Official Immortal

: Two thousand one hundred and forty-five

Director Deng’s favor was effective that night. Net m

In another factory in Boduo Village, the owner’s wife took a few people here one by one in the evening, and her husband and employees followed her. She rushed back from Lake City. During the day, she inquired about the news at the police station, but at night she greeted her. A few people come next night.

   My husband is gone, but life still has to go on. There are many products and spare parts in the factory. She can't just sit back and watch these things being stolen, right?

Because she was concerned about her husband, she couldn't sleep, so she pulled her brother to talk. At about 2:30 in the morning, she was tearfully recalling the love between the two people, and suddenly heard something in the room next to her. movement.

\"A thief?" She exchanged glances with her brothers, saying that she couldn't use the stick and long knife at hand, and walked to the next door. Unexpectedly, before entering the door, she heard a loud bang, and there was a loud noise in the room. sneeze. \"It's the pillar, the pillar is back!" How about the relationship between the couple? I could even hear the sneeze of my husband, the lady boss screamed and rushed into the house...

Similar to the experience of this family, there are many people who have disappeared inexplicably, and they will not feel at ease for anyone. Although some people think that there is evil in the family and dare not stay at home, there are still many people waiting at home. , Or nostalgia or sadness, many people fall asleep unintentionally.

   And the policemen in the police station and sub-station can't sleep, right? So at about three o'clock, the entire police system in Lake City knew that the missing person came back, and Chief Cheng Liangcheng, who had rushed to the west, got the news.

   Chief Cheng shouldered the important task of protecting the safety of one party. After the surprise, he calmed down and ordered all the police and joint defense team on standby to dispatch all the people. He must figure out how the missing people came back!

   Even, he even called the city and ordered the special police to come to support. Although he is the first political commissar of the armed police, the armed police is not as comfortable as the special police. It is already the consensus of the Luhai Province.

   Facts have proved that Director Cheng did not miss the opportunity. When he cast the net, the missing people returned only about one-quarter, ten, or at most one-third. This data is not good for statistics.

   Regrettably, there are too many missing people, and Zhuo Fang’s too few people, so he wants to know who and how the missing people were sent back. The difficulty is really great.

   Too many times, the police heard a cheer. When they rushed over, the missing person was already there. The family members of the missing person usually explained it like this.\"There was no one on the bed just now, and there was someone after just brushing the floor."

\"This is nonsense" Su Niuniu, the deputy director of the Hongling Police Station, does not believe in this evil. Director Yu has gone to squat, he will naturally also be sent out, but the location chosen by the Director Yu is the brother-in-law of the mayor. Home, and Director Su had no desires, he was stubborn and bystanders were clear, so he chose an ordinary family.

Of course, if you really want to care, there are no ordinary people among the core group of fraud. The one selected by Director Su is just a skilled worker in a small factory. On weekdays, he has a temperament and a small number of people, and he is willing to help others. The nearby Shili and Baxiang are well-known and popular. If others can come back, this person should be able to come back even more.

However, the good temper of the skilled worker does not mean that his wife has a good temper. The woman has been crying all day, and she is in a state of sleep but not sleeping. She heard someone knock on the courtyard door and opened the door. Rushed out\"husband, are you back?"

   I opened the door and saw that it was not her husband but the police. Under the huge disappointment, the woman couldn't help but yelled. Director Su was not familiar with her, just to ask where her husband disappeared.

The two quarreled for a long time, and the woman finally believed that everyone from other people's homes had returned, and her husband was missing. So she thought about it, and raised her hand to push Director Su out for a walk. If you want to be present, The kidnapper might not send my husband back.

  \"I am lying in ambush here" Director Su shook the pistol in his hand, and explained in a low voice, "\"I don’t make a sound, and I have to protect you. Don’t you... Forget it, your husband is back..."

   The woman looked back, isn't it what's wrong? My husband has appeared on the bed behind him, surprised for a moment\"This...when was this born? Ah~~"

Listening to the woman's surprise screaming with panic, Su Niuniu was stunned for a long time, then turned and walked outside, saying not to say it was you, even I was so hungry that I didn't shout out, most of the night, A big living person appeared out of nowhere, and the courage had to pee his pants.

