Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4405: Take responsibility

Chapter 4405

Zhu Jiehua was immediately shocked when he heard Chen Taizhong's words. With Secretary Chen's current monstrous power, not to mention the removal of a small deputy director from him, even if he was the deputy secretary of the district party committee, he would be thrown away.

He was too anxious to think that his hat might not be guaranteed at any time. After thinking about it, he said distressedly, "I just thought, those hundreds of thousands were digested into various projects. If there is anything wrong with me, please directly criticize me. All right."

"You still don't have a deep understanding," Chen Taizhong sighed. "This incident is a very bad beginning, very, very bad. When will personal will prevail over the organization? Why do you use public money as a favor? ?"

"If I leave it alone and let the development continue, what's the matter?"

"You are right to criticize," Zhu Jiehua nodded in trepidation, saying that the will of your old man is above the intention of the organization?

As if seeing his thoughts, Secretary Chen sneered, “Don’t compare with me, I am fundamentally different from you. The funds for development in the district are all obtained by me. I am responsible for the borrowers, and you use The money is allocated from the district, then you are responsible to the district."

"I know, and will understand this more deeply," Zhu Jiehua nodded with a smile.

In fact, in addition to covering up the cover and selling favors, he also had some plans and methods to deal with the aftermath, that is, he was sure to control the situation within a certain range and never let similar things happen.

But when this happened, he was stabbed out, and he could only lament that he had memorized a little.

Then, he put forward a suggestion, "I want to suggest to the bureau to start a major self-examination activity in the transportation system with this matter as the starting point. It is good to be able to find out the problem, but if you can’t find out, you should also be warned. Long cry."

"Aren't you afraid of affecting your own future?" Chen Taizhong glanced at him obliquely. Secretary Chen liked this suggestion, but he was a little puzzled.

"If you make a mistake, you have to admit it," Zhu Jiehua was a little brave, but about five or six seconds passed. He added in a low voice, "The supervisor also has a specific project leader...I intend to suggest to the bureau that he should be fired."

"It's really easy," Chen Taizhong snorted and said with a smile.

"Originally, he failed my trust. He also made me lose such a big person," Zhu Jiehua replied blankly, "I am responsible for finding the seven hundred thousand. If I can't find it, I will make up for it myself... but neglected. Who will he deal with without dealing with?"

This guy not only dared to think and dare to do it, but also very ruthlessly when he encountered a problem. Just as he once threatened to pour lime into the fish pond, the supervisor was supposed to be trusted by him, but he just said it.

In fact, he was very skeptical. After taking advantage of the benefits, the lower person relaxed the supervision, so he made this decision without pressure.

It really looks like me. Chen Taizhong nodded, "That's right. Go ahead, I will not tolerate those messy things for a day in Beichong, so you can do it for yourself..."

This matter is actually not very big. Zhu Jiehua wants to spread the cost to other projects. It is not difficult to implement. The construction of this thing is inherently flexible. Geology, weather and even unexpected conditions may cause costs. This is exactly the secret of making money for each construction team, and it is impossible to prevent it completely-the final accounts will always exceed the budget.

However, the nature of this matter is particularly bad. People who neglect their duties must be punished. Even for various reasons, the bridge will have to pay some fees. However, this fee should not be decided by a deputy director, at least to obtain The consensus of a group.

Such signs of unhealthy trends must be stifled. If it were not for Chen Taizhong's appreciation of Zhu Jiehua's ability and his entrusted responsibility, he would have thought of winning Zhu Jiehua.

At present, in the rapid development of Beichong, there are too many opportunities, and an improper atmosphere will breed sooner or later. This does not depend on human will, but it happens sooner or later, happens quickly, and whether it happens unscrupulously. It is what he should pay attention to.

That night, in the Beichong News, there was a screen of Zhu Jiehua's inspection. Jin Yuning had just returned from Chaotian vacation. After hearing that, early the next morning, he came to see Secretary Chen, "About the bridge of the Transportation Bureau. What can the Discipline Inspection Commission do?"

"I wish the director has only part of the leadership responsibilities, the person is still very capable, has a deep understanding of mistakes, and has a firm attitude to correct mistakes. I consider giving him a chance. At the secretary's meeting, I will ask for your opinions on this issue. ," Chen Taizhong answered calmly.

Jin Yuning didn’t even think that he was about to overthrow Zhu Jiehua. Although it was relatively easy for his dignified discipline inspection secretary to take down a minor sub-subject, he also knew that Director Zhu was in the eyes of Secretary Chen. Yes, it depends on the owner to beat the dog.

"Xiao Zhu took the initiative to go to the TV station to study, and his attitude is quite correct," Secretary Jin nodded. His purpose here is not here. "But the specific person in charge is negligent. Do you want to investigate this?"

