Official Immortal

: Three thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight-three thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine

Chapter 3838 Fall and Dislocation (Part I)

Until she walked out of District Mayor Chen’s courtyard, Liu Haifang still couldn’t believe that she was actually responsible for such a large project. After walking a few steps, she asked casually, “Go to my room and discuss the details?”

"Okay," Wang Yuanyuan nodded slightly without saying more.

Liu Haifang did not believe that Xiao Wang would feel so calm. These are two hundred generators. There is no need for any hint. Naturally, someone will be on the pole to give money. To put it more extreme, if she doesn’t collect money, Manufacturers may not have the guts to deliver goods.

No way, it’s this kind of ethos right now. There is no one who does business with the government, so he can’t feel at ease, for fear that the government will swindle its own money. It’s said in the newspapers that the government owes debt, it is a triangle debt. The hardest hit area.

Liu Haifang didn't think about how much she wanted to get from this project. She really didn't have the guts to think about it. She had such a powerful leader as Chen Taizhong, and no one dared to think about it first.

But she does know that this is what happened right now, and she believes that Wang Yuanyuan knows it too, so she turned her head to stare at the other party and said with a smile, "I think you have a better understanding of the situation in the towns below. Collect them. It should be more convenient for the needs of people?"

When buying generators, the focus is on two major areas. One is the needs of the township and industry, and how to allocate them, and the other is the understanding of the generator market, brand, reputation, power generation cost, after-sales service, and comprehensive price/performance ratio.

Responsible for the previous piece. That is basically coolie. The possibility of being scolded is still very high, the latter one is responsible...everyone knows.

"Okay," Wang Yuanyuan replied bluntly, "Wait for the evening, I will write something first, and now my thinking is a bit messy."

"It's a bit messy?" Liu Haifang frowned. When she made this joke, she was staring at the other person, so she could be sure when Xiao Wang answered him. There is a 70% chance that it is from the sincerity-if even such a subconscious reaction can be faked, then you can be an actor.

She could also see that Wang Yuanyuan was indeed a little bit disoriented. So he asked in a low voice, "What happened, would you like Sister Liu to advise you?"

"It's nothing," Wang Yuanyuan turned her head and squeezed out a smile, "some personal matters."

Personal matters... Liu Haifang just waited to open her mouth to ask, but she pressed it down abruptly. After hesitating, she smiled and said, "There is also an understanding of the generator market. You have to help more, but you and Chen The district chief learned French."

After all, what she said just now was really just a test. She just wanted to find out that Xiao Wang's material ambitions are not big. This is the legendary district chief at any rate. She didn't have the guts to get stuck. If people intervene in purchasing, or they will not give the leader too much face-hello everyone, it is really good.

"He taught me French?" Wang Yuanyuan was taken aback first. Then he woke up suddenly, nodded with a wry smile, "It's only a few days, District Chief Chen is really busy now."

Are you calling him directly? Liu Haifang is also a woman. As soon as he saw this, he sighed inwardly, that Xiao Wang was probably in love. So she continued, "Yes, I don't know what happened to him today."

"Well, it feels a bit weird," Wang Yuanyuan nodded subconsciously, then she stunned, and glanced at the woman next to her, "The thought of the leader, who can tell... Little effect."

"Haha," Liu Haifang couldn't help but smile. From the perspective of someone who came by, Xiao Wang was so deeply trapped that she woke up when others mentioned Chen Taizhong.

There will be no results for you two. Liu Zhutiao sighed inwardly. There is not much difference between Zhengzhou and Zhengke. But you, Zhengke, were brought up by Chen Taizhongshun, and that righteousness is only on your own. Skills can make both of the two main halls of Yangzhou a headache.

It is simply impossible for you and him. In the years to come, you can only watch him Yiqi Juechen, getting farther and farther away from you, until... you can't even see his back.

The only thing that can happen between you and him is an extramarital affair, but it shouldn’t be possible, otherwise, it should have happened long ago. Look at the women that District Chief Chen has contact with, Kennedy’s niece, Jing Yiyuan Granddaughter.

Liu Haifang saw the matter very thoroughly, but she still couldn’t explain the matter--the little girl who became angry and irritated had terrible destructive power, so she continued on the topic, "I don’t know that District Chief Chen took the What phone call... I think that if you pay too much attention to the industry, the two ports of agriculture and industry will take up a lot of generators."

However, Wang Yuanyuan's mind is really not on this. She is not interested in receiving rebates at all-not that she doesn't know, but she didn't think about it. As long as she can follow District Chief Chen down-to-earth, what is money?

Nothing else, only that the child of the Supreme Dharma had been imprisoned by Bei Chong for so long. Mr. Gao’s mother tried every means to compensate her for her losses, but she just refused to agree—compared to power, money What kind of?

