Official Immortal

: Three thousand seven hundred twenty-five-three thousand seven hundred twenty-six is ​​not what it

Chapter 3725 is not what it used to be (1)

Chen Taizhong was really bored in this heart. There was no reaction from others. He Fei's lover Du Jun went to the district government compound first. Without seeing Meng Zhixin, he smashed his glass with a brick.

As soon as he turned his head, Xiao Du went to Yang Mengchun’s house again, but still no one was found. Director Yang’s house is not in the district government, but a small building built by himself. Du Jun just piled up firewood at the door and yelled that he wanted someone’s Yang. Family.

These things were done by him alone. For Bei Chong, who has a strong clan concept, it is a bit unbelievable. The police rushed to Director Yang's door and controlled him, but he was yelling and unconvinced.

Beichong is not very big. Some of the policemen recognized Du Juncai and felt a little headache.

Attempting to arson is definitely wrong, but just a few pieces of wood, it’s too early to burn the house, and the green hat on this person’s head is known to the entire Yangzhou, and Yang Mengchun was also removed from his post. It’s no longer everyone who needs to be cautious. Led.

So some police said, stop making trouble, and if you really want to make trouble, call more people to get the district leaders' attention.

The master who said this may not be kind, but Du Juncai also knew in his heart that he really wanted to summon dozens of people to come, and when he was ten years old, he brought out District Chief Chen, and the people of Beichong I know that District Mayor Chen is the least afraid.

It is precisely because of this that he came alone, and there is another reason, which also exists objectively. He asked with a weeping face, "Unfortunately, if this kind of thing happened, I am embarrassed to call someone? Even if I call someone, I can call someone again. several?"

"If you have any grievances, you can go to the court to file a complaint," the police were puzzled. You said that your wife has been dead for so long. Why did you remember the trouble until today?

Du Juncai made trouble, but it was also because of the New North China News. His marriage with He Fei had already existed in name only. Upon hearing the news of her death, I remembered the days of love. He was drunk for two days.

After being drunk, life will continue. He Fei’s adulterer is two cadres, but she is dead. Since ancient times, the people have not fought with officials, and Xiao Du doesn’t want to trouble them anymore. The heat is on, but there is more than one.

The murderer should be brought to justice as soon as possible. This matter is over. Classmate Xiao Du really thought so, even if he knew that the two cadres had been punished, he didn't have too many thoughts-deserved it. An adulterous wife and daughter, deserve this report!

But seeing the "New North China News" today, Du Juncai could not calm down. First of all, he was extremely angry. Fuck me, the people all over the country know that I was cuckolded. Although He Fei was aliased to Feihe, Nima...really shameful.

The second is the malicious hypothesis. In fact, as the husband of the deceased, he knew the relevant details very well and never thought that the two had a motive for killing. But that's the case. After reading the article, he couldn't help but shake slightly: Could it be that Fei Fei's death is really strange?

He pondered it over again and thought it was indeed impossible, but this wavering gave him a little inspiration: I couldn't help but waver. What about others?

Anyway, it is already a well-known green hat in the country. Du Juncai was simply heartbroken and came to Meng Zhixin and Yang Mengchun to make trouble. If you don't give me an explanation, this matter will not be over!

So he faced the police. He also insisted that he wanted to ask for an explanation, but the surnamed Meng and Yang did not see him at all. He was forced to act like this.

At this sensitive moment, the police did not dare to arrest him directly—in fact, some people laughed at him, and some sympathized with him. Think about it and report to the top.

When Zhu Fenqi heard this incident, he scratched his head abnormally. He had no awe of the New North China News. It was too far away. As the head of the branch, he just had to take care of the main leaders of the district. If he left it as usual, he would definitely Detain this person first.

There are good reasons for detaining people-you have piled wood at the door of others, and you threatened to set fire to you, shouldn't you be arrested?

But thinking of the eccentric attitude of the district mayor this time, he decided to ask the leader for instructions first, get through the phone, and after explaining the matter, he emphasized, "...Actually, I want to arrest him now. Considering that you love the people like a child, just I would like to ask you first."

"Oh," Chen Taizhong sighed. From the simple explanation, he had already heard his eyebrows, "He Fei's lover, there was no movement a few days ago, right?"

"I wondered that he also wanted to squander some money," Director Zhu listened to the leader's question, and simply asked the question directly. "The New North China News is so messy, what kind of monsters, ghosts and snakes are coming out."

