli." At this point, he thought about it again. In the brief and difficult negotiation just now, I sighed without a trace. What is the meaning of a knife and a fish? Then go. The **** surnamed Chen didn't even mention how to help my son. He was actually very straightforward. , "Want me to forgive Linli? Kindly...I will invest in a factory in Phoenix with the same scale and benefits as Bitao, and I won’t bother him.” “This is simple. A small coke factory with a capacity of 200,000 tons will cost at least 70 to 80 million yuan.” He I still remember how I answered at the time, and then asked, "Then when will my son come out?" "

Who would think that the guy looked at himself disdainfully, his shameless answer made him feel itching when he thinks of it now, "Lao Lin, are you right? I promised that I would let him go. The police would not Will let him go, then it depends on your own activity...I am not a policeman", looking at the other's contemptuous smile, Lin Haichao really wanted to spit on that young and arrogant face, but fortunately, he His endurance was much stronger than that of his son, and finally gritted his teeth and swallowed the bird breath, "I need to confirm that I built a factory on the Phoenix Flower with 70 to 80 million yuan, in exchange for only one by one. One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One by one,'"One by one, the director personally does not hold my son accountable? "The old "you" is just, two words, not very appropriate, to speak of conscience, you are so unpleasant", the arrogance on the Chen family's face has not diminished in the slightest, "Now it is the three of us who are talking, and I also I'm not afraid of you spreading it out... If I refuse to let him go, it won't work for you to find anyone. Or, Mr. Lin, you try first? "

When Chen Taizhong said this, his confidence was extremely strong, so he deliberately or unintentionally gave out a little aura. But if he caught the current situation, who would dare to push down forcibly, believe it or not, buddy, and go straight to the sky?

"No need to try, I believe Director Chen." Lin Haichao happily admitted, and at the same time did not forget to compliment the other party. His experience after coming to Phoenix is ​​enough to explain the problem. Lin Li's drug trafficking has not yet been finalized, and he As Tian Nanfu, he couldn’t find a way to communicate with his son. Director Chen’s ability in Phoenix is ​​no longer doubtful. However, he still has to communicate with the other party for some things. "I'll push it to the people below Heizi, OK?" "

"Why the following people? You can just push Li Dong directly on Li Dong?" Chen Taizhong glanced at Xing Jianzhong beside him, smiled and stabbed his arm, "Lao Xing, don't you think?"

Where would Xie Jianzhong dare to answer? He can only sit there and smile sly, but he agrees with this very much in his heart. If he can sentence Black Brother to life or with a reprieve, it’s best to let you bully the honest man again, "Since Director Chen, you are I mean, then I’ll respect my fate.” Lin Haichao smiled and nodded. This time, he really hated Li Dong to his bones. He has seen someone who can cause trouble, and he has never seen you who can cause trouble. You want to use my son to cushion your back, so I don’t have to be polite. At the same time, I can sell Chen Taizhong’s affection by cleaning you up. Why not do it?

But how could Chen Taizhong willing to accept him this cheap favor? No need to laugh and hum, "Never follow his fate is Lin's business, anyway, I promise Li Dong can't live without Phoenix, at least he died in a car accident. "You may not know that I was in a car accident not long ago. If I said that, the stubble would be a bit too hard. Lin Haichao was a little speechless, but the next moment he was a little bit more Doubts--Is it worthy to be happy when you have been in a car accident? Why did you say it so undisguisedly and happily?

With this question in mind, President Lin soon figured out the causes, consequences and background of the Chen family's car accident, and couldn't help taking a deep breath. Is this guy still a human? Have you put such a heavy hand on yourself?

Of course, these are for the rest, but just to say that at the moment, although an agreement has been reached, Lin Haichao still has to work tirelessly and effortlessly to coordinate when he thinks of Zi Gong, and the light deputy director this year is just a loose hand. , He blackmailed the investment in a factory of about 100 million yuan. It is conceivable that he felt aggrieved in his heart. Of course, he did not think that Chen Taizhong had the guts to start that factory in the future. In fact, he wished that he would come and make ideas. I can take this to take a good breath, but this possibility is too small. Therefore, it is strange that his face is so good, and he is also very upset in his heart: it is better to be an official, you can do whatever you want Pinning hats can blackmail people at will, and a small amount of favor can be sold at a high price. In this respect, merchants are truly innate...", Chapter 1476, capable people, some people are happy and others are worried, Lin Haichao does not Happiness is normal, and Xing Jianzhong’s excitement is not difficult to understand. What he worries most is that after this incident, Brother Hei will retaliate against himself and his family. Now, Tiannan Province Fudu intends to attack Brother Hei. The robbery was settled, but in terms of Ansheng, Chen Taizhong still had to be counted. He just called Gu listen to Mr. Lin in front of Mr. Lin. The words were so good that Lin Fu went away again, "Old Gu, Lin Li I don’t care about the problem. If you want to deal with it, I will emphasize it. If you speak well, you can consider cooperating. If you don’t speak well, then let them come and go from wherever they go." , The meaning of these words can’t be more obvious. The Chen family has already passed one hand, and the people below can’t let you go in vain. You can blackmail whatever you want. If someone dares to suppress you, then the nature will change again. Will make it as usual!

