Official Immortal

: Three thousand seven hundred and eighty three-three thousand seven hundred and eighty-four red tap

Chapter 3783 Red Tape (Part 1)

If there is an afterlife, you must have a good tire. Yan Yousheng looked out of the car window blankly, feeling helpless in his heart. He just missed a guarantee, and his hard work for more than a month was wasted.

At only 21 years old, he went to a TV University major in business management. It’s not easy to find a job in Chaotian. Basically, he is unemployed after graduation. And because he can’t find a good job, his girlfriend’s house is also gone. The ultimatum-I will only give you one year at most. If there is no stable job at that time, you two will be separated.

At this time, Beichong launched "College Students Returning to Hometown to Start a Business". After Yan Yousheng heard about it, his eyes brightened. He had long thought Yangzhou's pecans could make a big fuss.

This one has been going around in the province, and the price is very high. The main reason is that there are few people familiar with this thing, and the pecans seem to be able to be released for a long time, but it is not the case. After a year, there will be a savory taste, which hinders promotion. .

As for sales, don’t worry about it. His roommate’s father purchased from Scarlett’s Supermarket. He once said in person that if you can make deep processing of pecans, I promise to put your goods on the shelves—even if you are outside, I can help. You underwrite.

Then let's make canned food. Yan Yousheng spent two months as an intern in a canned food factory in another province. He was not unfamiliar with canned food, so he started to inquire about the prices of various machinery.

In fact, his plan is divided into three steps: first make pecans in vacuum bags, then glass cans, and finally canned cans-after the third step, the issue of export can be considered.

Yan Yousheng made this plan seriously and won the approval of the district. He didn't expect that in the end... he still fell on the last step and couldn't find anyone to guarantee the loan!

Yan's family is in Beichong, and he also knows several masters of the public's rice bowls. But it has been active until today. No one was found who was willing to vouch for - Yan Yousheng's father even said that whoever can help with the guarantee would give him a 10% benefit.

But those people said one after another. This is not a question of money at all, in fact, let alone the cadres of Beichong. Even the people in Beichong knew that anyone who would dare to collect money indiscriminately, once stabbed to the district mayor Chen, would definitely not be able to eat.

By this afternoon, the list has been reported and it is impossible to change. Yan Yousheng finally packed his bags and set off on the way back to Chaotian-it's not that I don't want to contribute to my hometown, it's really... there are no cadres at home. There is no way to serve the hometown.

They all say that the new district mayor Chen is good, but I think it's nonsense, and classmate Yan thought helplessly. At the same time, don't forget the big travel bag in his arms-this is the basis for his future survival and development in Asada.

Except for a few changes in the bag. There is also more than 800 yuan collected by the family, which is actually a little bit of money. Only enough to live and eat in Chaotian for two months, the single-room low-rent housing in Chaotian Chengzhong Village will cost 200 to 250 per month.

Fortunately, I can rent with my classmates. Yan Yousheng began to rejoice that fresh graduates still have the convenience of fresh graduates. After a year or two, the students will be separated into classes... Forget it, I don’t want that much, but I am optimistic about myself. Don’t sleep too hard at night, if you lose it, you won’t even have to travel back.

Xiao Yan is currently in the bus from Beichong to Yangzhou. When he arrives in Yangzhou, it should be around 7 o'clock in the evening. At 9 o'clock in the evening, there is a sleeper bus from Yangzhou to Chaotian. It should arrive in Chaotian in the morning. Around six o'clock.

If the shuttle bus is full, he can still take the two o'clock in the morning train, but although the train is cheap, it is generally difficult to find a seat and a bit slow. It takes about ten hours to reach Asada.

Or... just buy a train ticket? That would save some money, Yan Yousheng was thinking about it, and the bus stopped suddenly, which was a sudden brake.

"Just solicit customers, there is no need to brake so hard," he muttered softly. The car from Bei Chong to Yangzhou does not go on the high speed, and it stops with a serious beckon. Sometimes no one has to stop and wait for a while. Everyone. Get used to it.

The next moment, the car door opened and a young and tall man walked up. He glanced around, "Yan Yousheng from the front village...Is Yan Yousheng in the car?"

"I... I am," Yan Yousheng stood up and looked at the other person carefully. He felt a bit familiar. He hesitantly asked, "You seem to belong to the district government?"

"My district government office, I'm bothering everyone," the young man smiled and nodded to the person in the car, then waved to classmate Xiaoyan, "Come on, get off the car with me, I have something to tell you... Don't waste everyone's time."

"What's the delay? Director Liao, please say directly." Someone recognized the person and interjected with a smile. The last thing Beichong people are afraid of is that they are wasting time. Seriously, they can listen to it. What's wrong with Director Liao rushing up like this? .

