Official Immortal

: Three thousand seven hundred and fifty-one-three thousand seven hundred and fifty-two Officer Chen

Chapter 3751 Police Officer Chen (Part I)

Ge Baoling is a very good person. Knowing that District Mayor Chen has made up his mind, she didn't make any excuses. The next morning, she arranged for people to withdraw from the work of the four weighers [Peerless Tangmen]

However, she did not have competent staff for a while, so she simply transferred a few reliable ones from the Transportation Bureau and the Civil Affairs Bureau to maintain the operation of the yard first, and then screen people.

One of them was the office director of the Civil Affairs Bureau. He volunteered to share the worries of the old district mayor, and then he asked, "Then the bus comes in the middle of the night, we can't afford it?"

District Chief Ge pondered for a moment and found that no matter how heavy he is, there are some bad points. Now those who look at the scales have a bit of status. It is really not suitable to wake up in the middle of the night, but he can’t get up and is not sympathetic to the driver. It seems that he has a working attitude. Not correct enough

She thought about it, and finally decided to ask District Chief Chen-this matter made her passive. If there is any mistake, she may not have any bad consequences.

You also ask me this little thing? Chen Taizhong was really surprised when he received this call. In fact, he rarely interferes with other people's work. "You can figure it out... But if I want to tell them, it would be nice to give them a parking space outside the yard."

The logistics center has a parking lot under construction, but cars that pull coal are not allowed-too dirty, and if the drivers park the car casually on the side of the road, the goods are easy to lose

Ge Baoling feels that the district mayor's instruction is an option. The drivers weigh in overnight, don't they just want to park in the yard safely? Set aside a place for parking, just one or two guards

After District Mayor Chen hung up the phone, she continued to listen to Ma Yuanyuan’s explanation with her hands behind her back. It has not been a day or two for Mr. Ma to expand the Beichong Hotel. She can’t be satisfied with just building a simple four-story building.

"At least there must be a one-story suite, which is convenient for serving the leaders. Among them, there must be at least four luxurious business suites. Many foreign companies have told me that if they have high-level business suites, they can consider long private rooms... There is no high-end office building"

"Hotels and office buildings are actually not the same thing," Chen Taizhong smiled. He might not understand anything else, but when it comes to modern office concepts, he believes that Bei Chong really won't have a few better than him. Excessive, this is unnecessary"

This was the final word, and Ma Yuanyuan didn't dare to insist anymore, but after hesitating for a while, she still mustered up the courage to ask, "Can we raise our own funds...improve the quality of some rooms?"

"Huh?" Chen Taizhong heard it a little strangely. He turned his head and glanced at her. "The hotel is rich recently?"

"No," Ma Yuanyuan was so scared that she shook her head again and again. In fact, she insisted so much because the hotel was relatively rich recently, but how dare she admit it?

Beichong Hotel has always been a stretched place. Anyway, if you have no money, you can ask the government for it. If you have money, you can spend it on a name. Don’t dare to have too much money on the account, otherwise you will always be aggrieved

But District Mayor Chen is different from the previous Mayor Zhang. He never owes the hotel’s fees, nor asks about the hotel’s accounts. Because of the mobile recharge card, Ma Yuanyuan did a pretty good job. District Mayor Chen usually enjoys it at home. When he arrived at a convenient meal, so what he wanted to do, he bypassed Li Hongxing and contacted Mr. Ma directly

So what is the payables that Bei Chong Hotel wants, others are not easy to drag the card, to give the simplest example, like Bei Chong’s recent emphasis on safe production, there are several meetings held in the hotel, and related venues are rented and There are five or sixty thousand for the dinner

This fee should be paid by Bai Fengming. In previous years, the mayor Bai could settle the bill within half a year. It would be considered kind. It is called the quarterly settlement-when the winter begins, the spring fee is settled. Drop some accounts and want to get the money as soon as possible

This kind of procrastination style is too common among agencies, and with some other factors in it, Beichong Hotel wants to do it well, but it can’t be done well.

This causal relationship is obvious. Beichong Hotel is owed a lot of fees by the heads of various bureaus and so on, and they will naturally default on the fees of the suppliers — sometimes even a small amount will not be paid.

