Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4060: Dong Yi is injured

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Governor Europe’s request was made when Linyi was off work. He was attending the autumn sports meeting in Xiaoling Township Middle School. After answering the phone, he didn’t care to say more. After talking about it, he said that I will go back. discuss.

But it didn’t take long for someone from the University of Agriculture to call the Bureau of Agriculture. As soon as Director Hu heard that the University of Agriculture wanted to support teachers and students, he said yes, I welcome it with both hands, but this matter... It’s better to pass the district head Chen. , Or Director Wang of the Planning Commission.

For people in society, colleges and universities are a place where they only know how to reach out. The teachers and students of the Agricultural University have to pay for Beichong. The current Bureau of Agriculture is a bit rich, but what is the psychological expectation of the Agricultural University? Who can make it clear that the key is that they really don't know how much revenue they can create.

   So Director Hu shrank directly. District Mayor Xu, who is in charge of the Bureau of Agriculture, is still in the hospital. Then you can only ask District Mayor Chen or Planning Commission Director Wang Yuan Yuyi for such matters. Does the Planning Commission manage the plan?

  Wang Yuanyu answered the call, but didn't immediately agree, just to ask you what plans and arrangements you have, and fax it to my office tomorrow-express delivery is fine.

   At the wine table just now, Director Wang was not easy to mention this topic. Now that I go home with the leader, she will ask for instructions. Boss, how do you deal with this matter?

   Chen Taizhong also doesn't know whether the teachers and students of the University of Agriculture are welcome or not. He has never been to university, "Xiao Wang first talk about your opinion."

   "My opinion is that the teachers can come, but the students will not use it. We have to take care of food and accommodation," Wang Yuanyuan laughed and shook her head slightly. "Nowadays college students...what qualities you must know."

   Why is Chen Taizhong not clear? The college students who returned to their hometown to start a business in Beichong have already taken two loans and so on. Anyway, there are guarantors. They have slowly followed up the copywriting of these people, and they have done very beautifully, but they can't settle down to work , And felt that life in the country was boring, and regretted it after the passion.

   Still the same sentence, young people nowadays are too lonely. To put it in a nice way, that is, young people have not failed and can start all over again at any time.

   Anyway, it can be seen that Wang Yuanyu means that if the teacher is recruited, the teacher should not be too unreliable. Even if it is unhelpful, they also worry about taking two subjects from Beichong, and they don't care about free food and accommodation.

   But let the students come, it is quite unreliable, except for spoiling, there will be no contribution.

"Director Wang, what you said is a bit absolute," County Mayor Shen laughed as he heard it. "In fact, there is a shortage of people in various places in Beichong, such as construction sites... and there is also a shortage of workers who pull sand and shovel earth, who says College students can only sit in the office?"

   "How much physical work can a student do?" Chen Taizhong rolled his eyelids as he heard it. "It's clumsy again. He turned over a few carts of sand and stones, it's not enough for us to clean up."

"Free labor, just eat and drink," County Mayor Shen smiled coldly. "This is still a student of Agricultural University. If a technical school student is directly taken to the factory for internship, the factory welcomes...The school never pays for it. One thing you must remember is that even if the school does not make money, the teacher who leads the team will make money."

"Old Shen made sense, but in this case, I can't let the students come. I have no interest in exploiting them." Chen Taizhong smiled and nodded, "Then the teacher, if you want to talk about the subject, we are not afraid. Spend money, but they have to get it."

  Speaking of this, he turned his head and glanced at Shen Han again, "Major Shen is here now... Is this something wrong?"

   "Tomorrow and Friday, there will be a tax payment mission meeting," County Magistrate Shen smiled, "If I'm not here, it's not good.

   "Mr. Shen, you..." Chen Taizhong was a little upset. You can't provoke my bottom line again and again. If you say good things, it is too inappropriate to repent at this time.

   Just then, his cell phone rang, look at the number, he stood up and said, "I'll take the call."

It didn’t take long to answer the phone. Two minutes later, Chen Taizhong walked back. He said with a calm face, “Mr. Shen, you have something to do in the county, so please go and do your job first. When you have time later, you will help us in the mang hemp factory. Turn it off... Just remember to owe me one day."

"Hey, District Chief Chen, what you said...too far-fetched," County Mayor Shen laughed as soon as he heard it. He shut down for two days in Beichong. It was really ugly-many people knew it. What is the reason.

   But if there is no time limit to check, it has nothing to do with his mistake. He is just worried about this. As long as conditions permit, he takes the scattered time to come to Beichong to check for three to five days. What is it?

"The relationship between the old secretary, I can't help being righteous," Chen Taizhong sighed, and then glanced at Wang Yuanyuan, "I am leaving Beichong for a while. You help me check it out. If you can promise, you can agree. Don't agree, just push it all on me."

   "Boss," Wang Yuyuan hesitated, then glanced at Shen Han, before she asked Ai Ai, "What's the matter?"

   "It's okay, it's just some slut, too hypocritical," Chen Taizhong replied blankly, "I'm going out for a trip. I haven't spoken for too long. Some people have forgotten about it... Let's go."

