Official Immortal

: Three thousand seven hundred and seventy nine-Three thousand seven hundred and eighty will be expa

Chapter 3779 is going to be expanded

During the ten seconds that Chen Taizhong was in the car, few people really saw clearly what happened. However, Zhu Fenqi had been staring at District Chief Chen, and he somewhat noticed. www.)

It seemed that the kidnapper wanted to touch the pocket of District Chief Chen’s pants. The next moment, he showed a look of astonishment on his face. However, as soon as he made an expression, he was shot in the face by a shot. The district chief didn't even think about it, but shot the man holding Liu Mancang.

Two bullets, one in the nose, one in the eye socket, the one in the car was okay, one shot was taken, and the one on the ground rolled back and forth and howled for more than a minute before kicking and breathing. The miserable voice made the audience shiver.

However, Liu Mancang, who was deeply concerned, was not involved in any way. He got away miraculously. Apart from the original wound, no new wounds were added. Of course, in everyone's opinion, this is the child's good luck.

No one realizes that some seemingly accidental phenomena have inevitable factors behind them.

Next, the scene still had to take pictures and make some records, but District Chief Chen took off the blood-stained shirt, handed it to the police along with the pistol, and drove away.

Soon after, this junction became famous because of the two shots of District Mayor Chen. Many people called this place Qiqiaokou. It is said that the district mayor’s superior marksmanship, once a shot is shot, will hit people with a bullet. , This place has a bit of fame, and it is vaguely regarded as a tiny attraction in Beichong.

This is for the time being. Chen Taizhong did not go to work after leaving. Instead, he went to the police station and interrogated the only woman who survived assault. In any case, the case was shot, and two people died. You must explain to the upper one as soon as possible. At the same time, whether there are anyone in the kidnapping gang. It has not been captured yet, and this hidden danger must also be investigated.

The reason why the branch office invited District Chief Chen to participate was not to investigate the responsibility. In Director Zhu’s words: You kill two people in a row, you just need to sit here, and you don’t have to say anything, the woman’s psychology will collapse.

as predicted. Within half an hour, the woman silently confessed what happened.

This woman and the dead kidnapper A are lovers, and kidnapper B is his boss. They are both from Ufa. They came to Beichong to receive the goods. She didn’t know what they received, but the goods were not received. 3. People waited for three days and were leaving today.

Come so for nothing. The disappointment is conceivable. The woman's lover saw a child playing alone on the roadside and dragged the child into the car directly. This was a temporary motive-the big thing was not done, and the child was sold for two small dollars.

The woman swears by the curse, saying that she has never done anything similar, and neither should the two of them. If you don't believe it, you can go to Ufa to investigate. This is really the first time.

This thing should be believed. That was the police matter. Chen Taizhong had no intention of thinking about it. He was concerned about another point, "Are they taking drugs?"

"This..." The woman hesitated, and finally nodded. "It's just to play around, there is no addiction. I only slipped through the ice a few times and never touched others."

District Mayor Chen and Director Zhu exchanged glances, and they wondered a bit in their hearts: What can the Ufa province go to Linyun Township to receive the goods? Shiyou is opium.

"Xu Bo," Chen Taizhong uttered two words softly. Zhu Fen raised his head and nodded slightly. Although he hadn't been in Beichong for a long time, he knew that Xu Bo was shot and killed. How old, although Xu Ruilin adopted a pair of twins, he still can't hear the word Xu Bo.

After the unremitting efforts of the police, it has been preliminarily determined that the two gunmen came to Beichong to collect opium, but to this day, the two murderers are still at large, which really embarrassed the Beichong branch.

Next, the police asked a question, saying that you abducted the child and did not rush away. Instead, you continued to stay in the district for so long. Are you still waiting for someone to connect? I hope you will be honest and frank and don't get yourself wrong

Brother, what...I'm wrong, the woman screamed when she heard it. It turned out that the three of them planned to leave Beichong directly and try their luck in the city. It's just that she is inconvenient these days and the road in the district It's not good. The car ride is uncomfortable, and I have to walk and take a rest, or I will leave Beichong long ago.

At this point, the woman's tears flowed down, and she seemed to be a little bit self-blaming, but at the same time she also emphasized that if there were no unexpected factors like me, the car would really leave Beichong.

Chen Taizhong was a little tired of hearing, so he stood up. His main concern was whether this was organized child trafficking. If it was not, you can breathe a sigh of relief. As for the development of Xu Bo's case, it was a branch. The worry has nothing to do with him.

