Official Immortal

: Three thousand eight hundred and twenty-three thousand eight hundred and twenty-one external loose

Tomorrow's signing ceremony will be co-hosted by Chen Taizhong and Huo Guoxiang. It is not bad to meet in advance.

A group of people sat down in a private room in the hotel. Director Huo first said with emotion, "I haven't been here for two days, and even the hotel has started construction. Mayor Chen, the construction of Beichong is really new, so go out to work. One year, I'm afraid I won't even know the way back."

He was talking about the new building of the hotel. Under Ma Yuanyuan’s work, the new building has begun to dig the foundation. District Mayor Chen smiled upon hearing this, “The next step in construction is to fight for the people of Beichong to not go out to work. Find the right position."

"There is courage," Huo Guoxiang nodded with a smile, and exaggeratedly extended a thumb. "In all these years, among cadres of all sizes that I have seen, you are definitely the number one courageous person."

Shi Shuhua is actually quite uncomfortable with the officialdom. Seeing him flattering like this, he couldn't laugh and interrupted, "Director Huo, I also want to invest in agriculture in Beichong, and I will have to trouble you more in the future."

"That's for sure," Huo Guoxiang smiled and nodded, "but there are a lot of times to report concerns, I hope President Shi will not scold me behind his back."

After listening to Chen Taizhong for a while, he found that Lao Huo's jīng **** today was a bit too excited, so he asked aloud, "Director Huo, what happy event have you encountered?"

"Ha, nothing else," Huo Guoxiang couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and then said with a beaming smile, "I went to Chaotian yesterday and saw Minister Yue. He listened to me in detail. report."

"I'm so happy to see you, my eyes are almost gone, and I said it's okay?" District Chief Chen pointed at the other party with a smile, he can understand Lao Huo's joy, he is just a small second-level bureau chief, Ping Li Li If you want to report to Chen Zhengkui and Li Qiang, you probably have to line up. Now you are received by the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. Can you be unhappy?

Of course, it would be even better if he was interviewed alone, "Director Huo has finally come to work, step by step, and I can wait."

"When did it turn around? Didn't it...stain your light?" Huo Guoxiang stumbled slightly before continuing to speak, "The Minister also learned about the development of Beichong from me."

"Edit, you work hard, we don't bring such ostentatious things," District Chief Chen laughed, and then waved his hand casually, "Did Minister Yue instruct anything?"

He dismissed it at this time, it was already too late. Liu Haifang and Shi Shuhua were both outstanding women. Which one couldn't hear the voiceover? That’s it for President Shi, but Liu Zhutiao was shocked in his heart: District Mayor Chen is still related to the new Minister Yue?

For Huo Guoxiang, the provincial party committee organization minister is very far away, but for an assistant investigator of the CPPCC of a county and district, it is not only far away, it is absolutely impossible to reach.

"I made some instructions," Huo Guoxiang nodded, feeling a little shameless in his heart. District Chief Chen, you have been sealed off, and it is really a bit strict. "Actually, I didn't expect to see Minister Yue. I just went to the province. party committee……"

This is also the practice in officialdom. Under the leadership's instructions and attention, the following work can be carried out smoothly. The people below do not express their gratitude and care to the leader... Isn't it a bit of a lack of leadership?

In short, if you go to visit, there will be no serious consequences. If you don't go, it's hard to say.

Director Huo would not have overlooked this point. Before signing the contract, he went to the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee to report. Logically speaking, he cannot come directly at his level. At least he has to be the leader of the Provincial Bureau-it is better to go Secretary.

But he really doesn’t have a strong backing in the provincial bureau, and this opportunity is so rare, he won’t go to the pole to ask for advantage, he’s unwilling to go there alone—it doesn’t matter whether he can see the leader, the key is I have been here.

Unexpectedly, Yue Huanghe was not only in the office, but also let him in. After listening to the report, Minister Yue unexpectedly asked, "Chen Taizhong put a lot of pressure on you, right?"

With just this sentence, Huo Guoxiang was so scared that he almost urinated his pants. It was only when the Minister wanted to make a fuss about himself to deceive the leader. After he didn't want to deal with a few words indiscriminately, he heard Minister Yue again said that I rarely talked about zhèngfǔ , Your subjective desire is good, but if you want to do a good job, it is not enough to have a subjective desire. You must also emphasize methods and execution.

The pilot you chose this time is the best pilot, and also the worst—the guy Xiao Chen spends a lot of money, but he also pays attention to the effect. Don’t let him have the chance to squirm.

The words were so ethereal, Huo Guoxiang thought it over carefully, and he was not very good at judging the deep meaning, but one thing he was sure of was that Yue Huanghe paid no ordinary attention to Chen Taizhong.