This is a bit unreasonable, but this possibility is real. At least Lin Haichao himself has considered this issue. Since this man named Chen has let go, I will just find someone to press it down, presumably one. The small branch director can't bear too much pressure, right?

However, how could Chen Taizhong sit back and watch others bully Gu Peng? Putting aside the two people’s previous friendship, he only said that Chief Gu was acting for his Chen family this time, so he has the necessary and obligation to protect the other party well. In this matter... and Therefore, in other things derived from the incident, people who can start and end well, other people are willing to help you out, and are also willing to help you out. Taking this into account, it can be seen that the Chen family's current thinking is becoming more and more careful. The more I can understand the thoughts and pulses of people in the officialdom. If I left it two years ago, the Chen family would only think of themselves. Even if they could think of others, they would probably find it troublesome and leave their hands alone, like this general growth in emotional intelligence. I had to coldly marvel at the officialdom’s ability to catalyze people, "I am willing to bet and lose, you don’t have to be so arrogant." Lin Haichao really couldn't calm down when he heard this, so he sneered, "I will only be interested in making things difficult for a branch director. The Lin family can make it to this point because they have never done that kind of sneaky villain activities, "Being a human being beforehand. Although this principle is simple, there are too many young people who don’t understand it now." He said originally. I want to ridicule Chen Taizhong for being too unscrupulous in doing things and forgetting the basic principles of life. The guy who wants to be ridiculed laughed and nodded frequently, "Yes, you Lin always doesn't do petty theft, but your son does. Or I said, "It's inevitable that the father will not be filial to his wife, right?"

This slap was a bit louder. Who thought it was not over yet, and the family slapped another loud backhand slap, "Yes, there are indeed too many young people who don't know how to be human." "For example, Lin Li! "

If it is more profitable, even if Lin Haichao lives for another fifty-three years, he is afraid that he will not be the opponent of the unscrupulous immortal, so Lin can only silence his mouth. The three of them are communicating quietly, and Jing Ziling is also very curious and quietly. Tugging Chen Taizhong, "Brother Taizhong, what are you talking about? Why are everyone happy?"

"Big New Year, don’t you still cry if you’re not happy one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one One one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one,'l, one one one one; Ji Taizhong chuckled, but seeing Xiaobi Ling so curious, he didn't feel surprised , Explained in a low voice the consensus reached by the two parties, but the genius girl was slightly surprised to hear, "Count all the drugs to the sunspots. "This is not easy, right?"

"It's man-made, the key is to see someone with the ability to do this. Heizi wants to buy Bitao, isn't it inconceivable in the eyes of others? But without me, he basically did it," Chen Taizhong answered with a smile She said that Gu Ting was originally a veteran of gameplay, and Lin Haichao has considerable power. Combining the power of these two people, is it not easy to win a little Li Dong?

"Then, that sunspot is dead, right?" Jing Ziling read a lot of books, but he has never studied the Criminal Law. "It's hard to say that you won't die. Shedding a layer of skin is certain." Chen Taizhong is also uncertain about the situation. Where did the exhibition go? "At least seven years, this is absolutely fine", "Then this is basically okay," Jing Ziling laughed. Although she has not experienced much, she has read a lot of books. , I can also think that after several years of prison life, when Li Dong comes out again, I am afraid that he will not have the courage to be so arrogant, "By the way, you can lend me five million for the ten million you won?"

"Then just talk casually, do you really want him?" Chen Taizhong shrugged, "Lin Haichao wants to fix this and fish out his son. It is impossible for him not to spend 1.8 million. I'm happy, why must I take it?"

"But..." Jing Ziling looked at him for a long time before stomping angrily, "Today, the twenty-seventh and twenty-seventh of the twelfth lunar month!"