Back to the district government, the discussion in the small conference room was still going on, but the atmosphere at the moment was a real "sit talk". Everyone chatted casually. Some even knew that traffickers were blocked in Xiaoling Township just now. Chen District The leader shot himself and killed two kidnappers.

On the other hand, Wang Yuanyuan listened with a smile, and did not speak while waiting. This group of people was in charge of her in name. However, even with the support of District Mayor Chen, she couldn’t put on the air of leadership. You know, there are some people inside who met Xiao Zheng Dalong, the secretary of the party committee of Zhaoxiang, also dared to say a few cool words.

District Mayor Chen did not enter the venue again, but when he was passing by, he scanned with his eyes and found that the situation was still harmonious, so he walked to his office. After entering, he sat in a chair and thought for a while and raised his hand to Sui Biao. Dial 97net, "Monitor, are you free at noon?"

"You call me at 97net, and you are free," Secretary Sui smiled on the phone at 97net, "Too loyal and good marksmanship, one shot at a time, it has grown the ambition of our people in Beichong."

"It just happened," Chen Taizhong said with a humble smile, "but if you want to talk about today's things, it really brings me some ideas, if you have time at noon, sit down together?"

"Then you come to the training center, this is just a bit more food," Sui Biao saw him take the initiative to come to the door, so naturally he wanted him to come by himself. District Mayor Chen has been in Beichong for more than half a year. Number of meals at the training center. A slap can be counted.

After the two had run in for so long, Chen Taizhong didn't account for these trivial matters. After putting the phone on 97net, he stopped for a while and rushed to the district cadre training center.

When he arrived, Sui Biao had already opened a private room to wait for him. In addition to Secretary Sui, there were also Han Shihua, director of the District Party Committee Office, and Secretary Sui's secretary.

"Taizhong, you really showed your skills today," Sui Biao met District Chief Chen. First, I will exaggerate. What happened in Xiaoling Township just now was really exciting. It is estimated that it has spread throughout the district.

People often say Pojia county magistrate. It is normal for a district mayor to have some cause and effect on his body when he is engaged in work, and even a few lives are involved. However, the district mayor who has the courage to kill on the street in broad daylight has counted the whole country... No one came out. Although the kidnappers were killed and justice was presided over, this really did not belong to the district chief's business scope.

So the behavior of District Chief Chen. In a very short period of time, it spread like wildfire. Some people said that this is not what a district mayor should do, and some shouted out... Dare to kill for the people of Beichong, this is our parent official!

"Where, it's just the right time," Chen Taizhong chuckled dryly. He didn't care about such an evaluation, and he knew that Secretary Sui might not appreciate what he did from the bottom of his heart-this is a matter of the police or soldiers. . It shouldn't be his best in this district.

But Han Shihua was very interested, and asked a few words while he didn't know if he was really interested, or he was playing the drum.

After talking for a while, the wine and food were served. Secretary Sui returned to the subject and asked about the morning symposium.

"The effect is not bad. []" District Mayor Chen did not say that the 17 people only seconded thirteen. He didn't need to say about these things. If Sui Biao didn't even know these, then the district party secretary really didn't need to Now, after a brief introduction, he said softly, "Lack of people, in other words, there is still a lack of people."

"The decent talents are not willing to come back, there is really no way," Sui Biao sighed in agreement. This is not entirely pretend, and you can't feel it when you are in trouble. Once you get on the fast track, the talent will immediately I'm just stretched out, the pain is really indescribable, "If it doesn't work, let's bring in some talents from outside."

"I can't keep the recruited talents. It's no use saying anything." Chen Taizhong shook his head in distress, to put it bluntly. This is a circular relationship. Beichong's foundation is too weak to attract talents. Even if high salaries attract talents, talents can't stay. Too long, not to stay too long, Beichong will not make much change, and will not attract the next wave of talents.

Therefore, he has an individual suggestion, "It is better to cultivate talents by ourselves, at least there is no problem with stability."

"Cultivating talents by yourself... isn't it unrealistic?" Sui Biao frowned. "The good seedlings of Bei Chong have basically gone out, and the rest is the generals drawn from the short ones."

"Not all talents have gone out. Some people didn't get out of the test because of this or that reason, such as Wang Yuanyuan." Chen Taizhong cited an example, never thinking about avoiding suspicion. "There are still smart people in the district. Less, it's worth trying."

"Yes, there have never been many smart people in this world, but many people are clever and lack great wisdom." Secretary Sui didn't know what the other party was going to say, so he just retorted instinctively. "These people have always stayed in the district, with vision and insight. They are all relatively short."