"Minister Yue gave an important instruction," Director Huo said lightly after a few sentences. "He said that the pre-jǐng mechanism is also a manifestation of the advanced social system. This is a position. If we do not occupy it, we must have People with unpredictable intentions go to occupy...This is a war without gunpowder."

"What?" Chen Taizhong shook his chopsticks, so that he didn't drop a slice of cucumber on the table. He tilted his head in surprise, "Are you sure, what he evaluated is the pre-jǐng mechanism?"

"I'm pretty sure," Director Huo nodded and replied solemnly. "Minister Yue said that the inability to make timely and accurate forecasts of natural disasters is quite detrimental to the development and stability of our country. Rather than let others spread rumors. It’s better to let our authoritative organization to predict, even if there is one or two mistakes, as long as the original intention is good, how much trouble can it cause?"

"Is this going to reverse the case for the Guangbei Seismological Bureau?" Liu Haifang couldn't help being stunned. This old news was not a secret in the officialdom of Hengbei. Recently, someone mentioned it in the cooperation with the Meteorological Bureau, so she also knew it.

"I don’t want to reverse the case. I speak with conscience. Since I started working on this pre-jǐng mechanism, I have deeply realized that it is not good to do pre-jǐng in trouble," Huo Guoxiang shook his head, with a deep understanding. , It will also cause social unrest, so the key is still a degree."

"Degree is the most difficult thing to grasp, this thing is a bit idealistic," Chen Taizhong could not help but speak out when he heard him say this. He has recently been struggling with system construction and subconsciously made rebuttals, "do a good job of the pre-jǐng mechanism grading system. It is good to ensure that most of the false alarms are internally digested and do not affect the masses."

"For example, your Meteorological Bureau has given Beichong a pre-order. The district can be divided into several levels according to the length of time and the degree of credibility. When necessary, it can be communicated to the towns and bureaus. After further confirming the news, Then it will be conveyed to the level of the village committee and neighborhood committee, ready to announce to the masses at any time...

"In this case, the pressure will be on the cadres," Director Huo smiled. "Their responsibilities have really become more important, District Chief Chen. It is hard work to serve as a soldier under your hands."

"This is the pressure that cadres should bear. When they receive pre-jǐng, they must not only be ready to announce, but also be able to rush to the scene to rescue at any time," Chen Taizhong laughed and replied half-jokingly and half-heartedly, "In this way, they too There is no time to spend a lot of time to sing and dance, which is also a means to ensure their growth, which has a positive and positive meaning."

In conscience, District Mayor Chen believes that what the current cadres lack is the sense of responsibility, and this kind of jīng **** can be seen everywhere in the old-school people. For example, Lin Huan, an old man who does not repair, has many problems, but in essence, Lin In his spare time at work, the chairman will take the initiative to ask about some surrounding matters, not only does the work he has to do, but also finds some other problems and solves them.

This kind of initiative in work is rare among cadres nowadays. Many people hold the attitude that more is better than less, and in their posts, they should not sin against people. If they have profit, they will break their heads and grab them. Things stay away from afar. It's this kind of work attitude. Has our country been built well?

Then, since you are unwilling to take the responsibility, the district has no choice but to impose responsibilities on you. If there are too many responsibilities, there will be no way to rest. Once you neglect your duty, you will at least directly provoke others.

In fact, no one who has come here in the old age has had the experience of doing multiple jobs, don't they also do well? Where is it like now, there must be more departments corresponding to multiple functions, and as a result, there are more and more offices and fewer and fewer services.

"Actually, I think that's the same. It's not impossible to pre-jǐng frequently." Huo Guoxiang didn't laugh when he heard his joke, but instead nodded seriously, "The key is that you said the words'externally loose and internally tight'. It doesn’t matter if the Meteorological Bureau calls you every day as long as Beichong’s execution can be guaranteed."

However, if you want to ensure execution, the staff's income should also be considered. Chen Taizhong nodded silently. Now the salary of some grassroots staff is still a bit low. With such a low salary and so many responsibilities, compare it horizontally with those who do business. , It’s hard to guarantee that some people will feel resentful... In fact, this is also related to the poor sense of honor.

The conditions permit. Sooner or later, the public officials will have to raise their salaries. District Chief Chen made a decision in his heart, but this is something that cannot be said now.

"But this involves the issue of people's right to know," Shi Shuhua unexpectedly interrupted at this time-later Chen Taizhong learned that she was still a member of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference. "Don't tell me whether to conceal in good faith or maliciously. To conceal is to conceal. , You can say it is for social stability, but... if there is a tragedy, whose responsibility is it?"

"For example, in a sudden extreme weather, there are grassroots staff below who are unfavorable, causing casualties. District Chief Chen, you can get rid of him, but the loss has already been done, and the dead cannot survive."