"I support this investigation," Chen Taizhong nodded. After thinking about it, he added, "I emphasize, it's best to justify the matter and don't just expand it."

Not allowing expansion, Jin Yuning sighed inwardly. He has been in Beichong for a few months, and basically has nothing to do. Even if he makes up his mind to cooperate with Chen Taizhong, it will be marginalized in the long run.

After knowing this, he thought about checking it hard and checking his sense of existence. The transportation system has always been the hardest hit area. Only willing to check the problem, there is no suspense that can't be found.

So he was a little disappointed with Secretary Chen's answer, but after thinking about it, he nodded with a smile, "On the contrary, the stability of Bei Chong is hard-won."

"The past things are over," Chen Taizhong replied indifferently. He was ordering the other party. You have only been here for three months. If you really want to find out the previous problems, everyone's faces are not good.

"The work of the transportation system is closely related to the development of Beichong." Jin Yuning still wanted to fight for other powers. "Can the Discipline Inspection Commission send personnel to the transportation system?"

"This... don't make it so obvious, even after a while," Chen Taizhong chuckled dryly. In fact, he didn't want to let go of the power of the Disciplinary Inspection Commission. As Bailihou, he didn't want to be around. One more restraint force.

If you really want to find out the problem, you can investigate it independently, and the district committee and district government will not object to it. If I find out the problem by myself, you just want to get a share of the pie. I actually want to send someone to the Transportation Bureau. Passed-it will definitely affect the work.

After answering, he changed the topic, "Yes, the district is about to organize people to inspect the fashion week, and the district committee has a quota. Is Secretary Yuning interested?"

This is a slap in the face, giving a sweet date, Jin Yuning sighed softly, but Secretary Chen is so strong, if he doesn't accept this kindness, he won't even get this benefit.

So he smiled and nodded, without showing any grudges, "If there is a place, I will definitely go."

"Families can also sign up if they want to go," Chen Taizhong replied with a smile when he saw that he knew how to do it, "but the expenses have to be paid for."

"Hey, this is a good thing," Secretary Jin laughed. "My wife is a teacher, and I really haven't been abroad. I happened to take this winter vacation to go for a walk."

"Then go and discuss with her quickly," Secretary Chen was just bashing people out.

Secretary Jin thought about it, and finally bit the bullet and asked, "We recently received some anonymous reports...can we investigate?"

"Anonymous, it's really meaningless," Chen Taizhong waved his hand. Only by sitting in this position can I understand more deeply that anonymous faith is really useless.

But Lao Jin wanted to investigate, and it was up to him. Secretary Chen only emphasized one point, “Pay attention to the way of work. For cadres in key positions, you must go through the party committee before investigating.”

"This is certain," Jin Yuning nodded and turned to leave.

What he wants to exercise is just the normal function of the Discipline Inspection Commission, as long as Chen Taizhong allows him, he can still do something.

So, let's start with that bridge first.

It took only three days for Jin Yuning to clarify the matter thoroughly, and even asked Director Zhu to understand the situation. To be honest, he also understood a little bit why Chen Taizhong would let Zhu Jiehua go-if not this person insisted on holding the bridge. Demolished and rebuilt, the above may not be aware of such hidden danger.

Thousands of mistakes ~ ~ people's attitude towards work, this is correct.

As for the negligent supervisor, after being detained for two days, he honestly confessed that he did receive some benefits, but it was only limited to ordinary courtesy.

This person has also been in old traffic for many years. He thinks that a little bit of randomness during construction is not a big problem-but the wooden slats and everything are put into the concrete, which is so random that he did not expect beforehand.

Anyway, things have reached this point. It is useless to say more. The Commission for Discipline Inspection even wanted to send this person for inspection. Later, considering that it might affect Zhu Jiehua, he didn't attack him.

Upon receiving the notice of being expelled, he went to Zhu Jiehua in anger. It is said that Director Zhu just sneered and asked, "This is your own fault, do you want to play with me?"

This thing just passed, Zhu Jiehua just got a verbal criticism, but the significance is far-reaching-he was checking on TV and terrified too many people. At the same time, the people in Beichong also discovered that they are now dealt with in the district. Things are much more transparent.

The people in no other country have the willingness to care about government affairs more than China. Everyone feels that if you encounter any unpleasant things in the future, you can also consider responding to the district-people’s hearts have never been cold, just look at you Willing to motivate it.

Jin Yuning was also sensitive to this and was interested in showing his fists, but unfortunately, it was time to go abroad for inspection.

In early February, during their visit to the European Fashion Week, there was good news from Beichong: High-count yarn ramie has made a breakthrough in production practice.

PS: Update to, summon monthly pass.

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