"I am short-sighted, I can organize to go out to study and broaden my horizons," Chen Taizhong held up the wine glass quietly, and after drinking it all, he stretched out his chopsticks to pick up the dishes. "This can be cultivated."

Chapter 3780 is going to be expanded

Sui Biao put a few chopsticks into his mouth, chewed for a while, and then slowly shook his head and grunted, "After being trained, they will have the ability to change jobs." He deserves to be in charge of personnel matters, and he is on the point of talking casually.

He pointed at the entire private room casually, "Aside from anything else, this cadre training center has only been built for more than two years, and three foremen and two department managers have left... People have learned things, you can't keep them. "

Then Secretary Sui sighed again, "My wife has a classmate who studies medicine. He is also one of the best in heart surgery in Hengbei. He was trained in the unit and spent a lot of money, and he also trained many patients. But the capital came to a hospital... and called people away as soon as he waved."

When he said this, he was a little angry, but he was more helpless, "That's heart surgery. If I were the leader of the Second Hospital of Evergrande, I would definitely not let him go. The whole Hengbei is capable of heart surgery. How many people are there?"

"However, the price offered by the capital is high. The key is that there are many patients there, not only making money, but also conducive to their own improvement. Many Hengbei patients go to the capital for surgery... As long as there are some conditions, who wants to be in Hengbei? Surgery?"

"So if I were the doctor. I was also thinking about leaving," Sui Biao said with a wry smile, "We Beichong is the same thing... we can cultivate local talents. But when the training is mature, he patted The **** is gone, what do you say?"

"I'm afraid that people will leave, don't you train it?" Chen Taizhong smiled disdainfully, and then directly changed the topic. "Today, a few human traffickers can defy the law. The main reason is that there is a woman in there... She is on a period.

"Hmm...what are you talking about?" Sui Biao nodded absent-mindedly, and was stunned by the content. Nima...Is there an inevitable connection between the arrest of traffickers and women on menstrual holidays?

Okay, even if there is a connection, this woman is wrong on her menstrual holiday-this has caught the trafficker. Does it matter to us to cultivate local talents?

Secretary Sui was taken aback, then smiled and said, "I don't quite understand what you said...Can you make it clear?"

"Human traffickers can do things, thanks to the women who came on the menstrual holiday." District Chief Chen repeated, "She gets motion sick and the car can't drive fast."

"Yeah, I know this," Sui Biao nodded again. "and then?"

"Then, if she didn't come to her period, we wouldn't be able to catch them." District Chief Chen looked at Secretary Sui with a hatred of iron and steel.

"This... is like this," Sui Biao nodded and asked dumbfoundedly, "but what do you want to say?"

"I just wanted to say..." Chen Taizhong rubbed his forehead in annoyance, "Under normal circumstances...they ran away."

"That's right," Sui Biao nodded. He vaguely heard something, but he still needs to analyze it carefully, "This is caused by an accident... You mean, we must do something, right? ?"

"That's right," Chen Taizhong nodded, "Our entire operating system in Beichong is as tattered as a sieve. It is leaking from the wind. If there is no accident by the woman, the car will run away and the people will disappear..."

"This kind of fluke mentality is irresistible. I guess that I am the first district head in the country to draw a gun and kill people... Basic-level management and mobilization capabilities need to be discussed on the agenda. For basic-level organizations, we must do it. Like the point where an arm makes a finger."

"District Chief Chen, you are right," Sui Biao nodded again, "but...what are you trying to say?"

"What I want to say is necessary to tap the potential locally," Chen Taizhong sighed. He also felt that he was incoherent. In fact, his thinking was a little jumpy. "Some people may change jobs, but some people will stay. Don't think about what you live in. As long as we build in Beichong, talents will return."

"You the district party school available?" Sui Biao hesitated for a while before tentatively asking.

You don't want to be so naked, right? Chen Taizhong was a little speechless. He did think so, but Secretary Sui opened his mouth and assigned his business to the party school. He heard really good and funny, "What I want to do right now is to train a group of defenders. , About ten in each township."

"The district can pay a basic salary without having to go to work...or two or three times a week. The key is to ensure that you are on call. If someone is willing to learn more and perform well, the district can consider hiring in the future."

It’s not to blame for Chen Taizhong’s confusion. He had this suggestion. It was caused by many factors. First of all, the traffickers in the district almost ran away today-so he never forgot about the woman’s period. This shows that the district has implemented unexpected events. There are still loopholes in his abilities, which makes him especially miss those aunts and old ladies in the neighborhood committee when he was in Phoenix.