Chapter 3821 loose outside and tight inside (below)

"Hey," Chen Taizhong sighed helplessly when he heard this, and then remembered his son who argued with Ma Mianji about the right to know, and his position at the moment is contrary to that of the past, can it be said that...this is growth ?

Those lush and passionate years of pride and enthusiasm are gone forever.

"President Shi, you can't say that. This is because the quality of the people needs to be improved. For the time being, we can't unconditionally issue uncertain predictions to the society. This will affect stability." As expected, Huo Guoxiang's statement is the same as Ma Mian's. No two.

However, the next moment, Director Huo made another sentence, which made people feel horrified. He coldly said, "If there is such a big disaster, it is not normal to die? We don't need to pursue zero casualties, as long as it is better than the next door. There are fewer deaths in prefectures and neighboring counties, so this is the success of the pre-jǐng mechanism."

This kind of logic, everyone knows well, and it seems too cold to say it.

Who is going to the immortal world, is it possible that he will be bombarded and killed? Chen Taizhong considered this possibility very seriously, and finally came to a very sad result: I guess it won't, ten percent. It will still mix well-the statement is colder, but it... caters to the leadership thinking. of.

"Don't talk about it," District Mayor Chen gave a dry cough. He felt that this problem was temporarily unsolvable, so he might as well shelve it. "Minister Yue is probably not trying to reverse the case, but simply care about it."

"This position of public opinion seems to be the matter of Wang Peide of the Ministry of Education," Shi Shuhua asked coldly. District Mayor Chen could bluff others, but he could not bluff her.

"When it comes to the leadership of the party, as long as the party committee is in charge," Chen Taizhong replied, but he muttered secretly in his heart-Lao Yue must be a solid favor, why on earth?

After drinking and eating, District Mayor Chen settled the comrades from the Meteorological Bureau in the Beichong Hotel, and chatted with Director Huo for a while. He looked at it at 8:30 and stood up to leave.

He waited to go home after leaving the building. He scanned his eyes and found that Tang Liping's office was lit up in the bungalow in the back row of the hotel, and he couldn't help feeling restless-isn't Xiao Tang coming back tomorrow?

Tang Liping has been busy talking about various purchases recently, and she seldom stays in Beichong because she is running around. Here is one of her classmates who is staring at Di Jian. This classmate is very wrong with Di Jian, and it is impossible to partner with her.

But she was absent, and it was a painful torment for Chen Taizhong. District Mayor Chen stayed like a jade in Beichong, so he could only find her to solve his personal physiological problems. Recently, the cement plant entered the equipment procurement period. He was really depressed. That's right. Just feel bored.

If you guys are still a virgin in this life, you can save a lot of trouble. Chen Taizhong is a little helpless about the secretion of his male hormones, but he thought so in his heart, he still raised his foot and walked there.

In fact, if you don’t experience a woman, how can you exercise your emotional intelligence? He gave himself an excuse in his heart.

Outside the office door, there are still a bunch of people gathered together, drinking beer and playing poker with the lamp under the eaves. This is the most common entertainment in Beichong summer—but Di Jian is not there.

Seeing him coming, the gang of idlers greeted him. District Chief Chen nodded slightly, then opened the door and walked in. As far as his eyes were, his eyes instantly brightened, "How come so many quietly, yes Want to surprise me?"

There are not only Liu Wangnan, Ding Xiaoning, but also Tian Tian and Zhong Yunqiu in the room. In this hot summer, this is really good news... which can cool down the fire, and it is very seductive just to look at it.

"The day after tomorrow is my birth. I invite everyone to come and have a fun. I am about to call you," Liu Wangnan replied with a smile, "Tomorrow Lizhi will come here too. Is there a place to escape the summer heat on the mountain?"

"Not for the time being, but you can come often. It's easy to build a house," District Mayor Chen replied with a smile, "Wushui has two caves, but they can be occupied, but I can't do this kind of dishonest thing... Have you found a place to rest at night? There are so many beauties that make people want to commit crimes when they look at them. Be safe."

"Did you not see Kesbauer parked opposite the hotel?" Zhong Yunqiu asked in surprise, "It was made by Xiaoning who spent 5 million yuan to remodel it. It was much better than the Jinlong bus in Beichong, and then he picked it up. , Our sisters have all discussed, and go camping."

"This is too extravagant," Chen Taizhong grinned and shook his head. "Xiaoning, we already have a Golden Dragon bus in Beichong. You brought such an expensive gift, this... Isn't this seeing the outside?"

"Who said it will be given to you? I want to use it conveniently," Ding Xiaoning said with a grin, "I make such a car for convenience when traveling on business. I have experience. When we travel around the world in the future, I will Spend 50 million to remodel the car."

"It's better to buy a special plane," Tang Liping rolled her eyes. She really loves and hates Mr. Ding's car. In her opinion, Ding Xiaoning's foundation is not as good as her own-no matter how bad she is, she has not made waves. That step on the street, that is, Xiao Ning's blessing, actually climbed to Ning's house.