"Bring him to my office," District Mayor Chen pondered for a long time, and finally made a decision. Lao Zhu was right. Since he wants to be the parents of the people, he must first patiently persuade children who have made mistakes. Education-if you are not from Beichong, you guys have tens of thousands of ways to make you regret it.

Not long after, the two policemen took the people to the district chief’s office. The police wanted to stay. District Chief Chen threw a pack of cigarettes over. "Thanks for your hard work... Go ahead."

Fuck, the legendary cigarette. The policeman who took the lead caught the cigarette and said with a smile, "Thank you, the district chief, but... Xiao Du's mood is not stable, shall we keep someone?"

"What can he do to me?" District Chief Chen replied casually, and waved his hand again. "If you are concerned about leading the safe time, it is better to walk on the street more and pay more attention to social security."

"District chief, you really are dedicated to the people," the police patted the leader's flattery and turned away.

Chen Taizhong then took a look at Du Juncai who was sitting on the sofa. The young man was about 1.78 meters tall and handsome, but he had a shaggy beard, long and messy hair, a little shabby, and looked rather downcast.

He took out a cigarette, set it on his own, and threw it to the other party. The cigarette fell accurately and solitaryly on the coffee table. "Smoking... the young man is very handsome, no wonder He Fei chose you in the first place."

"Oh," Du Jun sighed, took a cigarette and took a closer look, then took out the lighter and lit it. After taking two sips, he couldn't wait for the preaching he imagined before he broke the silence with a loud voice, "People are dead. Now, those are I will hold those who damage my family accountable."

"Well," District Chief Chen nodded, "but the method used is wrong."

"They don't see me or talk to me, what can I do?" Du Jun spread his hands. He replied helplessly, "I have no choice."

"You want to see them, what do you want to talk about?" District Mayor Chen looked at each other with interest. In fact, Dolly was five or six years older than him, but one is the district head and the other is a civilian. This kind of dialogue is destined to be It's not equal, he asked naturally from a commanding position.

"What are you talking about? Get out of your breath," Du Jun lowered his head and smoked. Answered harshly. "People are dead...but my fire has not disappeared. Now even the newspapers of other provinces have reported it. My green hat is well-known throughout the country."

You just want to ruin some money! Chen Taizhong listened to his answer. I am more sure of my guess, but when it is possible to educate well, try education first.

He also didn't say that the other party's behavior would make the district passive. Then it affects the construction of the entire district. This is purely official thinking. To talk to the people about this is a bit of an official accent—they are dead in their families.

In fact, District Mayor Chen himself does not really like the official thinking from the top down. What he doesn't like listening to is the three words "a sense of the overall situation". People share this same heart and the same reason.

So he decided to change the way of communication. "You may have heard that I am not particularly reasonable, but that is an outsider. As the parent official of Bei Chong, I am very willing to take care of my own people. Do you admit this?"

"That's it." Du Juncai nodded. A while ago, he even took some scattered earthwork, but he was not professional and wanted to grab the progress, which led to a cave-in. No one was dead, a migrant worker was buried halfway. Then it was dug out.

But this was also an accident. After Bai Fengming learned about it, he directly instructed him to be fined. If he didn't accept the fine, he would leave, and the money would not be given.-District Mayor Bai is too familiar with the construction work. Carelessness is life. At present, Bei Chong In Daxing Civil Engineering, many inexperienced people came to pick up the job. The district head emphasized that he had to take care of the people of Beichong.

Du Juncai thinks that the district is a little too harsh, but he also admits that District Mayor Chen really wants to take care of the locals more, and he can take care of the grass team that temporarily pulls a few people.

But this accident caused him to pay a small sum of money, making his money even harder-Nima, this is life.

"Then let's be like friends today, just have a chat," District Chief Chen said earnestly. "If you have any thoughts, you can say bluntly. The speaker is not guilty, and I don't care about it."

Compared with Duan Weihua's attitude toward the people, buddy, isn't it?

Du Juncai pondered for a long while, always feeling that he was ruining money, so he couldn't directly say, "It's just being angry."

"If you don't say it, I will say it," Chen Taizhong didn't expect to say a word, and the other party drew his heart. "I heard that you were very affectionate with He Fei back then. Later, something happened to you, which caused tension in the relationship... …What kind of thing is it?"