It turned out to be District Mayor Chen’s secretary. Yan Yousheng remembered who this person was. He was stunned for a second, then picked up his travel bag and walked to the car door—so many people looked at and the other party had an identity, so he didn’t need to worry about anything. .

When he got out of the car, he saw a Santana parked on the right side in front of the bus. Presumably the car forced the bus to stop. Liao Dabao was not in a hurry to take him on the bus, but first asked, "Have you bought the ticket? ?"

"I haven't bought it yet, it's not too late to go to Yangzhou," Yan Yousheng shook his head.

"Have you found a job in Chaotian?" Liao Dabao asked while walking towards Santana.

"There are two intentions." Yan Yousheng, like other young people, did not want to be underestimated by others, so he slightly exaggerated it—in fact, at his age, as long as he is willing to work hard, it is not difficult to find a job. The key is still to say income.

So he wasn’t completely bragging. In fact, he hoped that District Chief Chen’s secretary would bring some good news. So immediately, he explained, “But it’s not very anxious. The key lies in the district. thing."

"You are not in a hurry, then go back to the district," Liao Dabao said with a smile while pulling the door of the car. "If you are in a hurry, I will say it on the way to Yangzhou."

Yan Yousheng was not polite, and reached out to pull the door of the co-pilot. As soon as the door opened, he found a person sitting in the back seat. After a closer look, he was immediately shocked, "District Chief Chen?"

"Well," Chen Taizhong was sitting in the back seat, nodding slightly. "I looked at your plan. It's worth trying...Why can't you find a guarantee?"

"Can't find a guarantee... Doesn't it need a reason?" Yan Yousheng gave a wry smile, and then said something strange, "You can find a guarantee. There will be various reasons."

The witty words are so slippery, Chen Taizhong glanced at the back of this person's head and thought of his youth. I didn’t know the depth, so I didn’t bother to care about him, "I can help you figure out a solution. Let’s go back to Beichong and wait two days."

It is definitely okay to wait two days. For Yan Yousheng, time is not a problem, but what he doesn't understand is that you have noticed me, Chief Chen. Is this the reason for the loan? "Are you going to introduce the guarantor for me?"

"Yeah. Let's make it together," Chen Taizhong nodded, "During the audit in the district, only strict control was emphasized. Everyone's implementation of the policy is rather deadly, this... you understand."

In fact. District Mayor Chen really didn't think that the people who audited were so wrong, and those who were in charge of gatekeeping had to be screened strictly according to the regulations-not strictly enforced, and acting on their own likes and dislikes would be irresponsible.

But this is another paradox. If strictly enforced, Xiao Yan's plan cannot be accommodating and should be beaten back. However, this plan is not bad, but no guarantee can be found. It is Xu Ruilin's words-it is really a pity.

In this case, the subjective initiative of a cadre must be emphasized. The audited cadre can make a fair suggestion to Xiao Yan. If the suggestion is invalid, he can also report to the leader.

So although District Mayor Chen came out to chase people, he didn't intend to hold anyone accountable. No one really did anything wrong. What the district government can do is to fully learn from experience and lessons and try to avoid similar things.

"Well, I can understand." Yan Yousheng nodded. In fact, he still didn't understand. He said that Chen Taizhong intends to support me. Isn't it just a sentence? What kind of matchmaking?

If you don’t say that the students who have not entered the society, they are really innocent. Next, District Mayor Chen said that it’s so late. You haven’t eaten yet. Let’s go to my place to eat. Student Xiao Yan immediately said aggrieved: Actually, I In order to implement this plan, I spent 900 yuan before and after, and even went to the equipment manufacturer to see it, and ate fermented bean curd mixed with rice for a month.

Your EQ, even if you enter the system, you have to improve it. Director Liao glanced at Xiao Yan intentionally or unintentionally while driving: You didn't expect that District Chief Chen came back to chase you...have not eaten yet?

Santana's speed is still very fast. At early seven o'clock in the evening, District Mayor Chen took Xiao Yan back to his home. The meals at the Bei Chong Hotel were set early, and only five minutes after entering the courtyard, the food was delivered. coming.

The current students have no problem with eating and drinking. Yan Yousheng first gave a little bit of humility. Seeing that the district chief was really asking himself to drink, he stopped being polite and started drinking with the district chief. His gratitude.

In less than 20 minutes, the three of them drank two bottles of white wine. Liao Dabao smiled and said, "Xiao Yan has a good drink volume. For grassroots must have a good drink volume."

"I also really want to start a career in Beichong, but no one guarantees it." Xiao Yan was obviously a little drunk. He turned his head to look at Taizhong Chen, "District Chief Chen, the plan I made for me is very good. confidence."

"I also think it is more feasible," Chen Taizhong nodded.

