Official Immortal

: Three thousand eight hundred and fifty-four-three thousand eight hundred and fifty-five talent ret

Chapter 3854 Talent Return

Hearing Chen Taizhong’s question, Ye Xiaohui subconsciously curled her lips and replied angrily, “I don’t have much investment, but my dad is technical and very good at repairing electrical appliances.”

"I remember," Chen Taizhong nodded, walked around them, and walked to the seat under the eaves, where Liao Dabao was placing the tableware. "He seems to have opened a store in Yangzhou, right?"

"So you know," Ye Xiaohui smiled with joy, and she could see that she was really happy that District Chief Chen knew about her father's occupation.

"I have always been a good person," District Mayor Chen replied casually, ignoring her feelings, and looked sideways at the busy Liao Dabao. "Have you ordered?"

"Click, I'll go and notify them now," Director Liao picked up the phone and glanced at the Ye sisters without a trace.

"If you two haven't eaten, just come and eat together." Chen Taizhong's invitation was not sincere, but it is no wonder that he has nothing to do with the sisters. If Liao Dabao is not there, he will not even have this sentence .

However, District Mayor Chen’s small courtyard claims to be open to all Beichong people, and this rumor is true.

Ye Xiaohui had seen a little bit of the world, and she came over and sat down openly. It was the sister who came over. When they came here, she was a little bit twisted. As soon as the two people were seated, the sister asked, "If my father comes back, he should Is it a technical talent returning home?"

"Forget it, but there is not much discount, unless he is willing to bring his apprentice." Chen Taizhong took out a cigarette, took it slowly, and then looked at the sisters, "How does he remember that he is back?"

"My father is very optimistic about the development of Beichong. He said that the market in Yangzhou is so big. In the next few years, Beichong will inevitably surpass the urban area." My sister replied softly, looking quieter than his sister, "Chen Qu You have a good leadership."

"Where. It's everyone's joint effort," Chen Taizhong was proud. But he was humble. Thinking of the development of Beichong, it could attract the outflow of talents to return, and a sense of accomplishment came from his heart.

With this feeling. He saw the sisters more pleasing to his eyes. Thinking of the elder sister who graduated this year, he asked kindly, "I remember you were from a teacher, where are you assigned?"

"Yangzhou Fertilizer Factory Children's Primary School," my sister replied softly, and emphasized one point, "I found it by myself, not an assignment, but an employment system."

"Why did you get there?" Chen Taizhong frowned. The benefits of Yangzhou Fertilizer Plant were average. The equipment is aging and the technology is outdated, and there is no bankruptcy. "I'm still telling them today that we have too few teachers in Bei Chong, and we need to hire retired teachers with high salaries... You can come back to Bei Chong."

"If I can stay in the city, I will come back," my sister replied.

"Oh, everyone wants to stay in the city," Chen Taizhong sighed and shook his head helplessly. Bei Chong is indeed a missing teacher. Especially good teachers, but at the same time. The faculty of Beichong Education is extremely unreasonable.

More than 80% of good teachers are concentrated in Chengguan Town, so that ordinary teachers want to stay in the district. Not only do they have a high level of teaching, but they also have to have a hard relationship. Just look at Liu Hua's secondment and never come back. It can be seen.

He could understand the choice of the girl in front of him. No matter how bad the fertilizer factory is, it is also an urban elementary school. It is better to come to Beichong to drill the ravine, and people are not in the system, so why does he ask for contributions from others?

In short, life is such a contradiction. Everywhere calls for simplification, and the indicators of career establishment are also compressed, but without establishment, which teacher who graduated from a regular college is willing to go to the village?

"Next, the district may consider increasing investment in private teachers." Chen Taizhong hesitated, but after all he revealed a little bit. It is a pity that a Beichong man who graduated from normal school went to work in the elementary school of the children of the fertilizer factory. , "You are still young. If you clenched your teeth for a few years, there will be good returns."

If you leave it to those sophisticated officialdom, you will know the choice right away when you hear this, and District Mayor Chen is a person who does what he says-they can even profit from this news.

But the Ye family sisters are obviously not so sensitive. Ye Xiaohui laughed when she heard the words, "District Chen, the most precious girl is Qing. If my sister really went to teach in the township, it would be trivial to endure hardship. The key is that she has no time to go shopping. I don’t have time to buy clothes, and no one knows how to appreciate the makeup. Where can she find her Prince Charming?"

"So, I support her teaching in Zidi Primary School. At least she will not be out of touch with society, and she may also encounter some opportunities." Sister Ye doesn't say anything, she says one by one. "Girls are very young. Short-lived."

"Hey," Chen Taizhong shook his head helplessly. When he spoke just now, he really ignored the other party's share.

