Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4528: Gradually adapt

   Chen Taizhong agreed to pay, but Ye Xiaohui was a bit dissatisfied, and must ask how much investment can be made in the district.


   Chen Shuzheng remembered to ignore her, saying you wanted to run without learning to walk? Let's get the script out first.


   Chen Wenxuan was rather curious about the five million in Ye Xiaohui's hand, so she asked her where did you get this money?


   Lao Ye has made some money by selling generators in the past two years, but he looks like two to three million yuan. The inverters made by Xiao Ye Zi make less than one million.


Now I heard that Ye Xiaohui can actually find 5 million to make the film. Of course Minister Chen must be curious. He doesn’t pretend to have the money in her hand. The key is that he is in charge of the publicity. The little girl like Xiao Ye Zi can make money. The mission department may be able to learn from it appropriately.


   I made some money by myself, and I found someone to sponsor some, Ye Xiaohui answered proudly, but she didn't say the details.


   One day later, Chen Taizhong found out that Xiaoye had caught her son-in-law, and that a boss was obsessed with her, and he must be good with her.


But now Xiao Ye Zi has a very high vision. She is young and beautiful. She works hard in Beijing and has no financial pressure. The small inverter is taken care of by her father and can be given to her every year. Bring more than 300,000 profits.


   This little money cannot be said to be very ample in Beijing, but it is more than enough to guarantee daily life and general entertainment.


However, people are so cheap. The more self-reliant she is, the easier it will be to arouse men’s desires and hopes. To conquer those faceless beijing, spend money, and conquer this kind of arrogant beauty who is not bad for money will be more successful. sense.


   In fact, this man has followed Beichong. He is in his thirties. It is said that he is not ugly, but he has a short marriage history.


   Ye Xiaohui ate this person to death, and when they came to the district committee to discuss matters, they didn't bring him at all, and the men couldn't say anything.


   The little guy has finally matured. After Chen Taizhong heard about it, he sighed with emotion. As for Ye Xiaohui who might have become his woman, but now she switched to someone else’s embrace, he has no regrets.


   Rabbits don’t eat grass on the edge of their nest, it’s necessary.


  The time has entered August. This summer, it was extremely hot, and the phenomenon of power cuts in Yangzhou City has repeatedly appeared.


   Beichong does not have this problem, but the behavior of the Electric Power Bureau has also angered a considerable number of people. Many factories, enterprises and hotels in Yangzhou have switched to geoelectric power grids.


  The Electric Power Bureau is naturally anxious. They even applied for an increase in Yangzhou’s planned electricity consumption when facing upwards, but the above unequivocally refused. Yangzhou lacks electricity? There is a lack of power everywhere.


  Some users have changed the power grid. It's because you didn't do your job. Find out the reasons from your own. You need to communicate more with users and fully demonstrate our sincerity. As long as the mind does not slip, the solution is more difficult than the difficulty.


Regardless of the response of the Electric Power Bureau, the power generation of Beichong’s power plant increased significantly in August, with a peak of 60,000 kilowatt-hours. This means that the second unit, which has only started operation this year, is no longer possible. Or missing.


   Moreover, the line from Qingyanghe Reservoir to Beichong Power Plant is also under construction. Chen Taizhong is really not interested in selling electricity to Haijiao, but Kang Xiaoan has decided to make a decision and sell it. Why not sell it?


   So this matter was discussed by the local power company with Ming Xiao. Chen Chen Shuzheng remembers that there are too many things to do. Mr. Kang is willing to take over. It doesn't matter to him. Anyway, the two units in Bei Chong have already started construction.


  Kang Xiao’an’s logic is that this year’s power shortage is estimated to be the most serious year, and it will be slightly relieved in the next two years. Electricity consumption will continue to increase, but the power plants that have been launched in various places have also reached the commissioning period.


In the next year, Haizhou Power Plant will be put into operation. So how much surplus electricity you have this year, please take it out first. Don’t worry about not being able to supply your own electricity next year. People are also building power plants in Haijiao, and at this time next year, Qingyanghe’s The installation of all the hydropower units is completed, and there are cheap hydropower, whether people are willing to continue buying Beichong’s electricity, or two things to say.


   But for Bei Chong’s attempt to build the second phase of the power plant, Mr. Kang is also a special supporter and is willing to invest. Bei Chong’s economy has taken off and is facing explosive growth. It is normal to make early plans.


   No matter how fast the power plant is built, it may not keep up with the speed of development. The painful reality of power shortages in the past few years has proved this.


   Of course, there is another point that is also very important. The current coal storage in Beichong supports a 300,000 kilowatt power plant, and it will be no problem for three to four years.


   Speaking of coal storage, the supply of thermal coal is still tight this year, but the increase is not large. The so-called thermal coal will follow the price of electricity. As long as the price of electricity does not rise, even if the price may be reversed temporarily, it will not last.


   Affected by the international market, the price of coking coal cannot rise, but it is still higher than that of thermal coal. It is boring to make coking coal, and it is not profitable to make thermal coal. It is this concept that led to the weakness of coal prices this year.


   At this time, it seems that Chen Taizhong sold a batch of coal last year, but it really sold to a high point. Although there was a higher price later, it did not last long.


   Coal is weak, but all those involved in coal know that this is a sideways consolidation, and it is inevitable that the next step will continue to rise, so we can continue to stock up coal.


