Official Immortal

: Three thousand eight hundred and four-three thousand eight hundred and five brothers wall

Chapter 3804 Brothers Wall (Part I)

"Shangli is a satellite station," Huo Guoxiang replied solemnly, the same level as the Dongchazi station you dropped.

"So that's it," District Mayor Chen nodded his head calmly, and then replied with a smile, "But that's a respectful place. I still don't understand what Director Huo means."

"Haha, nothing else," Director Huo smiled slightly and waved his hand casually. "You have a good relationship with even the county magistrate and Secretary Xi. Let them help control the situation, will you succeed?"

"Well... I'll talk about the situation first," District Mayor Chen dragged his voice and nodded slightly. "It turned out to be a matter of respect. I thought Director Huo came to Bei Chong specially."

"District Chief Chen, you are right. Director Huo really came to Bei Chong on a special trip," the man who reported it said with a smile.

"That's it," Huo Guoxiang nodded slightly, and then his face adjusted, "I've made a special trip to discuss cooperation, but Jingde's situation is a bit tense, I want to ask you to help calm the situation over there..."

Chen Taizhong began to ponder. He looked at Director Huo, and then at the man with the gun. Upon seeing this, Director Huo took the initiative to introduce, "This is the financial hurdle of our bureau."

It turned out that this is the case. District Chief Chen finally picked up the phone and explained with a smile, "I can call for you to ask. As for the result, I really can't guarantee."

The call was made in front of the other party, but his voice was extremely low. Even if the two Director Huo pricked their ears to listen, they couldn’t hear what the other party was saying, let alone District Chief Chen had his own means. .

"Okay, there will be coordination over there," Chen Taizhong smiled and raised his head after making two calls. "The result will be known in a moment... Let me first ask, will there be any abnormal weather in Beichong today?"

"There may be short-term thunderstorms or hail in the afternoon. But it is only possible." Director Huo replied in a deep voice, "But you also know that this weather forecast allows inaccuracy. The extreme weather yesterday swept the entire Yangzhou. Almost all counties and districts have encountered hail, but this is not the case in Beichong...So sometimes, the weather changes are not very regular."

"Is the hail in other places serious?" Chen Taizhong asked. While raising his hand to grab the fixed phone on the table.

"Very serious," Huo Guoxiang smiled bitterly. The extreme weather is so fierce and the scope of the impact is really only seen in recent years. Although Yangzhou people have not developed the habit of asking the Meteorological Bureau for trouble, some people call Come over and scold.

So when it comes to this matter, Director Huo is also quite helpless, "Only Bei Chong is better. Next is Jingde-you Bei Chong is in front of them. They don’t suffer from hail in many places, but now it looks like Even your two are very angry."

"My people have been beaten, and there are still people dead in the district. Can my anger be reduced?" District Mayor Chen glanced at him disdainfully and dialed the phone. "Xiao Liao, there may be extreme weather in the afternoon. Send it right away. Give a notice and try to be prepared."

After finishing the order, he hung up the phone and looked up at Director Huo without speaking.

"I can only say I'm sorry about this matter," Huo Guoxiang glanced sideways at his person. "The current situation of the Meteorological Bureau is a bit special. I have good intentions towards Bei Chong... If there is no hint from Xiaoguan, you are not so easy to catch the assassin, right?"

"I admit it," Chen Taizhong smiled and nodded. It was already obvious. If it wasn't for the internal fighting of the Meteorological Bureau, no one would take the risk and stand on the opposite side of everyone-no matter where you are, you can eat inside and out. It is not to be seen.

"In fact, the early warning you want to do is also our wish. Who doesn't want his work to be recognized by the society?" Huo Guoxiang smiled bitterly and spread his hands.

His statement was really beyond Chen Taizhong's expectations, but in the next moment, he emphasized again, "But we also have difficulties and some responsibilities that we cannot bear."

