Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4322: Technical support

The joint delegation came here. The harvest of Beichong is not small. The main inspection target of the Department of Agriculture is the promotion of greenhouse planting and mobile greenhouses. The former has developed well, especially the Government of Beichong District attaches great importance to guiding farmers to sell. Not only has it established itself in Chaotian, but it is also expanding to the north and cape.


   In fact, guiding the sales of agricultural products is a very important part of agriculture. The government has an unshirkable responsibility. You can't just sit and watch the market's adjustments. If you can't sell things, the people will scold their mothers.


   Around Chaotian, I also engaged in greenhouse planting in the past two years, but at that time the technology was not mature. It was not only costly, but also tiring, and not much money to make a greenhouse. It would be better to work in the city.


   Bei Chong gave a perfect answer in this regard.


Moving the greenhouse was also very satisfactory to the leaders. After inspecting Lu Tianxiang’s processing plant and carefully studying the structure of the greenhouse, a leader gave a high evaluation, saying that it was not only convenient to disassemble, but also fully considered the geography of Hengbei condition.


   Even if this is basically set, Director Hou even expressed the hope that when the Provincial Department of Agriculture is promoting mobile greenhouses, Mr. Lu will send ten to twenty technicians to provide technical support.


   Lu Tianxiang is a mold maker and he is no stranger to technical support. However, he was a bit dumbfounded when he was invited by the Provincial Department of Agriculture for technical support. "I am a group of workers here. I only know how to build greenhouses. I can learn this thing as soon as I learn.


   "Here you are," Director Hou spit out three words faintly...


   "Do you want to do terrain survey, right?" Chen Taizhong asked.


"Yes, this thing is very important in the hall." Hou Haiyang nodded. The mobile greenhouse is a new thing. It is not more than a fixed greenhouse, and it is built more sturdily and not afraid of wind and rain. You know, the greenhouse in Beichong, Both have suffered heavy losses by the wind.


   In fact, the Provincial Department of Agriculture does not lack similar technicians, but that’s what it said. Those who have been on the battlefield are called veterans. Some things must be experienced in person to most intuitively feel what is wrong.


   It can be seen that the Department of Agriculture still attaches great importance to this purchase. Not only does it want to buy it, but it also guides the other party in site selection and installation. This money should not be lost.


   "The courage of the province is really great," Lu Tianxiang also understood, he smiled and nodded, "I must arrange the best technicians."


"Governor Europe attaches great importance to it," Hou Haiyang replied faintly, and then smiled again, "The point is that you are experts, even if you directly scold at the local level, with the support of Chen Shuzheng, others can't do anything to you..., The technicians in our hall have no such confidence when they go down."


   "Can't this, right?" Luo Yaping, who was with him, opened his mouth in amazement.


"Luo Luo, you don't understand," Director Hou looked at her with a smile, and when facing the beauty, no one was willing to say a few more words. He replied half-jokingly and half-seriously, "Of course the technicians dare to speak, but he is only When he expressed his opposition, the leader made a call. Why do you talk so much, little guy..., what do you think he should do?"


   "This..." Rather," Luo Yaping nodded after thinking about it, "It's better to use a manufacturer. "


   "So Mr. Lu...your technicians have great power," Hou Haiyang glanced at Lu Tianxiang again.


"This shows the determination of the Provincial Department of Agriculture to do a good job in this project," Lu Tianxiang replied solemnly. He has been walking in the rivers and lakes for a long time. There is no problem at this point. "Hou Ting, rest assured, I must be worthy of your trust, Beichong people. It treats people with heart."


   "You just understand our determination," Hou Haiyang nodded, his head.


  Lu Tianxiang solemnly nodded his head, but he wondered in his heart that Director Hou dared to speak like this in front of so many people, and it seemed that turning his sit alone with him.


   This is considered a happy event. The mobile greenhouse has been sold. The second happy event is that Hou Haiyang stated that the broiler breeding project applied for by Beichong has reached the implementation stage-which means that the money will soon come down.


This project is actually the activity of the previous district committee secretary Qi Zhiwen, but once this program is started, it has its inertia. It can't be said that there has been a change of leadership. Let's stop it. Think about it. so.


  Of course, many projects that have been activated due to personal factors cannot be executed after the person has left, but that is just a lack of motivation. A truly capable successor can actually get on the boat.


There is no doubt that Luo Yaping is capable. In fact, as soon as Hou Haiyang met, he called out her name and joked with her with a beaming smile. Chaotian didn’t wait for him to come down and talk to your mother. A temper.


   The third happiness, but it was agreed that some projects should be reported to the Provincial Science and Technology Commission. Chen Taizhong didn't mean to embarrass Director Guo. The project he reported at the beginning was not big, the selection and breeding of ramie and tobacco.


Beichong’s current selection of ramie seeds is still in its infancy. There is an experimental zone in the ramie factory that does this, and the seeds of tobacco leaves basically have no choice. Beichong has not developed this. This is a tobacco monopoly. Bureau considered.


   But if the Provincial Science and Technology Commission is willing to support it, engage in research and development..." This is fine.


