Official Immortal

: Three thousand six hundred and thirty-two-three thousand six hundred and thirty-three 1 road repri

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Chapter 3632 Reprimands all the way (on)

Can you ask a little tactfully? Chen Taizhong was also a little helpless towards Director Zhu's straightforwardness. He said lightly, "This is Xiaoye. Ask me about the situation of college students returning home to start a business."

"Oh," Zhu Fen nodded, then shouted outside, "Waiter, here's a fried rice."

When the waiter heard the words, he hurried over. District Mayor Chen arranged two more dishes before turning to ask Zhu Fenqi, "I haven't eaten so late... Is this something?"

Zhu Fenqi did not make an appointment with District Chief Chen. He said that he would have dinner together in the evening. He just knew that the District Chief had been eating here for the past two days, and he rushed over.

However, he did have something to come here, "I'm busy with the MLM case. At present, it can be roughly concluded that the main criminals are from Ufa and Bikong provinces. If you want to arrest across provinces, the manpower, financial resources, and level of the branch are all Not enough."

"It's time to postpone it across provinces. Just let it out." District Mayor Chen has never been the master of justice. All he cares about is his own one-third of acre. "You can give me the news from Bikong, and I will let me know. The other party... By the way, two Asada people told me that their daughter has also been illegally detained, do you know this?"

"That's what I want to report," Director Zhu sighed softly. "The girl is called Zhu Lirong. She has been brainwashed, her brain is more severe, and her state is not very good. Because she can't get offline, she helps others to lure those followers. The target... at least two people were dragged into the water by her."

While he said, he glanced at Ye Xiaohui intentionally or unintentionally, but Xiaoye was a little annoyed by this look. You said that MLM women are seduced by me. What are you doing?

"MLM is also attractive?" Chen Taizhong was a little curious, "This is not her downline...what good is it for her?"

"Earn two thank-you fees. It's cheaper than women selling on the street." Director Zhu shook his head helplessly. "She is stunned, thinking about helping others is helping herself... Those two people who were dragged into the water by her. She is also a backbone."

"So you can't let people go?" District Mayor Chen raised his brows, "Is this a little bit unreasonable?"

"Her situation is indeed more complicated. It's better to understand it for a while." Director Zhu is opposed. In fact, he has learned about it. District Mayor Chen has nothing to do with the girl, but a person from Beichong leads the girl. My son's parents came to the house for help. In this case, he is not afraid to insist on his own opinion, "Her parents have already met her."

While talking, the food came up, and Director Zhu immersed himself in the food. After seven or eight minutes, he put down his bowl and chopsticks and raised his hand to offer Chen Taizhong a glass of wine, "You two take it easy. I'll take a step first."

"Old Zhu. Is there a car going to the muddy water at night?" District Chief Chen spoke out, and he glanced at Ye Xiaohui. "Xiaoye's house is in turbid water. It's so late. It's best for a little girl... to give it away."

Sure enough, it was Xiaoye of Zhuoshui, and he didn’t know if it was the twin’s sister or younger sister. Zhu Fenqi hummed to himself. He had also heard the inside story of the baby fish settling in Zhuoshui. He just heard that the girl’s surname was Ye, he had guessed. It seems so at the moment.

"Now, where is there a car?" He smiled and shook his head, turned and walked out the door, and the idiot would send her off. The absence of Xiao Wang for these two days is a good time for District Chief Chen to steal the chicken.

After Director Zhu left, District Chief Chen did not speak, and while drinking silently, while watching the "News Broadcast" of China Television, Ye Xiaohui was about to speak, and he waved his hand, "I will watch the news for a while."

The Three Gorges Reservoir Area Geological Disaster Prevention and Control Work Conference... Does this have anything to do with you? Although Ye Xiaohui was young, she didn't know anything. From an analysis, the young district mayor probably didn't know her sincerity. Unfortunately, she didn't know what study time was.

The news was finally over, and the next step was the advertisement. She thought it would be able to speak. She looked at it, but found that the young district chief was staring at the screen motionless.