"Okay, since you have this heart, we can talk slowly," Chen Taizhong interrupted him as soon as he raised his hand, and sent out an invitation with a smile. "It's already time to eat, let's talk while eating. , I just ask Director Huo to comment to see if there is any improvement in my food."

District Mayor Chen doesn’t want to sit here and listen to the difficulties. Since the other party’s attitude is correct, it’s better to talk while eating. Don’t be afraid to say something awkward. If you don’t agree, Beichong’s food will not be so easy to digest. of.

"I don't know much about improvement. I'm not good at cooking." Director Huo smiled. "I hope that the baby fish will be raised in two years. You can buy me a meal."

"No problem," Chen Taizhong nodded with a smile, "The Meteorological Bureau can provide effective help. What is one or two baby fish?"

"Director, let me tell Director Liao about the weather in the afternoon." Unexpectedly, Xiao Guan cut in at this moment, and after getting permission, he slipped away.

What does this mean? District Mayor Chen was thinking about it, and Director Huo sighed softly when seeing that there was no one around, "I don't want to stop Xiao An, it's mainly because that guy is calculating me and always trying to squeeze me away."

Does it make sense for you to tell me this kind of thing? Chen Taizhong hummed inwardly when he heard it, and it was so common that there were conflicts between the chief and the deputy, and it was worth taking it out to deliberately talk about it?

Seeing him like this, Huo Guoxiang knew that he didn't understand, so he couldn't help but sighed, "I am fifty-two this year, and it is exactly the line of two, five and eight. Once I leave this time, this will be the case in my life."

"It turned out to be like this," Chen Taizhong nodded slightly. He really understood this explanation. The so-called two-fifth-eighth line means that at the age of fifty-two it is not mentioned at the department level or at the age of fifty-five. If you don't mention the provincial level at the age of eight, then wait to go to the second line.

The 258 line is mainly to respond to the initiative of the central government to rejuvenate cadres.

For example, if a department-level cadre cannot reach the deputy office before the age of fifty-two, it is considered dead. But at the same time, the regular department may not be a second-line immediately. He just has no future for training. If he is more knowledgeable, he may be able to get a real job. From Zhengke to retirement-the level of section-level cadres is too low to attract too much attention. There are people behind it, so it will be no problem to continue.

Therefore, the two, five and eight lines are generally used to get people, and provinces also have local policies. Just like Tiannan promotes cadres below the division level. There is also a red line of two posts in three years, and two posts in five years at the department level-but in fact, the bottom line mentioned in two years can be surpassed.

In any case, the second prefix is ​​basically affected by the local policy, and the first eight is widely recognized by the domestic officialdom. This is the so-called "seven ups and eight downs". You can go to the vice-province at fifty-seven, fifty-eight. It doesn't work at age, so go to the second line honestly.

Provincial promotion. Follow this line most of the time, but that's it, capable people can still ignore the rules.

Not talking about others, just talking about Tian Liping, a cadre in the main hall, can work until retirement as secretary of the Tongde City Party Committee. It is really that he is not interested in doing it himself. If he wants to go to the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, this is a deputy province. It must be pointed out that he is fifty-eight years old.

Secretary Tian leaned against the back of the Huang family. But in the whole country, most of the time, the fifty-eight-year-old line is still very powerful.

The fifty-five-year-old line is relatively close, but according to conscience, the fifty-five-year-old county party secretary would basically dream of being promoted to deputy office in the future. What's more, I went to the second-line deputy office, or mixed with the deputy office when I retire.

At fifty-two, it’s worse. Even if you can’t make it, you don’t need to go to the second line—as long as you don’t stand in the way of young cadres.

However, the lower the level, the more competitors. Therefore, although the two-character line is the upper deputy office of the main division, the local policy in many places extends the main division of the deputy magistrate. If the 53-year-old deputy magistrate wants to be the magistrate, others will If you use this to talk about things, you have already passed the second line, and you still have to fight for the right position. Is your energy allowed? Should we train young cadres?

So this is the condition of the card people, and the magic of its use is from the heart, and there is no need to explain too much.