"Then please be a guarantee," Yan Yousheng, a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, said directly, "If you don't want to be a guarantee, then I will give you the other details of this project. If you make a profit, you can give me a little. Just fine, if you lose...I will pay you my head, really."

"Ha," Chen Taizhong laughed, then shook his head, "It's nice to be young."

"I really have confidence in this project," Yan Yousheng felt hurt when he saw his appearance, so he repeated it.

"Then you just wait for me to match you up," District Mayor Chen can understand the young man's mentality, but this does not mean that he will tolerate offenses, and he can't even stare at him. "Do you think I will help you fight? Say hello, then take a loan... Am I a good district chief?"

Chapter 3784 Red Tape (Part 2)

"I didn't say that," Yan Yousheng chuckled and scratched his head-in fact, what he thought in his heart was the same as District Chief Chen said.

"You don't understand what the term mayor means," Chen Taizhong smiled bitterly, and said to himself, "It's very simple for me to greet you, but... the reasonable procedure is what you and I hope for. It is also the most durable."

"This...I really don't understand it." Yan Yousheng shook his head, obviously you have to make things so complicated that you can solve things in one sentence. Looks like you are still struggling a lot.

"Think about when you accuse others, would you say that the other person walked through the back door?" Chen Taizhong took the wine glass and drank it. "I am looking for you back. I want to do my best to help you match up, but I won't use the district chief's privilege to go. doing what."

That said, this match-up might be unsuccessful? Yan Yousheng could faintly understand District Chief Chen's difficulties, but at the same time, he felt that District Chief Chen was overcorrecting.

This incident became a typical case of cadres’ sense of responsibility in Beichong in the future. It was hailed as the "Xiao Heyue chasing Han Xin" in the 21st century, but it is still developing. Han Xin's actor, Xiao Yan, still has some opinions on Xiao He, and he pressured his anger. "My project. Better than many selected projects."

"Those selected projects also think like you--their projects are better than you." Liao Dabao couldn't stand it anymore, so he added a word. He also came from a young age, knowing the roughness and instability of young people. , But seeing the other party so impetuous, he still couldn't help but say something as someone who came over.

Yan Yousheng is silent, what can he say? In any case, District Chief Chen made a special trip to stop him back, just to help him make another match. Even if things are not in harmony, such a District Chief is worthy of admiration.

"It's really not possible. Arrange for him to borrow money from Xun Dejian," Chen Taizhong sighed. This amount of money really doesn't matter to him, but the key is that he has to improve the system. Some people must retain them, but there are some tricks that absolutely cannot be opened. .

On the contrary, borrowing money from Xun Dejian is the personal relationship of District Mayor Chen. This is irrelevant.

"Or... I will guarantee it," Liao Dabao pondered, and finally spoke slowly. His home is in the urban area, and there are no close relatives in Beichong, and there is no plan for this guarantee quota for the time being.

But conscientiously speaking, he can't fight this Yan-surnamed Baganzi. There is really no need to take this risk. That is to say, the current leadership has expressed concern. As a caring person, he has the obligation to help the boss to share his worries.

As for the loan if it really **** up, as long as he can show evidence that Yan Yan has worked hard, it probably won't have a bad effect.

"You guarantee?" Chen Taizhong glanced at him and knew what Xiao Liao thought, but the next moment, he raised his brows, "Leading cadres...seems to consider more guaranteeing places, Xiao Liao will give you Wang Yuanyuan a call , Ask her to come over."

This is how his inspiration flashed. The number of guarantees is so short that each public official can only have one, but...if this public official is a cadre, can he consider increasing it as appropriate?

Where Wang Yuanyuan lives is five minutes’ walk away from the small courtyard. District Mayor Chen was late for dinner because he was chasing people, but Director Wang ate at that point. After receiving the call, she hurried over.

Chen Taizhong briefly talked about his own thoughts, "... The department level is a grade, and the division level is another grade. Of course, the upper limit of a single secured loan must be determined. If the amount is too large, a single loan will be converted into two. In short, While increasing the number of places, it is necessary to emphasize the reduction of risks. This detailed rule is entrusted to your planning committee to improve, how long will it take to come out?"

"Does the number of guarantees at the department level and division level increase or double?" Wang Yuanyuan asked casually while memorizing it in the notebook, "Should we divide the principal and vice?"

"There is no need to divide it into such a detailed level. I think there can be two guaranteed places at the department level, and three at the department level," District Mayor Chen explained casually while drinking and eating. "Don't divide the level too clearly. Increase the guaranteed places. , Not only preferential treatment, but also responsibility. We must emphasize one point... The greater the power, the greater the responsibility."

"Moreover, this is only a temporary plan. When the development of Bei Chong goes up, there are not so many people who want to borrow. This guarantee quota may change, so that everyone should not be reluctant to use it," said the young district. Long smile.