"Back then..." Du Juncai smiled bitterly. "Back then, our two families were really close friends and life was really good, but my family's luck was bad."

The Du’s family was born early, and they are bold enough. Du Jun has inherited this gene. When he heard about running west and hiding money, he discussed with his father, let’s run that line, there is a shortage of everything, daily necessities Make money when shipped.

But when they came back, they were all empty cars. Old Du also knew a little bit about this, but he was too courageous, so he said that his son is willing, then let's run, but the road conditions there are not good, we have to buy a good car.

The father and son did what they said, with amazing action. After contacting the consignee, they bought a Mitsubishi truck, greeted two people, four people in total, and went straight to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

To say that they are also fully prepared, military coats, thermos, and pressure cookers are all available in the car. It is not expected that the newly bought truck on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau will be directly turned off.

This Nima really caught the blind, especially the place on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau... It's too cold, the car can't hit and there is no fire, no matter how thick you wear it, it will definitely become ice sculpture the next day.

The four people were looking for a long time to find the firewood, and they were almost freezing. They couldn't get a car for half a day. Finally, two trucks were willing to stop. The person on the truck said, this season, you don’t need to expect us to help. You have repaired the car, and it is impossible to tow the trailer. If you want to see the sun tomorrow, you will pay and take you to the province.

After walking for another day and night, I ran into a larger market town. I just ran into a truck that was free to drop down. The Du family quickly discussed the hire, and came to the place where they were lying down. Not to mention the goods, even the tires and carriages were covered. The man was removed. Only the car shelf is there-all cars going down are empty, what can't be loaded?

On this trip, more than one million car and goods were gone, and the Du family lost their fortune. Du Jun only came up with this idea, and he can imagine the depression in his heart.

When the family has no money, there are a lot less friends. Du Juncai has been superior for many years. This loss made it hard for him to accept. Moreover, he is also a person who is used to spending money. In order to protect face, he must hold on.

In this way. Family conflicts broke out. First he stopped paying his home, and then occasionally he even took money from He Fei. He Fei said two things, saying that you can't make a business, so you should find a job first, don't idle all day long, he will get angry-why didn't Laozi find a job, but there is no suitable one, it is really Long You Qianshui In the shrimp show, the tiger fell to Pingyang and was bullied by the dog.

Later, he became more and more self-defeating. The relationship between husband and wife is getting more and more rigid.

Chapter 3726 is not what it used to be (below)

Du Jun would not tell Chen Taizhongquan about these things, but he also had to tell his grievances, "...I have worked very hard, but I was not lucky. I even went to Chaotian to sell mutton skewers, but the result was terribly ugly. The city management. I had to be with me, I changed several places, but she was looking for it... It was a good deal, but it couldn't be done."

"It's not easy," Chen Taizhong wanted to laugh. The guy in front of me is a complete set of cups. Most of the time, Xiao Du still has a good eye and a low hand, but it is not easy to put down the shelf and sell mutton skewers. At least this mutton skewers will not be sold in Yangzhou. The poor consumption ability of Yangzhou people is second, the key is I can't afford to lose that person.

"She turned a blind eye to my efforts," Du Juncai continued to talk about it, but suddenly realized that he was off the subject, so he corrected it. "On the contrary, I think I am idle...At that time, I heard that she and Yang Mengchun Something is wrong, she is very innocent and she was definitely taken astray."

"But I heard that you often fight with her after drinking," Chen Taizhong is not clear about the Du's affairs, but he is quite clear about He Fei's affairs, "even went to the TV station to grab her salary... …Is there such a thing?"

"That was... just once," Du Juncai lowered his head and sighed, but he refused to accept it. "My mother had a birthday. It was good for her to buy gifts, but she didn't buy them."

She bought two bottles of wine and you were entertained by your friends. Chen Taizhong is very clear about this gossip. This is recognized as the watershed between He Fei and Du Jun. However, it is not very interesting to care about this right now. It's hard to cut off housework, so he lit a cigarette again, "Xiao Du, what do you think He Fei was after you when he married you?"

"Is that right?" Du Juncai's answer blurted out, "She looks good and I am not ugly, and we have a relationship foundation... At the time in the class, I was a study committee member and often helped her, but after I went to society, I I know, the fart is not counted if the study is good."