Of course, the current Ding Xiaoning is incomparable to her. Jinghua Real Estate has entered a period of rapid development. The new plain textile factories have all been relocated, and the property prices at the old factory sites have been rising. Now Jinghua Real Estate has to slow down. The speed of the building, and the former site of Sufang was artificially divided into three communities-the most high-end residential community has not yet begun construction.

At the same time, Jinghua has paid back the arrears of the Science and Technology Commission. At present, it is bidding for another lot in Subo. Banks are scrambling to get loans. Jinghua can get the land without even investing a penny. ——With the guarantee of the remaining lots of Sufang, no one will worry about losing money.

Real wealth is pressing. Under this circumstance, Ding always spends millions to remodel a car, what is that?

"It doesn't make much sense to buy a special plane," Ding Xiaoning shook her head and said with a smile, "The most wonderful thing on the journey is the scenery along the way. Buying a plane is for the purpose of rushing, and it has nothing to do with enjoyment. These are two different qualities of life."

"The focus is on the scenery along the way. This is right. Xiaoning will enjoy it more and more," District Chief Chen nodded with a smile, and then sighed again. "Alas, seeing how much you can live, I can only squat down. In this small place, puckering up your **** and doing work...people are more popular than others."

"You are too hypocritical," Tian Tian laughed as she heard it, "Too loyal, you weren't like this before."

"He has always been like this. In fact, he likes to puck up his **** and work best," Liu Dafang laughed loudly. Who has her more than a rascal? "If you don't let him pout tonight, he will have to turn his face."

"Too rogue, how can such a beautiful woman say such things?" District Chief Chen sullen his face, point his index finger at her, then cleared his throat, turned and left, "You go camping as soon as possible. , Find a remote place."

"Xiaotang, choose a remote place, so that someone can't find someone tonight, let him hold it back," Tian Tian watched him leave in a low voice, joking in a low voice, "Dare to scold us boss Liu It's a hooligan."

"It's useless," Ding Xiaoning said with a smile, "he can find it if you hide in the mountains, as long as he is willing to find it."

As she said, she raised her hand and put on a pair of glasses. The five women are all beautiful, and everyone wears less in summer. There are a bunch of white pink arms. It really needs to be dazzling and dazzling. Needed.

Of course, Zhong Yunqiu wore black silk stockings, but it was even more eye-catching.

After all, it was quite ridiculous. District Chief Chen walked briskly to his small courtyard with a faint smile on his face. He began to seriously consider whether it is necessary to find a hill and build a villa that can escape the summer. Like Ding Xiaoning's modified car, sometimes he has to pursue the quality of life.

For the development of Beichong, my buddies also sacrificed a lot of acridine. I don't know which successor will be cheaper in the future.

After thinking so wildly, he walked to the door for a moment. Liu Haifang and Shi Shuhua actually stood there, and Mr. Shi's extended Lincoln stopped not far away.

I said, let’s not bring such a disappointment. District Mayor Chen only felt his forehead buzzing, and the poor man’s nightlife... "I haven’t rested yet?" Although his heart was bleeding, he had to say hello with a smile. , If only Liu Haifang is the one, he would have to put on the air, but Shi Shuhua is also present, which is inappropriate.

President Shi is not only Bei Chong's partner, but also Xiao Ziling's senior sister. He avoided her and went with a group of women Hu Tian and Hu Di. Once he was connected to the imagination, it was always troublesome.

"Isn't this going back tomorrow?" Shi Shuhua replied with a smile It is less than nine o'clock, come over to talk to you...Anyway, are you okay? "

"That''s okay," District Chief Chen nodded with a smile, and then twitched his nose twice. "What's the smell, Mr. Shi, are you not digesting well recently?"

"I have been digesting well," Shi Shuhua gave him a white look, her mouth slightly opened, her tongue arched dexterously, and a bunch of white flowers appeared on the edge of her lips, and then the tip of her tongue curled up, and the white ball disappeared in the next moment. , She chewed twice, and then said with a smile, "I am still chewing gum, do you want to smell my breath?"

I want you to hide your face and go back and brush your teeth! District Chief Chen sighed inwardly, still having to keep a smile on his face, "That's probably the smell of the newly-replaced door... It doesn't smell very good, please come in."

Shi Shuhua was not okay to tease him. After coming in and sitting down, she said to herself, "I just talked to Chief Liu for a while, and the next step is to prepare a plan for both parties. You have to arrange someone. I think that with Liu The communication is fairly pleasant... District Chief Xu often speaks absent-mindedly."

"Old Xu Cao has more things in his mind," Chen Taizhong replied with a smile, took out a bottle of beer, opened it to himself, raised his head to fill it, and didn't even look at Liu Haifang.

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