   At this time, Director Su really believed those rumors, so after he forced his trembling legs to walk out the door, he began to hesitate: the next house...Should I go?

That night, the number of police and joint defense team members on standby in Zhengxi City totaled more than 500 people, plus some volunteers to join, there were as many as 700 people, Director Su was not the only one who saw this in person. There are more than a dozen strange policemen who have encountered the same situation as him.

   When the good news came, someone called the Jiaotong Hotel for the first time. There were plainclothes policemen in the hotel staring at the front and back doors, and the police in the central control room stared at the camera without blinking.

The traffic hotel has cameras on every floor, or infrared ones. Originally, there were no cameras installed here. Last year, the son of the executive vice minister of the Provincial Party Committee Organization Department came here to stay and lost his laptop, mobile phone and money. After a disturbance, the hotel didn't even consider the compensation offered by the hotel, but asked the Transportation Bureau to hand over the thief.

  In the end, everyone used the compensation of several times the lost property to coax the son to leave, and the deputy director of the hotel who was also the general manager of the hotel pondered; Forget it, let's install the camera. Net m

For this application, Director Pang also approved, but considering that there will be no less leaders here, he instructed the deputy director that the camera can be installed, but the camera on the floor of the suite must be closed at ordinary times. If anyone wants to open it, he must have it. You agree.

   Anyway, the camera is a double-edged sword for various reception hotels. If it is not installed badly, it will be suspected of peeping at the leader. It is really difficult to handle. Everyone can only survive in the cracks [eternal life].

   Due to the special circumstances of today, the camera was naturally turned on. Not only was it turned on, but also the police were monitoring it in real time. Of course, Chen Taizhong also learned the news from Director Pang.

Now that he knows, he can't stay with Ma Xiaoya, nor can he let Ma Xiaoya stay in his own room, but this is not a problem. The big aunt of Xiao Ma came to see her in the past two days, and everyone just sang it. Song, have fun with fitness or something.

   So what everyone sees is that after dinner, Director Chen first went to karaoke with Ma Xiaoya and Zhi Guangming. The Director also ordered a young lady. Director Chen did not order ten. The quality of the businessman is a bit worse than that of the cadres.

   Then I went to the gym to work out, and then went to the bar. Anyway, it was a one-stop service. When a few people returned to the room, it was already 11:30 in the night.

\"They went back to the room, as if they didn't come out anymore." The policeman who was in charge of the surveillance was actually taking a nap. After receiving the call, he didn't worry about answering. He yawned and rewinded the surveillance video, and then fast forward again. , Make sure there is no problem.\"You don't want to leave from the corridor. No one is watching them outside?"

Naturally, there are people staring outside. It is a waste of police force to do this. But then again, this is a case of two thousand missing people. No matter how much attention it is, there are policemen staring outside the car. I heard that the deputy director of the military force group who came from Fenghuang might fly away.

   However, all the signs inside and outside the building indicate that Director Chen has never appeared since he returned to the room. Obviously, nothing in the life tonight has no direct relationship with Director Chen.

The traffic hotel is one of the police's key targets. In some places, it is inevitable to ignore a point. Until 4 o'clock in the morning, most of the people who were missing appeared inexplicably.``Director Deng suddenly reacted to an incident\ "Ah, did Chen Hongxi confess something there? Will these talents come back? "

There have been too many recent spiritual events, and everyone is a little numb, so until then, he didn't think that if this matter were from Chen Taizhong's handwriting, the interrogation in the bureau should be a breakthrough. Correct.

That's right, the interrogation room in the bureau really achieved a breakthrough. This was originally a place for interrogation of repeat offenders. The police in charge of the interrogation were the elites in the bureau, and there were also cameras that recorded the entire process. Some dignifiedly defeated the suspect. The details of people's fluke psychology can be used as audio-visual teaching materials.

   However, the breakthrough tonight was not positive but negative. Yes, everyone read it right. The suspect suddenly broke his head and committed suicide in the heavily guarded interrogation room. One by one, referred to as "breakthrough"!