Huo Guoxiang is embarrassed and embarrassed here. He is fifty-two years old this year. Although he is the director of the Meteorological Bureau, the Meteorological Bureau is only a second-level bureau. Strictly speaking, he is only a deputy-at most, he is a high-ranking officer, or he enjoys being a regular Treatment.

At this juncture, if he leaves this position, he will definitely be frustrated. Even if he changes position next year, he may be able to rush to the deputy director of the provincial bureau in the future, but this year he is determined not to move. As long as he moves, there is no absolutely good news. What it brings to others is misunderstanding, and the consequences are extremely serious.

Chen Taizhong also served as the minister of underground organizations for so many years. Although he didn't know exactly how to deal with 258 in Hengbei's soil policy, he never departed from his sect. It was nothing more than stuck in the line.

And Huo Guoxiang is on this line, and it is the right response to keep a low profile and less provoke people.

Chen Taizhong could even understand why that Xiaoguan left as soon as he heard that Director Huo wanted to eat baby fish after a few years. Eating baby fish is nothing. The key point is that Director Huo said that he intended to talk about this. At the same time, it also reflects the determination to continue in Yangzhou.

This is not to say that Xiaoguan has the intention of betraying Director Huo. It is because this topic is too sensitive. There must be a lot of rumors within the Meteorological Bureau. Although finance must be the confidant of the chief director, these words are not casual.

Speaking of which, why Xiaoguan wanted to point out the most sincere destination, no need to say more.

District Mayor Chen thought for a long time. By the time he reacted, the two had already arrived at the gate of the Bei Chong Hotel, so he smiled slightly, "If Director Huo intends to promote the early warning system, I am willing to support it."

He won't follow the other party's topic. Will the personnel changes of the Meteorological Bureau have a relationship with Beichong? You talk about yours, I talk about mine, but sincerely, if you agree with me, maybe I will support you too.

Chapter 3805 Brothers' Wall (Part 2)

District Mayor Chen and Director Huo entered the private room. They just ordered the food. When the door rang, Forestry Director Deng Bosong opened the door and walked in. "Director Chen, I want to tell you something... Yeah, there are guests?"

"Sit down, let's eat together," Chen Taizhong waved his hand. He knew that Director Deng was the owner of a muscle, and he didn't care much about the sip in the cup. "Don't drink too much, there may be rain in the afternoon... Has the Wawayu sign done?"

In order to breed baby fish in Beichong, it must be strictly distinguished between genuine and non-genuine. This sign is a very important part. Since the Bureau of Agriculture is responsible for the promotion, it is best to hand over this supervision to other departments, just as the Forestry Bureau still wants To grab this business, District Chief Chen will arrange for the Forestry Bureau to get this anti-counterfeiting sign.

This is also a long-term job. Anti-counterfeiting signs are said to be anti-counterfeiting, but it is not difficult to forge. The key is to establish a file for each baby fish-these go far. In short, the Forestry Bureau took over the job and is currently selecting solutions and suppliers.

"I originally selected two, but Mr. Xun said that Hong Kong and Hong Kong have higher anti-counterfeiting technology." Deng Bosong glanced at District Chief Chen carefully. "I'm considering whether to go there and check it out."

"Xun Dejian doesn't have a score. The technology is high, but there are real fakes, and it is troublesome to go to Hong Kong and Hong Kong for inspection," Chen Taizhong snorted. It is not easy to fight fakes in the mainland. The difficulty of combating counterfeiting in Hong Kong is obviously higher. He is not optimistic about this proposal. "You want to investigate. You can ask Xun Dejian to pay, but this money zone doesn't recognize..."

Having said that, he paused, and after hesitating, he pointed out, "In fact, he has underwritten the sales, and then introduces the label manufacturing. There will be loopholes in this, and it is easy to be criticized. You have to be aware of this."

"The matter has not been negotiated. Didn't you ask first?" Deng Bosong curled his lips helplessly. "I came to report to you that the strong wind, thunder, lightning and hail destroyed many saplings. We still want to Procurement part."