Chen Taizhong sighed slightly after the cloud picture on the weather forecast was broadcasted, "It's really raining."

After saying this, he turned his head and glanced at the girl, "After you go back and see Zhao Yinhe, ask him to call me. There are some things that you little dolls don't understand."

"Mayor Chen, how old are you this year?" At this moment, Ye Xiaohui was really not convinced.

The true age of the buddy, telling you it scares you to death! District Chief Chen thought with disdain, but compared to the emotional experience of his official career in this life, the seven hundred years were basically a waste of life, and he was not good at talking about it, so he stood up and planned to leave.

But the next moment, he thought that he had given Wang Yuanyuan a chance, and he couldn't give the girl a chance before—to put it bluntly, they are all from Beichong, and buddies, who are parents, should always take care of his family.

"Then I'll give you a chance. Guess what I want to tell Zhao Yinhe?" He looked at the girl with a smile and a smile, "You have to guess right, I will not only introduce you to the entertainment circle, at least guarantee The female number one of a film...Aren't you afraid that I will ignore you in the future? It's okay, you guessed it, I will at least give you a chance to prove yourself."

"Then what do I need to pay?" Ye Xiaohui also stood up, staring at him with her big eyes unblinking. She was in her mind by the other party, but she was not annoyed. There was only faint admiration in her heart-this person is true. I thought of everything.

"You don't need to pay anything, as long as you guess it right," Chen Taizhong replied with a chuckle, "I only occasionally make a whim...Well, after you become famous, you can help your hometown do a publicity, and you are worthy of me."

"Well..." Ye Xiaohui obviously hesitated. The female number one of a film is so attractive. Although she wants to finalize the film's director, investment and cast, it is clear that she has not yet Inquire about the qualifications for this.

So she had to obediently follow the conditions proposed by the district chief, "Let me tell you that this baby fish project has been set, and you ask the head of Zhao, won't you change the address?"

"You don't understand anything at all. These things in the officialdom are not something your students can understand. This address can't be changed anymore," District Mayor Chen snorted disdainfully, saying that even you know that you can only find it if things are settled. I. Zhao Yinhe's servant didn't work well. But-you found me secretly, what would others think of me when I change my address?

"So. You guessed wrong," he solemnly said, "I will only tell him a word. In the next six months, there will be no more agricultural projects in Zhuoshui Township...Dare to exploit my loopholes? Big courage."

"It won't be so serious?" Ye Xiaohui's face was white when she heard it. Although her family was in Zhuoshui Township, her father opened an electrical repair shop in Yangzhou ten years ago. His family is much better than ordinary people. Her sister The two, I really don't know much about agricultural projects, I just think this matter... sounds serious.

It sounds serious. It's not serious at all! Chen Taizhong knew very well that after taking up this baby fish project, Zhuo Shui Township wanted to engage in other agricultural projects. It's not easy anymore. You know, Zhuo Shui has less than five thousand households in total. Once the Wawayu project comes out, there will be at least 500 households who directly or indirectly participate in the project.

How is this account calculated? I'll talk about it later. District Mayor Chen is really annoyed by Zhao Yinhe, but he thinks of the opening of Zhao Xiangchang to introduce himself to a pair of beautiful twins. No matter how angry he is, I'm sorry to be ruthless.

Men, most of them are like this. If the girl is not beautiful enough, someone Chen turned his face and didn't discuss it, but the tribute of others is a fine product, so even if he has a bottom line, he can reject it, but he cannot deny this intention.

So in the past six months, Zhuo Shui did not have a project, it was just a verbal punishment. No matter what big project was given to Zhuo Shui, they couldn't afford it. Chen Taizhong's statement was only a statement-half a year later, the baby fish just entered the pond.

But in the face of Xiaoye's little white face, District Chief Chen was proud of his heart, and he didn't need to say, "He tried to calculate the leadership, he should be punished... Xiaoye, I gave you a chance, but you didn't catch it."