No one knows what happened here. The two policemen who participated in the interrogation took a nap and waited until they woke up, and the video of the camera was frozen at this moment. It should be that there was something unknown in the system. .

Naturally, these were the actions of Chen Taizhong.He just came to the interrogation room at twelve o'clock in the night and made a little interrogation record. In fact, few people would care about what Director Deng ordered. do.

It can be seen from the record that this Chen Hongxi is not a courageous guy. He has even confessed some of his things in Subo, and... his upper home in Zhengxi is a fat man named Li Bu. Women one by one, maybe, it was the events of today that scared him. In short, this person is quite cooperative. 21 City Chapter Cover Hand

With this information in his hands, Chen Taizhong can naturally release people, and Li Bu also has the impression that among the more than 2,000 people who are missing, ten of them are also good for having a dog face. He caught people. At that time, it doesn't matter whether you are old or weak, women and children, as long as you participate in the confrontation, you will catch them all.

   But, after thinking about it, letting people go like this, he was still a little reluctant to make this. What a big movement, most people want to put it back safe and sound, really reconciled...

   However, even Xu Chunliang vaguely showed jealousy about this matter. He knew that he could not let his temper come, but he looked at Chen Hongxi, life and death not pleasing to the eye.

   So, he killed this person directly. If it wasn't for your kid who went to Subo to sell fakes, would there be so many things in life? The buddies are almost exposed.

After Chen Hongxi was settled, he left for a long time. When he left, he recovered the six senses of the two policemen. When the two policemen were surprised, they did not dare to directly report to the leaders, but hurriedly Analyze the reasons.

   just took a nap, this guy committed suicide? This matter is a bit weird. Unfortunately, the two of them analyzed and analyzed, but they did not find out why they came out. In the end, they bit their heads and reported to the leader. However, at this time, the shocking rescue has already begun. This little thing is No one cares anymore: i;. r\'+. .

   Chen Taizhong went to the hillside and suddenly realized that even if all these people were sent back, it would not be safe and sound. Yes, he just walked into the big formation and heard one after another sneezes. The sound, although these sounds are subtle, they are mainly due to the large number of people, and they ring noisily. They sound; \\}Q should comfort people.

When he caught people away yesterday, almost everyone fell asleep in bed. Naturally, Chen would not be so kind to help people put on clothes. In fact, he didn't have so much time to worry about this kind of heart. It’s just that it’s hard to catch the naked body, even the quilt is swept away and left. As for those who wear autumn clothes and long trousers to sleep, they don’t even receive such treatment.

The people who were taken away were all closed with six senses, the kind that was opened for nothing at six hours, which means that when he throws a person into the pit, everyone can't react at all, and can only use various postures. Stay under the pit, either straight or curled up.

Ordinarily, this cave is a good place. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. However, in winter, people stay in it for twelve hours without moving. If you want to avoid the cold, that is basically nonsense. Few people catch a cold.

What Li Bu owns is a not-so-small factory. The confrontation was fierce at the time. At least Boss Li's family was in battle, and among the group of people, there were many people with spiritual consciousness, which means they still Responsible for stringing places and helping other families to fight one by one. Of course, other families may also be sent to assist, which means the same thing.

   These people can't be killed too much, so Director Chen first brought Li Bu out without questioning, and then brought out two strings of places. He broke his neck on the spot and asked her to confess the truth.

   Li Bu had caught a cold and burned, but she still insisted on not letting go. It wasn't until Chen Taizhong got out her secretary, the little white face, that she confessed the whole thing in a daze.

Shi Yi asked someone to tie up. Yes, according to her, Chen Hongxi suffered heavy losses in Subo. Under heartache, she vowed to open the fake windmill in other provinces in order to retaliate. It didn't take long. Phoenix Branch Wei unexpectedly found Zhengxi.

This is a bit deceitful. Li Bu can't stand it. It's such a big pot. We just drew two chopsticks from the inside, and we can't shake the fundamentals. You are a public company. As for the truth of calling us like that, we still have to come to the door. coming?

In short, the robbers also have their own logic. When she found out that Jin Cheng and Shi Yi did not leave after smashing the nail, but began to investigate privately, and when they both found the door of the house, she could not bear it at all. One by one, if someone wants something bad, I can't eat it and go around.