"Director Huo, did you hear that?" Chen Taizhong laughed as soon as he heard it, and then he introduced to Director Deng. "This is Director Huo Guoxiang Huo of the Municipal Meteorological Bureau, Director Huo, this is Director Deng of our District Forestry Bureau."

"Your Meteorological Bureau beat Wang Yuanyuan, so dare you come here?" Deng Bosong squinted at Director Huo, with a look of dissatisfaction. Otherwise, the cadre who had served as a soldier was straightforward.

"I didn't let me fight," Huo Guoxiang glanced at him and replied indifferently. This kind of stupid master, he has seen a lot and will not be easily scared at all-he is here to talk to Chen Taizhong Talking about it, with Chen Taizhong's guarantee, what is he afraid of?

Chen Taizhong is not in a hurry, what are you in a hurry? Director Huo replied slowly, "I am here, that is, the cooperation between the two sides of the negotiation has come... The purpose is also to eliminate misunderstandings."

"Anyway, the assaulter, we people in Beichong will not let him go," Deng Bosong still looked arrogant.

Old Deng, your expression... is a bit contrived. District Chief Chen can't stand it anymore, so he coughs dryly, "Director Deng, there may be thunderstorms in the afternoon. Have you been notified?"

"I got it, but it won't be as good as yesterday, right?" Director Deng said.

This is empirical talk. It is the most reliable and the most unreliable. Generally speaking, after strong convection weather, this situation will not happen again in the short term, even if it does, it will be small-scale-this is common sense.

But in areas where the hot and cold air currents form a confrontation, this common sense will be broken. Director Huo couldn't help refuting, "Frontal rain, wind field, and lightning effects are not counted by you and me."

Having said that, he didn’t care about Deng Bosong’s expression and turned to look at Chen Taizhong, “District Chief Chen, the difficulty of weather warning is difficult here... Many things are uncertain. It may happen, but it may not happen. ."

"I understand this very well," District Chief Chen nodded. "You just have to predict it. It may or may not happen... However, we should be more prepared and there is always nothing wrong."

"Wrong," Director Huo waved his hand and interrupted District Chief Chen directly. "It is not a problem for you. For us, it is a big problem. The Provincial Seismological Bureau has given such an example. The North City leaked the news in advance..."

Six years ago, the Guangbei Earthquake Administration detected some abnormal signals and analyzed that there might be an earthquake here, so I quickly reported it to the provincial bureau—this situation deserves attention.

The provincial bureau received this news and did not neglect it too much. After everyone analyzed it, it was reported to the provincial leadership. According to data analysis, an earthquake may occur in Guangbei in the near future.

The provincial leader asked one sentence-is it possible and what is the probability?

This... Who can answer Nima? Just like someone shuddered, the next moment the provincial leader asked everyone to judge whether or not the person would sneeze—everyone couldn't even tell the probability, really.

It is unreasonable to worry about the world, the provincial leaders instructed not to indulge this rumor, which will affect the stability of the society.

The good news is that someone from the Guangbei Seismological Bureau leaked the news, saying that we might not be living well recently.

They only told the people they were close to, but there were people close to them and those close to them, and hostile forces at home and abroad were paying attention to this point. They blatantly said that Guangbei was about to have a magnitude 9 earthquake. The government concealed the truth and did not allow it. Everybody knows.

This was incredible, overnight, the streets and lanes of Guangbei were full of tents. Instant noodles, mineral water and whistle are all sold off. For two months, Guangbei City was in chaos.

For two months, there was still no earthquake, so the director of the Guangbei Seismological Bureau had a style problem. After Shuanggui was beaten to the end, he was found to have embezzled more than 100,000 yuan. In the end, he was sentenced to 15 years.

The counterpart is Haizhou City. Five years ago, the earthquake monitoring station in Haizhou City also detected abnormal signals. Everyone calmly thought that this was a small anomaly, and they didn't even report it to it.