But Wang Yuanyuan is still young, and she has room for growth. Should she care about money? Doing things well to make District Chief Chen satisfied is what she wants to consider, but what she is wondering now is: What kind of phone did he answer and why did he become unwilling afterwards?

Chen Taizhong was indeed disturbed by Li Qiang's phone call. Originally, he wanted to talk about the generator at the dinner table, but the content of the call made him unable to focus on such trivial matters.

So although Liu Haifang and Wang Yuanyuan ate in the district mayor’s small courtyard, they didn’t say anything at the dinner table. In addition, the Minister of Missions and Education Chen Wenxuan also came to the house, saying that the publicity expenses of the Ministry of Missions and Education were almost spent, and I hope the district government will allocate more. a little.

So the meal was dull and tasteless. After District Mayor Chen agreed to Minister Chen's request, everyone ate the meal in a hurry. The young mayor said that he had to consider some issues and would not leave everyone.

Chen Taizhong really struggled with Li Qiang's call. Secretary Li said straightforwardly. Recently, the head of the central government is coming to Hengbei, and the time and schedule are confidential.

Hearing that it was such a big event, District Chief Chen could only stand up, walked to a corner and continued talking, "Which chief is it?"

"Don't ask about it, I don't have the right to know," Secretary Li said exaggeratedly. Of course, this doesn't mean that he really doesn't know-he just doesn't have the right to leak it out.

"Then this must be Zheng Guo," Chen Taizhong heard. Just laugh, ordinary members of the political and administrative bureau will not scare Li Qiang into this way. They must be a member of the Standing Committee. But he was puzzled because of this, "Come to Yangzhou?"

It is normal for Zhengguo to come to Hengbei, but in Yangzhou, there is really nothing to do. Then what should the chief come here to see, and see Yangzhou's backwardness? This unscientific.

"It should be that I didn't have the itinerary to Yangzhou," Li Qiang replied not very surely—well, they were the heads of the central and central government at any rate, and temporarily changed the itinerary.

So to say. The call was a bit inexplicable. He had no need to disclose this to the young district chief. Chen Taizhong was also quite puzzled. "Then you are calling me this call?"

"This itinerary was arranged a long time ago, and I just learned about it recently," Li Qiang replied with a wry smile, "Governor Wei called me personally, hoping that Yangzhou can take the opportunity of the inspection by the head to deliver the oil shale project. Go up."

"Oil shale project?" Chen Taizhong has been busy with small things recently, and suddenly heard that it is this big project. Suddenly he was startled, and he groaned for a while before he said, "This... doesn't Gui Chensheng have information in his hands?"

"He can do it," hardly. The secretary of the Municipal Party Committee scolded an swear word, "Now it is said. This is a rare opportunity for Bei Chonglai, and it is also an opportunity for Yangzhou and Hengbei. Governor Wei hopes that Yangzhou will be able to come to two cadres who speak sharply by then. The importance of this project...No one knows Yangzhou's understanding of oil shale better than you."

This is not a polite statement, but it is true. There are really a lot of people in Yangzhou who are staring at this project, but whether Gui Chensheng, Ji Zhen or Chen Zhengkui, their purpose is to run down the project and face the oil page. The development and deep excavation of the rock has not really been implemented.

To put it simply, this project is just big, and the profit expectation is very pessimistic. It is not like tobacco. Others see it as a profitable and unprofitable thing. What everyone is fighting for is the implementation of the funding.

Of course, in order to fight for the implementation of the funding, everyone must have a deep enough knowledge and understanding of the project, but the information that Chen Taizhong handed over at the time is already very sufficient and informative. Who will be able to support it and dig deeper?

No matter how deeply you dig, this thing will not be profitable. Even these years, there are many people who will fool around and can say many inexplicable new opinions. But for this billion-dollar project, you can't expect all the opponents to be blind and the leaders to be fools. .

In particular, the development of deep-digging oil shale requires expenditure. Everyone is immersed in public relations. Who will spend a lot of money in this area?

Li Qiang didn't know whether Chen Taizhong would continue to pay attention to this project in the future, and whether there was any follow-up investment, but in his guess, Xiao Chen should have not given up-this guy did things, there is a reason to not give up.

As for investment, he didn't think that Chen Taizhong would be reluctant to give up the money. It is serious that Xiao Chen has a lot of relationships in the capital and has many eyes and ears abroad. It is really simple to get some latest information.

This is not to say that Chen Zhengkui and others will not be able to obtain the latest information. As long as they are willing to spend money, everything is not a problem. However, what needs to be pointed out is that the same money is spent, and the money spent by the insider and the outsider is completely different.