"It seems that besides guaranteeing Yan Yousheng, I still have another chance to guarantee," Liao Dabao also laughed.

"Don't vouch for him," District Mayor Chen shook his head. After a glance at him, he went to see Yan Yousheng. "You write an application tomorrow and pass it directly to Mayor Tang, asking the town leaders to help match the guarantor and tell him , I said that Tang Liang could not find a suitable person, so he handed it over to the district leader in charge."

This...a bit cumbersome, right? Yan Yousheng really doesn't understand. It is obvious that Director Liao can help him guarantee. District Mayor Chen has to write some application himself. Are you not artificially creating red tape? However, I thought so in my heart. He nodded. "Okay, then I will hand it over to Mayor Tang tomorrow."

"Do you think it's a bit redundant?" Liao Dabao glanced at him with a smile, showing the young man's heart and spirit. It's almost the same as when he just graduated, so he doesn't mind giving pointers, "Sometimes. It's necessary to talk about procedures."

"Perhaps after you report it, I will guarantee you in the end, but this response channel is different, and the meaning is different... Maybe next year there will be college students who encounter problems like you, and you can't let Mayor Chen chase him. People, with your precedent, others can follow the rule, understand?"

"Understood," Yan Yousheng finally realized. Stand up and bowed deeply to Chen Taizhong, "District Chief Chen, thank you for your support. Please watch my performance later."

"Do the project you want to do well. It's the biggest gratitude to me," District Chief Chen waved his hand disapprovingly. "But your project can only start slowly, let you buy a vacuum packaging machine first, right?"

"No problem," Yan Yousheng smiled and nodded, and by the way, he showed off his plan. "I can slowly roll over and develop. At the beginning, the peeling of this pecan can be handed over to the farmers, and they can also make a small amount of money. "

"Well," Chen Taizhong nodded. The reason why he is optimistic about this project is also one of the reasons. Peeling pecans allows many peasant women or the elderly to find something to do. In a broad sense, from the beginning Has the effect of stimulating the economy.

After eating, Liao Dabao stood up and said that he would drive Yan Yousheng home. Wang Yuanyuan got up and said goodbye. At this moment, before he had time to act, the doorbell rang. Director Liao went to pick it up and returned to report to the leader, "It's Li Shilu. And Niu Xiaorui."

"How did they get together again?" Chen Taizhong scratched his head. If he remembers correctly, the two reporters could not get together, "Okay, let them in."

The two really didn’t fit together. When they came in, the distance between the two was at least one and a half feet. Editor-in-Chief Niu took the lead to speak, "District Chief Chen, there are instructions in the agency. You killed the trafficker that day, we thought Make a special topic-the anti-trafficking operation is in Yangzhou."

"Let’s wait a minute," Chen Taizhong nodded. In fact, he doesn’t have much pride in killing people in public, but it’s not bad to be able to promote abduction. He nodded at Li Shilu, "When are you Xiao Li? Come here again?"

"There is so much news about Bei Chong, I am about to apply for permanent residence in Yangzhou," Li Shilu laughed as soon as he heard it, "I heard that Bei Chong was investigating overloading recently, so I came to find out... the verdict in the poisoned animal case. Yet?"

"It was sentenced two days ago," Chen Taizhong nodded. The brothers committed many crimes and collected evidence for a long time. "One for three years, one for five years, and a fine, maybe... one or two hundred thousand, you You can go to the court to find out."

"Then I'll go for an interview tomorrow," Li Shilu nodded first, then glanced at Niu Xiaorui, then hesitated and then said, "There's one more thing...can you let Duan Lao Er go?"

"I haven't found the problem. He's still very hard." Chen Taizhong shook his head. The guy was too arrogant. He was still coaxing when he was caught. At first he even tried to intimidate the police. Recently, the people who interceded for ya were not Less-it's nothing more than a car accident. You Beichong people are too strong, right?

That’s pretty good, but that Young Master Duan really owes you a lot to clean up. Although he has converged a bit recently, he still doesn’t recognize the maintenance He insists on either repairing them separately or changing them. Bei Chong unilaterally paid 50,000 yuan for the maintenance fee, but he just refused to accept it-he was not short of money, but he couldn't stand it.

Of course, District Mayor Chen is also unreasonable. If you don't pay the money, you can just stay there. If you are anxious, you will be sentenced.

"He is too embarrassed to get a knife, and I don't want to lose a share," Li Shilu smiled and patted the briefcase next to him. "Someone asked me to bring 50,000 yuan to help him pay the fine...Taizhong brother, here is Is it true?"

Chen Taizhong looked at him for a long time, then smiled and nodded slowly, "Okay, since you call me brother, then I will give you this face, but you are also wrong... This is not a fine, it is a maintenance fee!"

(I fell to the seventeenth. I'm really not reconciled. Can I rush back to the top 15?)

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