While talking, he walked out without even looking at the little girl doll, "Waiter, check out!"

Ye Xiaohui was stunned for a long time before chasing out the door and chasing to the bar. Seeing District Chief Chen signing there, she did not dare to approach any more. When she saw him walking outside the gate, she quickly followed. .

The little girls near the bar exchanged glances, and a girl who was obviously greener sighed, "District Chief Chen is good at everything, that's it... it's a bit too erotic."

"It's called romantic, and no one asks for it," a curly-haired girl next to him giggled, and the girls at the hotel were very naked. "If he is lustful, Mr. Ma will definitely give you a raise. ."

"I have a boyfriend," the young girl replied firmly, "he loves me very much, and I love him too."

"Ha," the girls around laughed disdainfully, and the curly-haired girl was relatively kind, she snorted, "Hongmei, if you still say that in two years, then I admire you."

Chen Taizhong walked out of the hotel and walked slowly to his small courtyard. Hearing the sound of footsteps behind him, he said without looking back, "It's getting late. If you can't go home, find a place to stay. Don't follow me."

"The opportunity you gave me is too idealistic, I... not convinced," Ye Xiaohui also started the fire. After all, the student still has the spirit of a student. She doesn't want to offend Chen Taizhong, but she can't control the resentment in her heart, "You bully I am young."

I said you are young a long time ago, and you are still not convinced. Chen Taizhong feels a little complacent, but keeps moving forward, "I'm talking about giving you a chance, who said you have a chance?"

What is the difference between chance and opportunity...? Ye Xiaohui was stunned when she heard this answer.

Chapter 3633 Reprimand (Part 2)

The next day, Chen Taizhong got up early. The rain has been more frequent recently, and flood prevention has become a top priority. However, the head of the district Xu Ruilin has gone abroad. He originally only needed high attention, but now he can only do it by himself. On it.

The topography of Beichong is basically high in the south, low in the north, high in the west, and low in the east. However, because of the many mountains here and the rain comes down, there is basically no need to worry too much about the lower reaches of the district. No matter how big the water is, all the water will flow down. The terrain is higher than other places.

Therefore, unlike the Taizhong library in Fenghuang, Beichong here guarantees that the upstream is the key to flood prevention, especially to prevent mountain torrents and mudslides, which are mainly feared in mountainous areas.

There are many mountains in Beichong, but in Linyun Township, there are oil shale mountains. The geological structure is relatively stable, and the main troubles are places like Xiaoling Township or Xiwangzhuang Township.

Yesterday, Chen Taizhong visited Xiaoling Township, and today he is going to Xiwangzhuang Township and Sanlun Township. When he arrived at Xiwangzhuang Township. Just after nine o'clock, the township leaders here were very upright. The township party committee secretary Wang Ruyi and the township head Luwang had been waiting early.

Since it's here. District Mayor Chen didn't say much, and started visiting the village with the cadres from the township, looking at places that were easy to pass by mountain torrents in the past. There are villages built in the middle of the mountain, so I have to go and take a look to see if the distance from the mountain is safe enough.

Chen Taizhong came to Beichong, and it took less than half a year for him to be full, but he had already visited most of the villages. He was also relatively familiar with Xiwangzhuang Township, and he chose those villages that might have hidden dangers.

While looking for hidden dangers, he grabbed the village cadres and asked about the response plan. Occasionally I asked a few villagers if you know if there are mountain torrents or mudslides. How to evacuate and protect.

Don't say it. This question really asked some questions, and many villagers said blankly. It is said that we have lived here for decades, and the phenomenon of collapse of the mountain is rarely heard.

This is the problem. District Mayor Chen instructed immediately. You don’t need to hear about it very rarely. You only need to encounter it once. This is the case in this life. I have been buried by mudslides. The country spent 8 million to rescue me. .

The eight million people are Mongolian, but he doesn't say that, and he can't scare the other party. Then he turned his head and criticized the village and township cadres-they all asked you to make emergency plans. Why didn't even the masses mobilize? If you can't do the village chief, I will do it!