Chen Taizhong has a wide relationship. After spending the money that should be spent, he can receive the corresponding return. Chen Zhengkui also wants to spend the money, but if there is no way, he often has to go the wrong way and spend the wrong money. Maybe he will encounter several swindlers. , Involving some subject disputes.

Too many times, it is precisely because of these tangible and intangible obstacles and troubles that local officials are very angry. After being repeatedly calculated by others, they simply don't spend the wronged money.

But for Xiao Chen, not only money is not a problem, but these are not problems either. Li Qiang judged this way—so-called contacts, talking about ability in this area.

Chapter 3839 Fall and Dislocation (Part 2)

Chen Taizhong really deserves Li Qiang’s trust. In fact, it was Secretary Li, the official oilman, who saw District Chief Chen too thoroughly. Chen did not talk about oil shale projects recently, but he never stopped talking about it. Project understanding.

In fact, even if he wants to stop. Catherine did not agree. The bad girl from Kennedy's family does all kinds of automatic control and instrumentation, although she said that this is related to the US oil security strategy and cannot support him.

However, this cannot be supported, limited to financial support-even if she wants to support, the Chinese government may not agree to it. The reason is that: it is related to energy security.

But the lack of funds does not mean that she does not want to sell things, it is in this list. Catherine can intervene and have the advantage of content, which is worth at least 150 million US dollars. Could she not worry about it?

So Chen Taizhong has always been paying attention to this project, but for this unexpected invitation. He was still a little puzzled, "Can the chief decide on the spot?"

"How could it be possible to make a decision on the spot?" Li Qiang almost laughed out of anger. "What do you think of a billion-dollar project... Once the decision is made, a means of financial support must be given."

"Isn't this project set up? It also involves financial support?" Chen Taizhong felt a little ashamed as soon as he said that. Doesn't he seem relatively ignorant when he said that?

"In what age are you in the old calendar?" Secretary Li was so angry that he stopped talking. "The chief has made a decision. The people below will have to implement the funds. If you don't give a clear answer, the chief can't save generally The final decision can only be a project of one or two billion at most. For such a large project, it means to register an account to leave an impression in front of the chief.

I understand, Chen Taizhong really understands this. Even if the head of the country is down, I want to pass a note to approve a project or something through the relationship. The amount should not be too high-one or two billion is a top priority.

In this way, the state-level chiefs are too worthless, but this is not the case. There must be deep reasons why these small projects are stuck. The most likely reason is that no money can be raised.

Once the chief approves the project. For some financial institutions, there is tangible and intangible coercion, and fundraising has become a lot easier, so this amount is not shameful

This is just a temporary request from the place he inspected. To put it more accurately, it is basically a ride-hailing behavior. It has nothing to do with the chief's circle of interests. It is of a nature to help.

As the chief, there are too many people who come to ask for help. As mentioned earlier, a minister can call Party A specifically for a one-hundred-million-dollar bill. That one Zhengguo will approve one or two. Be cautious about projects worth 100 million yuan, which is not ashamed.

"Leave an impression," Chen Taizhong said in a long voice. He figured out the cause and effect. Since he can't make a decision, the young district mayor is not very enthusiastic about it. Especially in this matter, the provincial governor Wei Tian is the one who is involved. Since he took office, he has never communicated with Governor Wei.

Kang Xiaoan, the chief executive of Geoelectricity, was from Wei Tian, ​​but Chen Zhengkui was also named by Wei Tian and sent to Yangzhou. District Mayor Chen felt that it might be really meaningless to go to Chaotian. If not, he asked sharply, " Even if you leave an impression, do you leave the impression of Beichong or Yangzhou?"

Yangzhou not only has oil shale in Beichong, but Chen Zhengkui has been tossing about it, and he also built Huacheng as an oil shale processing base. Chen didn't want to stand stupidly as a gun, and finally accomplished the good things of Huacheng people.

"I'm not the chief, how can I give you an account?" Li Qiang was a little annoyed when he heard it. In fact, he didn't want to see Chen Zhengkui's light. "I asked you to come forward. This is to give you a chance. Beichong has a chance...If it can't be done, you ask me?"

Chen Taizhong didn’t care too much about Secretary Li’s anger. This was indeed an opportunity. Old Li had only been to Beichong in the morning, and when he had news in the afternoon, he was worried about calling. It really gave him a lot of face, but he was dissatisfied. ...This face may also be made for others, and the choice in between is really entangled.

"Who the **** is this chief?" He decided to think about the problem from another angle-if the big shopkeeper of the Lan family came to Hengbei, he wouldn't have to worry about anything, or he could arrange for two reporters to mention two very sharp ones. problem.

"This...I'm not suitable to tell you," Sure enough, Li Qiang didn't know it, but the relationship between him and Chen Taizhong was only mutual benefit and cooperation. Both sides took what they needed, and the mistake had to be made. He would not break the bottom line, "You You can understand by yourself."