"That said, she used to admire you very much," Chen Taizhong took a cigarette lightly, Nima, this soul chicken soup is really not easy to cook, buddies themselves feel a bit numb.

"That was when I was a kid...I don't know what to do," Du Jun hesitated for a while before repliing in a low voice.

"Her changes are hers, your changes are yours," District Chief Chen took another cigarette, letting the thick smoke spread between his mouth and nose, "I won't say what she misunderstood about you. I just want to ask you, as someone who was once admired by her, you use her death to make a fuss...If she is alive after death, will she look down on you even more?"

Du Jun was speechless, and it took almost a minute before he slowly uttered a word, "I..."

"You don't have to admit it, she is dead anyway," Chen Taizhong finally found the gap and poured chicken soup decisively. "What you say to me today will have no consequences."

"I didn't mean to make a fuss about her death," Du Juncai finally made a decision. He chose to deny it, but he still knew what District Chief Chen did, so he didn't choose to confront directly. I just read the New North China News and found that until now, I still don’t know who the culprit is."

"You know exactly who the culprit is," Chen Taizhong rubbed his temples in distress. "If you catch a small enlargement, for your own sake, you can't let the real culprit be punished as soon as possible, or even help him escape legal sanctions. Then, He Fei was really blind...You are not a man at all."

He Fei also said this when he was alive. She is dead now, do I need to care? Just because I was afraid that I would look for the "New North China News", Du Jun felt that he had seen through the head of the district, so he laughed mockingly, "Everyone knows the green hat on his head, and there is more than one. I'm not a man. Up."

"Oh," Chen Taizhong sighed with infinite emotion. My buddy is rubbing your lips with you for a long time. You really want to be a parent. If you really want to go all the way to the dark, it's up to you. Medicine doctors don't die, Buddha saves destiny.

"Then you go," Chen Taizhong waved his hand casually. "Go and advocate your justice, don't engage in any dangerous actions in the district, or don't blame me for being polite... You are the masses of Beichong, but you are not the only masses in Beichong."

Du Jun just walked out of the door and ran into a beautiful woman head on. This woman was much better than her dead wife, but there are many legends about her in the district recently, and District Chief Chen's bedding.

Director Wang approached District Mayor Chen, who also came to report. "Boss, when we build this mobile greenhouse, does the township have to publicize it?"

"Oh, this..." Chen Taizhong frowned and thought for a while, "it seems to have emphasized that we must let everyone know, but there are no hard and fast rules. It must be publicized in the village, alas, this grassroots work must not be negligent."

"There was a response from the masses in Qudao Township, but no public notice was posted in the township," Wang Yuanyuan said slowly. "Just now some people from the village complained on the bulletin board of the district government. I think it is necessary to pay attention to this situation."

Director Wang's work attitude. I really don’t have to say that the statistics and screening of this mobile greenhouse was originally handed over to the Planning Commission, but now the deputy district mayor and director of the Planning Commission is on sick leave. There is a lot of noise and people’s hearts are floating. Complaining, dare to follow, this is really to overcome all difficulties and be one-minded.

"Why don't you go to the petition office in the bulletin board?" District Mayor Chen asked, and he wished to give it to himself. Why is this petition? Alas, I was really confused by chatting with Du Juncai, "What do you say?"

"I just said that the Planning Commission will definitely intervene to prevent the farmers' rights and interests from being damaged," Wang Yuanyuan smiled slightly, "I left their contact information, but didn't bring them in."

You look like you, as long as you have a mouth, others are eager to leave your phone number. District Chief Chen takes a look at her smooth forearms and slender legs, and carefully restrains her own thoughts-grass on the edge of the nest, and chest A little bit smaller.

Then, he responded with a question, "What is their contact information?"

"Address," Wang Yuanyuan answered naturally, "and the phone number of the village committee."

"You call and call me Wei Deyi," Chen Taizhong said lightly. Wei Deyi is the party secretary of Qudao Township, which is also a remote town in Beichong, located in Linyun Township. There are no special products in Xiaoling Township, and they are too poor, but the tobacco from Qudao is good in Beichong.

"But they are a little late to correct it now," Wang Yuanyuan reminded him, "only three days are left."

"This is our own problem. I didn't make it clear... Qu Dao Township has been extended for two days." District Mayor Chen didn't overestimate others. In fact, he was more concerned about, "People in Qu Dao Township directly shouted grievances on the bulletin board. ?"