The second is that the coal yard in the district will be up immediately. According to Wang Yuanyuan’s words, a lot of security personnel are needed there, and the 13 people seconded from the district party committee to the government are all staffed—at least they have been mixed for many years. Yes, these people can be used as formal management personnel, but it is a bit inappropriate to be security guards, that is, part of the security needs to be hired temporarily.

Again, he remembered what Zhi Guangming said about the land and sea special police. Lu Hai originally had no special police, because the son of Executive Vice Governor Wan Gang was kidnapped and the armed police could not be mobilized. Governor Wan, angrily formed The land and sea special police team.

The executive deputy can come up with such an organization. Can't my dignified government chief do it? Think about that Suponan Shangzhuang. The small village chief Bai Ze can build a stick pile to deal with emergencies.

Finally, the manpower currently available in Beichong is really stretched. Not to mention the talents or anything, the security personnel are scarce, so first recruit this relatively easy recruit, and train it...maybe you can dig out some talents from it. .

"Oh," Secretary Sui nodded, and stopped talking. Instead, he immersed himself in drinking and eating. After about two minutes, he thought about it and said, "There is indeed a need for expansion. As Beichong continues to develop, it may not be enough to double the existing establishment."

"Double is not necessarily enough," District Mayor Chen smiled and shook his head. The two people had basically the same views. As each project progresses, Beichong will need more and more talents. This has a very clear understanding.

Take the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission as an example, it has a considerable talent pool, but when it is developing, it has recruited many people. People like Yang Fan, Zhang Aiguo and others, less than a year after joining the Science and Technology Commission, jumped up. Sun Xiaojin, Xi Manli and others were crowded into the city. In addition, the Blast Bicycle Factory also brought in many employees. , It is just enough to meet the development needs of the Science and Technology Commission.

This is just a science and technology commission, and the projects that can be done are limited. But Beichong's current stall is much larger than that of the science and technology commission, and it is in all directions. There are also many shortages of manpower.

This trend is already obvious now, and this gap will be enlarged geometrically in the near future. If you don't think about it at this moment, you will inevitably be in a hurry in the future. People without thought, he must worry about.

However, Chen Taizhong himself found it difficult for all the additional people to be included in the establishment. "I don't approve of an expansion of this scale. At least it can't be done all at once. You have to watch it while you walk... if the effect is good, consider it.

"I agree with this," Secretary Sui nodded without hesitation, "but at the same time I want to emphasize that we must actively consider the expansion. With this news, everyone can get down to work."

"Haha, I support this," Chen Taizhong smiled slightly. The wind must be let go, otherwise everyone will be unmotivated. At least they have to hold people up first. "It can effectively prevent short-term behavior from happening."

With the opportunity to become a positive person, everyone can restrain their greed and work harder.

As for the fact that in this process of gradual expansion, Sui Biao may use the power of the district party committee secretary to become strong again and make a loud voice. Chen Taizhong really doesn't care very much. The party committee is in charge of personnel — wait for him to appear. For those who admire, Chen does not mind helping to get a few indicators.

"Then arrange registration first," Sui Biao nodded and made a decision. "There are sixteen townships, and there are about ten in each township, and there are two hundred defenders in total. I think it is necessary to arrange them for a short-term training in the party school. ."

"Well, let's come in batches," Chen Taizhong nodded absently. Even if the salary of two hundred people is two hundred, the district government will have to pay an extra 40,000 yuan a month. Lao Sui's idea is good, and he can't pay. , I want to grab this one.

But from another perspective, this is not entirely a bad thing. The defenders were originally not even the joint defense team. If you go to the party school for training, it will be a bit of a job for the public. The two hundred people must be good and bad. With such a bridle, I am not afraid that they will cause too much trouble.

So District Chief Chen smiled slightly and glanced at the private dining room. "The Cadre Training Center...this finally comes in handy. Other past graduates can't say that we only take care of fresh graduates."

"The advantages of fresh graduates are still there," Sui Biao smiled and shook his head. The threshold for fresh graduates to return home to start a business seems high. In fact, once they apply for a job, they half-step into the door of the system.

At noon, the meal was not eaten for a long time, but there were a lot of conversations. The mayor and the secretary had their own gains. As for who got more, it was a matter of opinion. In the afternoon, the district mayor Chen arranged for the deputy planning committee. Director Wang Yuanyuan, published a draft of the district government's recruitment of help defenders, and took it to Beichong Station to broadcast it at night.

Of course, TV broadcast alone is not enough. Early the next morning, the announcement about the recruitment of helpers in the district was posted to the public notice booth. The district recruited people on such a large scale and immediately attracted most of the people in Beichong. s concern.


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