Official Immortal

: Three thousand six hundred and ninety-one-three thousand six hundred and ninety two were framed

Chapter 3691

"Let's eat first," Chen Taizhong knew the three people's intentions when he heard it, but the government only issued an announcement. The three came to the door that night. In any case, they were considered righteous.

You know, Linyun Township is not close to the district. Not only did the party and government leaders come together, they also dragged Wang Hong, who had some friendship with him. District Chief Chen called the three of them to sit down. Order two dishes." m

Director Liao stood up and took the order, but the three were impatient. The mayor and secretary winked. Wang Hong smiled and said, "It's not a hurry to eat, District Chief Chen, can you consider our town this time?"

"I think it's choking," District Chief Chen shook his head. He had absolutely no intention of letting Linyun go, but he simply refused, and it was a bit hurtful. It would be better to listen to what the other party said, "Do you think you have What advantage?"

"First of all, this Linyun Township is big enough and there is not much arable land," Wang Hong began to take advantage. "A lot of land is not long, there is no land occupation cost, labor cost is also low, and there is no need to worry about pollution. as a result of."

"Secondly, the oil shale of the power plant has to go from the village, when the time comes, the convoy will pull the coal by the way and make a trip to the line."

"Third, I have heard of the district plan. It is definitely impossible to build a coal yard on the district, so it will naturally be placed in the township below," Secretary Wang looked at the young district head pitifully, "District Chief Chen, Linyun has been poor for too long."

"Bei Chongdu has been poor for too long," District Chief Chen shook his head disapprovingly, "If only these advantages are used, you are still not qualified. First of all, I admit that you are right. This coal yard will definitely not be placed in the district. Go up, but at the same time, you should not be too far away from the area, and the location of Linyun is too remote..."

Too remote this is one. The second is that there are many places in the middle, and the pollution of pulverized coal along the way is also serious. If they choose Linyun, if they want to send coal to Xiaozhao’s power plant, they must pass through the town of Shanjin. Eat this pollution?

Another point is that coal is easy to ignite spontaneously, while the oil shale in Linyun Township is oil-bearing. The two are put together. No matter how it gives people a feeling of insecurity.

"...Don't worry. If you want to develop, there is always a chance," District Mayor Chen comforted, just now. Another person rang the doorbell outside, and then Liao Dabao came to report, "Secretary Su and Mayor Tang from Qiantun are here."

These two come. It was under the guise of reporting the Yin marriage that Old Man Li's son finally got married. He also admitted his crime in a correct manner, and is now awaiting the trial of the law.

After reporting the situation, these two asked by the way, can the coal yard be placed in the front?

This is impossible! Chen Taizhong categorically refused, not to mention, only that Qiantun Town is the suburb of Beichong in the future, and the cigarette factory is there. The coal yard cannot be placed too close to the district, and the next door Zhuoshui Township is operating a baby fish breeding center, which is not to be polluted, so the coal yard will not consider Qiantun Town.

District Mayor Chen’s reason was very recurring. Mayor Tang and Secretary Su couldn’t refute them, so they had to say in distress, “Not in our town. The coal yard construction...we can’t get involved?”

In addition to fighting for the coal yard, the two co-authors are also thinking about the project, but below, this is also an unwritten rule, but Chen Taizhong can't hear it. "You two much do you know about coal yard construction?"

"We in Yangzhou don't produce coal. Once we buy some coal, no one has experience in large-scale hoarding. We don't understand. You can help popularize science." Su Weihong was not afraid of him, and said with a smile, "We just think, A 500,000-ton coal yard, this investment is not small, right?"

"It's really not much money. It can be done very well with a few million." Chen Taizhong said that he couldn't give them another popular science. "If there is no land occupation fee, it is not worth a lot of money. The key is to choose a good place. Shading and ventilation, and when it’s too hot in summer, water is needed to cool down, and someone has to look after theft. The maintenance cost is worth mentioning."

In fact, he doesn’t really understand this, but Lin Ying’s family learned the origins, and it’s said that a coal yard with a size of tens of thousands of tons is usually done. When you want to use coal, you drive the excavator from the foot of the coal mountain. Just dig it.

Therefore, some coal hills were piled high. Zhangzhou had such incidents. Someone drove an excavator to dig coal. As a result, the coal hill collapsed, and the entire excavator was buried in it. When it came out, people were already dead. Up.

But temporary coal piles can be built like this. It is not appropriate to store coal in this way. When coal is exposed to the air, it will naturally decompose to produce heat. The heat in the center of the coal mountain is not easy to discharge and is the easiest to spontaneously combust.

Then the best way to stock up coal is to build a wall, spread the coal in the wall, and use a **** outside the wall to offset the pressure. Even if it's done, this really won't cost much.