"This... is indeed the case," Wang Yuanyuan hesitated and told the truth, "Boss, this bulletin board you created is not just for publicity, it is at the gate of the government. Many people have been wronged and it is not suitable for petitioning. , Just talk about it here, hoping to get the attention of district leaders."

"This is a new usage of the bulletin board," Chen Taizhong shook his head in tears and laughed. He said that he didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. There was one more channel for the people to participate in politics and to respond to problems. But next to the bulletin booth is the gate of the district government. what.

At this moment, Wei Deyi was talking about the greenhouse in his office. Sitting next to him was the mayor Hu of Dongliugou Village. Diagonally across from him was the mayor Zheng Eryong. The mayor Zheng was holding a large enamel jar with a calm face. Sipping tea lightly.

"I think it is necessary for Dongliugou to focus on the development of the greenhouse industry," Secretary Wei said in a deep voice, "50 mu is the least... Up to now, there is no decent agricultural base in our village."

Just bullshit, Zheng Eryong knew very well in his heart that the surname Hu had a good relationship with Wei Deyi, and he wanted to take away a large shed.

And this Secretary Wei likes to do face-saving projects. Dongliugou is three kilometers away from the hometown, and you can see it from the second floor of the township government. When the time comes, a leader will come to inspect and see it at a glance. There are a few neat rows of greenhouses. Of course the effect is good.

But at the same time, Chief Zheng still knew in his heart that Mr. Hu's food was not good. Once the greenhouse base was established, how much profit the villagers would get, it was hard to say. What is certain is that the village leader's pockets will bulge.

Once the village chief Hu's pockets bulge, Secretary Wei will have more money, and at least there will be room for food and drink.

Therefore, the mayor Zheng has never expressed his opinion. Today, he was dragged into the room by the secretary to be forced, and now he was unavoidable. He replied in a muffled voice, "Then do it if you want."

Of course I did it if I wanted to. I asked you to come here because I was worried that the 50 acres would not pass the district government! Secretary Wei knew very well that although the township did not release much news, the collected intentions for greenhouses already exceeded 100 mu. Once the district decided to cut down these 50 mu and protect other scattered households, wouldn't it be a waste of calculation?

So he must pull Zheng Eryong up, "The development of the village is not my business alone. I mean, let's find District Chief Chen together and talk about it!"

I knew you were here waiting for me. The Chief Zheng also understood in his heart what Old Wei was worried about. He was dull for a while before he replied indifferently, "I think you and Xiao Hu go to Chen Qu Longer is more appropriate."

If I walk on the front foot, your back foot may be spoiled, when I can’t think of it? Wei Deyi knew that he had to do his job, or else he might be passive, whether it was making a small report in the district or inciting the folks.

After all, the new district mayor is too close to the people. Even the villagers in Qudao Township know that when they encounter unfair treatment, they go to the district to file a complaint. When the district mayor Zhang is there, there are so many things. ?

"You can think about it again," Secretary Wei glanced at Village Chief Hu and Nima, and asked you to handle Zheng Eryong, your kid is really not reassuring, "There is not much time left for us."

At this moment, Wei Deyi's cell phone rang. He glanced at the caller's number and answered with a smile, "Hello, I am Wei Deyi."

"Hello, Secretary I'm Wang Yuanyuan from the Planning Commission," a clear and sweet female voice came over the phone.

"Wang Yuanyuan...Oh, Director Wang, hello, hello," Secretary Wei's face turned into a flower with a smile, "May I have any instructions?"

"I dare not tell the instructions. District Mayor Chen invites you to come to the district government immediately." Director Wang was still very polite, but there was no emotion in his words. "Are you free now?"

"Okay, okay, I'll go right away," Secretary Wei replied with a smile, "this... do I need to prepare some materials?"

"You have to ask District Mayor Chen about this. Goodbye." Director Wang hung up the phone altogether. She used to work by the Mayor. Of course she knew that some news shouldn't be told by her.

"District Chief Chen... let me go there." After Secretary Wei hung up the phone, he glanced at Zheng Eryong and muttered softly, but the volume was guaranteed to be heard by the other party.

"Let's call for instructions first," he said to himself again, picked up the phone and started dialing...

(It's another seven thousand words. It's the end of the month. Does anyone have a monthly pass?)

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