Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4530: prosperity

  Bian Guibo is more troubled by Lu, but he is most afraid of Chen Taizhong.


   Hearing that Chen Shuzheng let it go, he knew that yesterday's call was in vain, and it was not appropriate for him to call Li Shuzheng or Chen Shuzheng again.


   Then he can only publicize the District Mayor Lu, "District Mayor Lu, I want this coal not only for kang smoke, but there are other uses in the district. I don't know how I can get more coal?"


"You ask me, it makes me embarrassed." Lu replied lightly. After thinking about it, she replied, "Well, if you can prove that the coal you want is beneficial to the development of Beichong, I can help. You fight for it."


   The mistake is compelling, and she didn't want to offend the other party to death, so she offered such a condition, District Mayor Lu still had a good level of dealing with people in the agency.


  Of course, her performance is somewhat arrogant. After all, the other party is a district committee secretary, but as the district mayor of Beichong, she is qualified to be arrogant. In these days, the rich are the uncle.


  Bian Guibo also understood this, so he put aside his arrogance and ran to Beichong personally to discuss the matter.


   He explained to Lu that the tobacco planting area in Gucheng covers more than 3,000 acres, and some factories in the district also need coal, and there are several office buildings and hotels that use direct-fired air conditioners and coal.


   After a long discussion, Lu finally agreed to sell him 20,000 tons of coal.


Bian Shuzheng is still a bit dissatisfied. He said that there will be many opportunities for cooperation between the two counties in the future, but District Mayor Lu said that you are similar, not to mention how many acres of tobacco are planted in Gucheng, only the direct-fired type. Is the air conditioner really coal-fired? How do I hear others say that it is gas?


   I have to say that Lu is an expert at home, and Bian Guibo personally came to the door, and Gucheng may be included in the Beichong economic circle. She took the lead and gave the other 20,000 tons and one ton less than 200, and 20,000 tons only lost 400,000.


   The favor of 400,000 yuan is not too small, and she won't give it any more. If Bian Guibo doesn't appreciate it, or is dissatisfied with it, sooner or later she will make the other party pay the price.


   For this little favor, Lu had to report to Chen Shuzheng, repeat Bian Guibo's words, and said, should we check it again?


Give it if you want, brother counties, there is not much money, and verification is not necessary. Chen Taizhong is good at talking. In the officialdom, some things really can’t be taken too seriously. You have to look farther and see the next step of Gucheng. It is indeed possible to join forces with Bei Chong.


   And hundreds of thousands, which is really nothing. Beichong's summer activities are far more than hundreds of thousands.


   This summer activity was only carried out by Bei Chong this year, and it was Chen Shuzheng's mind that was focusing on the construction of socialist spiritual civilization.


   August of this year is extremely hot, and many people in Beichong can't install air conditioners. The mountains in the mountains can't install air conditioners. At night, they are not ordinary geothermal. They can only come out to enjoy the cool.


Chen Shuzheng remembers that the big shopping mall will be open until 12 o’clock at night. The extra air-conditioning electricity bill is subsidized by the district. Other expenses will not be paid. People go to the mall and always have to buy things. If there are really not many people buying things at night, waiter You can also save a few.


   There is also stage setting and movies. Every township must have such a place to play movies.


   In the urban area, there are three movie broadcasting spots and a stage. Chen Taizhong also set up a place to hold a dance party, but this is not popular in Beichong, and there are not too many responders.


When playing movies, we must emphasize the main theme, but life movies, romance movies, and science fiction movies can be played casually. Movies start at 8:30 and will be played until two o'clock at night. Anyway, the kids are on vacation, it doesn’t matter. .


   Movies are played in open places. As soon as seven o’clock in the evening, there are children carrying benches and horses to take up space, but the surrounding areas are occupied by mobile merchants.


   Merchants nearer sell ice cream, melon seeds, popcorn, etc., and those farther away sell snack beer directly. Many food stalls are open around the screening area.


Most people in Beichong are lively people. Many people have air-conditioning in their homes, and they also want to go out to watch movies to spend the summer. Many of them are friends and relatives who are familiar with each other. The men drink and the women fan fans. Chatting, children playing around, and watching movies at the same time, this life is really a fairy.


In addition to cinemas and theaters, there are also night markets in Beichong, as well as high-consumption places, such as Di Bar and KTV. Gradually, the reputation of Beichong as a "Sleepless City" has gone away. Public electric vehicles from Yangzhou to Beichong, The increase to 5,000 vehicles is still a bit insufficient.


   There was even someone with a heart who ran up the night minibus from Mingxiao to Beichong. The business was good.


  Because the movie ended late, many construction workers also ran to watch it when they got off work in the early morning. After a tiring day, they drank a little wine to watch a movie, and then went back and fell asleep. There was a lot less disputes.


   For Beichong, the summer activities not only spur consumption and increase popularity, but also greatly improve the relationship between people in the district, and there are even fewer fights.