And Ye Xiaohui's statement is also in line with the mainstream view of young people nowadays-for young and beautiful women, working down-to-earth in the mountains is indeed a waste of life.

It is his Chen who is also very yearning for the life of feasting and drunk in the big city. This is the heaven of man.

But in the world, where is there so much for nothing? There is nothing wrong with being obsessed with prosperity, but losing your eyes and passively waiting for the favor of fate is a bit undesirable. After all, opportunities are created by yourself.

However, although these words are the most reasonable, there are too many times that they will only truly understand after suffering a loss, especially in this flashy era, in this era of restlessness and lack of faith-enjoying life is the main theme. .

Chen Taizhong couldn't say anything, everyone had their own ambitions, so he smiled slightly, "You are right. Anyway, it is a willing choice. There will be no regrets or regrets in the future. This is enough."

"Actually, I am willing to do things down-to-earth, even in remote areas," Ye Xiaohui said with a startling voice, she smiled and said, "but I have to be admitted to officialdom first, just like you, District Chief Chen, staying in Beichong is definitely not Happy, this place is too poor and remote, let alone Paris, and much worse than the capital, Hong Kong, and Hong Kong... You must also feel disappointed."

"No... I don't feel any sense of loss at all," District Mayor Chen shook his head solemnly. "I especially like Beichong. I like the clean air, natural landscape, simple people, and wise superior leaders and colleagues. "

"Your mouth is wrong," Ye Xiaohui pointed out this point unceremoniously, but didn't mean to delve into it. "I have been in Paris. Will you stand this small place like Beichong?"

"The air in Paris is not as good as Bei Chong," Chen Taizhong snorted lightly. "If you don't believe it... then don't believe it."

"I just want to say that you know that Bei Chong is not good, but you still have to come because you have a future." Ye Xiaohui smiled slightly. There seemed to be a bit of sarcasm in the smile, "But for us people, it is impossible to plan for the future."

"Xiaohui," the elder sister couldn't stand it anymore and whispered at her.

"District Chief Chen came to this position step by step. Don't just see his success. Have you seen the sweat and effort behind his success?" Liao Dabao finished the ordering call and walked back to hear this. He couldn't bear it a bit.

In fact, only the officialdom. In order to understand the people in the officialdom, he asked coldly. "In the first office meeting of the district chief, the gangster shot and beat the district chief Chen. The district chief was not afraid; the child in the district was abducted and sold, and the district head personally went to Dibei to rescue him and went to see the child every day. Investing more than 10 million yuan for the mobile greenhouse, several times throughout Hengbei, which district or county head can do it?"

"Okay, it's all I should do, what do you say so much for?" District Mayor Chen said lightly. By the way, wave his hand to prevent him from continuing.

"I also like to say strange things about leaders. But for a leader like District Mayor Chen, I can't say strange things." Liao Dabao glanced at the twin sisters, smiled faintly, "I graduated from Fudan University in 1994. I am not now Qualify with you, to be honest...There are some mental realms that you can’t bother at present."

"Fudan University student in 1994," my sister exclaimed and asked incredulously, "How come back to Yangzhou?"

"This is my hometown, there are people I care about," Liao Dabao replied calmly.

Ye Xiaohui's thoughts were not on Liao Dabao. She glanced at Chen Taizhong and brought up the old things again. "Is there really no discount for a technical talent like my father coming back?"

"He just came back to open a small shop. How can you give me a discount?" Chen Taizhong glanced at her irritably, "It's easy to say that the funds are large, there is not much funds... I advise him to bring more apprentices in Bei Chong."

When Ye Xiaohui heard this, she was really a little confused. Her father is not absolutely without money. In fact, in Zhuoshui Township, her family is very famous. Her father ranks second among the four brothers. He is famous for making money and supporting The uncle, the third uncle, and the fourth uncle's family have a total of hundreds of thousands of money. Others guess her family has five to six hundred thousand.

She knew in her heart that the old man also had two or three hundred thousand living money in his hands, and he was also rich in Yangzhou, but if he returned to invest in Beichong, it was really not money. How could District Chief Chen think of this little money? ?

"Just open the shop in a proper manner, and make sure that no one makes trouble," Liao Dabao interjected. "Beichong talents return to start businesses, who dares to make things difficult? Scared them to death!"

At this moment, someone called the door, and it was Beichong Hotel that delivered the food. Just when Liao Dabao was talking about it, Ye Xiaohui walked to Chen Taizhong's side and asked in a low voice, "My father wants to act as a generator for a generator. Do you think it is okay? ?"

This was what he said in his ears, her breath even sprayed to his temples, blowing so hard that the roots of her ears were itchy. The beauty was like jade and her breath was like orchids. The most rare thing was that she couldn't stop it. Green breath.