This kind of wait-and-see and reluctant sales has led to a shortage of coal supply. Except for a few large enterprises, small and medium-sized households generally cannot get coal at a reasonable price, and small and medium-sized power plants are no exception, especially those with few fixed coal sources. When will you kill you?


   For the people of Beichong, they still cannot buy cheap coal. Even if they buy high-priced coal, the quality is terrible.


   So the coal yard in Beichong ran out of coal again. Like last year, the per capita price of one ton of coal has risen a little, 331 tons. Those who don’t want to buy coal receive 80 yuan as a subsidy.


   This money is not allowed to be deducted by the township and village committee.


With just such a decision, the 200,000 tons of coal went out again. Lu Rao had been prepared for a long time. He couldn't help but grab the coal from Beichong and sell it for 422 yuan a ton. It was easy and the price was not high. It's the cheapest, but the coal is of good quality.


   As a result of a decision in the district, more than 10 million yuan disappeared again. She really hurts.


   Forget it, Chen Taizhong, you have courage, District Mayor Lu raised his hand with a grin, and then secretly comforted himself: What do I feel bad about the government’s money?


   But she is really the owner of good fortune, she feels that the district has lost a lot, just because everything is not pleasing to the eye, and then Ju Zhonghua also came to ask for coal. I also have tobacco leaves in Beiguo for Kang.


   Reluctant to give it, but I have to give it. District Mayor Lu definitely doesn't want to offend Li Qiang's former secretary. In fact, the relationship between the two is pretty good, so she checked the old case and gave you 50,000 tons.


   The price of care was set at 400 yuan a ton, which was lower than the market price and higher than the purchase price of the people in Beichong. She touched Chen Shuzheng, and then went to see it. It was a foregone conclusion.


   Bei Guo’s gave it, and the respectful ones have to give it too? Respectfully, Bai Fengming, Mayor of Wushan County, is also a familiar face in Beichong's oil shale project. The Mayor Bai is still a consultant.


These few stores are going to be over. The county magistrate Fang in the cloud is here. You should also give me 50,000 tons. District Mayor Lu hesitated for a long time and said you should tell Chen Shuzheng. I want to give it to you, but the command is not. Move Wang Yuanyuan.


   They are actually familiar with each other, but the friendship is average, and the executive deputy of the Finance Bureau has no unfamiliar county leaders.


   But the most iron ally of Bei Chong now is Jing De. The leaders of Bei Guo and Wu Shan are also inextricably linked with Bei Chong. As for the cloud, aren’t you from Huacheng?


District Mayor Lu said that the command will not move the king’s madness. This is to pass on the hatred. Although Director Wang is in charge of the coal yard, he is not so stab. Up.


   County Magistrate Fang heard that, so he found Chen Taizhong, Chen Shuzheng remembered that this was also our quasi-ally of Beichong, and Li Shuzheng personally made the connection.


Anyway, there is railway transportation, 400 yuan a ton to take out, Bei Chong does not lose at all, but can make a small profit of 30 or 40, but thinking of his relationship with Lu Wei, he does not ask the mayor Lu to say hello, and directly calls To Li Qiang.


   Beichong economic circle originally came from the creativity of Li Shuren, but now the economic circle is beginning to take shape, he wants to maintain it, so he called Lu and said that you can do it for coal in the cloud.


   What if Chen Taizhong doesn't agree? Lu Fan asked.


   He will agree, and Li Qiang doesn't want to say goodbye to a little girl, the circle, the phone is what he called me.


   Actually, Li Shuzheng should explain that he has the idea of ​​engaging in the Beichong economic circle, but now that he knows what Chen Taizhong means, of course he should be open and say that the two of you should also communicate more.


Lu's heart became more and more depressed, and this depressed to a certain extent, when Bian Guibo, the district party committee secretary of Gucheng District, came to ask for coal, she called Luo Yaping and answered very simply. , There is no plan for you.


Her attitude was actually mixed with old grievances. When District Mayor Lu was Director Lu, the mayor of Gucheng District had something wrong with her because of the money The head of the district took pictures with her. Table Yigucheng is the seat of the municipal party committee, which is a bit better than ordinary counties.


  Because of this, Gucheng’s decision was made by Bian Guibo, the district committee secretary, not the district chief.


District Mayor Lu knew that no coal was given to Gucheng last year, so there was no need to discuss this year. Moreover, Xu Shuzheng told her through Mayor Luo that the relationship between Bian Shuzheng and Chen Shuzheng was very common. The relationship between Beichong and Gucheng was also Very general.


  Lu of course has the confidence to withstand Bian Guibo.


  Bian Guibo was stunned. He said that you can even give coal to people in the cloud, so you can't give it to me? So he asked: Who is responsible for approving this plan?


   You can ask Li Shuzheng to contact Chen Shuzheng. District Chief Lu hung up the phone unceremoniously.


   She was originally an arrogant person. Although she knew that Bian Guibo was a time-honored district committee secretary, Wang Ninghu had already left, and what happened to Wang Ninghu? He is not the only one with the surname of Wang, and the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission also has the surname Wang.


  Of course, she can speak so unscrupulously. The key point is that the economic scale of Beichong has far surpassed Gucheng, more than one in all directions. It should be noted that Gucheng is the seat of the city party committee.


   In these days, the rich are the uncles, you Gucheng show me the score, I'm really not afraid of your mouth

(To be continued) [This text is provided by Qihang Update Team@范儿青青年] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. ) Bring @Peas @TB小红鸡@谁是卧底@神兽教授

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