Then he discovered that there was irregular quarrying in a quarry, and the brim appeared on it. Not only was quarrying unsafe, but it also easily caused mudslides. So he called Luwan over and asked with a smile, "Old Lu, I How long did it take you to rectify the quarry?"

"This quarry, I have already ordered the suspension of work," it was not very warm in the mountains at the end of April, and the air was wet and heavy for the past two days, but the mayor Lu was sweating on his forehead, "because they didn't correct it. ."

"What's the matter with the car below?" District Chief Chen raised his chin with a smile, and then he walked towards the big truck, but the trucks were also very alert, seeing a group of people coming noisily and starting the engine. Ran.

As soon as you see this, then you don’t need to explain. Chen Taizhong also knows that working in the countryside is difficult, so it’s difficult to do it here. You order to stop work on your front foot. As long as you leave, the back foot will move. If there are two related persons responsible for whispering, it is really hard to guard against.

But this is not a way to deal with it. District Chief Chen glanced at Ruwan, "What are you going to do next?"

"Arrests, detentions and fines," Luwan replied decisively. At this time, he did not dare to hesitate. "Then Xiangshang and the village posted announcements, and there are rewards for reporting... We must stop this unhealthy trend."

"This is the last chance, there is no next time," District Mayor Chen said coldly, and then glanced at Wang Ruyi, who was expressionless, "not only Ruwan, but also Wang Ruyi, you."

In the ensuing time, District Mayor Chen walked all the way and trained all the way, and the township officials who followed couldn't help sweating—this new district mayor was too accurate in his grasp, and he went wherever there might be a problem.

It was only when they were about to return to the township government that everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and some people murmured softly, "I met such a well-known district chief. In the next few years, life will not be easy."

"Not only is he clear, but it's okay to make money," the other also replied in a whisper, "If everyone can earn more, it won't be a big deal."

District Mayor Chen is really not easy to fool. This is the consensus of everyone. However, the leadership that can go deep into the grassroots level can not attract too much disgust from people. What everyone hates most is blind command. You can find the root if you find the problem. , Such leadership will only make people awe.

When I arrived in the village, it was 12:40 noon. The food was ready here. Chen Taizhong did not refuse this time. It is just an attitude not to disturb the other party when he goes to the township. If he refuses the banquet every time, it would be a bit hypocritical and not conducive. Unity.

The food was prepared very well, and the township leaders also toasted enthusiastically, but District Mayor Chen was very restrained, "Everyone drink less. In the afternoon, you will emphasize the flood prevention work... The problems found in the morning must be dealt with in time."

"Then District Chief Chen, please drink more," Wang Ruyi smiled and held up the glass to persuade him to drink. "Everyone knows that you have a lot of drinks. You have been here several times, and you haven't had a good drink."

"I will go to Sanlun Town to check their flood prevention work in the afternoon, and I can't drink too much," District Chief Chen shook his head lightly, "just drink a bottle. After drinking, you will be on the road."

Just drink a bottle? Everyone was speechless. Xin said that District Mayor Chen is really a huge amount. It sounds like a bottle of liquor is just a mouthwash? Rwandese would have fun, he smiled and spoke. "One more bottle? You see it's raining outside. It's not easy to go to Sanlun Town. Let's wait until the rain stops."

Chen Taizhong looked sideways. It really started to rain outside, so he grabbed a chicken leg and stood up, "The meal will end here, I have to go quickly,"

At the entrance of the hotel, watching District Mayor Chen driving away, Mayor Lu shook his head helplessly, looking rather disapproving, but the people behind him were talking. "It can be regarded as leaving...with District Chief Chen, the pressure is really too great."

"That's because you are not doing well enough," Wang Ruyi snorted coldly. A glance at the people present. It seems to have something, but Luwan just didn't hear it-Zhao Haifeng has collapsed. It's up to you, Wang Ruyi.