Our generator purchases are all for the manufacturers. District Chief Chen hates this beauty trick, but at the same time enjoys it a bit. In short, he is very entangled. He said calmly, "That's his choice, I can’t tell. What, but the district purchases generators this time, in principle, only for manufacturers."

Chapter 3855 Talent Return

Ye Xiaohui was a little bit disappointed when she heard this. She really wanted to help her father get this list. Two hundred generators and one machine would provide one thousand. That was also two hundred thousand, and it was done. A machine is more than a thousand.

But it doesn’t matter. She knows that her father’s return to Bei Chong is inevitable. She will come back if she has this list or not. It’s just a small profit. The vitality that Bei Chong shows is really exciting-although she disagrees. My sister went back to teach in the country.

"Then can we do after-sales services for the manufacturers?" She raised the second question.

"Do after-sales services for manufacturers?" Chen Taizhong frowned. The district has already decided that whoever wants to buy a generator must build a service center in Beichong, otherwise the district will absolutely not consider it.

However, the establishment of this center also costs money. The manufacturer is responsible for the after-sales service of the local client. This choice is normal, of course. The entrusted person is indispensable, "Hey. I didn't expect your family to grab a big deal... Didn't your dad repair wireless?"

"Wireless can be repaired, what is wired?" Ye Xiaohui replied proudly. The next moment she changed her tone, "But. Is this a big deal? Why don't I think?"

"Of course this business is not small, and the manufacturer must at least prepare spare parts for you," Chen Taizhong answered casually.

For generator manufacturers, to set up a service center, in addition to renting the facade and arranging personnel, the biggest investment is spare parts. The damage of the generator can be in various conditions. It is good to be able to repair it on site, but it is not necessary to repair it. Can only be changed.

"Does the manufacturer want to prepare for us?" Ye Xiaohui was immediately stunned, "I haven't heard of it at all. The manufacturer asked my father to buy 200,000 yuan of goods before he agreed to let him act as an agent."

"200,000 goods... to let the agent?" Chen Taizhong repeated in surprise. Then he shook his head dumbfounded and laughed, "The information you know is not comprehensive, 200,000 goods, dream...If I were your father, I would not make spare parts."

"Don't take advantage of others," Ye Xiaohui gave him an irritating glance, and then tapped the young district chief with an elbow. She was very intimate, but she did it very naturally. "Will you miss something?"

"It's up to you," Chen Taizhong felt that she was a little self-respectful. I lost interest for a while, "Well, the food is here."

In fact, District Mayor Chen didn’t have a great taste for this meal. Beichong asked the generator manufacturers to set up service centers in the district to serve the public. It was unexpected that those manufacturers would just ask two small owners to come out. Small owners purchase part of the goods in advance before entrusting the agency and after-sales.

The most annoying thing is that the agent still thinks it is a rare opportunity. It’s really better to sell it than to buy it. Whenever he thinks of this, the feeling of powerlessness in District Chief Chen’s heart surges upward... and he bullies. Our Beichong information is behind.

So, just before the end of the meal, he couldn't help but ask, "This Xiaoye... which generator manufacturer is looking for your cooperation?"

"Do you really want to know?" Ye Xiaohui glanced at him strangely, her eyes...meaningful.

What is in your head? When Chen Taizhong saw this look, he was a little speechless, as if I was thinking about you. "Tell you, the generator is more anxious than you. I just want to know who is using this asymmetrical information to deceive us. People from Beichong."

"Wellington generators, as well as liters," Ye Xiaohui replied in surprise, "what kind of information asymmetry?"

"Tell Wellington, just say what I said. If you want to win the bid, you can build a service center. If you entrust your agent, you should shop at least 200,000 spare parts. Otherwise, don't even think about it." Although Chen Taizhong seldom pays attention, he pays much attention to the manufacturer. Hexing is no stranger, "If you rise, first shop for 500,000 yuan."

"Why do you get more?" Ye Xiaohui asked softly, this is a purely imported brand.

"Is Shengdian expensive, and the quality is not as good as they say," Chen Taizhong waved his hand casually, "There are alternative products, why should the district use this product?"

"I understand," Ye Xiaohui nodded with a smile, "District Chief Chen, I recently planned to shoot two films, both of which are very iron-blooded and promote the righteousness of the nation. Can you give me some sponsorship?"

"No," Chen Taizhong shook his head decisively, "You don't have the guts to shoot a film that promotes the righteousness of the nation, and you can't make it... I can't make it. If you make a third-level film, I will not only pay. , Can sponsor an actor."

"How could I shoot this?" Ye Xiaohui was young after all and was engaged in art. When she heard this, her face flushed. "District Chief Chen, let's not make a joke like that."

"I also don't think it is appropriate. Liao Dabao has thick eyebrows and big eyes. It is suitable for a positive role." District Chief Chen saw her blushing, but he was excited, so he sighed intentionally, "Taking a tertiary film...He is a pity Up."