Earthquakes cannot be accurately predicted, at least within ten minutes before the occurrence of the disaster, it is impossible to accurately predict-there may be many abnormal signals, but not many abnormal signals can truly predict disasters.

In early 1998, a magnitude 5.8 earthquake occurred in Haizhou. More than a hundred people died. Economic losses amounted to more than 120 million yuan.

The Haizhou Seismological Bureau accurately reported the epicenter, magnitude and depth of the earthquake within five minutes after the earthquake, and won the notification award. The director of the Seismological Bureau was promoted to the deputy director of the Provincial Seismological Bureau the following year. He is currently a powerful director. Contender.

"Report good news but not worry," Huo Guoxiang smiled bitterly, and drank his wine glass. "The crow is the one who reports the worry. No one likes it. matter the earthquake or the weather, who can actually predict it accurately?"

"This is true," Deng Bosong drank some wine and talked a lot. He even forgot his position, "I have a comrade-in-arms. At Tongda Meteorological Bureau, it was not a drought the year before? A warm and humid air just happened to be coming, and it was supposed to rain..."

"So the Meteorological Bureau forecasted that there will be rain in the near future, but unexpectedly, this rain was intercepted by Ufa Province, and Ufa was also dry. More than a thousand shells were fired there, saying that it was going to be reserved for Tongda. One point, but the rain didn't reach the north of the earth at all!"

Ufa is adjacent to the north of the earth and is accessible in the center of the north. If this cloud can enter the north, no one would dare to shoot casually. It is the kingly way to ensure the precipitation of the provincial capital, but the rain did not enter the north. How ruthless the side stopped.

"It's just such a reason," Huo Guoxiang nodded, "Too loyal, I will tell you that, we also want to forecast the weather accurately, weather people, can't forecast the weather, why have the face to say that we are weather people?"

"But we can forecast, but I dare not tell you," Director Huo smiled bitterly, "especially for this extreme climate, the forecast is correct, it should be, the forecast is wrong... even if you can Understand, can the leader understand?"

"Yeah, I understand." Chen Taizhong listened to the complaint for a long time, and finally knew where the problem was, so he said straightforwardly, "It's me, Bei Chong who wants to exchange information with you, and it has nothing to do with the leaders of Bird Mao. ."

"So the provincial bureau ordered that our city bureau is not allowed to make weather warnings," Huo Guoxiang said, regardless of his statement, "this is to prevent mistakes. Anyway, the Central Meteorological Observatory will broadcast it. Just look at that. "

"Doing less mistakes, doing more mistakes, not doing more is good, I understand," Chen Taizhong nodded, replied with a smile, and then whispered again, "I don't know when people who are engaged in natural sciences also Has it become only supreme but not factual? You are doing natural science."

"To engage in natural science, we must also have funds," Huo Guoxiang glared at him fiercely, and added, "We must also have status."

"According to you, can this early warning mechanism be disabled?" Chen Taizhong grabbed a piece of jellyfish head and bit it crunchingly in his mouth.

"This was originally forbidden in the province, especially the extreme weather yesterday. UU reading is really unpredictable." Huo Guoxiang also picked up a handful of eel and chewed it in his mouth, "Warning The time is about one hour, not more than three hours."

"Three hours is enough," Chen Taizhong said bluntly. Within these three hours, all the items in the district would lose at least two or three hundred thousand yuan. "As long as there is an early warning."

"The early warning may not work," Huo Guoxiang once again emphasized the unreliability.

"Something is better than nothing," District Chief Chen picked up the glass in front of him and drank it in one go. "If you say anything difficult, Jingde, I won't be able to speak for you."

"I came here to talk about things," Huo Guoxiang didn't care about his unreasonableness, but replied with a smile, "The provincial bureau is very rigid, everyone has a lot of scruples, and the following work is not easy to develop. I actually want to say... …Dongchazi Station was smashed well."

(The location of the wind pool in the back of the brain is painful, and it is so painful that I can hardly concentrate on the code word. It is a bit late. There are twenty votes short of the front. Please support again, okay?)

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