Generally speaking, the proportion of coal is about 1.4, and 500,000 tons of coal sounds a lot, which is only 350,000 cubic meters. If the coal seam is 3.5 meters high, the coal yard covers an area of ​​100,000 square meters. Just over three hundred meters in length and width, a fence like this, and a barbed wire fence outside to prevent people from stealing, how much money can you spend in total?

District Chief Chen also considered at the beginning that if the construction cost of this coal yard is too high, the risk of hoarding coal will be greater. After Lin Ying's explanation, there is no pressure at all.

After he roughly explained it, everyone in the room is clear that co-authoring this thing is different from the grain warehouse. Even if the road wall is finished, there is no need to have a ceiling. That really doesn't mean much.

In fact, coal storage is not that simple. Lin Ying also said that Bei Chongzhen intends to hoard it for more than two years. It is better to add a top, because coal is not a real stone after all, it is easy to weather and decompose— —Outdoor coal, exposed to wind, rain, and sun, basically weathered its skin in two years.

Therefore, if you really want to store coal for a long time, it is still necessary to add a tarp top. Then, you can't store it in a large area. It is better to divide it into small partitions. This is not only convenient for maintenance and access, but in case something happens. , A small grid can not affect others.

In this structure, the cost will be higher, but it is still not much higher.

When District Mayor Chen was giving you science popularization, people came again. This time it was Huangfu Yichen, the party secretary of Xiaoling Township. Hearing that the mayor was talking about coal storage, he sat down quietly and listened. Now, don't interrupt.

However, Director Liao had to stand up and call the Beichong Hotel again-the food is still not enough, let's add a few more.

After everyone listens. Then there is much less interest in fighting for it. Everyone thought before, why can't you spend thousands of dollars to maintain the coal worth 100 million? Who would have thought it was so.

But Secretary Huangfu heard it with gusto. Because it was late, he deliberately asked a few more questions. At the end, he patted his thigh, "The district chief, you said this place. We really have it in Xiaoling Township. Ventilation and shading. The land is not produced either."

"If the land is not produced, can your Xiaoling compare to Linyun?" Kuang Weiming, the secretary of Linyun Township, gave him a cold look.

"We don't need to be worse... We are close to the highway and the station." Huangfu Yichen is also the party secretary for years, and he is not afraid of him at all, in fact. Xiaoling's ranking in the district is much higher than Linyun, and Secretary Kuang can't match him at all.

"It's close to the highway and the station...This is a big advantage," District Mayor Chen nodded slowly. Originally, this coal yard was planned to be built in Xiaozhao or Xiwangzhuang Township-where is the industrial circle? , But Huangfu Yichen's reason also made him a little moved.

"Yes, and the district governor said that the coal market has five years to go. I think the analysis is too thorough." Secretary Huangfu said with a smile, "Then the construction of this coal yard, we must increase investment, not stock up. The coal is already there, and I have been hoarding it for more than two years... I also think that coal prices will continue to rise."

You kid... You don't have to take such a flattering, District Chief Chen listened very well. This project was just because of his flash of inspiration, and it was accepted by everyone. It is also due to his arbitrariness. There are really many doubters, of course. More people advised him to treat it with caution-even Bai Fengming, a **** player, hoped that the district could investigate more.

But this kind of thing. How can it be investigated? If you really need to rely on research alone to get the correct results, I don’t know how many places across the country are beginning to stock up on coal.

Under this circumstance, Huangfu Yichen’s support is very rare, especially since he also said that we are going to stock up for more than two years-your decision is too correct!

This guy is not the owner of Yun Yiyun. District Chief Chen still knows a little bit about Huangfu’s methods. That guy dares to beat the calculation of Beichong’s richest man Lu Tianxiang. Does he really think this project is good, or he has no intentions. ?

"Hey," Su Weihong sneered without waiting for him to speak. "If you store it for more than two years, the district's expenditure will greatly increase... Secretary Huangfu, it's easy for you to say it, the extra cost, how much can Xiaoling Township pay? ?"

The secretary of the party committee of his town came down from the city, and he had to go back sooner or later, so he was not afraid of Huangfu being spotted.

"Although Xiaoling is not as wealthy as Qiantun, he is willing to support this project with five to six hundred thousand yuan," Secretary Huangfu replied calmly, and then he smiled at District Mayor Chen, "District Chief, the money is really not much, but It is also our greatest ability... The key is that the township is very optimistic about this project."

"Hmm," Chen Taizhong nodded nonchalantly, but wondered in his heart, this Huangfu...has also engaged in coal?