Of course, the hotel is a public company backed by the district government, and there is no shortage of people who supply it, but Nima...such a cheating payment method and some rebates, so the purchase price of the hotel is much higher than that of its peers. ——Increase the supply price is itself an act of avoiding losses

Because of this entangled relationship, it is difficult for the hotel to do a good job, but Ma Yuanyuan dare not say, we will not accept the meeting, only the individual customers-that is the real death

But Chen Taizhong came, especially after the recharge card incident, Bai Fengming took the initiative to tell Ma Yuanyuan, let’s change to monthly settlement, this month's settlement last month-you expect him to settle now, this is really impossible, District Chief Bai There are too many things at hand [Peerless Tang Men]

Tan Shengli still wants to maintain the quarterly settlement method, but Ma Yuanyuan said, this may not work anymore. The district mayor has repeatedly told me recently that you can’t always let the district pay for so many hotels.

When District Mayor Tan heard this, he could only pinch his nose and admit it. The hotel had made great efforts to repay teachers’ salaries. I am also very grateful. Then I will change the settlement method.

Once the funds were fully utilized, the Beichong Hotel gradually improved. In the past, Mr. Ma went everywhere to ask for money, which was not necessarily enough. Now there is no need to put effort on this.

Therefore, District Mayor Chen's changes to Bei Chong are not only in the visible things, some changes are quiet, moisturizing things are silent, and only the person concerned knows best.

Especially recently, the Beichongda project has been frequent. How many foreigners come to the district to find opportunities and stay here. For a hotel, the occupancy rate is the fundamental-why are everyone keen on receiving meetings? The picture is not the few days when the conference was received, and the occupancy rate was high?

In addition, District Mayor Chen recognizes this hotel better, many of them have guest houses, and they are willing to come to the hotel for a meal or something. For example, the Agricultural Bank of the Transportation Bureau and the Construction Committee. They basically didn't come to the hotel for dinner.

So Mr. Ma has a few small amounts of money in her hands-it's not in vain that she worked **** recharging the card. She didn't do that easily. She forcibly borrowed four of the 600,000 working capital. Months, leaving aside the owed favors, I just said that I lost money by taking the card to Asada again and again to realize the travel expenses and the like.

As usual, she should spend the money as soon as possible, but although the new district mayor doesn’t ask about the hotel’s account, Ma Yuanyuan, she dare not fool around. At present, she has 1.8 million yuan in her hand and wants to find a way to spend it—but this wind is so windy. Blow into the head of the district first

"You have money yourself, then spend it." District Mayor Chen glanced at her with a smile. The operating conditions of Beichong Hotel have improved recently. He is not a good friend-Liao Dabao and the chef are friends. Now, even though he is a little angry about Mr. Ma’s aggressive behavior, but then again, the money is earned by the hotel, and it’s not the same if he just interferes.

You can't spend the money you make, so why do you guys work hard to make money?

So he just lightly said, "Investment in infrastructure construction is for money to make money. I agree but there is a principle... to withstand audits."

Able to withstand the audit, that is, to allow Ma Yuanyuan to take some kickbacks appropriately, but not too much-this is the principle of the District Chief Chen, greed for money is not a big deal, just can do things.

His words were plain, but there was also a faint sense of deterrence. Ma Yuanyuan was not angry and rejoiced, and the money in her hand could be spent. Of course, this food should be elegant, so she nodded, "Please rest assured, I must ..."

Halfway through what she said, a young man hurried over and said anxiously, "Mr. Ma, someone else has lost money. This time, it is a trainee reporter from the Chaotian Evening News..."

"Someone else?" District Mayor Chen frowned. Has this lost money become normal?

"Recently, people who fight for the room often have their property stolen," Ma Yuanyuan found that the district mayor looked wrong, and she hurriedly explained. "In addition to admonishing customers, we have invested more than two thousand yuan and launched a safe deposit box service... "

This is really no way to choose. The current occupancy rate of Beichong Hotel is steadily maintained at more than 70%. As mentioned above, one bed in a standard room for two people is 40. If you want to book a room, you can get one hundred. The residents knew the market and said that I still have a colleague who went to the bathroom, that’s 80.

It’s fine to drill this small loophole. The Beichong Hotel does this because there are too many room-building phenomenon, but this room-building room, between two strangers, maybe something will happen.

Some people like to go to bed late, some like to get up early, some snoring and snoring... These contradictions are secondary, shameless, knowing that they are optimistic about their important belongings, such as putting their wallet under the pillow, but they never do in society. Lack of fledgling raw melon eggs

So in the past few months, there have been at least four thefts in Beichong Hotel. In fact, after the second theft, the front desk reminded those single travelers to take care of their belongings. At the same time, they bought a lot of file cabinets to help guests. Host important items

But this important item does not include cash and jewelry. Later, there were two cases of theft, which made the Beichong Hotel a big one. Four suspects in the four cases caught two of them, and two were at large. Really ......Can't afford to toss

So the expansion of the hotel is indeed an imminent demand

After the explanation, Ma Yuanyuan glanced at the young man and frowned slightly, "Isn't it stressed? Important guests should try not to fight for the room?"