"Ha", Chen Taizhong slapped his head abruptly, "I said why did you think of borrowing money, and dare you to feel that today is your birthday? Come on, since you are in Phoenix, I will help you on this birthday. How about everyone's lively in the evening? "

Jing Ziling gave him a glance, and then chuckled for a long time, "Forget it, forgive you, go buy me a birthday present this afternoon?"

"I'm going to work with Lao Lin in the afternoon." Chen Taizhong smiled and pointed behind him, and explained in a low voice, "The last investment project of this year, initial an intention in the afternoon." He has never seen rabbits or scattered eagles, Lin Haichao If you want to pick up Lin Li, why do you have to say no? Although with his ability, he doesn't care about the other party's remorse, but since he can do it smoothly, why bother to drag it?

You know, the Chen family are very busy people. If you miss this period and don’t do it, then you can deal with it specifically. The time will be a little too much. It’s better to hit anecdotes while it is hot. "Since you have talked to the Lin family, do you want to... Call them to participate too?" Jing Ziling turned her eyes, she was very random in doing things, and didn't mind doing little bad things, but she was still a very simple girl in her bones, and she always felt that both sides had already talked about it, why not take this opportunity, How about turning enemies into friends?

"Don't even think about it." Chen Taizhong shook his head. He was not optimistic about this suggestion. "Some people have strong self-esteem, which is not what you can imagine. The higher the status, the more hateful they are. They hide for ten or eight years. There will be any more explosions, hoping to completely turn the enemy into a friend, "It's better not to be so naive", the facts are almost the same as what he said, although Lin Haichao agreed, if it is handled properly, he will "drink well". But at noon, everyone just touched three glasses of wine. As for the dishes carefully prepared by the head of the department, no one took it to heart. They were all tasteless. Of course, the head of Lin would definitely not be able to say "I am not about the outcome of the negotiation. I’m very satisfied, so I don’t drink it.” He just explained in a faint way that in the afternoon I will go to work with Director Chen, and Lin Ying and Director Geng will go to the Hengshan branch to coordinate the affairs. So, “I’m sorry...” missed Today, drink well."

This is too hypocritical. Everyone can even hear the slightest dissatisfaction in Lin's words, but Chen Taizhong doesn't mind. In this matter, he completely prevailed. It seems that if he doesn't let people vent a bit I'm too petty. Anyway, people are living today, so it’s okay to never drink it again.

It is said that today is the twenty-seventh of the twelfth lunar month, and I have done an ICBC summary meeting after recruiting the nose and holding the sheep. It doesn’t matter if the sheep does not go to work at all. It’s just that people in the second business department heard that their boss actually made another list, and they still stick to it on time. In his post, when Chen Taizhong followed Lin Haichao and his secretary into the office, Deputy Section Chief Ji actually recognized Tian Nanfu, "No way, Head Chen, what you are pulling... …The business of Haichao Group?"

"I'm shit? I'm still peeing." Seeing the dumbfounded look of colleagues in the office, Director Chen was in a good mood for a while and couldn't help making a very vulgar joke, "Okay, here, Haichao Group is working for us. For the support of the company, first sign an intention. The task must be counted in the next year. “That’s too welcome.” Chief Ji immediately arranged for people to make tea and pour water. The enthusiasm was so complete that he waited for everyone in the room. When I was sitting in the office, I asked, "Director Chen, what kind of project is this...? "

"Yeah," Chen Taizhong was taken aback when he heard it, and he looked over at Lin Haichao, "Mr. Lin, the you want to invest in is a project. What project comes from it?"

Xiaoji listened so well and didn't faint. What is a capable person? Director Chen is such a truly capable person. The project he has drawn is the investment of the rich in the province. Moreover, he has not even implemented what the project is. The order is complete. What is more, Lin Haichao heard this. It was also a moment of hesitation before blinking, "Well, it's not much money anyway, seventy to eighty million, coal, char and iron, etc., what project here is more profitable?"

"Mr. Lin, you don't have anyone like that." Xiao Ji looked at him dumbfounded, "Dare you not say anything about it?"

"It's just an intention anyway," Lin Haichao said calmly, but the trace of helplessness in his eyes was still seen by Chief Ji, who was really and daring. Is this the money that Director Chen robbed?

Diao and Ji's minds were first-class. After reacting, they asked, "Director Chen. Who counts this project?"

"Count it in Xiao Yang's performance", Chen Taizhong rolled his eyes and answered with a smile, "Give him a good start", "I think so too", Xiao Ji smiled and replied, Lin Haichao heard this little section chief flattering After shooting like this, I just gave birth to a trace of disdain, and was immediately suppressed by the other party's next sentence, "Du Shenglou gave it to you yesterday, and the first floor is called Yuhuaya.

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