Seeing his indifferent expression, Secretary Huangfu groaned and threw another one, "If this coal yard can be placed in Xiaoling, I guarantee that no one will dare to sneak in. The coal in the open air is stored there. If you don't pay enough attention to it, it will easily cause assets. Churn."

Nima... you are too much to say that. The cadres of the towns and villages next to you are not satisfied. This possibility exists objectively, and it is really not easy to prevent it, but Huangfu put it out like this. It seems that they are selfish in this link-or ignore this link, the taste of this run is very strong.

However, District Chief Chen felt relieved: Huangfu, this guy, can really make the point. At least this statement is for the sake of the district.

Chapter 3692

During the conversation, another person came, it was the mayor of Xiwangzhuang Township, Luwang, who also came to understand where the district planned to put this coal yard. For a while, the small courtyard was really lively.

District Mayor Chen did give Bai Fengming the related matters of the bidding, but the cadres in the district knew in their hearts that the District Chief Bai’s presence was only to help the district head get out and improve the bidding procedures. In the end, Chen had to make the decision. Mayor.

Moreover, it is only a tendering matter, which is external. As for the location of the coal yard, you have to ask the district mayor Guan to say that it is not useful to find someone else.

Chen Taizhong really didn't plan to give this piece to Bai Fengming. This is the district's plan and has nothing to do with bidding.

In his view, this is the art of politics. As the top leader, the courage to delegate power can improve the efficiency of work, and it seems courageous, but it is too hard to take it back, forming a situation of dominant weak and strong, that is turning the cart before the horse.

Therefore, he has the right to speak in this site selection, and others can make suggestions. But the decision is his.

But watching everyone is the same as going to the market. After get off work, they flocked to his small courtyard, and he was a little uncomfortable—there were too many people with discerning eyes, so he cleared his throat. "Regarding this site selection, the district has all thoughts about eating without meals. If you want to drink and drink, whoever talks about business, I will send him away!"

That's how it was said. Early the next morning, District Mayor Chen asked Mayor Bai to come to his office to talk about the matter, "Fengming, have you decided on the location of the coal yard?"

"I checked some information yesterday, and I learned it through people." Bai Fengming said blankly, "I had another conversation with President Lin at night."

"Well, it seems that I have some ideas," District Chief Chen nodded, but couldn't help muttering in his heart, Nima, buddies are dealing with a group of big men at night. You have time to communicate with my Xiaolinzi.

"My proposition is still in Xiaozhao and Xiwangzhuang townships. Xiaozhao has power plants and Xiwangzhuang has cement plants. And there is the industrial circle we initially planned." District Mayor Bai talked freely, "Industry It is inseparable from coal. There is no need to worry about energy issues if there is any factory in the next step."

This suggestion is pretty reliable, but when he thinks that District Chief Bai has time to communicate with Lin Ying, District Chief Chen feels a little uncomfortable, "So, is it Xiao Zhao or Xiwangzhuang?"

"It can be considered. The 500,000-ton coal yard is a bit too big and can be divided into several smaller coal yards, so that there are more places to choose from," District Mayor Bai replied very seriously. , "Mr Lin thinks so too."

There were eleven men in my yard last night, eleven...all men! You don't always use Lin Ying to stimulate me, can you? District Mayor Chen knew that Lao Bai was right, but he was unbalanced, "Are you thinking about other places?"

"Other places..." Bai Fengming realized that when he talked about work, he was a bit too involved. He didn't think about what the leader was thinking. He couldn't say that he smiled and shook his head. "I haven't thought about it yet. With you at the helm, I will You don’t need to think so much... please give me specific instructions."

"I agree with the place you chose. The energy of the industrial circle must be guaranteed," District Mayor Chen smiled slightly. "But since we are considering building a coal yard separately, why not change the circle? For example, compare the distance from the railway station to the highway. Near?"

He saw that Bai Fengming's life was too moist, and he couldn't help feeling a little uneasy. He thought that Huangfu Yichen's attitude was not bad yesterday, so he had to mention that, in fact, there is a coal yard in the industrial circle and a coal yard in Xiaoling. It's reasonable.

"Well," Bai Feng frowned. He really didn't understand this. After a long time, he tentatively asked, "You mean...we can also sell coal?"

The words of Mayor Bai are to ask Mayor Chen if you plan to resell supplies. This kind of thing is very common in state-owned enterprises, but it is really rare in local governments. Again, there are too many inconveniences in government. .

Ordinary hoarding is likely to be misunderstood: Why do you want to buy things that the government does not need? If it is really needed by the government, why did you buy it and then sell it? Even if you say it is sold at a high price-is it really high?

Seriously, changing to an enterprise will not have too much trouble. Buy low and sell high, just follow the market rules, but the government can’t.