In the industry of counterfeiting, if you want to say Qixin, it is really Qixin, but the old saying is good, and the people of Fengshui Science and Technology Committee have already expressed their opinions when they come, and they are only aimed at manufacturers of fake windmills. In this case, If Li Bu tolerates Shi Yi's investigation any more, maybe his peers will do things privately.

Anyway, she is not a good person, so Shi Yi's tragedy is inevitable.She originally wanted this person to disappear forever, but when the wind was too tight, she threw this person out, but it broke him. Hand tendons and hamstrings.

   When she finished explaining this, Chen Taizhong was naturally going to send Ben on the road. Anyway, he had to fill in these pits, and he would just throw them in and bury them. Then he found out the murderers one by one.

Other people are naturally going to be released. Fortunately, when he was abducting people, he directly recorded the coordinates and left a little fairy power as an introduction. This time, it did not use 70% of the fairy power. In fact, he There are not so many cents available.

Anyway, it is much easier to send people back than to abduct people. It's just that there are more than two thousand people. If you want to send them, you must be given priority. As for the fact that they are discovered before they are sent, he doesn't care about them all. At that time, he thought of this possibility.

   However, this shows the mystery of the matter more. He hopes that the sooner others will show up, the better. Yes, this is in his mind, and he welcomes it very much.

However, there were things that he hadn't expected. Originally, he thought that after going to Chaoyang, he would dive back and deal with it slowly, and the immortal power would also be properly restored.Unexpectedly, Lake City was so decisive and stopped him directly. .

So, those instant noodles, mineral water, etc., are a bit redundant. This is his miscalculation. It is also Qian Acridine. However, when he heard the sneezing sound of the mountains and plains, he felt vaguely that it would be good to be stopped back. Otherwise, when he comes back after two days, he will die in the pit if someone can't hold it.

All in all, what he did can't be said to be an exhaustive plan, but it is generally correct. What is especially better is that Director Deng unexpectedly found Chen Hongxi, so now, the time he stayed in Lu Hai, even if it enters the countdown. .

   The total number of missing persons was 2,116. The number of people who went back that day was 2,098. The remaining 18 were buried in the bone-and-barren mountain forever and became part of the mountain.

There are Li Bu's family, a few murderers, and a few guys who have too many places. Chen is willing to convince people with virtue, but the master of so many places, its It is conceivable for people and xinxing, so there is no need to wait for the other party to explain, just bury it. This is conducive to the purification of social atmosphere, which is the consciousness that a national cadre should have.

These eighteen people have been permanently missing, but Zhengxi City did not complete statistics for a while. They only knew that on this night, the missing people were basically found back." Strictly speaking, it is an extremely strange The way is back, as weird as they were when they disappeared.

   When it dawns, the police are still very busy, do they want to know the situation? But this time, they didn't have to walk around the streets. Some police officers were called directly in the station, and more police officers were sent directly to the hospital.

The various hospitals in Zhengxi were overcrowded overnight, and most of them were caught cold or cold. In the end, the patients lined up and greeted each other, instead of asking \"have you eaten?" One by one greetings that others don’t understand, "What were you wearing at the time?"

The police are here, on the one hand to help maintain order, so as to prevent people from fighting while queuing, one by one, the West is sturdy, and on the other hand, to make a record to see what happened to these people after they disappeared. .

Around eight o'clock, someone who was interested appeared. The Li Bu family did not come back. I said one by one. In fact, someone in the police knows which company produced the counterfeit windmill. The incident was so heated, naturally. Some people care about Li Bu's factory.

By ten o'clock, everyone had counted it. Fifteen people hadn't come back. The remaining three were found later. Those three were idle all day, wandering around and wandering around. On the list of missing persons, no one can be sure what happened to the three.

In this way, the pertinence is very strong, and this matter must be related to the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission. However, the relevant leaders do not want to stop Chen Taizhong anymore. The way the missing person returns has been spread one by one. If you say that, no one will believe it, but there are hundreds of people who say that, and there are more than a dozen policemen among them, so you can't help but believe it.