   These two embryos came out of the small courtyard, Shen Han hesitated for a moment, and still asked in a low voice, Ren, what does the Chief Chen mean... I don't hear clearly. "

   "You can go back to the tax payment meeting tomorrow," Wang Yuanyu replied, "The boss promised you."

   "I mean... he seems to be going out to do errands?" County Mayor Shen also has a gossip.

"This is irritating the boss," Wang Yuanyuan replied slowly, "After the district chief came to Beichong, he really didn't ask for leave for a private matter. He couldn't help it, indicating that the other party was deceiving too much... …Leaders are always good to talk."

   "District Mayor Chen is really good to talk," County Mayor Shen nodded with a smile, and added two words in his heart: That's strange!

   "I don't know what trouble he has," he whispered the next moment.

   The trouble Chen Taizhong encountered was not too great, but it was enough to fill him with outrage. That is... Dong Yi was shot with a black gun.

   It happened not long ago. Xiao Dong entertained a client for dinner in Yinping. After getting drunk, everyone walked out of the restaurant before getting in the car. Unexpectedly, four men jumped from the van next to them, each with a gun.

When the incident happened suddenly, everyone was unprepared. The moment was just a daze. With this stunned effort, the four had surrounded the seven or eight people. One of the men stepped forward and opened his legs to Dong Yi. Two shots, and then retired into the car while covering each other, leaving a sentence when leaving, "Don't you like hitting people's legs? Just let you have a taste."

When the van left, the back cover was lifted. The two squatted behind the car and looked at everyone with guns. However, there was someone brave who rushed into the car and took out the gun and shot the car— There was also a gun in Dong Yi's car.

Because the gun was fired here, I couldn’t stay there anymore, so I got into the car and screamed away. Fortunately, the other side used a shotgun. Dong Yi had more than 100 iron sand shots in his legs, but none Hurts bones.

  Yinping District is also a remote area in Fenghuang, and there used to be mines in Xia Ma Township, and now there are small coal mines everywhere. Everyone is relatively immune to gunfire. Dong Yi also came to the district hospital for treatment.

   As the gunshot wounds were involved, the police came to find out about the situation. I wouldn’t say that I shot them too. They said that four strangers shot them. As for why? Where do we know it might be a wrong number.

   The police also knew that Dong Yi was not a good bird. They insisted on not telling the story, so they recorded the matter. They didn't know it, and Dong Yi had no idea about it.

   Chen Taizhong received the news and went on the road without saying a word. He called while driving to analyze the possible behind-the-scenes.

  The appearance and accent of the four people are different from those in Phoenix. Although the van they drove was with Tianya license, it was certain that they were definitely not Tianya people.

   The words that the gunman said when he left, sounded like retaliation for the broken leg of the Tonghai people a while ago, but when you think about it again, this may also be a means of framing.

Speaking of which, it is still the two coal mines that Dong Yi looked at. When coal prices are soaring and the end of the price increase is still not visible, they are too embarrassing-if it is not handled properly, Dong Li and Xi Li Mine, there will be a hand tail in the future.

   Chen Taizhong firmly couldn't bear this result. Leaving aside the profits of the two mines, he only said that it was a spare resource for the Beichong Coal Mine. He had also used the power of immortality to reinforce it, so no one would be allowed to get involved.

When he arrived in Yinping, it was already three thirty in the morning. Dong Yi was still undergoing surgery. There were still a few men dangling at the gate of the district hospital. This was to prevent the other party from rushing back. It is not uncommon to see~www. When Xia Ma township robbed bauxite mines, this happened. The injured bullies were escorted from the district hospital overnight and threw them directly outside Phoenix City, telling them that you dare One more step into Phoenix, I will kill you.

   After Chen Taizhong came, he didn't go to the hospital. Instead, he got on a Golden Dragon CMB next to him. Liu Wangnan, Seventeen, and Tie Shou had already arrived. The horse lunatic was in a field. It would take three or four hours to come.

   District Mayor Chen asked about Dong Yi's injury, and then asked in a deep voice, "In your analysis, who is the most suspect?"

   "It should be the land and sea people," Shi Hongqi replied in a deep voice, "Phoenix does not have such a blind eye, even if he beat Dong Yi, when I am jealous, or is it a madman and an iron hand?"

   "You must also prevent Chaotian or Zhangzhou from doing it," Iron Hand suffocated his head and smoked, "Whoever wants to hit this coal mine in the future, no matter who it is, be prepared to taste the hospitality of the Phoenix brothers."

   "I also think that Lu Hai people are more suspicious," Liu Wangnan said with a calm face, "Too loyal, didn't you give Lu Hai a ten-day deadline... Has he gone to Beichong?"

  啧...... I forgot about it when I was too busy, Chen Taizhong's mouth twitched, "Tomorrow we will have a meeting before we talk...have everyone on the road notified it?"

   (Friendly recommendation, Can Wolf Giant’s urban work "Sky Eye", ISBN: 28 733, at the end of the month, a monthly pass is scheduled for the end of July, as usual, there will be additional changes in the early morning.

  ) (Unfinished. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for a recommendation and monthly pass in the "first issue". Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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