District Mayor Bai is a smart person. When he hears "train station" and "highway", he knows what the leader is making. But... he doubts this number of routes very much. This is not what our government should worry about.

"We don't engage in coal sales," District Mayor Chen shook his head slowly. In fact, Bai Fengming's doubts made him more determined to fry a handful of coal. The big deal is that we bought coal that we used a few years in advance. have what?

Thinking of Huangfu Yichen’s enthusiasm for this matter, he felt that setting up a coal yard in Xiaoling Township might be a good choice. “But if we have sufficient coal reserves, once the market is tight, maybe the superiors will consider allocating... , Let’s settle at the market price."

Bai Fengming understood it clearly. It was just another way of saying it. But after thinking about it, he felt that he couldn't take a bet on the matter before it started. If the price of coal really doubled, Bei Chong would make a lot of money.

same. He also thought that even if he couldn't sell it, Bei Chong would be able to digest it on his own. There is the difference between having an industry in his hand and simply short selling and short selling. This is the difference. Up. Even if it can't run through the loan interest. But it will definitely continue to rise, so purchase a considerable amount in advance to save, this is not a problem.

"Where do you prefer?" District Mayor Bai must ask this question. There is enough news to make wise judgments.

"Yesterday, Huangfu from Xiaoling went to see me. There were eleven people in the yard." District Mayor Chen said the word "male", but also emphasized the atmosphere at that time. "He thinks he has been hoarding coal for more than two years. It is more appropriate. Xiaoling has a suitable place, and he is willing to invest five or six hundred thousand yuan to make the equipment and facilities of the coal yard better... Kuang Weiming, Su Weihong and Luwang are all present."

"Five to six hundred thousand...what facilities can be added?" Bai Fengming snorted disdainfully. He was with Lin Ying last night and learned a lot of information, but he changed his mind. Huangfu dare to indulge in leadership, and I dare to indulge in leadership.

Isn't it just the use of idle funds? Who is afraid of whom? Thinking of this, District Mayor Bai said, “By the end of this year, our idle funds may reach the highest peak, about 3.5 billion yuan.”

"Tsk..." District Chief Chen slapped his mouth when he heard the words. "With so much money in my hand, I'm afraid that people will be thinking about it... Three to five hundred million is enough to pull a mayor off his horse."

"Buy 300 million of coal?" District Mayor Bai resolutely suggested, "If it can double in two years, we will lose more than 200 million for nothing."

"Buy so much?" District Chief Chen frowned slightly. He didn't expect that Lao Bai looked steady. Once crazy, gambling is heavier than yourself.

"The money is left in our hands, not necessarily our own," Bai Fengming replied with the same reason, "Moreover, when the term changes in the second half of the year, who knows what is going on in the province?"

"Then we need to prepare a coal yard of 1.5 million tons," Chen Taizhong whispered. He really didn't expect that Huangfu Yichen and Bai Fengming would set it up step by step by mistake. Engaging in coal reserves was just a decision he made on a whim. Who would have thought that he would play so big by accident.

After thinking about it carefully, he felt that he didn’t have any need to retreat, so that’s good, but there is one point he still wants to emphasize, "The construction of the coal yard can be planned in advance, but the first phase of our tender is only 500,000 yuan. Ton."

No matter how much you want to recruit, the coal sales are basically cash in stock now, and those who can sell on credit are all long-time customers! Bai Fengming knew this very well. He smiled and nodded, "Then I'm going to do the bidding?"

"Consult with Meng Zhixin more," District Mayor Chen instructed faintly. Meng Zhixin is the new district mayor, but he is in charge of the planning committee and it is normal to ask about this matter-in fact, Bai Fengming's power is too great now , He needs to restrict it.

Only after Bai Fengming was sent out, District Chief Chen received another call from Na Pali, and the big secretary smiled and asked how about it, did you contact Yue Huanghe? "

"I... I'm a little busy lately," Chen Taizhong was embarrassed to answer for not knowing why.

"Tsk... What do you want me to say about you?" Na Pari became angry on the phone, "Tai loyal, I told you this in advance, just to make you a step earlier, why are you doing this?"

"I...I'll contact you right away," District Chief Chen gave a rare step back. He really felt a little sorry for the kindness of his friends.

"It's late," Na Pali sighed heavily, "Now you can call, and the phone can't get through. Forget it, when he arrives in Hengbei, you can worship the dock again... one step late, one step late."

"The key is that there are too many things in my little mess," District Mayor Chen gave a dry smile, saying that my community leader should be safe for a while, and I will visit the house after a while. Anyway, we don't ask for his support. ?

Of course, the director's favor, he still has the essentials, "Thank you for telling the news."

"Hey, forget it, hang up first," Na Pali murmured irritably. [(m)Read without pop-up window]

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