   No one knows how Chen Taizhong did this, but it doesn’t matter. What’s important is that most people come back for one thing, and the impact is finally reduced, and the lid is much easier to cover.

   As for the surname Chen, where to go back and forth, this plague **** finally came out of the phoenix and ran to the land and sea to harm him, sorry, we do not welcome you here.

Anyway, everyone decided to cover the lid. Then, Li Bu's grievance with the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission was naturally no one mentioned. To be honest, whoever dares to mention it is also making trouble for himself. Knowing that Boss Li faked the windmill, but he refused to say it, which led to the disappearance of the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission in Zhengxi?

   This kind of hindsight was originally a taboo in the officialdom. Not knowing it is already an aluminum one. Although everyone understands the behavior in their hearts, it is a big mistake to jump out and say cause and effect after the incident.

Not to mention, Chen Taizhong's fierce name has already resounded through the Zhengxi officialdom, and the high-level officials in the Lake City officialdom are very famous. At this time, he jumped out to explain the grievances between Fengsu Science Committee and Li Bu, which was also naked to Director Chen. The provocation-do you care about missing two more people?

Therefore, although the disappearance of Li Bu's family further confirmed Chen Taizhong's suspicion, no one dared to talk about it on a relatively formal occasion. They were all whispering in private. "You have to choose someone you can trust." The friend said.

   Of course, this rumor eventually spread. Even most people believe that Chen Hongxi's suicide should have been instigated by Chen Taizhong or he was scared to commit suicide by Director Chen. However, the rumor is ultimately a rumor and cannot be put on the table.

   For a county-level city, one suicide and more than a dozen people disappeared. This is a big thing or a small thing. If you really want to cover the lid, you still can't help it.

In fact, there are people who don’t believe in this evil. .

\"This thing is too horrible." Director Su remembered what he had seen in the early morning and couldn't help but sweat.\"The missing person appeared in a whisper, which is why we can’t understand it. This matter must be responded to by the superior. Give enough attention."

\"Everyone says so, and I also admit that this is against the principles of physics, and it is necessary to pay attention to it." Director Deng nodded and spoke quietly." But I want to emphasize one more point... People don’t speak superstition. Yes, we believe in materialism, dialectical materialism and historical materialism."

\"This..." Su Niuniu understood what the leader meant, but he felt that he had to stick to his principles and reflect his own consciousness\" You are right, but this may be an unknown situation, so we don’t understand. The way of existence exists. I think it is a very dangerous thing to have such a force that is not controlled by the state."

\"Yes, you are right." Director Deng really couldn't stand him anymore. He said that the little person is the little person, even if you are called a ten-tailed fox and praise your brain, but the vision is still not enough. .

No, he could only give a wry smile and explain in detail\"You think it is impossible to believe if you don’t see it with your own eyes. Then, truthfully report to the superior...what do you think the superior would think of me? What do you think of Director Cheng?"

  \"Uh..." Su Niuniu was speechless immediately. He knew that the leader would cover the lid, but when he wanted to come, the lid would need to be covered. This abnormal situation should be reported, right? Unexpectedly, there are people who are leaders, and there are other People who should know, they already know, you don't need to worry too much." Director Deng smiled coldly when he saw his appearance. A smile\"Okay, forget about it, go back and cooperate with Director Yu, and make a fake in the jurisdiction. "\"Hehe, then I'm going." Director Su stood up and left with a grin, but he was muttering in his heart. I don't believe it. After such a thing, who has the guts to cheat unscrupulously!

After Su Niuniu left, another policeman came in. Director Deng nodded.\"Sit "Are you Xiao Zhang? I heard you saw the back of the kidnapper?"\"Well, only a vague shadow, "Short stature and walk fast" Xiao Zhang carefully recalled\"I pulled out the gun and said, "Stop, or I will shoot!"\"The other party put on a sentence,'I am a minority , Do you dare to shoot?" Then he ran faster, I hesitated for a moment, he disappeared into the darkness"

   has risen to nineteen, do you still have a monthly pass? Feng Hao thinks about the first fifteenth ~ to be continued, if you want to do something in the afternoon, please log in to more chapters, support the author, and support genuine reading!

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