   In fact, these two pieces are what Luo Yaping wants to move from the laboratory to the practical. This is what she is most willing to do. Although the ramie factory has a budget, the province is willing to give money, why not?


   As for tobacco leaves, it is not what Luo is good at. It is like studying history, and they have their own specializations, but she can find relevant experts and manage them by herself, which is more than enough.


   With these, Bei Chong has gained a lot, but when the inspection group left, something happened again.


At around four in the afternoon that day, everyone went to Yan Yousheng’s pecan processing factory to take a look and then turned around. This processing factory is very rudimentary in the eyes of department-level cadres, but this is the most successful university student in Beichong who returned home to start a business. Secondly, the case can be counted as the greenhouse built by Sanger.


   It must be pointed out that before setting up the factory, Yan had considered the issue of sales, and he did not rely on it. He actively contacted this spirit, which is the most important thing for the Provincial Department of Agriculture.


   But the one who has the deepest feeling is Guo Director of the Provincial Science and Technology Commission, he said


  In fact, this situation is what we should support the most. There is a sound plan, and there is no lack of execution, but a lack of funds.


  Everyone is walking on the Golden Dragon bus in Beichong, feeling and moving forward. If nothing else, after having dinner in Beichong in the evening, everyone will take the Golden Dragon bus back to Chaotian.


In the past few days in Beichong, Director Hou and Director Guo also liked this bus. When they came, they brought a minibus with them, but the Jinlong bus was remodeled too well, and it was spacious and comfortable. Four partitions were even made for the leaders to rest.


  Considering that Chaotian is two o'clock in the morning, the rest of the leaders must be very important. Chen Taizhong has gained some benefits, so he said that let the bus in the district send you back.


The two leaders pretended to refuse, but Chen Shuzheng remembered that they were so persistent, so they stopped insisting. Director Guo said that the car has been remodeled quite well, and the Science and Technology Commission also often goes to investigate and consider getting one. .


The bus chassis is not low, so I climbed the road directly on the small road, but it was going to pass the section of Xiaozhao Township. Unexpectedly, I didn’t drive too far and saw crowds on the side of the road. It was just after four o’clock when it was hot, there were so many people. Together, there must be a situation.


"Stop and take a look," Hou Haiyang said, surrounded by farmland. As the executive deputy of the Department of Agriculture, it is normal for him to pay attention to it, especially since the two days of experience told him that Beichong under Chen Taizhong's management is in order. Orderly, since there can be no uncontrollable trouble, he is not afraid to stop and ask.


   The small trees on the side of the road are relatively sparse, and people are dizzy from the sun, but if you go further, there are big trees by the pool, and the crowd gathers by the pool.


   Chen Taizhong just walked over and suddenly spotted a few people he didn't want to see, so he frowned and said unceremoniously, "You three-wheelers, what are you doing with Xiao Zhao?"


   "Chen Shuzheng remembers that we are just passing by," Zhang Xingwang replied with a smile, "When you see disputes over water, let's take a look... So you passed by?"


   "Well," Chen Taizhong snorted, too lazy to talk to him, then grabbed another person and asked, "What's the matter?"


"Water, water, pumps are often, often without electricity," the co-author is a knot, "this, this, this is pumping pumps, not pumping more..., less water, this fish pond... Master, no, no, don’t care."


   It turned out to be drought and no rain, and the crops in the field lacked water. The villagers pumped water from the fish pond for irrigation. In addition to the rain, the water in the fish pond also came from the pumped well.


  The motorized well pumps groundwater. When there is a lot of water, the motorized well will not operate. When it is low, the water will be pumped. Then the water is poured into the fish pond to save ~ How much water is used depends on the villagers' pumping.


   In the past, the drought was not very serious, and there were frequent power outages. The villagers pumped and stopped, but it hasn't rained recently, so they found a generator and received water from the pump.


   But this way, the owner of the fish pond quit, you are all about to drain my pond, and the fish are almost dead... This can't be pumped anymore, so now there is a contradiction.


   stammered very hard, but Zhang Xingwang didn't mind. He actively said, "Chen Shuzheng remembers, I can invest money and drill a few motorized wells to benefit the folks."


"Lao Zhang," Chen Taizhong raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, and whispered, "I've taken down your house...I have already had the sincerity to hit a few motorized wells. Don't let your daughter be so arrogant. ."


   Don’t blame him for saying that, Zhang Laosan has been bothering him a lot recently, but Chen Shuzheng has also admitted the truth, go to Nima.


   Do you think the media in Taiwan and Bay are awesome, you can find it again, do you know how passive it is to me?


   As for Zhang’s courtyard, there are some older flowers, flowers, and grasses. He doesn’t even care. To tell the truth, people in the county are too indifferent to these things. There is land in the yard, and they are afraid that no trees can grow?


And only the children from the city like Luo Yaping will take these vegetation very seriously. After all, it is just a petty bourgeoisie complex [This text is provided by 启航Update Group@偶氏尊尊] If you like this Works, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )


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