"Boss," Liao Dabao reacted for a long time, and he co-leaders started to shake himself up, interjecting without crying or laughing, "My family Yunjuan is pregnant, so I can't be angry... This word spread to her ears, which is not good for the child. "

After joking, Chen Taizhong sighed softly, "So in this world, the best money to make is information fees. Information is not equal and transparent, which is the biggest unfairness."

"Actually, there will be no problem at the beginning of the announcement," Liao Dabao interjected.

"How can this be publicized?" Chen Taizhong slapped his mouth helplessly. This generator was originally bought by the district for everyone's emergency, once it was publicized. Who has more houses and who has fewer houses, everyone quarrels. It is inevitable that there will be trouble again, but the purchase of a generator is already too much to delay.

In fact, District Mayor Chen thought in his heart. Policies and provisions concerning people's livelihood. There is nothing wrong with publicity in the district. As for the allocation of resources within the government, publicity does not mean much, especially when there is a hurry. Democracy must also emphasize concentration.

The next day, Chen Taizhong was still busy. In the evening, Ju Zhonghua called, "District Mayor Chen, please come with your car from now on and ensure the smooth communication. Standby for 24 hours."

It's really tossing people, District Chief Chen said softly. "The best car in my district is a bus. Does it meet the standards?"

"No bus, no off-road vehicle. It can only be an ordinary car," Ju Zhonghua said with a wry smile, "you understand."

It's best for me to go naked! Chen Taizhong murmured angrily, "Do you need me to rush to Chaotian?"

"I don't know this. The superior didn't make such should be in Beichong first." The giant secretary did not expect that District Chief Chen had so many questions. He didn't dare to guess more, so he hung up after speaking.

Those who should come are always coming. After Chen Taizhong hung up the phone, he quietly curled his lips. After dealing with this inspection, the district could calm down and develop for a while.

I think so, but because of something in his heart, District Mayor Chen couldn't be too busy in Beichong. When he was with his women that evening, he had to turn on his mobile phone.

Sadly, someone actually called. At 12:30 in the night, District Mayor Chen was fighting fiercely. The phone rang suddenly. It was Chaotian’s mobile phone number. It was an old man’s call. He said that his son and daughter-in-law had beaten themselves, and he wanted to ask District Mayor Chen to call the shots.

"Call the police first." After Chen Taizhong pressed the phone, he was really annoyed and left. At this time, he might not be willing to answer the strange call. Then he found sadly that Xiao Taizhong had lost his state and looked full. Yingying Yanyan, he gritted his teeth helplessly. Once this head comes, he can't even affect his life...

After all, it didn't take long for this tormented son. At about noon the next day, District Mayor Chen received another call from Ju Zhonghua, "Mayor Chen, you can move now. Go to the Zhangcheng City Government and wait for the notice. "

"Don't go to Chaotian?" Chen Taizhong was taken aback.

"The notice I received is like this, after confirmation," the giant secretary didn't tell him much.

Which one is this singing? After Chen Taizhong hung up the phone, he first greeted Liao Dabao and left, and then wondered whether to call Li Qiang to confirm-if he was caught by someone at this time, it would be unclear.

Unexpectedly, he walked out and ran into Jingde’s county party committee When Wang Ji saw him, he smiled and said hello, "Too loyal, I have something to tell you. It's just right to eat."

"I can't take care of it, I'm leaving now," Where can Chen Taizhong manage all that? He raised his leg and stepped over from Secretary Xi. After two steps, he reacted abruptly. It seemed that he was a bit impolite—that's the county party committee secretary anyway.

Turning his head to look at As expected, Secretary Xi's hand was hanging in the air, and he turned around in amazement. Seeing him turning back, he tried to squeeze a smile, but he was forced to smile.

Otherwise, the fact that this officialdom didn't notice a little bit would be annoying. District Chief Chen encountered such a major event, not only was the task heavy, but he was also irritable-if it weren't for a twist of his head, the incompleteness would be a knot.

"Secretary Xi, I'm sorry," he had to walk back, whispering in Xi Yu's ear, "You have to rush to stand on the road and clear the traffic for the chief. I'm upset, please be considerate."

"Oh?" Xi Yu's reluctant smile suddenly turned into a face of consternation, and then turned into a face of envy in an instant, and then he laughed, "Ha, admire, congratulations... I said it, see you being absent today of."

"Nothing to congratulate," Chen Taizhong sighed sullenly, "Anyway, run around, torture people."

"That's one person under ten thousand people," Secretary Xi replied in a low voice with a smile. He also knew which chief came from. He couldn't hide his envy, "Do I have to go back and prepare?"

"I don't know this," Chen Taizhong smiled bitterly, spreading his hands, "I'm about to run away."

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