"Then I will find out about it first, and then make a decision," Chen Taizhong replied in a deep voice-the buddy didn't look for you, but he still asked about the situation. You are not interested in hiding.

"Hey," Li Qiang said softly. He whispered again. "Then you should understand the situation first, anyway, I am also for the benefit of should be clear about this."

"That is, you are my role model," Chen Taizhong chuckled dryly, hung up the phone, and curled his lips disdainfully. I know you are good for Yangzhou. If the project runs down to Beichong, you will be embarrassed. Made a big deal.

Then, he was absent-minded next. It’s really too normal. Just imagine, no matter who answers such a call, there are two hundred small generators. How could you still be interested in pondering?

What's so dying is that Chen Wenxuan came to ask for money again at this time, and District Chief Chen promised to pay 200,000 tomorrow.

Chen Taizhong is a person who has been in the Ministry of Education. Knowing the difficulties there, Beichong certainly wants to develop in a low-key manner, but proper positive publicity is also necessary. However, in the next moment, he will not find the feeling-low-key development?

In the afternoon, my buddy was considering a loan for Yankang, which was RMB 20,000 per Yankang. Thirty smoke kangs is 600,000 yuan. This loan made me a little bit entangled. Now it is the Minister of Missions and Education who came to the door for 200,000 yuan.

But the phone call from Secretary Li talked about six billion projects—at least six billion.

This huge gap caused Chen Taizhong to have a strong sense of dislocation. He felt that if he encountered this kind of situation, he might go crazy, Nima, in this kind of ups and downs. How can people find their position and feeling?

Looking at the three faces in front of him, he was thinking about that ethereal huge project. It was not until these people left his sight that he calmed down completely and considered this issue.

no doubt. First of all, you need to determine who is coming, and you can't get the news. Among other things, Li Qiang's ridicule was overwhelming. However, now, the young district chief looked at his cell phone in a daze...Who should I ask for this news?

In the past, he usually used Yin Jinghua or Huang Hanxiang to inquire about similar news. But since he settled down in Beichong to work, he has had very little contact with the Huang family. In many cases, he used other relationships to do things. , For example, x do, for example, get some news from Mengyi.

The current situation of Bei Chong is basically all he has worked hard. If you want to say that you have grievances against the Huang family, it is not to be said, but after all, it is drifting away.

So... can you ask Yue Huanghe? Chen Taizhong pondered it and felt that the two did not have such friendship, and it was a bit presumptuous. Although he has many friends in the capital, most of them are relatively smooth compared to certain ministries and commissions. This kind of inquiries about the chief's schedule is a bit taboo. .

Looking for Fang Wen? It’s also not appropriate, Li Shilu...this is okay. His father is a deputy secretary-general. Chen Taizhong just picks up his mobile phone to dial. He suddenly thought-Secretary-General Li is an incumbent cadre, so he should not embarrass people.

In fact, he chose a host who is similar to Li Shilu's identity. After dialing the phone, he smiled and said hello, "Hello, Mr. Shi, can you ask me something for me?"

"What's the matter, you said," Shi Shuhua had a good attitude. After listening to his words, he smiled and joked, "Care about the chief's itinerary...Are you planning to block the way and call for injustice?"

"This joke is not to be used," Chen Taizhong laughed, saying that this is the difference between inside and outside the system. If someone in officialdom tells him that, he won't be able to turn his face - it will make him look deceiving. .

But people outside the system can make jokes without restraint.

About five minutes later, Shi Shuhua called back, "It's the boss of the Management and Planning Committee. I can't find out when I will come here... Don't say that this news was leaked by I blocked the road and shouted injustice. When the time comes, I will definitely tell the source of the information," Chen Taizhong laughed as soon as he heard it, "Okay, I will trouble Mr. Shi, good night."

"I said, why are you like this, and throw me aside when you use it up?" Shi Shuhua said indignantly on the phone, "No, you have to chat with me for a while."

"When you come to Beichong, it will be okay to chat with you all night, I am really busy now," Chen Taizhong hung up with a dry smile.

The one in charge of the Planning Committee... should be the one. The next moment, the young district mayor was lost in thought: The Planning Committee was in charge of the approval and establishment of major projects. If it could be approved by the head, this project would be great. Passed.

But are they really willing to agree? Can the project fall to Beichong after agreeing? These are all unknowns.

I had a headache when I didn’t know who came, and when I knew it, the young district chief sighed and picked up the phone again...

(Continue to ask for publication. If there are friends in the publishing house who are interested in publishing the book, please contact the group. Please do not disturb the intermediary... Finally, routinely call for monthly passes.). . )

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