"There is no room for Ai", the young man smiled bitterly and spread his hands. "There are five people living in a standard room. These five people are all classmates and relatives. They played late, slept all night, and woke up. , The mobile phones and cash on the five people are all gone"

"Fuck me," Ma Yuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief. Of course, female cadres sometimes swear swear words. Of course, her anger is understandable. "That means...he accused us of stealing?"

Chapter 3752 Police Officer Chen (Part 2)

"That's what it means," the young man replied with a wry smile. "He didn't say that it must be an insider, but he doesn't think he will steal his own people...all acquaintances."

"Which room do they live in?" Ma Yuanyuan frowned and asked, "Could it be a thief passing by?"

This group of people live in rooms that are not facing the street. In fact, there are only a few rooms facing the street in Beichong Hotel, and there are guards on duty in the hotel. Unless a thief is blind, he dare to think about going into the hotel to steal things, especially this one. The one who helps people live is on the second floor. There is no fence or something, and the thief can’t get up.

The hotel and the guests agreed that the suspicion of crimes committed by outsiders can be ruled out, but the guests think that the thief was inside the hotel but the hotel thinks that the thief was inside the guest

This is what the public said, the public is reasonable, and the mother is reasonable. The young man is the logistics chief of the hotel in charge of security and other matters. He emphasized, "They have reported the case and lost a total of more than nine thousand yuan of property."

More than 9,000 yuan of property is not small in Beichong, but it has not reached the point of being valued. However, it must be pointed out that more than 6,000 yuan was lost by Li Shilu, a reporter from the "Chaotian Evening News", and what is more sad is that, Li Shilu’s father is Li Yongsheng, Deputy Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee

Li Shilu came to Bei Chong to attend a wedding. An alumnus of his university married a girl from Bei Chong. In particular, it should be pointed out that Xiao Li’s fiancee is his alumni’s cousin.

His alumni are from Yunzhong who just married Beichong people to attend the wedding, and there are other students from the university. So in this room, except for three classmates, he is his cousin who is all his own.

So he thought that this was when everyone was asleep, and the hotel waiter came in quietly and swept all the belongings, but the Beichong Hotel checked the shift and knew which two people were in charge at this time, and he felt that...this How impossible

This is really unclear, and Chen Taizhong doesn't want to worry about it—professional matters should be left to professional people to handle, but then think about it, Nima...Do you dare to doubt our folk customs in Beichong?

The waiter on duty yesterday, as well as the front desk on duty, have been working in the hotel for a long time. Everyone believes in their character, but no one dared to stand up and take a bosom guarantee: these two are have a problem Find me

District Mayor Chen’s irritation was partly due to the girl who was on duty at the front desk. The girl’s surname was Miao. When he first came, Mr. Ma had made some arrangements. Xiao Miao almost became his bedding, and was later responsible. Recharge card exchange

"Then I... Li Yongsheng's son, hey, the official is so big," Chen Taizhong snorted, saying that in our Phoenix City, Li Yongsheng is just a construction committee director.

District Chief Chen came to the incident and found that Chao found two policemen were standing there interrogating the client, and another policeman was holding a camera to take pictures. Hearing what the police said, the scene was almost destroyed and there was nothing valuable. clue

This is normal. There is a two-person standard room with five people sleeping in it. After everyone discovered the theft, there was another toss. What clues could they leave?

A policeman spotted District Chief Chen with sharp eyes and smiled and said hello, "Is the leader here?"

"What kind of leadership?" Chen Taizhong smiled and shook his head. "I just came to take a look. I always feel that although the people of Beichong are poor, but the quality is not low... there will be no guarding and self-stuffing."

"The leader," said a young man. He is not tall, but with white eyebrows and big eyes. He is very handsome, but there is a bit of hostility between his eyebrows, which is very unambiguous.

He frowned and asked a little arrogantly, "I don't know what you call?"

"You can call me Officer Chen," District Chief Chen nodded blankly. "I don't care about such small cases. I just pass by occasionally and come in to find out the situation."

"The case is not big," the young man smiled and replied sharply, "but I only know that the elbow is turned inward, and when the responsibility is pushed out, I have to say... Chen Taizhong's explanation of governance is very disappointing. "

I said, Officer Ai Chen, who doesn't have such a face-slapped, twitched the corners of his mouth and frowned slightly, "It sounds like you have a good relationship with our District Chief Chen?"

