Official Immortal

Chapter 15: Treasures are priceless (change)

"It's not for nothing, I'm not learning for nothing," Ren Jiao nodded again and again. Once the topic left the old pervert, her mood improved immediately, and a smile appeared on her face.

"However, I am a poor teacher and can't afford much money," she smiled with a big single eyelid, and smiled like a little fox, slightly sly in the splendor, "hehe, let's find a bar, I will ask first Do you drink coffee?"

   Can’t this work, Chen Taizhong shook his head, what are you kidding about, teach you to cheat, take a few cups of coffee to fool me? Obviously it does not conform to the law of value, but I will help you save your job!

   Of course, what he said is more tactful, at least he thinks it is more tactful, "Well, I don't like coffee, that stuff is boring."

   Ren Jiao was a little taken aback. In fact, she just wanted to "first" ask him to drink coffee, talk slowly, and then talk about how to learn this cheating technique.

   "Where to go then?" She rubbed her hands and stomped her feet. She was wearing a little less today. "It's a bit cold, so I can't always talk here, right?"

   "Let’s find a hotel, it’s warm with a drink," Chen Taizhong suggested, "By the way, did you bring enough money?"

He has made up his mind. I am going to teach you to cheat. Then, he will definitely not pay to treat guests. Although he has never been used to taking advantage of women for hundreds of years, he still knows the principle of exchange. This is one yard of things.

   "I can afford you the money for drinking," I don't know why, but Ren Jiao was slightly worried when she heard going to the hotel.

   Nowadays, most of the hotels have a place to eat on the facade and the guest room above. Teacher Ren chose the nearest hotel, Phoenix Hotel, which can be named like this in Phoenix City. Of course, the grade is very high.

"That's not okay," Chen Taizhong looked at the food on the table dissatisfied in a small private room. He was not really dissatisfied, but he had to show that I was not a person who could send it casually. "Order two more? "

   "Ah," Ren Jiao was a little dumbfounded. You're really not welcome. Are you picky before the wine is served? How does this person feel a little short-sighted? "Drink first, not enough, let's talk slowly."

   The money in her handbag is really not much. When she ordered the food just now, she had already calculated it. The meal was at least 300, which was more than half a month's salary.

Chen Taizhong is an uncomfortable temper. Of course, if Ren Jiao really has a mental calculation, he can hold his anger seriously, but the exchange is not made right now, he is a little anxious, it seems that he is abruptly caught when he is half-urinating. It's uncomfortable to live like a fellow.

"Well, let me first let you see, this cheating technique is good," Chen Taizhong felt that the other party should understand that the benefits obtained after the exchange can get more rewards. It's a trial. Do business, who No way?

   As he said, he was playing with Sumi Jie, constantly changing the tableware on the table in and out, and he was still explaining, "...Hey, you see, this thing is easy to learn."

   Ren Jiao... dumbfounded.

   She was stunned for ten minutes. When the waiter came in to pour the wine and exited the private room, she reacted and pointed to Chen Taizhong’s nose in amazement, "You, you..."

   She has been "you" for a long time, but she can't say anything anymore.

   "This thing is very easy to use, I can also lend it to you," Chen Taizhong replied solemnly, "Now, what do you think should be exchanged?"

Ren Jiao is really embarrassed this time. She is not sure about the origin of Xumijie, but she can be sure that such a magical thing is definitely a treasure in the treasure. Then, the series of weird behaviors the student just did, It is easy to understand.

Thinking of people wanting to lend such a valuable thing to herself, these 300-odd meals are indeed a bit unavailable, and she was a little embarrassed, "Sorry, I really don’t know, you actually rely on this kind of magical thing. Come to cheat."

   Do you know now? Chen Taizhong looked at her proudly, without saying a word, took up the small wine glass, squeaked, and drank the glass of wine.

"I really don't know how much money should be paid," Ren Jiao said, it was unfavorable. This kind of stammering situation is rare when it happens to a teacher like her, "You... just say it. ."

   Chen Taizhong was also a little embarrassed. The other party put on a look like letting him kill, but he didn't know how to start...

   Well, indecisive? this is not good! In the end, he came to his senses, "I can make a price, but once the price is made, there is no room for bargaining!"

   Luo Tianshangxian made a bid with a mortal. If he was counter-offered, wouldn’t it be too shameful?

   Ren Jiao frowned and thought for a while, and finally nodded.

She can understand Chen Taizhong’s concerns. It is really uncomfortable to lend such a precious treasure to a stranger. If nothing else, she just said casually, "Excuse me, I accidentally made it. Lost..." I'm afraid this is so angry that he vomits blood?

   She is very wrong about this. Every immortal's Xumijie has its own spiritual knowledge on it. How can ordinary people be ignorant of it? Not to mention that Chen Taizhong's Xumi Jie was made by himself. Although the quality is really terrible, as long as his mind moves, Xumi Jie will naturally return.

   (In response to the national call, the vulgar plot part was deleted.)

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