The secretary of Xiwangzhuang Township is from Zhao Haifeng, and Chu Baoyu, the party secretary of Sanlun Township, is also from Zhao Haifeng. The head of the Zhao district is from Sanlun. Secretary Chu is five years older than him and has always taken care of him.

Chu Baoyu's education level is not good, and the party secretary of Sanlun Town is his end point. However, he has worked in Sanlun Town for many years, and the staff below are all hand-picked by him. It is really the same.

When Mayor Chen arrived in Sanlun Town, it was two o’clock in the afternoon. Chu Baoyu and Mayor Lin Jilong were already waiting. Seeing the mayor’s car was coming, Mayor Lin first stepped forward and greeted with a grin, "Chen Mayor, come down to avoid the rain before leaving?"

"No need. I'm short on time. I have to leave at 6 o'clock." Chen Taizhong knew that the surnamed Chu had something wrong, but he didn't bother to take care of it. "You can just follow me. I have already planned where you want to see."

Mayor Chen is not familiar with Sanlun Township. One is that it is far away from the district government, and the other is that it is relatively affluent. Another is that Chu Baoyu is not very enthusiastic about the new mayor.

But after all, Chen had done an in-depth investigation in the local area. He knew a little bit about the situation of the three rounds, and then checked with other people in the district. He also knew roughly where to go.

Sure enough, the flood prevention work in Sanlun Town is the same as in other places, but it is also formalism-calling for flood prevention every year. If there is no strong attention from the leadership, everyone will be tired.

So District Mayor Chen walked all the way, and Secretary Chu’s expression was astonishingly ugly, but Mayor Lin had a good attitude, and he always smiled and nodded acknowledging the shortcomings. In the end, Chu Baoyu simply distanced himself from Chief Chen.

Secretary Chu is fifty-six this year, and after two years of work, he should go to the district to provide for the aged. He is a veteran qualified for the three-round township, and he is hopeless to make progress.

When Chen Taizhong saw him, he ignored him. Anyway, he should say that Mayor Lin recorded the instructions of the training, and the district government wanted to verify them one by one.

Chu Baoyu watched Lin Jilong's careful record, and couldn't help sneer. When Chen Taizhong was gone, I had the final say in Sanlun Town. You worked so hard, and in the end it was nothing more than selfish humiliation.

At about five o'clock, the place to be seen was almost the same. The mountains and plains of Sanlun Town were about half and half, but during the return process, when passing by a village, District Chief Chen stopped the car. , Looked up blankly.

"This is Xiaojia Village," Mayor Lin stepped forward and introduced, "the population is more than 700, and there are nearly 200 households."

Chen Taizhong's ears moved. When he was passing by, he felt that something was wrong. Now that he enlarged his ears carefully, he heard some sound waves. Even if it was raining now, he couldn't stop the sound.

Hearing Lin Jilong's words, he nodded, "Well, in this village, has the flood control work been emphasized?"

"I emphasized, but like other villages, the implementation is not very good," Lin Jilong replied quietly, "Moreover, this place is far from the mountain. Everyone has a certain slack."

There is also a mountain behind the village, but it is more than a thousand meters away from the village. In the misty rain, the mountain is vaguely unclear. District Mayor Chen stayed for almost two minutes before he whispered softly, "The flood control of this village The work must be done well. Once such a big mountain collapses, this distance is useless."

At first, Lin Jilong thought that District Chief Chen was talking about the small hills. After hearing this, he realized that it was referring to the mountain in the distance. He said in surprise, "Such a big mountain, wouldn't it be broken?"

Something is going to happen in this mountain sooner or later. Chen Taizhong glanced at him lightly, and was too lazy to explain, "Ask the villagers, have the animals in the family reacted recently?"

"Isn't this necessary?" Chu Baoyu was really annoyed when he heard it, and couldn't help but cut in. It's okay to be suspicious of yourself, and you want us to... ask the villagers' animals?

(Six thousand two hundred characters arrived, it fell to the fifteenth, and it was the sixteenth soon. A monthly pass was called strongly.) [(m)Read without pop-up window]

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