"I don't know him. He is standing in front of me. I don't even know him," the young man sneered, expressing his disdain. "A small district chief, do I need to know him? It's just what others say about him. , Not too low"

Are you slapped or slapped? District Chief Chen was a bit speechless. He scanned the surroundings majesticly and found that many people clenched their teeth and glared, and others bowed their heads and shook their shoulders, as if they were angered-everyone seemed to be holding back very hard.

"Ahem," Officer Chen coughed dignifiedly and said with a smile on his face, "Who can tell me the general story?"

The incident was very simple. The group played poker very late. They slept at three in the morning. At eight in the morning, someone got up and planned to make a call, but found that the phone was missing. They looked for it and found out that it was theft. Up

So everyone woke up, because all young people came to Beichong and spent a lot of money to return to Chaotian, so no one has much money. Only Li Shilu has a hundred cash. The key is to buy a new one. Lost his more than five thousand mobile phones, which made him out of anger

"Have you checked the room carefully?" Chen Taizhong turned to ask a policeman

"No, Reporter Li won't let the investigation." The policeman stretched out his hands helplessly. "Besides, considering what evidence could be found, he didn't move the room easily."

"Of course I can't let you check it casually." Li Shilu, the arrogant young man with white skin, looked at Officer Chen provocatively. "Once you are asked to check, this is a guess that supports you...unless you agree, If nothing can be found in the room, it is the crime committed by the people in your hotel"

What is your logic? Chen Taizhong was a little upset, but the logistics chief answered, "This is impossible to promise you. We can't guarantee that your people have never left the room."

It’s only ten o’clock. If the incident comes at seven o’clock, then the hotel is very frequent and the waiter cannot remember all the guests. It’s really hard to tell if anyone in this room has been out.

A group of people talked for a long time, but this Li Shilu was very difficult to communicate. The imposing manner was to insist that someone in the hotel had stolen his things. He even asked, "The two waiters did not find any lost items in their closets, maybe there are still Colleagues... Check the wardrobes of other waiters too."

"Would you like to check my office?" Ma Yuanyuan also had a fire. She sneered and asked, "Maybe the lost item is in my office."

"Mr. Ma, if you say that, it’s not the right attitude to solve the problem." Li Shilu is also very interesting. You say he is arrogant, and sometimes he is reasonable. He sneered and accused each other, "You have to check the room, you just doubt all of us. People, even suspect that I blackmailed, then of course I have to doubt all your employees, but I don’t intend to doubt you"

"Then the wardrobes of my other employees can be checked, and the room you live in can be checked?" Ma Yuanyuan asked quietly. This theft case is really strange, but anyway, they were lost in Beichong Hotel. Got something

Li Shilu froze for a while before nodding, "OK, check your employees first"

"Take me to his room to take a look." Police Officer Chen felt a little uncomfortable seeing Mr. Ma actually so weak, but... the servant named Li is not blindly unreasonable, he can't be ruthless to clean up one. Owner

The head of logistics led him, and he was also accompanied by a policeman and a companion of Xiao Li-Li Shilu emphasized that first check the hotel staff, and then check the room.

The room was very messy. A bed sheet was spread directly on the carpet. Five people squeezed into a standard room. This situation was normal. Chen Taizhong didn't care about so many. He stood up and down in the room and looked around. Fan

He shook his head in the alert gaze of the young man, and left without saying a word, the lost property was not hidden in the house.

He is not hidden in the house, but it must be in the hotel. He is very sure about this. If this is done by Beichong people, the wardrobes of the two waiters have been checked and the people have been kept-this is a temporary Intentional theft there hasn’t been anything like this before, there must be no outsiders responding

If the thief is one of Li Shilu's group, then there is no chance to send the stolen goods out, and will only hide in an unobtrusive place in the hotel

Thinking of this, Chen Taizhong carried his hands on his back, Shi Shiran went to the public toilet on the second floor-some rooms here have toilets, some rooms do not, so there are public toilets.

"I've checked it here," the chief of logistics unit accompanied him, who whispered, "I checked the toilets on the first and second floors, as well as the rest room of the waiters, but nothing was found."

Where will the things be placed? Chen Taizhong frowned slightly. At this moment, he really regarded himself as a policeman. This is not to say that he is too boring. It is because he, as the district chief, cannot tolerate casual slander of Beichong people.

And that guy Li Shilu is really a bit arrogant, he has to hit his face hard to get this bad breath

So, buddy first assume: it was one of these five people who stole the others...

(Update to, summon monthly pass)

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