Of course, the economic boom at night also attracted some flies, but the defenders in Beichong did not eat dry food. Three criminal gangs were arrested one after another. Two thieves tried to attack and fled. They were caught by angry crowds on the spot. Disabled.


Beichong caught the thief by putting up a sign to show the public there, and delivering the video CDs and photos of the public to his hometown. One is to fulfill the duty of notification, and the other is to let the locals know that who is... is out of town. Stole something and was caught.


   This show is not only at night, but also during the day. At 12 noon, the sun is basking, and one station is three days. Do you want to stand? Look at you beautiful..." The consequences of not standing are more serious.


   More than one person reacted. It violated the thief’s right to privacy. Some even called Li Qiang, saying that overseas media reported that you abused the thief so much and disrespect human rights.


   Li Shuzheng can only laugh bitterly, saying that Beichong was an advanced county in the country's legal education work last year. They also have a local policy of killing thieves without paying for their lives. I can't stop it.


   The thief was arrested, and it is not enough to show the public. Most of them will be sent to a labor camp. Some of the plots are really minor. They must also be detained, and then let the thief’s family bring money to protect their lives.


  Beichong's toughness and unreasonableness have made many thieves ticklish with hatred, but it is precisely because of this reputation that many thieves walk around Bei Chong and never come.


   Night City not only attracts thieves, but also attracts beggars, but Bei Chong also has strict governance on beggars, and seizes them as shelters. Those involved in fraud or child abduction are strictly investigated.


   With the prosperity of Beichong nowadays, there is no beggar in the streets. Many cadres say that beggars are difficult to manage. In fact, it is a matter of carelessness.


   Bei Chong withstood all kinds of pressure and cracked down on thieves and beggars, making Bei Chong not only noisy at night, but also peaceful.


   In addition to this, there were other things that happened. Some women who failed to obtain the qualifications to practice misstepped their feet. They solicited customers by night, and then someone reported them and was taken into custody.


This is an isolated phenomenon. Since Beichong started to work with a certificate, the chicken heads disappeared overnight, and no one in this line has ever appeared. The most important thing is to know yourself and the enemy. Before you settle down, you must first inquire about the rules and market conditions, preferably even Umbrellas can be found.


   But those women who were alone came here when they heard that Beichong had money. They didn't reject the application of certificates, but they couldn't get the certificates. Some people just left, and some people didn't believe in this evil. The result was a tragedy.


As the days passed, the night in Beichong became more and more lively. It was not until the beginning of school that the excitement diminished. Two movie screening spots were cut, and there were only two movies in the rest of the place. , It ends before twelve o'clock, and only on weekends will one extra one.


  In September of this year, Beichong made an epoch-making event: the first real-life commercial building appeared in the district. The developer was Jiansong Yong Real Estate Development Company in Yangzhou City.


   The chairman of the company is Lou Jianyong, and he takes his own homonym "Jianyong." This is a good sign.


   This building is always a daredevil. As mentioned earlier, his hotel is "Violet." It is counted in Yangpu City. He once offended Chen Taizhong and was cleaned up by the then District Chief Chen to death.


   Later, Zhang Yiyuan was unlucky. He was lucky not to be involved. Later, he made a very bold decision: I want to engage in real estate.


   At that time, the real estate boom had swept across the second and third tier cities across the country, but Yangzhou was too backward, not to mention the low real estate profits, the key was that the demand was not strong.


Many people flip over their houses on their own land. Not only are they enough for their own use, but there are many more available for rent. However, there are not many foreign populations in Yangchao, which is the prosperous part of the urban The house can be rented out. A similar price.


Some people are engaged in real estate in the near area, but they don’t know to whom to sell the house. The migrant population in the urban area is mainly from the towns and villages to work. The money is not too much. Many people are thinking about it. After Yangzhou made money, he went home to provide for the elderly.


   At this time, Lou Jianyong made a very wise choice: I will go to Beichong to develop. The development momentum there is promising, and it is really not sold. The big deal is that it is not expensive to smash a piece of land in his hand.


   Then he started to buy land in Beichong. The land in Dongchazi was a bit expensive, so he chose a piece of Qiantun Town, which was said to be a future plan for Beichong, where Qiantunhui would be a residential area.


  Because it was the first real estate business, he only bought 50 acres of land, 400 thousand acres of land, and the land transfer fee was 20 million. The total road of the building was relatively wild and he found enough money.


   However, because he was doing business under Chen Shuzheng's eyelids, he followed the procedures in a proper manner, all the documents were completed before the operation, and at the same time, he actively managed the ups and downs of Bei Chong.


Especially before the commercial housing sales (pre-sale) permit was processed, he did not dare to pre-sell the uncompleted premises at all. After five buildings were built and two whole buildings were built, the certificates were obtained, and he couldn't wait to advertise and sell the certificates. Will be dragged to death.

(To be continued) [This text is provided by Qihang Update Team@范儿青青年] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. ) Bring @Peasy @TB小红鸡@谁是卧底@神兽老师

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